896 research outputs found

    The European Union and Assembling Biofuel Development – topological investigations concerning the associations between law, policy and space

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    Biofuels for transport are a renewable source of energy that were once heralded as a solution to multiple problems associated with poor urban air quality, the overproduction of agricultural commodities, the energy security of the European Union (EU) and climate change. It was only after the Union had implemented an incentivizing framework of legal and political instruments for the production, trade and consumption of biofuels that the problems of weakening food security, environmental degradation and increasing greenhouse gases through land-use changes began to unfold. In other words, the difference between political aims for why biofuels are promoted and their consequences has grown – which is also recognized by the EU policy-makers. Therefore, the global networks of producing, trading and consuming biofuels may face a complete restructure if the European Commission accomplishes its pursuit to sideline crop-based biofuels after 2020. My aim with this dissertation is not only to trace the manifold evolutions of the instruments used by the Union to govern biofuels but also to reveal how this evolution has influenced the dynamics of biofuel development. Therefore, I study the ways the EU’s legal and political instruments of steering biofuels are coconstitutive with the globalized spaces of biofuel development. My analytical strategy can be outlined through three concepts. I use the term ‘assemblage’ to approach the operations of the loose entity of actors and non-human elements that are the constituents of multi-scalar and -sectorial biofuel development. ‘Topology’ refers to the spatiality of this European biofuel assemblage and its parts whose evolving relations are treated as the active constituents of space, instead of simply being located in space. I apply the concept of ‘nomosphere’ to characterize the framework of policies, laws and other instruments that the EU applies and construes while attempting to govern biofuels. Even though both the materials and methods vary in the independent articles, these three concepts characterize my analytical strategy that allows me to study law, policy and space associated with each other. The results of my examinations underscore the importance of the instruments of governance of the EU constituting and stabilizing the spaces of producing and, on the other hand, how topological ruptures in biofuel development have enforced the need to reform policies. This analysis maps the vast scope of actors that are influenced by the mechanism of EU biofuel governance and, what is more, shows how they are actively engaging in the Union’s institutional policy formulation. By examining the consequences of fast biofuel development that are spatially dislocated from the established spaces of producing, trading and consuming biofuels such as indirect land use changes, I unfold the processes not tackled by the instruments of the EU. Indeed, it is these spatially dislocated processes that have pushed the Commission construing a new type of governing biofuels: transferring the instruments of climate change mitigation to land-use policies. Although efficient in mitigating these dislocated consequences, these instruments have also created peculiar ontological scaffolding for governing biofuels. According to this mode of governance, the spatiality of biofuel development appears to be already determined and the agency that could dampen the negative consequences originating from land-use practices is treated as irrelevant.Siirretty Doriast

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan (Studi Kasus Pada PT. Riau Pos Intermedia Pekanbaru)

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    This research aims to understand The Influence of Transformational Leadership Style and Work Motivation to The Employee Job Satisfaction (study at PT.Riau Pos Intermedia Pekanbaru). Transformational leadership style as X1 variable, work motivation as X2 variable, and job statisfaction as a Y variable.The methods of this research are descriptive and quantitative by using SPSS 20. The samples that had been used as many as 29 employees. The samples were determined by considering proportional sampling way which involved simple random sampling. Data collection technique by distributing questionnaires.The result of the analysis by using multiple linear regression, T test, and F test. It's known that transformational leadership style has significant effect to the employee job statisfaction, work motivation has significant effect to the employee job statisfaction, and Transformational Leadership style and work motivation have significant effect to the Employee Job Statisfaction

