86 research outputs found

    Avoin valokuituhanke Parkanossa

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön aiheena on Parkanon kaupungin hanke avoimen valokuituverkon rakentamisesta Parkanon alueelle. Opinnäytetyössä selvitettiin hankkeen aikana tehtyä esiselvitystä parkanolaisten kiinnostuksesta liittyä avoimeen valokuituverkkoon. Esiselvityksen aikana pyrittiin keräämään mahdollisimman monta esisopimusta parkanolaisilta, jotta hanke toteutuisi aikanaan keväällä 2012. Kuuden kuukauden aikana, jolloin esiselvitys- ja tiedotustyötä tehtiin, ihmisiä lähestyttiin monella eri tavalla. Hankkeesta järjestettiin kaupungintalolla sekä kyläyhteisöissä info- ja tiedotustilaisuuksia, joissa kävi kiinnostuneita ihmisiä. Valokuidusta jaettiin tietoa hankkeen Internet-sivuilla, Facebookissa sekä paikallisessa sanomalehdessä. Jokaiseen asuttuun kiinteistöön lähetettiin tiedotusvihkoja ja esisopimuslomakkeita, joiden avulla saatiin lisää esisopimuksen tehneitä. Avointa valokuituverkkohanketta markkinoitiin voimakkaasti ja markkinointisuunnitelmasta selviää tiedotusmateriaali sekä eri medioiden hyödyntäminen. Hankkeelle annettiin nimeksi ”LUPINET”. ”LUPINET” tulee sanoista Luoteis-Pirkanmaa Net. Kartoitustyössä tuli ilmi, että alueen tietoliikenneyhteydet ovat pahasti jääneet taakse verrattuna isojen asutuskeskuksiin. Esiselvityksen aikana kesäkuusta 2011 joulukuuhun 2011 kerättiin satoja esisopimuksia parkanolaisilta. Opinnäytetyössä päädyttiin siihen tulokseen, että avointa valokuituverkkohanketta tullaan jatkamaan Parkanossa, koska valokuituverkolle on tarpeeksi kysyntää ja tilaajia koko alueella.The subject of this thesis is an open fibre optic network construction in Parkano area. The aim of the thesis was to preliminarily study this project and the interest of the citizens of Parkano to join this open optic fibre network. During the prelimi-nary study, the project staff gathered as many as possible precontracts from the citizens of Parkano to make the project take place in due course in the spring of 2012. People were approached in various ways during the exploratory six-month period when information was gathered. Information and awareness-raising events at the City Hall and the village communities were organized to raise people’s interest. The optic fibre was introduced on the project's website, on Facebook, and in a local newspaper. Notices and precontract forms were sent to each residential property, so that the project would have more preliminary agreements. The open fibre optic network project was marketed vigorously. The marketing plan shows promotional material as well as utilization of different media. The project was named "LUPINET" which stands for the North-Western Pirkanmaa Net. The survey study revealed that the communication links are severely lagging behind compared to the large population centres. During the preliminary study from June 2011 to December 2011 hundreds of pre-liminary agreements were collected from citizens. This study resulted in the con-clusion that the open fibre optic network project will be continued in Parkano, be-cause the fibre optic network has enough demand and subscribers throughout the area

    Bacterial Anti-Adhesion of Coated and Uncoated Thin-Film-Composite (TFC) Polyamide (PA) Membranes

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    This study investigates the bacterial anti-adhesion performance of uncoated and coated reverse osmosis (RO) membranes. All the membranes were commercially available fully-aromatic thin-film-composite (TFC) polyamide (PA) membranes. Two of the TFC PA membranes (SW30 and BW30) were coated using polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) coating, while the other three membranes (LE, XLE and NF90) were uncoated. Among the characterised TFC PA membranes, the PVA coated were more hydrophilic and their surface energy was higher in comparison to uncoated. In addition, the PVA coated membranes had lower surface roughness. AFM interaction force measurement demonstrated higher repellence performance for the more polar surface. Bacteria attachment test showed differences between the coated and the uncoated membranes. Indeed, the increase in hydrophilicity and surface polarity showed decrease in the attachment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cells. Moreover, the results demonstrated that the surface polarity showed better correlation with the attachment of the bacteria. In addition, the type of the surface roughness may somehow contribute to the bacteria repellence

