12 research outputs found

    Changes in lipids and formation of derived compounds during fish cooking and in vitro gastrointestinal digestion of edible oils, model systems and processed fish meat

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    El contenido de los capítulos Results and Discussion (pags. de 87 a 481) y Other Contributions (pags de 577 a 648) está sujeto a confidencialidad. 212 p.En la presente tesis doctoral se plantearon cuatro objetivos principales. En el primer objetivo, se estudiaron los cambios provocados por el proceso de cocinado en los lípidos y/o perfil volátil del pescado mediante Resonancia Magnética Nuclear de Protón (1H NMR) y Microextracción en Fase sólida acoplada a Cromatografía de Gases/Espectrometría de Masas (SPME-GC/MS). Asimismo, se prestó especial atención a la influencia del tipo de cocinado, de la especie de pescado y del método de producción del mismo (pesca extractiva/acuicultura) en la extensión de dichos cambios, si los hubo. En el segundo objetivo, se desarrolló y validó una nueva metodología basada en la 1H NMR para el estudio de la reacción de lipólisis que tiene lugar durante el proceso de digestión de lípidos; para ello, se propusieron diversas ecuaciones basadas en datos espectrales. Posteriormente, se optimizaron las condiciones experimentales de un modelo de digestión gastrointestinal in vitro con objeto de obtener un grado de lipólisis similar al alcanzado in vivo. En el tercer objetivo, se abordó el estudio de la digestión gastrointestinal in vitro de aceites y otros sistemas modelo (aceite+proteína, aceite+compuesto antioxidante) mediante 1H NMR y SPME-GC/MS para conocer las diversas reacciones químicas que tienen lugar en dichas condiciones y afectan a los lípidos, y cómo su extensión depende del grado de insaturación del aceite, de su grado de oxidación inicial y de la presencia de otros componentes, tales como proteínas y compuestos con capacidad antioxidante. En el cuarto objetivo, se estudió la digestión gastrointestinal in vitro de carne de pescado mediante las dos técnicas anteriormente citadas, atendiendo a la influencia de diversos procesados tecnológicos (salado y ahumado con aromas de humo líquidos) en los cambios sufridos por los lípidos de pescado durante el proceso de digestión

    Changes in lipids and formation of derived compounds during fish cooking and in vitro gastrointestinal digestion of edible oils, model systems and processed fish meat

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    El contenido de los capítulos Results and Discussion (pags. de 87 a 481) y Other Contributions (pags de 577 a 648) está sujeto a confidencialidad. 212 p.En la presente tesis doctoral se plantearon cuatro objetivos principales. En el primer objetivo, se estudiaron los cambios provocados por el proceso de cocinado en los lípidos y/o perfil volátil del pescado mediante Resonancia Magnética Nuclear de Protón (1H NMR) y Microextracción en Fase sólida acoplada a Cromatografía de Gases/Espectrometría de Masas (SPME-GC/MS). Asimismo, se prestó especial atención a la influencia del tipo de cocinado, de la especie de pescado y del método de producción del mismo (pesca extractiva/acuicultura) en la extensión de dichos cambios, si los hubo. En el segundo objetivo, se desarrolló y validó una nueva metodología basada en la 1H NMR para el estudio de la reacción de lipólisis que tiene lugar durante el proceso de digestión de lípidos; para ello, se propusieron diversas ecuaciones basadas en datos espectrales. Posteriormente, se optimizaron las condiciones experimentales de un modelo de digestión gastrointestinal in vitro con objeto de obtener un grado de lipólisis similar al alcanzado in vivo. En el tercer objetivo, se abordó el estudio de la digestión gastrointestinal in vitro de aceites y otros sistemas modelo (aceite+proteína, aceite+compuesto antioxidante) mediante 1H NMR y SPME-GC/MS para conocer las diversas reacciones químicas que tienen lugar en dichas condiciones y afectan a los lípidos, y cómo su extensión depende del grado de insaturación del aceite, de su grado de oxidación inicial y de la presencia de otros componentes, tales como proteínas y compuestos con capacidad antioxidante. En el cuarto objetivo, se estudió la digestión gastrointestinal in vitro de carne de pescado mediante las dos técnicas anteriormente citadas, atendiendo a la influencia de diversos procesados tecnológicos (salado y ahumado con aromas de humo líquidos) en los cambios sufridos por los lípidos de pescado durante el proceso de digestión