    A search for cyclotron resonance features with INTEGRAL

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    We present an INTEGRAL observation of the Cen-Crux region in order to search the electron cyclotron resonance scattering features from the X-ray binary pulsars. During the AO1 200ks observation, we clearly detected 4 bright X-ray binaries, 1 Seyfert Galaxy, and 4 new sources in the field of view. Especially from GX301-2, the cyclotron resonance feature is detected at about 37 keV, and width of 3--4 keV. In addition, the depth of the resonance feature strongly depends on the X-ray luminosity. This is the first detection of luminosity dependence of the resonance depth. The cyclotron resonance feature is marginally detected from 1E1145.1-6141. Cen X-3 was very dim during the observation and poor statistics disable us to detect the resonance features.These are first INTEGRAL results of searching for the cyclotron resonance feature.Comment: 4pages, 8figures, To be published in the Proceedings of the 5th INTEGRAL Workshop: "The INTEGRAL Universe", February 16-20, 2004, Munic

    Penelitian Awal Tentang Pengaruh Penggunaan Consol Polymer Latex Sebagai Campuran Pada Balok Beton

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    Dalam dunia konstruksi, beton adalah barang yang sering kita jumpai. Seringkali beton yang kita dijumpai sudah dicampur dengan admixture untuk memperoleh hasil kekuatan beton yang maksimal. Salah satu jenis admixture yang ada yaitu latex. Oleh karena hal tersebut maka dilakukan penelitian. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan consol polymer latex pada campuran beton. Consol polymer latex ini termasuk dalam jenis latex yaitu jenis latex emulsi. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan 4 jenis percobaan, yaitu pengujian kuat tekan, kuat lentur, kuat tarik dan momen nominal beton. Semua tes dilakukan pengujian pada 7, 14, dan 28 hari, serta dilakukan juga tes pada saat 1 hari untuk beton yang telah dicampur dengan consol polymer latex

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Pemantau Curah Hujan secara Real TIME Menggunakan Sensor Kecepatan Aliran Fluida dengan Efek Hall

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang rancang bangun sistem pemantau curah hujan menggunakan sensor aliran air dengan efek Hall. Penelitian dimaksudkan untuk membuat sebuah sistem yang dapat memantau curah hujan secara real time. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen. Penelitian diawali dengan membuat sensor aliran fluida dengan konsep efek Hall. Sensor yang telah dibuat diintegrasikan dengan komputer menggunakan interface DAQ NI USB 6009. Guna keperluan akuisisi data diperlukan pemrograman yang dilakukan menggunakan software LabView 7.1. Sensor yang telah diintegrasikan dengan komputer yang telah terprogram menghasilkan sebuah sistem yang mampu mendeteksi curah hujan. Hasil karakterisasi yang dilakukan terhadap sensor menunjukkan sensor aliran air dengan efek Hall sudah berhasil menunjukkan respon berupa tegangan. Namun demikian karakterisasi terhadap waktu respon dan kestabilan masih kurang responsif dan kurang sensitif

    Hot electron driven enhancement of spin-lattice coupling in 4f ferromagnets observed by femtosecond x-ray magnetic circular dichroism

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    Femtosecond x-ray magnetic circular dichroism was used to study the time-dependent magnetic moment of 4 fs electrons in the ferromagnets Gd and Tb, which are known for their different spin-lattice coupling. We observe a two-step demagnetization with an ultrafast demagnetization time of 750 fs identical for both systems and slower times which differ sizeably with 40 ps for Gd and 8 ps for Tb. We conclude that spin-lattice coupling in the electronically excited state is enhanced up to orders of magnitude compared to equilibrium.Comment: added reference 24, clarified the meaning of photo-induced, emphasized that XMCD probes the magnetic moment localized at 4f electron

