38 research outputs found

    Optical and structural properties of Si nanocrystals in SiO₂ film

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    Silicon nanocrystals (Si-nc) embedded in a SiO₂ matrix is a promising system for silicon-based photonics. We studied optical and structural properties of Si-rich silicon oxide SiOₓ (x < 2) films annealed in a furnace at temperatures up to 1200 °C and containing Si-nc. The measured optical properties of SiOₓ films are compared with the values estimated by using the effective medium approximation and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) results. A good agreement is found between the measured and calculated refractive index. The results for absorption suggest high transparency of nanoscale suboxide. The extinction coefficient for elemental Si is found to be between the values for crystalline and amorphous Si. Thermal annealing increases the degree of Si crystallization; however, the Si–SiO₂ phase separation is not complete after annealing at 1200 °C. The 1.5-eV photoluminescence probably originates from small (~1 nm) oxidized Si grains or oxygen-related defects, but not from Si-nc with sizes of about 4 nm. The SiOx films prepared by molecular beam deposition and ion implantation are structurally and optically very different after preparation but become similar after annealing at ~1100 °C. The laser-induced thermal effects found for SiOₓ films on silica substrates illuminated by focused laser light should be taken into account in optical measurements. Continuous-wave laser irradiation can produce very high temperatures in free-standing SiOₓ and Si/SiO₂ superlattice films, which changes their structure and optical properties. The center of a laser-annealed area is very transparent and consists of amorphous SiO₂. Large Si-nc (up to 300 nm) are observed in the ring around the central region. These Si-nc produce high absorption and they are typically under compressive stress, which is connected with the crystallization from the melt phase. Some of the large Si-nc exhibit surface features, which is interpreted in terms of eruption of pressurized Si from the film. A part of large Si-nc is removed from the film forming holes of similar sizes. The presence of oxygen in the laser-annealing atmosphere decreases the amount of removed Si-nc. The structure of laser-annealed areas is explained by thermodiffusion, which leads to the macroscopic Si–SiO₂ phase separation. Comparison of the structure of central regions for laser annealing in oxygen, air, and inert atmospheres excludes the dominating effect of Si oxidation in the formation of laser-annealed area. By using a strongly focused laser beam, the structural changes in the free-standing films can be obtained in submicron areas, which suggests a concept of nonvolatile optical memory with high information density and superior thermal stability.Fotoniikan yhdistĂ€misellĂ€ elektroniikkaan voidaan ratkaista monia modernien elektronisten laitteiden rajoittuneisuuksia. Piihin perustuva fotoniikka on erityisen lupaavaa, sillĂ€ pii on elektroniikan perusmateriaali. YhdistĂ€misessĂ€ haastavin tehtĂ€vĂ€ liittyy piihin perustuvan tehokkaan valolĂ€hteen konstruointiin. Piidioksidiin SiO₂ vangitut pii-nanokiteet (Si-nc) ovat osoittautuneet lupaaviksi, sillĂ€ valon emissiotehokkuus nanorakenteisessa piissĂ€ on merkittĂ€vĂ€sti makroskooppisen piin emissiotehokkuutta suurempi. TĂ€mĂ€n vĂ€itöskirjan ensimmĂ€isessĂ€ osassa tarkastellaan piillĂ€ rikastettujen ja aina 1200 Celsiusasteessa pÀÀstettyjen piidioksidikalvojen SiOₓ (x < 2) optisia ja rakenteellisia ominaisuuksia. Kalvot on valmistettu joko pii-ioni-istutuksella tai molekyylisuihkukasvatuksella. NĂ€in muodostetuissa kalvoissa piidioksidiin vangitut pii-nanokiteet ovat halkaisijaltaan noin 4 nm. Tutkimuksessa on sovellettu fotoluminesenssia, Ramansirontaa, lĂ€pĂ€isyspektroskopioita ja Röntgen fotoelektronispektroskopiaa (XPS). SiOₓ kalvojen mitatut taitekertoimet ja absorptiokertoimet on onnistuneesti arvioitu soveltaen effektiivisen vĂ€liaineen approksimaatiota ja XPS:llĂ€ mitattua kemiallista koostumusta. TyössĂ€ esitetÀÀn myös 1.5 eV:n fotoluminesenssin muodostumisen mahdollisia mekanismeja. Työn toisessa osassa tutkitaan laserilla tapahtuvan kuumennuksen vaikutuksia vapaisiin SiOₓ kalvoihin ja Si/SiO₂ superhiloihin. Yhteistyö useiden tutkimusryhmien kesken mahdollisti laajan mikroskooppisten menetelmien kĂ€ytön (mikro –Raman, lĂ€pĂ€isyspektroskopia, fotoluminesenssi, infrapunaspektroskopia, lĂ€pĂ€isy –elektronimikroskopia, elektronin energiahĂ€viöspektroskopia, pyyhkĂ€isyelektronimikroskopia, atomivoimamikroskopia ja XPS). Fokusoidulla laservalolla tapahtuva kuumennus aiheuttaa merkittĂ€viĂ€ rakenteellisia ja optisia muutoksia kalvoissa. Laservalolla kĂ€sitellyillĂ€ alueilla havaitaan amorfisessa SiO₂ matriisissa jopa 300 nm:n suuruisia pii-nanokiteitĂ€ ja samalla Ramansignaali kasvaa voimakkaasti. Kuumennuksen yhteydessĂ€ kĂ€ytetyn kaasuympĂ€ristön (ilma, Ar tai O₂) ja sĂ€teilytysajan (1 ms, 1 s, 100 s) vaikutuksia pii-nanokiteisiin tutkittiin. Rakenteelliset muutokset voidaan havaita alle mikrometrin suuruisilla alueilla valokuvaamalla, Ramansironnalla ja lĂ€pĂ€isyspektroskopialla. Tulosten perusteella voidaan toteuttaa optinen muisti, jonka tietotiheys on suuri, se on termisesti erittĂ€in kestĂ€vĂ€ ja muistitieto voidaan pyyhkiĂ€ pois ja kirjoittaa uudelleen optisin menetelmin

