25 research outputs found


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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the potential of agroforestry systems in the semiarid, and to evaluate the productivity of eucalyptus in three planting spacing, in single cultivation in agroforestry systems. The comparison of the systems was in a randomized block design with four systems (monoculture; peanut systems; castor bean; cassava) and three eucalyptus spacing (10 m x 2 m, 10 m x 3 m and 10 m x 4 m). Monocultures and other characteristics were compared by randomized block design. Peanut productivity was evaluated at three and a half months, castor productivity at five and eight months and cassava productivity at 21 months. Eucalyptus productivity was measured at 13 and 21 months of age. The results showed that the wood production was greater in the 10 m x 2 m spacing and in the system with castor and single cultivation. The castor yield was higher in the system, in the 10 m x 3 m spacing, while the cassava productivity was higher in monoculture. The area equivalence index of the systems was higher than that of monocultures. Therefore, eucalyptus agroforestry systems intercropped with castor and cassava are suitable for the semiarid region. The 10 m x 2 m spacing provided a larger volume of wood (m³ ha-1). Castor yield was higher in the 10 m x 3 m spacing. For cassava, the highest yield was obtained in monoculture and in the system with 10 m x 3 m or 10 m x 4 m spacing

    Methods of preparing propagules for tropical woody bamboo species

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    The production of seminal bamboo seedlings is considered not viable, being this the biggest limiting factor. The tissue culture and minicutting are efficient, but very costly techniques, which makes it necessary to search for alternative techniques, such as propagation through culm sections. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of three methods of vegetative propagation with segments of the culm of the species Bambusa vulgaris, B. variabilis, B. tuldoides and Dendrocalamus giganteus. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design, factorial scheme of four (4) species (Bambusa vulgaris, B. variabilis, B. tuldoides and Dendrocalamus giganteus) and three (3) methods of preparing the propagule (a single node, binodal propagule, and binodal propagule + H 2 O), with four replicates and plots of five propagules. The propagules were deposited in shallow pits kept in field conditions. At 45 days, the percentage of shoots was measured and analyzes of variance and Tukey were performed at 5% error probability. For D. giganteus, none of the methods of preparing the propagules proved to be efficient for their propagation. The species B. vulgaris, B. variabilis and B. tuldoides showed higher percentages of sprouting. The method of preparing propagules with a single node was more efficient for B. variabilis, B. vulgaris and B. tuldoides