    Different Effects of Vitamin C-Based Supplements on the Advance of Linseed Oil Component Oxidation and Lipolysis during In Vitro Gastrointestinal Digestion

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    Although widely consumed, dietary supplements based on Vitamin C contain high doses of this compound, whose impact on lipid oxidation during digestion needs to be addressed. Therefore, the effect of seven commercial supplements and of pure l-ascorbic acid and ascorbyl palmitate on linseed oil during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion was tackled. The advance of lipid oxidation was studied through the generation of oxidation compounds, the degradation of polyunsaturated fatty acyl chains and of gamma-tocopherol, by employing Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Supplements containing exclusively l-ascorbic acid enhanced the advance of linseed oil oxidation during digestion. This was evidenced by increased formation of linolenic-derived conjugated hydroxy-dienes and alkanals and by the generation of conjugated keto-dienes and reactive alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehydes, such as 4,5-epoxy-2-alkenals; moreover, gamma-tocopherol was completely degraded. Conversely, supplements composed of mixtures of ascorbic acid/salt with citric acid and carotenes, and of ascorbyl palmitate, protected linseed oil against oxidation and reduced gamma-tocopherol degradation. The study through Solid Phase Microextraction-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry of the volatile compounds of the digests corroborated these findings. Furthermore, a decreased lipid bioaccessibility was noticed in the presence of the highest dose of l-ascorbic acid. Both the chemical form of Vitamin C and the presence of other ingredients in dietary supplements have shown to be of great relevance regarding oxidation and hydrolysis reactions occurring during lipid digestion.This research was funded by the Basque Government (EJ-GV) and its Departments of Universities and Research,(IT-916-16) and of Economic Development and Infrastructures, Area of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Policy (PA19/02)

    Bakailao-gibel olio fresko eta oxidatuaren urdail-hesteetako in vitro digestioa: BSA eta BHTren propietate antioxidatzaileen eta azken honetatik eratorritako metabolitoen azterketa

