10 research outputs found

    The reciprocal organization of constructive activity in drug addiction

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    The urgency of the problem stated in the article is caused by the fact that modern scientific studies show that sustainable neuro-associative connections with the object of addiction arise at chemical addiction. The aim of this study is to examine the features of the reciprocal organization of constructive activities in drug addiction. Study of the constructive activity of patients with drug addiction in comparison with the group in norm was carried out by using the experimental method. The study found a decrease of constructive activity in drug addiction by the characteristics of performance pace and accuracy, regulated by reciprocal and auditory-motor coordination, which, in turn, are also significantly reduced. Reciprocal organization in drug addiction is characterized by impaired proprioceptive kinesthetic afferentation of motor act at safety of outer space organization of movements, lack of differentiation and low handling of movements, movement program disorders, as well as the

    Mutational re-modeling of di-aspartyl intramembrane proteases: uncoupling physiologically-relevant activities from those associated with Alzheimer\u27s disease

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    The intramembrane proteolytic activities of presenilins (PSEN1/PS1 and PSEN2/PS2) underlie production of beta-amyloid, the key process in Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD). Dysregulation of presenilin-mediated signaling is linked to cancers. Inhibition of the gamma-cleavage activities of PSENs that produce Abeta, but not the epsilon-like cleavage activity that release physiologically essential transcription activators, is a potential approach for the development of rational therapies for AD. In order to identify whether different activities of PSEN1 can be dissociated, we designed multiple mutations in the evolutionary conserved sites of PSEN1. We tested them in vitro and in vivo assays and compared their activities with mutant isoforms of presenilin-related intramembrane di-aspartyl protease (IMPAS1 (IMP1)/signal peptide peptidase (SPP)). PSEN1 auto-cleavage was more resistant to the mutation remodeling than the epsilon-like proteolysis. PSEN1 with a G382A or a P433A mutation in evolutionary invariant sites retains functionally important APP epsilon- and Notch S3- cleavage activities, but G382A inhibits APP gamma-cleavage and Abeta production and a P433A elevates Abeta. The G382A variant cannot restore the normal cellular ER Ca(2+) leak in PSEN1/PSEN2 double knockout cells, but efficiently rescues the loss-of-function (Egl) phenotype of presenilin in C. elegans. We found that, unlike in PSEN1 knockout cells, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca(2+) leak is not changed in the absence of IMP1/SPP. IMP1/SPP with the analogous mutations retained efficiency in cleavage of transmembrane substrates and rescued the lethality of Ce-imp-2 knockouts. In summary, our data show that mutations near the active catalytic sites of intramembrane di-aspartyl proteases have different consequences on proteolytic and signaling functions

    Use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in stable outpatients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. International CLARIFY registry

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    Structural-phenomenological features of the internal picture of doctors’ illnesses

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    The vocational activities of doctors and their social status do not ensure their health. And, falling ill, doctors don’t identify themselves with ordinary patients as they have a deep knowledge of medicine. Thus, the internal picture of a doctor’s illness is both a research and a practical problem: the problem of the psychoprevention of doctors’ illnesses at all stages of their professionalization. The purpose of the research was to study the phenomenological features of the internal picture of doctors’ illnesses using the structural approach. The total number of participants was 132. The experimental group consisted of 66 sick doctors, differentiated according to their stage of professionalization: vocational training (students), professional adaptation (interns), full professionalization (doctors). The control group consisted of 66 people who did not have any medical education. All the control subjects were hospitalized with chronic diseases during the study period. The organization of the research was carried out with the use of clinical-psychological and diagnostic methods, the methods of descriptive statistics, and comparative, multidimensional, and structural analysis. The research revealed the following phenomenological features of the internal picture of doctors’ illnesses: the prevalence of some anxiety in the doctors and high awareness of their health; the doctors’ altruistic orientation; their willingness to work despite difficulties; and their ability to achieve high results in different activities. The structural features of the doctors’ image of their own diseases on the cognitive level were the following: qualitative heterogeneity during in-service activities; a high degree of image integration during in-service activities; and stereotyped perceptions of the disease. The emotional level revealed the emotional distance between doctors and their patients, and the behavioral level revealed doctors’ disregard for the symptoms of the disease. The structural-phenomenological features of the formation of the internal picture of doctors’ illnesses are specific to the circumstances of their origin. For the purpose of the psychoprevention of doctors’ own diseases it is necessary to include these features in the special courses on medical psychology at the stages of vocational training (students) and professional adaptation (interns), as well as in the “psychology in practical medicine” project for doctors

    The reciprocal organization of constructive activity in drug addiction

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    The urgency of the problem stated in the article is caused by the fact that modern scientific studies show that sustainable neuro-associative connections with the object of addiction arise at chemical addiction. The aim of this study is to examine the features of the reciprocal organization of constructive activities in drug addiction. Study of the constructive activity of patients with drug addiction in comparison with the group in norm was carried out by using the experimental method. The study found a decrease of constructive activity in drug addiction by the characteristics of performance pace and accuracy, regulated by reciprocal and auditory-motor coordination, which, in turn, are also significantly reduced. Reciprocal organization in drug addiction is characterized by impaired proprioceptive kinesthetic afferentation of motor act at safety of outer space organization of movements, lack of differentiation and low handling of movements, movement program disorders, as well as the

