97 research outputs found

    Revisión de las especies europeas del género Saphonecrus Dalla Torre & Kieffer, 1910 (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipinae)

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    Hom fa la revisió de les espècies europees del gènere Saphonecrus D. T. & Kieffer. Hom discuteix els límits taxonòmics del gènere i hom enumera les diferències que el separen del gènere afí Synergus Hgt. Hom inclou una clau de determinació de les 6 espècies representades a Europa. Saphonecrus undulatus (Mayr) i S. Haymi (Mayr) són redescrites a partir de material tipus. Hom estableix tres noves sinonímies: Synergus apertus Giraud i S. Giraudi Pujade són sinònims de Saphonecrus undulatus (Mayr), i S. Synophri Barbotin ho és de S. Lusitanicus Tav. Hom aporta il•lustracions dels caràcters morfològics distintius de les diferents espècies i, per a totes elles, hom dóna també dades biològiques, incloent-hi cicles de vida i hostes.This is a revision of the known european species belonging to genus SaphonecrusD.T. and Kieffer. Taxonomic limits of the genus are discussed and differences seggregating it from the closely related genus Synergus Htg. are enumerated. A key of identification for the six european species is provided. Tree new synonyms are established: Synergus apertus Giraud and S. Giraudi Pujade are synonymous of Saphonecrus undulatus (Mayr), and S. synophri Barbotin is a synonym of S. Lusitanicus Tav. Illustrations of the distinctive morphological characters of the studied species are given and for all of them are also biological data given, including hosts and life cycles.Se efectua la revisión de las especies europeas del género Saphonecrus D. T. & Kieffer. Se discuten los límites taxonómicos del género y se enumeran las diferencias que lo separan del genero afín Synergus Hgt. Se incluye una clave de determinación de las 6 especies representadas en Europa. Saphonecrus undulatus (Mayr) y S. Haymi (Mayr), son redescritas a partir de material tipo. Se establecen tres nuevas sinonimias: Synergus apertus Giraud y S. Giraudi Pujade son sinónimos de Saphonecrus undulatus (Mayr) y S. Synophri Barbotin lo es de S. Lusitanicus Tav. Se aportan ilustraciones de los caracteres morfológicos distintivos de las distintas especies y, para todas ellas, se dan también datos biológicos, incluyendo ciclos de vida y hospedadores

    Terminal-instar larval systematics and biology of west European species of Ormyridae associated with insect galls (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea)

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    A systematic study of the genus Ormyrus (Chalcidoidea, Ormyridae) was conducted based on the morphology and biology of the terminal-instar larvae of ten west European species that are parasitoids of gall wasps and gallflies of the families Cynipidae, Eurytomidae and Tephritidae. The first detailed descriptions are provided of the terminal-instar larvae of these ten species using SEMimages to illustrate diagnostic characters with systematic values. A key is provided for the identification of ormyrid larvae associated with galls in Europe, which is based particularly on characters of the head, mouthparts and mandibles. Although only limited informative variation in body shape was found, the setation of the head provided several characters of potential taxonomic value. The larval biology of the ten ormyrid species inhabiting different galls is also summarised. Although Ormyrus larvae are usually solitary idiobiont ectoparasitoids of the host larva of various gall-inhabiting insects, evidence of secondary phytophagy was observed in some species

    In memoriam: Isabel Izquierdo Moya (1946–2015)

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    Terminal-instar larval systematics and biology of west European species of Ormyridae associated with insect galls (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea)