    Optical and Structural Properties of Si Nanocrystals in SiO2 Films

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    Optical and structural properties of Si nanocrystals (Si-nc) in silica films are described. For the SiOx (x <2) films annealed above 1000 degrees C, the Raman signal of Si-nc and the absorption coefficient are proportional to the amount of elemental Si detected by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. A good agreement is found between the measured refractive index and the value estimated by using the effective-medium approximation. The extinction coefficient of elemental Si is found to be between the values of crystalline and amorphous Si. Thermal annealing increases the degree of Si crystallization; however, the crystallization and the Si-SiO2 phase separation are not complete after annealing at 1200 degrees C. The 1.5-eV PL quantum yield increases as the amount of elemental Si decreases; thus, this PL is probably not directly from Si-nc responsible for absorption and detected by Raman spectroscopy. Continuous-wave laser light can produce very high temperatures in the free-standing films, which changes their structural and optical properties. For relatively large laser spots, the center of the laser-annealed area is very transparent and consists of amorphous SiO2. Large Si-nc (up to ~300 nm in diameter) are observed in the ring around the central region. These Si-nc lead to high absorption and they are typically under compressive stress, which is connected with their formation from the liquid phase. By using strongly focused laser beams, the structural changes in the free-standing films can be made in submicron areas.Peer reviewe