    Neuropsychological diagnostics of neurosarcoidosis

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    This article presents the results of neuropsychological studies of the patients with neurosarcoidosis. The obtained results show that typical manifestations of neurosarcoidosis are disorders of motor functions. They appear in the speed reduction of actions and their accuracy, which prove peripheral neuropathy and myopathy at the functional level as clinical signs of neurosarcoidosis. Specific manifestations of neurosarcoidosisare determinedby topographical localization of granulomatoma

    Особенности процессов консолидации и реконсолидации памяти у пациентов с нарушениями мозгового кровообращения

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    Abstract: Introduction. Given the high prevalence of cerebral circulatory disorders (both acute and chronic), which are accompanied by a decrease in cognitive functions, for the most part, the effectiveness of rehabilitation and rehabilitation measures depends, among other things, on mnestic processes. The authors describe the characteristics of the memory consolidation and reconsolidation processes in patients with chronic (chronic cerebral ischemia) and acute (ischemic stroke in the circulation of the middle cerebral artery of hemispherical localization) disorders of the cerebral circulation. The study aimed to investigate the processes of consolidation and reconsolidation of memory in patients with impaired cerebral circulation (with acute and chronic cerebral ischemia). Methods. The research methods were methods of “10 words” and “Visual memory” by A. R. Luria, the experiment according to F. Bartlett’s scheme, methods of descriptive and comparative statistics. The total size of the research sample is 57 people aged 65.2 ± 2.78 years. The first group included patients with chronic cerebral ischemia – 21 people; the second group included the patients with left-sided localization of the ischemic stroke focus – 17 people; the third group also included patients who had suffered an ischemic stroke, 19 people – with the localization of the dextrocerebral affected area. Results. In patients with cerebral circulatory disorders, a decrease in short-term audio-verbal and visual-picturesque memory volume was revealed, regardless of the type of cerebral circulatory disorder (acute or chronic cerebral ischemia). In an ischemic stroke of hemispheric localization, a change in the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the memory consolidation and reconsolidation processes has been experimentally proven. This change is a consequence of a decrease in the volume of short-term audio-verbal and visual-picturesque memory. Discussion. The decrease in volume leads to instability of the memory traces, which distorts the consolidated information. In the process of reconsolidation, there is a reduction (in case of chronic cerebral ischemia) and distortion (in case of ischemic stroke of hemispheric localization) of the reproduced information.Введение. Учитывая высокую распространенность нарушений мозгового кровообращения (как острых, так и хронических), которые сопровождаются в большинстве своем снижением когнитивных функций, эффективность реабилитационно-восстановительных мероприятий зависит в том числе от мнестических процессов. Авторами описываются особенности процессов консолидации и реконсолидации памяти у пациентов с хроническими (хронической ишемией головного мозга) и острыми (ишемический инсульт в бассейне средней мозговой артерии полушарной локализации) нарушениями мозгового кровообращения. Целью исследования являлось изучение у пациентов с нарушениями мозгового кровообращения (с острой и хронической ишемией головного мозга) процессов консолидации и реконсолидации памяти. Методы. В качестве методов исследования выступали: методики «10 слов» и «Зрительная память» А. Р. Лурия, метод эксперимента по схеме Ф. Бартлетта; методы описательной и сравнительной статистики. Общий объем исследовательской выборки: 57 человек в возрасте 65,2 ± 2,78 лет. В первую группу вошли пациенты с хронической ишемией головного мозга – 21 человек; вторую группу составили пациенты с левосторонней локализацией очага ишемического инсульта – 17 человек; в третью группу также вошли пациенты, перенесшие ишемический инсульт, в количестве 19 человек – с локализацией очага поражения в правом полушарии головного мозга. Результаты. У пациентов с нарушениями мозгового кровообращения выявлено снижение объема кратковременной слухоречевой и зрительно-образной памяти вне зависимости от типа нарушения мозгового кровообращения (острая или хроническая ишемия головного мозга). При ишемическом инсульте полушарной локализации экспериментально доказано изменение качественно-количественных характеристик процессов консолидации и реконсолидации памяти. Данное изменение является следствием снижения объема слухоречевой и зрительно-образной кратковременной памяти. Обсуждение результатов. Снижение объема приводит к неустойчивости следов памяти, что искажает консолидируемую информацию. В процессе реконсолидации происходит сокращение (при хронической ишемии головного мозга) и искажение (при ишемическом инсульте полушарной локализации) воспроизводимой информации

    Proceedings of the 23rd Paediatric Rheumatology European Society Congress: part three

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    Proceedings of the 23rd Paediatric Rheumatology European Society Congress: part one

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    Proceedings of the 23rd Paediatric Rheumatology European Society Congress: part three

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