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    A systematic study of the genus Ormyrus (Chalcidoidea, Ormyridae) was conducted based on the morphology and biology of the terminal-instar larvae of ten west European species that are parasitoids of gall wasps and gallflies of the families Cynipidae, Eurytomidae and Tephritidae. The first detailed descriptions are provided of the terminal-instar larvae of these ten species using SEM images to illustrate diagnostic characters with systematic values. A key is provided for the identification of ormyrid larvae associated with galls in Europe, which is based particularly on characters of the head, mouthparts and mandibles. Although only limited informative variation in body shape was found, the setation of the head provided several characters of potential taxonomic value. The larval biology of the ten ormyrid species inhabiting different galls is also summarised. Although Ormyrus larvae are usually solitary idiobiont ectoparasitoids of the host larva of various gall-inhabiting insects, evidence of secondary phytophagy was observed in some species.The Spanish Ministry of Education and Science research projects CGL2010-15786/BOS and MINECO/FEDER, UE) CGL2015-66571-P to JLNA provided financial support for this paper.Peer Reviewe

    Hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) of El Ventorrillo Biological Station, Madrid province, Spain: a perspective from a late twentieth century inventory

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    Temporal comparisons of a site's biodiversity depend on the availability of at least two asynchronous data sets on a bioindicator group. The Sierra de Guadarrama, a mountain range in central Spain has a high biodiversity and representative sites such as El Ventorrillo Biological Station (Madrid province) play an important role in research and monitoring of the Sierra biodiversity. Although unevenly and randomly, hoverflies of the Sierra de Guadarrama have been surveyed for decades, but never at El Ventorrillo. This important group of pollinators, aphid predators and bioindicators was sampled with a Malaise trap at El Ventorrillo from June 1989 to June 1990. A total of 51 species were identified (20 spp. of Eristalinae and 31 spp. of Syrphinae), 22 of which were new to the Sierra de Guadarrama and 17 to the Madrid province. The genera Brachypalpus and Didea were also new to the Madrid province. The Sierra de Guadarrama now has 126 species recorded and the Madrid province 150. Within the Sierra de Guadarrama, El Ventorrillo becomes the second locality in number of hoverfly species recorded after El Escorial (64 spp.). In the Malaise trap catch, hoverflies with zoophagous larvae had a higher representation than those of other guilds, both in species richness and abundance. The results provided here for El Ventorrillo represent a baseline for future biodiversity studies at this site with a similar experimental design, for example, to detect changes in hoverfly diversities along time.We thank Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Transferencia de Conocimiento, University of Alicante to fund Antonio Ricarte's position (UATAL05). This study belongs to the ‘Fauna Ibérica’ Project PGC2018-095851-A-C65A (‘Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades’, Spain)

    Phylogenomic analysis of protein-coding genes resolves complex gall wasp relationships

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    International audienceAbstract Gall wasps (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) comprise 13 distinct tribes whose interrelationships remain incompletely understood. Recent analyses of ultra‐conserved elements (UCEs) represent the first attempt at resolving these relationships using phylogenomics. Here, we present the first analysis based on protein‐coding sequences from genome and transcriptome assemblies. Unlike UCEs, these data allow more sophisticated substitution models, which can potentially resolve issues with long‐branch attraction. We include data for 37 cynipoid species, including two tribes missing in the UCE analysis: Aylacini (s. str.) and Qwaqwaiini. Our results confirm the UCE result that Cynipidae are not monophyletic. Specifically, the Paraulacini and Diplolepidini + Pediaspidini fall outside a core clade (Cynipidae s. str.), which is more closely related to the insect‐parasitic Figitidae, and this result is robust to the exclusion of long‐branch taxa that could mislead the analysis. Given this, we here divide the Cynipidae into three families: the Paraulacidae stat. prom., Diplolepididae stat. prom. and Cynipidae (s. str.). Our results suggest that the Eschatocerini are the sister group of the remaining Cynipidae (s. str.). Within the Cynipidae (s. str.), the Aylacini (s. str.) are more closely related to oak gall wasps (Cynipini) and some of their inquilines (Ceroptresini) than to other herb gallers (Aulacideini and Phanacidini), and the Qwaqwaiini likely form a clade together with Synergini (s. str.) and Rhoophilini. Several alternative scenarios for the evolution of cynipid life histories are compatible with the relationships suggested by our analysis, but all are complex and require multiple shifts among parasitoids, inquilines and gall inducers