    Diseño de un programa de fiscalización para reducir la evasión en los profesionales de la salud afectos a rentas de cuarta categoría, distrito de Chiclayo 2014

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    Como sabemos el estado peruano obtiene ingresos para ejercer su soberanía a través de la recaudación de impuestos principalmente. Es labor de SUNAT vigilar por el correcto cumplimiento de esta obligación y de concientizar a la población de lo mismo. Al respecto se cuenta con estadísticos que avalan la existencia de contribuyentes que evaden impuestos, siendo esto una problemática que debilita la recaudación y atenta con el bienestar de todos. Para ello, se detectó la oportunidad de diseñar un programa de fiscalización para reducir la evasión de impuestos, siendo esto aplicable en los profesionales de la salud, pues son un segmento del cual se espera mejorar su contribución mensual. Los objetivos planteados fueron determinar el incremento patrimonial no justificado, realizar el cruce de información con otras entidades públicas y privadas, implantar acciones de fiscalización en donde intervengan empresas, instituciones y personas a fin de detectar ingresos no declarados. Adicionalmente se propondrá celebrar convenios con lugares estratégicos a fin de mantener a la población informada. La investigación fue descriptivo – analítico, teniendo como instrumentos la observación y encuesta. Como resultados trascendió la falta de información de estas personas, quienes manifestaron desconocer la obligación de llevado de libros o la obligación de emitir recibo de honorarios por todos los ingresos percibidos, entre otros. Finalmente se detectó que existe una real y urgente necesidad de implementar un programa de fiscalización en los profesionales de salud afectos a renta de cuarta categoría, esto influiría positivamente en cifras incrementando el ingreso por recaudación de impuestos

    Raising the barriers

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    Polymer hybrid thin-film composites with tailored permeability and anti-fouling performance:Disssertation

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    Composites and hybrid materials are new material combinations which can provide added value for existing products or create novel multifunctional properties. This thesis aimed at fabricating and modifying thin-film composites (TFC) by using various coating technologies. Moreover, the target was to tailor the permeability or to create anti-fouling performance. Inorganic, inorganic-organic and organic coating layers were made by atmospheric plasma deposition (APD), sol-gel (SG), atomic-layer-deposition (ALD) or polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) dispersion coating methods. Coatings were deposited using either roll-to-roll or batch process. APD method was used to create an inorganic silicon oxide (SiOx) coating layer on a low-density polyethylene (LDPE) coated board. In addition, atmospheric plasma was used for pre-treatment of LPDE surface prior SG coatings. The SiOx coatings did not show a significant improvement in barrier performance using the specific roll-to-roll process. Therefore, SG coating method was studied instead in order to form a barrier layer on LDPE-board by using the roll-to-roll process. SG coatings reduced the surface roughness and made the polymer surfaces either hydrophilic or hydrophobic. In addition, the coating chemistry had an effect on the oxygen and grease barrier performances. The highly cross-linked SG coating gave a better oxygen barrier performance, while the other SG coating revealed an enhancement in the grease barrier. Plasma activation of the LDPE surface enhanced the wettability and adhesion of both SG coatings. In addition, SG coating was applied on a polylactic acid (PLA) coated board. The SG coating created favourable, smooth and hydrophilic primer layer on PLA-board, which was further coated with an inorganic aluminium oxide (Al2O3) skin layer by using ALD. The particular TFC structure based on ALD and SG coatings gave a slightly better barrier performance compared to a plain ALD coating. PVA and ALD based antifouling coatings increased the hydrophilicity and surface polarity of the polyamide (PA) TFC membranes. All the coated membranes indicated an enhancement in bacteria-repellence. Indeed, the improvement in the bacterial anti-adhesion performance of coated membranes was due to an increase in surface polarity. The biocide-modified PVA coatings enhanced further the anti-fouling performance due to their antimicrobial activity. As expected, in comparison to the uncoated membrane, the PVA-coated membranes tend to increase the salt rejection and to reduce the water and salt permeability. However, the biocide-modified PVA coatings decreased the water permeability and showed also a minor decline on the salt rejection. The ALD coatings increased the water and salt permeability and furthermore, reduced the salt rejection

    Low-fouling membranes for water treatment

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    Microcapsule-protected actives reduce leaching

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    Microcapsule-protected actives reduce leaching

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    Polymer hybrid thin-film composites with tailored permeability and anti-fouling performance:Disssertation

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    Enabling water reuse - membrane technologies

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