    Anketno istraživanje u novim kognitivnim okruženjima drugoga doba znanosti

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    This article deals with a rapid change which is currently sweeping through the science landscapes and discusses the far-reaching implications of this structural break for the social sciences and for survey research in particular. More specifically, this article will make three central claims. First, the science system as a whole is presently undergoing a significant phase transition which can be summarized as a shift from Science I to Science II. Second, due to these large-scale changes, new cognitive environments are gradually emerging as the background knowledge of survey research which will exert a profound impact on its future practices. Third, these new cognitive environments will lead to new actor models and to new bridges between survey research and the cognitive neurosciences on the one hand and biomedical research on the other hand.Članak se bavi brzim promjenama koje se trenutačno šire područjem znanosti te raspravlja o dalekosežnim posljedicama ovoga strukturnog prijeloma za društvene znanosti i, posebno, za anketno istraživanje. Točnije, ovaj članak izlaže tri osnovne tvrdnje. Prvo, cijeli se sustav znanosti danas nalazi u važnoj prijelaznoj fazi koju možemo sažeto nazvati pomakom od prvoga doba znanosti u drugo doba. Drugo, zbog tih velikih promjena, postupno nastaju nova kognitivna okruženja, koja će u svojstvu temeljnih znanja o anketnom istraživanju duboko utjecati na buduću praksu. Treće, ova nova kognitivna okruženja stvorit će nove modele-sudionike i nove mostove između anketnog istraživanja i kognitivnih neuroznanosti s jedne strane i biomedicinskih istraživanja s druge

    Bizneset e vogla familjare garant i zhvillimit ekonomik e social

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    Integrimi global ekonomik si proces gjithnjë e më shumë po ka ndikim edhe në politikat nacionale të zhvillimit, ndaj si i tillë është jashtëzakonisht vështir që të kontrollohet me aplikimin e metodave dhe instrumenteve tradicionale të zhvillimit ekonomik. Kjo mbase vështirëson që në vitet në vijim, të planifikohen qëllime të caktuara ekonomike në nivel shteti. Të gjitha ndërmarrjet në botë, të mëdha apo të vogla, familjare dhe jo familjare, publike apo jo publike, të zhvilluara dhe të pa zhvilluara, po përballen me një sërë pyetjesh të cilat kanë të bëjnë me ardhmërinë dhe perspektivën e tyre, respektivisht vije në pikëpyetje ekzistenca e tyre në situata të paparapara turbulente për rrethinën. Çfarë do të jenë nevojat e tregut, çfarë synon konkurrenca, a po lëkunden qëndrimet e blerësve, kah pretendon përparimi i teknikës dhe teknologjisë, çfarë me zhvillimin e prodhimeve të reja, a ka mundësi të sigurimit të resurseve të nevojshme, kah udhëzon globalizimi i biznesit,cilat nevoja duhet përdorur për arritjen e efikasitetit, efektiviteti dhe inovacionet, etj… të gjitha këto pyetje u adresohen çdo ditë ndërmarrjeve – pa marrë parasysh nëse ato janë në pronësi të familjes apo nuk janë të tilla. Ajo çka ndërmarrjet familjare i bënë të veçanta dhe që i dallon nga ndërmarrjet e tjera që nuk janë në pronësi apo kontroll të familjes, paraqet diversitetin e interesit familjar dhe interesit të ndërmarrjes në sistemin e unik të biznesit familjar. Pronarët e kompanive familjare në të gjithë botën ndajnë filozofinë dhe vlerat e njëjta, ata mendojnë në perspektivë, kapitali i tyre është durimi dhe zelli, interesohen për bashkësinë ku veprojnë dhe punojnë ashtu që kompaninë në gjendjen më të mirë të mundshme t’ua lënë trashëgimtarëve të tyre. Modeli i biznesit të kompanive familjare është tejet inovativ dhe largpamës, kërkon në realizim më të mirë, krijon më shumë vlera, ruan vendet e punës, përkundër rënieve dhe recesioneve ciklike. Zhvillimi i ndërmarrjeve të vogla dhe të mesme familjare, paraqet rrugën më të shpejtë dhe më të lirë të zhvillimit të ekonomive kombëtare. NVM janë shtyllat kurrizore të zhvillimit ekonomik të shteteve në tranzicion dhe përkrah rolit të madh që kanë në punësim ato janë mjaft domethënëse për demokratizimin e shoqërisë