    Uso de adubos de liberação lenta no crescimento inicial de clones de eucalipto

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    The nutrient management in eucalyptus plantations it is a key practice, in this way, consistent efforts are necessary to optimize the use of nutriente. In this context, the objective of this work was to evaluate the adequate doses of slow release fertilizer (SRF), in comparison to the application of simple superphosphate (SPS) in the base fertilization (BF) and its impact on the need for top dressing (TD) in seedlings of a eucalyptus hybrid, grown in pots. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design in a 6x3 factorial scheme, in which the first factor corresponds to six doses of AB (0, 50, 75, 100, 125% of P) of SRF and 100% of P, of simple superphosphate (SPS). The second factor corresponded to three CF applications (0, 1 and 2 portions of KCl and NH4NH3. The doses of N, P, K were based on the recommendation of fertilization in pots of 300, 100 and 100 mg dm-³, respectively at 120 days, height (H), stem diameter (D), leaf area (LA), number of leaves (NL), plant dry mass were evaluated. In addition, doses of maximum technical efficiency were calculated (DMTE). The averages obtained by BF with SLF, of all variables were higher than the SPS. For the H, it is recommended to use one CF, with a DMET of 252.56 mg dm-³, of P, for having obtained growth similar to SPS. For the other variables, DMTE for BF, ranged from 236.52 to 327 mg dm-³, of P. In relation to CF, the, D, NL and shoot dry mass, did not show differences significant, which evidences the quality of the fertilizer in supplying the nutrients supplied in the CF, enabling its reduction. Thus, the DMTE indicated for plantings of the species is 100% ALL, guaranteeing satisfactory initial growth and use of only one CF.O manejo de nutrientes em plantios de eucalipto é uma prática fundamental. Dessa forma, muitos esforços são realizados para otimizar o uso dos nutrientes pelas plantas. Nesse contexto, objetivou-se avaliar as doses adequadas do adubo de liberação lenta (ALL), em comparação à aplicação de superfosfato simples (SPS) na adubação de base (AB) e o seu impacto sobre a necessidade de adubação de cobertura (AC) em mudas de um híbrido de eucalipto, cultivadas em vaso. O experimento foi disposto em delineamento em blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 6x3, em que o primeiro fator corresponde a seis doses de AB (0, 50, 75, 100, 125% de P) de ALL e 100% para P, de superfosfato simples (SPS). O segundo fator correspondeu a três aplicações de AC (0, 1 e 2 parcelas de KCl e NH4NH3). As doses de N, P, K foram baseadas na recomendação de adubação em vasos de 300, 100 e 100 mg dm-³, respectivamente. Avaliaram-se, aos 120 dias, a altura (H), o diâmetro do colo, a área foliar (AF), o número de folhas (NF) e as massas secas da planta. Ademais, calcularam-se as doses de máxima eficiência técnica (DMET). As médias obtidas pela AB via ALL, de todas as variáveis, foram superiores ao SPS. Em relação à H, recomenda-se o uso de uma AC, com DMET de 252,56 mg dm-³, de P, por ter obtido crescimento semelhante ao SPS. Para as demais variáveis, DMET, para a AB, variou de 236,52 a 327 mg dm-³, de P. Já em relação à AC, o D, NF e a massa seca aérea não apresentaram diferenças significativas, o que evidencia a qualidade do fertilizante em suprir os nutrientes fornecidos na AC, possibilitando sua redução. Assim, a DMET indicada para plantios da espécie é 100 % ALL, garantindo crescimento inicial satisfatório e uso de apenas uma AC


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    The composition of the substrate utilized as a growth medium is directly related to the seedling quality, being important the conduction of studies seeking an increased understanding of its formulation for seedling production. The objective of this study was to check the potential of the biosolid, cattle manure and coconut fiber in the evaluation of different substrate formulations for the production of seedlings of the forest species Moquiniastrum polymorphum. The experiment was conducted in structures of a forest nursery, localized in the municipality of Lavras-MG, in 110 cm³ tubes arranged in a completely randomized design constituted by five treatments with four replications of 54 seedlings per plot. When the seedlings reached 150 days after sowing, plant height, collet diameter, height/diameter ratio, shoot dry mass, root system dry mass, total dry mass and the shoot/root dry mass were measured, in addition to the Dickson Quality Index - DQI. It was found by means of the results obtained that for the production of seedlings of M. polymorphum, the use of substrates formulated from 20 to 60% of biosolid + 20 to 60% of cattle manure + 20% of coconut fiber is recommended.Key words: Biosolid; Gochnatia polymorpha; Seedling quality; Silviculture; Forest nursery. ResumoFormulação de substrato com resíduos orgânicos na produção de mudas de Moquiniastrum polymorphum. A composição do substrato utilizado como meio de crescimento está diretamente relacionada com a qualidade de mudas, sendo importante a realização de estudos que busquem uma maior compreensão de sua formulação para produção de mudas. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o potencial do uso do biossólido, esterco bovino e fibra de coco na avaliação de diferentes formulações de substratos para a produção de mudas da espécie florestal Moquiniastrum polymorphum. O experimento foi conduzido no Viveiro Florestal da Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA), em tubetes de 110 cm³, sendo instalado em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado constituído por cinco tratamentos, com quatro repetições de 54 mudas por parcela. Quando as mudas atingiram 150 dias após a semeadura, foram mensurados a altura das plantas, o diâmetro do coleto, a relação altura/diâmetro, a massa seca da parte aérea, a massa seca do sistema radicular, a massa seca total e a relação massa seca da parte aérea/raiz, além do índice de qualidade de Dickson (IQD). Por meio dos resultados obtidos, constatou-se que para a produção de mudas de M. polymorphum recomenda-se o uso de substratos formulados a partir de 20 a 60% de biossólido + 20 a 60% de esterco bovino + 20% de fibra de coco.Palavras-chave: Biossólido; Gochnatia polymorpha; qualidade de mudas; Silvicultura; Viveiro florestal