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    This study was aimed to investigate the effect of bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein and the phenolic antioxidant 2,6-di-tert-butyl-hydroxytoluene (BHT, additive E-321) on the oxidation reactions taking place during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion of fresh and oxidized cod liver oil. Likewise, the potential degradation of BHT under these conditions and transformation into different metabolites was addressed. The technique employed to study the nature and amount of lipid secondary oxidation products, as well as the BHT-metabolites of low molecular weight, present in the digestates was studied by Solid Phase Microextraction followed by Gas Chromatography/ Mass Spectrometry (SPME-GC/MS). Based on the abundances of 90 volatile compounds detected in the headspace of the digestates, it could be observed that both BSA and BHT had a clear antioxidant effect. In the conditions of this study, the former showed to be more effective than the latter, specially in the case of oxidized oil digestion. In addition, it was highlighted that BHT notably degraded during digestion of oxidized oil. As consequence, the main volatile metabolites 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2,5-cyclohexadien-1-one (BHT-OH), 2,6- di-tert-butyl-2,5-cyclohexadien-1,4-dione (BHT-Q) and 3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxy-benzaldehyde (BHT-CHO) increased.; Ikerketa honen helburua da behi-seroalbumina proteinak (BSA) eta 2,6-di-tert-butil-hidroxitolueno (BHT, E-321 gehigarria) antioxidatzaile fenolikoak bakailao-gibel olio fresko eta oxidatuaren in vitro digestioan gertatutako oxidazio erreakzioetan duten efektua aztertzea. Halaber, kondizio horietan gerta daitekeen BHTren degradazioa eta hori hainbat metabolito bihurtzea ere aztertu zen. Lipidoen oxidazio-produktu sekundarioen izaera eta kantitatea zein BHTren pisu molekular baxuko metabolitoak aztertzeko erabilitako teknika hau izan zen: Fase Solidoko Mikroerauzketa eta ondoren Gas- Kromatografia/ Masa-Espektrometria (SPME-GC/MS). In vitro digestioaren ondoren jasotako digestatoen buru-gunean aurkitutako 90 konposatu lurrunkorren ugaritasunetan oinarrituz, BSAk eta BHTek efektu antioxidatzaile argia zutela ikusi zen: lehena izan zen bietan eraginkorrena lan honen kondizioetan, batik bat oxidatutako olioaren digestioan. Bestalde, oxidatutako olioaren digestioan zehar BHT modu nabarmenean degradatu zela ikusi zen. Horren ondorioz, 2,6-di-tert-butil-4-hidroxi- 4-metil-2,5-ziklohexadien-1-ona (BHT-OH), 2,6-di-tert-butil-2,5-ziklohexadien-1,4-diona (BHT-Q) eta 3,5-di-tert-butil- 4-hidroxi- benzaldehidoa (BHT-CHO) metabolito lurrunkor nagusien handitzea gertatu zen

    Interlaboratory study on lipid oxidation during accelerated storage trials with rapeseed and sunflower oil analyzed by conjugated dienes as primary oxidation products

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    11 Páginas.-- 5 Figuras.-- 2 Tablas.-- Material suplementarioAccelerated storage tests are frequently used to assess the oxidative stability of foods and related systems due to its reproducibility. Various methods and experimental conditions are used to measure lipid oxidation. Differences between laboratories make it necessary to determine the repeatability and reproducibility of oxidation tests performed under the same conditions. The objective of the present interlaboratory study was to evaluate the outcome of a storage test for two different bulk oils, sunflower oil (SFO) and rapeseed oil (RSO), during a period of 9 weeks at 20°C, 30°C, 40°C, and 60°C. Sixteen laboratories were provided with bottled oils and conducted the storage tests according to a detailed protocol. Lipid oxidation was monitored by the formation of conjugated dienes (CD) and the activation energy (Ea) was determined for comparative purposes and statistically evaluated. An increase in CD formation was observed for both oils when the storage temperature was increased in all laboratories. The Ea,1 ranged from 47.9 to 73.3 kJ mol−1 in RSO and from 27.8 to 62.6 kJ mol−1 in SFO, with average values of 58.2 and 46.8 kJ mol−1, respectively. The reproducibility coefficients were 10.9% and 18.2% for RSO and SFO, respectively. Practical applications: In order to compare results on oxidative stability of foods derived from different studies, the reproducibility of storage tests and methods employed to evaluate the oxidation level should be considered. This study provides fundamental data on the reproducibility of lipid oxidation under accelerated storage conditions and defines important parameters to be considered for the conduction of experiments.Open access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL. We thank Brökelmann + Co – Oelmühle GmbH + Co for the donation of the vegetable oils. The authors gratefully acknowledge Lina Stuthmann from the Food Technology Division, Kiel University and Inge Holmberg from the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark for their skillful help.Peer reviewe

    Changes in lipids and formation of derived compounds during fish cooking and in vitro gastrointestinal digestion of edible oils, model systems and processed fish meat

