3 research outputs found

    Sensory properties of sparkling wines from protected designation of origin "Plešivica"

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    Cilj istraživanja ovog diplomskog rada bio je ustanoviti kako se mijenjaju kakvoća i senzorna svojstva pjenušavih vina proizvedena klasičnom metodom s obzirom na njihovu starost. Senzorna svojstva definirana su vanjskim izgledom, intenzitetom i čistoćom mirisa, harmoničnošću, čistoćom i punoćom okusa te općim dojmom koji proizlazi iz sveobuhvatnosti navedenih parametara. U svrhu istraživanja ovog rada uzeta su pjenušava vina Poljoprivrednog gospodarstva Šember, ZOI Plešivica, koji su proizvedeni klasičnom metodom. Sveukupno je bilo 17 uzoraka različite boje i starosti. Raspon godina je bio od 1998. do 2016. godine. Bilo je 10 bijelih, 5 rosé te narančasti i crni pjenušac. Provedena je fizikalno-kemijska analiza vina, određeni su parametri pjene i senzorna analiza te se svaki uzorak ocijenio od strane ocjenjivača organoleptičkom metodom. Rezultati su pokazali da se sa starenjem pjenušaca količina pjene smanjuje, kao i jačina perlanja dok intenzitet i kakvoća boje sa starenjem raste. Najviše bodova kod ocjenjivanja kakvoće dobila su pjenušava vina starosti između dvije i pet godina.The aim of this work was to determine the quality and sensory properties of sparkling wines produced by the classical method given the age of sparkling wine. Sensory properties are defined by the appearance, intensity and purity of the scent, the harmony, the purity and the fullness of the taste, and the general impression derived from the comprehensiveness of the mentioned parameters. The sparkling wines of the Agricultural Farm Šember, ZOI Plešivica, which were made by a classical method, were taken as a subject of research for this paper. Overall, there were 17 samples that varied depending on color and age. The wines ranged in years from 1998 to 2016. There were 10 white, 5 pink, 1 orange and 1 black sparkling wines involved in the research. Physico-chemical analysis of wines was performed, foam parameters were determined and sensory analysis was made. Each sample was evaluated by organoleptic method. The results have shown that with the aging of the sparkling wine, the amount of foam, as well as the strength of the pearling. decreases. Intensity and color quality are growing with aging. The highest quality grades were awarded to wines aged between 2 and 5 years

    The length of maturation as a sparkling wine quality factor

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    Senzorna svojstva vina, kako mirnih tako i pjenušavih, definiraju se njihovim vanjskim izgledom, intenzitetom i čistoćom mirisa, harmoničnošću, čistoćom i punoćom okusa te općim dojmom koji proizlazi iz sveobuhvatnosti navedenih parametara. Proizvodnja pjenušavih vina klasičnom metodom podrazumijeva provođenje sekundarne fermentacije u boci što omogućava kontakt vina s talogom kvasaca određeni vremenski period čime se direktno utječe na aromatski profil i kakvoću okusa. Obzirom na sorpcijski kapacitet stanične stjenke kvasca, tijekom dozrijevanja može doći do značajnih razlika u koncentracijama pojedinih hlapivih spojeva, a samim time i intenziteta te kakvoće mirisa pojedinog pjenušca. U definiranju kakvoće pjenušavih vina, uz mirisna i okusna svojstva, vrednovanje vanjskog izgleda ima posebnu važnost obzirom na perlanje kao čimbenik koji ga razlikuje od mirnih vina, a čini i značajnu razliku među pojedinim pjenušcima. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike u vanjskom izgledu, intenzitetu, duljini i kakvoći perlanja, kakvoći i postojanosti mirisa i okusa te općem dojmu kod 10 bijelih i 5 rosé pjenušavih vina različite duljine dozrijevanja.The sensory properties of still and sparkling wines are defined by their appearance, intensity and purity of smell, harmony, purity and fullness of taste, and the general impression derived from these parameters. The production of sparkling wines by classical method implies the implementation of secondary fermentation in the bottle, which allows the contact of the wine with yeast lees for a longer period of time, enabling direct effect on the aromatic profile and the taste quality of the end product. During maturation due to the sorption capacity of the cell wall of the yeast, significant differences can be found in the concentrations of the individual volatile compounds and hence the intensity and quality of the scent of each sparkling wine. In addition to the aromatic and taste properties, the evaluation of the external appearance in the definition of the quality in the sparkling wines is of additional importance and can vary greatly from sparkling wine to sparkling wine. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the differences in the intensity, length and quality of the foam and the external appearance, the aromatic profile, the quality and the persistence of taste and the general impression among the 5 rosés and 10 white sparkling wines with regard to the different length of maturation

    Sensory properties of sparkling wines from protected designation of origin "Plešivica"

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    Cilj istraživanja ovog diplomskog rada bio je ustanoviti kako se mijenjaju kakvoća i senzorna svojstva pjenušavih vina proizvedena klasičnom metodom s obzirom na njihovu starost. Senzorna svojstva definirana su vanjskim izgledom, intenzitetom i čistoćom mirisa, harmoničnošću, čistoćom i punoćom okusa te općim dojmom koji proizlazi iz sveobuhvatnosti navedenih parametara. U svrhu istraživanja ovog rada uzeta su pjenušava vina Poljoprivrednog gospodarstva Šember, ZOI Plešivica, koji su proizvedeni klasičnom metodom. Sveukupno je bilo 17 uzoraka različite boje i starosti. Raspon godina je bio od 1998. do 2016. godine. Bilo je 10 bijelih, 5 rosé te narančasti i crni pjenušac. Provedena je fizikalno-kemijska analiza vina, određeni su parametri pjene i senzorna analiza te se svaki uzorak ocijenio od strane ocjenjivača organoleptičkom metodom. Rezultati su pokazali da se sa starenjem pjenušaca količina pjene smanjuje, kao i jačina perlanja dok intenzitet i kakvoća boje sa starenjem raste. Najviše bodova kod ocjenjivanja kakvoće dobila su pjenušava vina starosti između dvije i pet godina.The aim of this work was to determine the quality and sensory properties of sparkling wines produced by the classical method given the age of sparkling wine. Sensory properties are defined by the appearance, intensity and purity of the scent, the harmony, the purity and the fullness of the taste, and the general impression derived from the comprehensiveness of the mentioned parameters. The sparkling wines of the Agricultural Farm Šember, ZOI Plešivica, which were made by a classical method, were taken as a subject of research for this paper. Overall, there were 17 samples that varied depending on color and age. The wines ranged in years from 1998 to 2016. There were 10 white, 5 pink, 1 orange and 1 black sparkling wines involved in the research. Physico-chemical analysis of wines was performed, foam parameters were determined and sensory analysis was made. Each sample was evaluated by organoleptic method. The results have shown that with the aging of the sparkling wine, the amount of foam, as well as the strength of the pearling. decreases. Intensity and color quality are growing with aging. The highest quality grades were awarded to wines aged between 2 and 5 years