    Broadband optical properties of monolayer and bulk MoS2

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    Layered semiconductors such as transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) offer endless possibilities for designing modern photonic and optoelectronic components. However, their optical engineering is still a challenging task owing to multiple obstacles, including the absence of a rapid, contactless, and the reliable method to obtain their dielectric function as well as to evaluate in situ the changes in optical constants and exciton binding energies. Here, we present an advanced approach based on ellipsometry measurements for retrieval of dielectric functions and the excitonic properties of both monolayer and bulk TMDs. Using this method, we conduct a detailed study of monolayer MoS2 and its bulk crystal in the broad spectral range (290–3300 nm). In the near- and mid-infrared ranges, both configurations appear to have no optical absorption and possess an extremely high dielectric permittivity making them favorable for lossless subwavelength photonics. In addition, the proposed approach opens a possibility to observe a previously unreported peak in the dielectric function of monolayer MoS2 induced by the use of perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic acid tetrapotassium salt (PTAS) seeding promoters for MoS2 synthesis and thus enables its applications in chemical and biological sensing. Therefore, this technique as a whole offers a state-of-the-art metrological tool for next-generation TMD-based devices

    Programming nanostructured soft biological surfaces by atomic layer deposition

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    Here, we present the first successful attempt to programme the surface properties of nanostructured soft biological tissues by atomic layer deposition (ALD). The nanopatterned surface of lotus leaf was tuned by 3-125 nm TiO2 thin films. The lotus/TiO2 composites were studied by SEM-EDX, XPS, Raman, TG-DTA, XRR, water contact angle and photocatalysis measurements. While we could preserve the superhydrophobic feature of lotus, we managed to add a new property, i.e. photocatalytic activity. We also explored how surface passivation treatments and various ALD precursors affect the stability of the sensitive soft biological tissues. As we were able to gradually change the number of nanopatterns of lotus, we gained new insight into how the hollow organic nanotubes on the surface of lotus influence its superhydrophobic feature

    Matrix isolation study of methyl propiolate in argon and nitrogen matrices

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    Methyl propiolate (HCtriple bondCCOOCH3, MP) isolated in argon and nitrogen matrices was experimentally studied by infrared spectroscopy and by quantum chemical calculations. The calculations, carried out at the DFT(B3LYP) and MP2 levels of theory, predict the existence of two conformers with a planar skeleton. In situ broadband UV light (λ > 200 nm) irradiation of matrix-isolated MP led to the production of new bands ascribed to conformer II testifying the occurrence of the I →II photoisomerization. No other photochemical processes were observed. Assignment of the IR spectra of both conformers is presented, considerably extending the vibrational information available for this molecule hitherto

    Structural, spectroscopic, and photochemical study of ethyl propiolate isolated in cryogenic argon and nitrogen matrices

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    Ethyl propiolate (HC ≡ CCOOCH2CH3, EP) was studied experimentally by infrared spectroscopy in argon and nitrogen cryomatrices (15 K) and by quantum chemical calculations (at the DFT(B3LYP) and MP2 levels of theory). Calculations predict the existence of four conformers: two low-energy conformers (I and II) possessing the carboxylic moiety in the cis configuration (O=C-O-C dihedral equal to ~0°) and two higher-energy trans forms (O=C-O-C dihedral equal to ~180°; III and IV). The conformation of the ethyl ester group within each pair of conformers is either anti (C-O-C-C equal to 180°; in conformers I and III) or gauche (C-O-C-C equal to ±86.6° in II, and ± 92.5° in IV). The two low-energy cis conformers (I and II) were predicted to differ in energy by less than 2.5 kJ mol-1 and were shown to be present in the studied cryogenic matrices. Characteristic bands for each one of these conformers were identified in the infrared spectra of the matrix-isolated compound and assigned taking into account the results of normal coordinate analysis, which used the geometries and harmonic force constants obtained in the DFT calculations. The two trans conformers (III and IV) were estimated to be 17.5 kJ mol-1 higher in energy than the conformational ground state (form I) and were not observed experimentally. The unimolecular photochemistry of matrix-isolated EP (in N2 matrix) was also investigated. In situ irradiation with UV light (λ > 235 nm) leads mainly to decarbonylation of the compound, with generation of ethoxyethyne, which in a subsequent photoreaction generates ketene (plus ethene)