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    El contenido de los capítulos Results and Discussion (pags. de 87 a 481) y Other Contributions (pags de 577 a 648) está sujeto a confidencialidad. 212 p.En la presente tesis doctoral se plantearon cuatro objetivos principales. En el primer objetivo, se estudiaron los cambios provocados por el proceso de cocinado en los lípidos y/o perfil volátil del pescado mediante Resonancia Magnética Nuclear de Protón (1H NMR) y Microextracción en Fase sólida acoplada a Cromatografía de Gases/Espectrometría de Masas (SPME-GC/MS). Asimismo, se prestó especial atención a la influencia del tipo de cocinado, de la especie de pescado y del método de producción del mismo (pesca extractiva/acuicultura) en la extensión de dichos cambios, si los hubo. En el segundo objetivo, se desarrolló y validó una nueva metodología basada en la 1H NMR para el estudio de la reacción de lipólisis que tiene lugar durante el proceso de digestión de lípidos; para ello, se propusieron diversas ecuaciones basadas en datos espectrales. Posteriormente, se optimizaron las condiciones experimentales de un modelo de digestión gastrointestinal in vitro con objeto de obtener un grado de lipólisis similar al alcanzado in vivo. En el tercer objetivo, se abordó el estudio de la digestión gastrointestinal in vitro de aceites y otros sistemas modelo (aceite+proteína, aceite+compuesto antioxidante) mediante 1H NMR y SPME-GC/MS para conocer las diversas reacciones químicas que tienen lugar en dichas condiciones y afectan a los lípidos, y cómo su extensión depende del grado de insaturación del aceite, de su grado de oxidación inicial y de la presencia de otros componentes, tales como proteínas y compuestos con capacidad antioxidante. En el cuarto objetivo, se estudió la digestión gastrointestinal in vitro de carne de pescado mediante las dos técnicas anteriormente citadas, atendiendo a la influencia de diversos procesados tecnológicos (salado y ahumado con aromas de humo líquidos) en los cambios sufridos por los lípidos de pescado durante el proceso de digestión

    Different Effects of Vitamin C-Based Supplements on the Advance of Linseed Oil Component Oxidation and Lipolysis during In Vitro Gastrointestinal Digestion

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    Although widely consumed, dietary supplements based on Vitamin C contain high doses of this compound, whose impact on lipid oxidation during digestion needs to be addressed. Therefore, the effect of seven commercial supplements and of pure l-ascorbic acid and ascorbyl palmitate on linseed oil during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion was tackled. The advance of lipid oxidation was studied through the generation of oxidation compounds, the degradation of polyunsaturated fatty acyl chains and of gamma-tocopherol, by employing Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Supplements containing exclusively l-ascorbic acid enhanced the advance of linseed oil oxidation during digestion. This was evidenced by increased formation of linolenic-derived conjugated hydroxy-dienes and alkanals and by the generation of conjugated keto-dienes and reactive alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehydes, such as 4,5-epoxy-2-alkenals; moreover, gamma-tocopherol was completely degraded. Conversely, supplements composed of mixtures of ascorbic acid/salt with citric acid and carotenes, and of ascorbyl palmitate, protected linseed oil against oxidation and reduced gamma-tocopherol degradation. The study through Solid Phase Microextraction-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry of the volatile compounds of the digests corroborated these findings. Furthermore, a decreased lipid bioaccessibility was noticed in the presence of the highest dose of l-ascorbic acid. Both the chemical form of Vitamin C and the presence of other ingredients in dietary supplements have shown to be of great relevance regarding oxidation and hydrolysis reactions occurring during lipid digestion

    E bitaminaren gehikuntza urdail-hesteetako in vitro digestioan: efektu antioxidatzailea edo prooxidatzailea?

