164 research outputs found

    On the assignability of regularity coefficients and central exponents of discrete linear time-varying systems

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    In this paper we investigate the problem of assignability of the so-called regularity coefficients and central exponents of discrete linear time-varying systems. The main result presents a possibility of assignability of Lyapunov, Perron, Grobman regularity coefficients and central exponents by a linear time-varying feedback under the assumptions of uniform complete controllability

    On the Sequences Realizing Perron and Lyapunov Exponents of Discrete Linear Time-Varying Systems

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    We investigate properties of partial exponents (in particular, the Lyapunov and Perron exponents) of discrete time-varying linear systems. In the set of all increasing sequences of natural numbers, we define an equivalence relation with the property that sequences in the same equivalence class have the same partial exponent. We also define certain subclass of all increasing sequences of natural numbers, including all arithmetic sequences, such that all partial exponents are achievable on a sequence from this class. Finally, we show that the Perron and Lyapunov exponents may be approximated by partial exponents achievable on sequences in certain sense similar to geometric sequences

    Elderly people in an urban space: selected issues, priorities and future challenges

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    The article presents selected aspects of the adaptation of cities to the needs of older people. The presented perspectives on this issue include: international social policy documents emphasizing the rights of older people and several sociological concepts focused on the opportunities and threats related to the functioning of the elderly in city space. Reference is also made to the ageing policy in Poland and the idea of smart city 3.0, which in principle corresponds to the rights of the elderly to influence decisions regarding their quality of life in the urban environment.Artykuł przedstawia wybrane aspekty dostosowania miast do potrzeb ludzi starszych. Zaprezentowane perspektywy spojrzenia na omawianą kwestię to m.in. międzynarodowe dokumenty polityki społecznej akcentujące prawa seniorów i kilka koncepcji socjologicznych skoncentrowanych na szansach i zagrożeniach związanych z funkcjonowaniem osób starszych w przestrzeni miasta. Nawiązano także do polityki senioralnej w Polsce oraz idei smart city 3.0, która w założeniu koresponduje z prawami seniorów do wpływania na decyzje dotyczące jakości ich życia w środowisku miejskim


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    In 1955–1987, the Directorate of Museums andMonument Preservation (until 1959: Central Directorateof Museums and Monument Preservation), a structuralunit of the Ministry of Culture and Art, published BiuletynInformacyjny, a bulletin dedicated to documenting theactivity of museums in Poland. In 1955-1959, it was calledBiuletyn Informacyjny Centralnego Zarządu Muzeówi Ochrony Zabytków, while in 1959–1987, it was publishedunder the name Biuletyn Informacyjny Zarządu Muzeówi Ochrony Zabytków. It was published as a bimonthly ora quarterly with a limited circulation (400–600 copies),and was delivered to museums. The following served as itssubsequent Editors-in-Chief: Mieczysław Ptaśnik (until 1972),Stanisław Brzostowski (until 1976), and Franciszek Midura(until 1987). The core content of the publication coveredshort factual information reporting on definite achievementsof particular museums or Minister’s initiatives, as well aslonger papers authored in their majority by the EditorialStaff and museum curators who submitted their materials.Informative texts were included in the sections whosenames altered. The most important of them were as follows:I. ‘Research and Academic Discoveries’, II. ‘Publications’,III. ‘Exhibitions’, IV. ‘New Acquisitions’, V. ‘EducationalActions’, VI. ‘Conservation Works’, VII. ’Foreign Cooperation’,VIII. ‘Foreign Museums’, IX. ‘Conferences’, X. ‘Communiqués’,XI. ‘Papers’. Despite bearing features of a journal publishedunder the ideological and political control of the Communistregime, the Biuletyn Informacyjny Zarządu Muzeów i OchronyZabytków bulletin essentially constitutes a reliable source forthe history of Polish museology in 1955-1987

    The theory of subculture of the aging versus some social phenomena regarding senior citizens

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    Od dawna w socjologicznym dyskursie na temat sytuacji społecznej ludzi starych obecne jest przekonanie o pogłębianiu się dystansu między pokoleniami. Pojawia się to w refleksjach zarówno polskich, jak i zagranicznych gerontologów i socjologów. Teoria subkultury starości jest jedną z tych refleksji, które przybrały skondensowaną i uporządkowaną formę. W artykule zostaną pokazane główne założenia tej teorii wg Arnolda Rose’a oraz niektóre charakterystyczne cechy odrębności społecznej ludzi starszych w świetle badań Arlie Hochschild. Zostaną wyeksponowane m.in. czynniki sprzyjające formowaniu się subkultury starości oraz obszary jej funkcjonowania wg Rose’a, jak również niektóre wzory zachowań zaobserwowane przez Hochschild wśród członków badanej przez nią grupy subkulturowej seniorów. Autor wskaże pewne procesy, które w polskiej rzeczywistości mogły/mogą sprzyjać wyłanianiu się zjawisk o charakterze subkultury starości. Przybliży ponadto obszary życia społecznego związane z osobami starszymi oraz dotyczące ich tematy czy problemy badawcze, które mogą zostać zainspirowane teorią subkultury starości.For a long time, in the sociological discourse on the social situation of old people, there is a conviction that the distance between the generations is deepening. It appears in the reflections of both Polish and foreign gerontologists and sociologists. The theory of subculture of the aging is one of those reflections that took a condensed and structured form. The article will show the main assumptions of this theory according to Arnold Rose and some characteristic features of the social distinctiveness of older people in the light of Arlie Hochschild's research. They will be exhibited, among others, the factors favoring the formation of the old age subculture and areas of its functioning according to Rose, as well as some patterns of behavior observed by Hochschild among the members of the seniors’ subculture group studied by this researcher. The author will indicate certain processes that in Polish reality could / may favor the emergence of phenomena of a character of the old age subculture. The areas of social life related to the elderly and research topics or problems that may be inspired by the theory of subculture of the aging will be also introduced

    Recenzja książki Samuela J. Redmana: A short history of crisis and resilience, New York 2022

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