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    Lan honen helburua liho-olioaren urdail-hesteetako in vitro digestioan d,l-alfa-tokoferolaren gehitzeak (200, 2000 eta 20000 ppm) konposatu lipidikoen hidrolisian eta oxidazioan duen efektua aztertzea zen. Horretarako, protoi erresonantzia magnetiko nuklearra (1H NMR) teknika erabili zen. Jatorri sintetikoko E bitamina honen gehikuntzak ez zuen efekturik izan lipolisian, baina oxidazioa areagotu zuen, dosi-mendeko modu batean. Hau kate poliasegabeen degradazioaren eta oxidazio-konposatuen sorreraren handipenek nabarmendu zuten. Ikerlan honen kondizioetan, alfa-tokoferolaren presentziak aldehidoen eta hidroxi edo keto taldeak dituzten dieno konjugatuen sorreran lagundu zuen.; The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of linseed oil enrichment with d,l-alpha-tocopherol (200, 2000 and 20 000 ppm) on the hydrolysis and oxidation undergone by lipidic components during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion. Proton Nu-clear Magnetic Resonance (1H NMR) was the technique employed. Although the addi-tion of this synthetic form of vitamin E did not affect lipolysis, the advance of oxidation reactions increased in a concentration-dependent manner. This was evidenced by the in-crease of polyunsaturated chains degradation and of oxidation compounds generation. Under the conditions of this study, the formation of aldehydes and of conjugated dienes having a hydroxy or a keto group was favoured in the presence of alpha-tocopherol

    A method based on 1H NMR spectral data useful to evaluate the hydrolysis level in complex lipid mixtures

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    A new approach is reported, based on Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H NMR) spectral data, to study qualitatively and quantitatively the hydrolysis level in complex lipid mixtures. It is based on a detailed study of the spectra of tri-, di-, mono-glycerides and fatty acids. It has been validated by using mixtures of standard compounds which simulate the complex mixtures formed in lipid digestion. To this aim the 1H NMR spectra of pure compounds, as well as of mixtures containing different known proportions of triglycerides, 1,2-diglycerides, 1,3-diglycerides, 1-monoglycerides, 2-monoglycerides and fatty acids, were acquired. These mixtures cover a very broad range of concentrations and simulate edible oils and fats of vegetable and animal origins, including fish, with different levels of hydrolysis. Equations based on spectral data are proposed to determine the molar percentage of the different kinds of compounds that may be formed in lipid digestion, thus allowing quantification of the advance of lipolysis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that a method based on 1H NMR spectral data to quantify triglycerides, as well as partial glycerides and fatty acids in complex lipid mixtures coming from lipolysis is proposed. This methodology offers many advantages and is useful not only in the fields of food technology and nutrition, but also in others like enzymology, pharmacology, medicine and petrochemistry, among others.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO, AGL2012-36466), by the Basque Government (EJ-GV, GIC10/85-IT-463-10) and by the Unit for Education and Research “Food Quality and Safety” (UPV/EHU-UFI-11/21). B. N-E. thanks to the UPV/EHU for a predoctoral fellowship

    Usefulness of 1H NMR in assessing the extent of lipid digestion

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    Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H NMR) is proved to be, for the first time, a very useful technique in monitoring the extent of lipid hydrolysis in digestion processes. Sunflower oil and minced fish flesh, as model foods, were subjected to different in vitro digestion experiments and the lipolysis levels reached were evaluated using 1H NMR spectral data. Simple observation of the spectra gives very valuable information about the extent of the lipolysis and enables a rapid discrimination among samples having different hydrolysis degree. Equations were developed to quantify all the lipolytic products, and either referred to acyl groups plus fatty acids, or to glyceryl structures. The main hydrolysis products were 1,2-diglycerides, 2-monoglycerides, glycerol and fatty acids, although small proportions of 1,3-diglycerides and of 1-monoglycerides were also found. With this methodology, determination of the extent of lipid digestion in its different definitions can be made. It has been shown that these definitions are not equivalent, which is evidence for the need for a consensus in this regard.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO, AGL2012-36466), by the Basque Government (EJ-GV, GIC10/85-IT-463-10) and by the Unit for Education and Research “Food Quality and Safety” (UPV/EHU-UFI-11/21). All authors participate in the COST Action FA1005 INFOGEST. B. N-E. thanks the UPV/EHU for a predoctoral fellowship