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    Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar o comportamento silvicultural de sete espécies florestais introduzidas em arranjo inicial para sistema de integração pecuária-floresta sobre pastagem degradada em Lavras, Minas Gerais. O trabalho foi instalado em delineamento de blocos casualizados em quatro repetições, 48 plantas úteis por parcela, em arranjo de (3(3x2)+7x2) m. Avaliaram-se as espécies florestais Acacia mangium Willd, Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess, Dipteryx alata Vogel, Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis (1528 e GG100), Khaya senegalensis A. Juss, Tectona grandis L. e dois materiais de Toona ciliata M. Roemer, propagados por meio vegetativo e via semente. As espécies foram selecionadas, principalmente, pelo valor econômico da madeira, taxa de crescimento em áreas degradadas e múltiplos usos. O comportamento silvicultural foi realizado aos 52 meses pela mensuração da sobrevivência, diâmetro à altura do peito, altura total, volume de madeira e área de projeção de copa, sendo analisados por meio do software R. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que as espécies apresentaram diferente comportamento silvicultural, destacando a adaptação e rusticidade dos híbridos de Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis e Acacia mangium Willd. Contudo, dentre as espécies testadas, o híbrido de Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis (GG100 e 1528), A. mangium e T. ciliata clonal apresentaram melhor comportamento silvicultural, com o maior potencial de utilização em sistema de integração pecuária-floresta no arranjo (3(3x2)+7x2) m em pastagem degradada, nas condições edafoclimáticas de Lavras

    Development of the Trametes versicolor (L.) C. G. Lloyd. fungus on the wood of thermoregulated Pinus taeda L.

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    The companies in the forestry sector seek highly durable wood, prioritizing the use of planted forests, and the thermal treatment is a viable alternative to provide quality to these woods. Thus, the objective of the study was to evaluate the resistance of the heat-treated Pinus taeda L wood by the attack of white rot fungus Trametes versicolor (L.) CG Lloyd. The P. taeda L. wood was deployed in joinery to obtain samples with dimensions of 30 x 15 x 2.5 cm (length x width x thickness), being treated at temperatures of 140, 160 and 180ºC. From these, 1.0 x 1.0 x 1.0 cm specimens were obtained and subjected to the fungus for six weeks. The accelerated rot test was carried out in accordance with the ASTM D2017 standard. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with four treatments (T1 = 0; T2 = 140°C; T3 = 160°C and T4 = 180°C) and nine replications. The loss of mass caused by the fungus was less in heat treated wood. On the other hand, the increase in temperature did not provide greater resistance to the material. In conclusion, heat treatment has reduced the degradation caused by the white rot fungus Trametes versicolor. Heat treatment at 140°C is indicated to avoid loss of mass in P. taeda L. woods submitted to the fungus T. versicolor. All treated woods were classified as highly resistant

    Sewage sludge and rice husk as potential substrate to produce Mimosa setosa seedlings

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    In the production of forest seedlings one of the main factors to be analyzed is the formulation of the substrate that meets the needs of the plants that will be produced. For this, the choice of substrate must consider the physical characteristics of the material, its chemical composition, as well as its availability, quality, easy handling and cost. This study aimed to investigate the potential of sewage sludge and rice husk for the production of seedlings of Mimosa setosa. The experiment was conducted in structures of a forest nursery, localized in the municipality of Alegre-ES, in 110 cm³ tubes arranged in a completely randomized design constituted by ten treatments with four replications of 54 seedlings per plot. The treatments were formulated using sewage sludge, raw rice husks and carbonized rice husk. At five months after sowing we measured plant height, root collar diameter, height/diameter ratio, shoot dry weight, root dry weight, total dry matter, shoot to root dry weight ratio and Dickson Quality Index. The substrates formulated with carbonized rice husk promoted the best results for all morphological characteristics analyzed. The multivariate analysis showed higher correlation of treatments with carbonized rice husk (T6, T7, T8 and T9) regarding height, root collar diameter, root dry weight, shoot dry weight and total dry matter. For the production of Mimosa setosa seedlings the best responses resulted from the substrate formulated with 60% sewage sludge + 40% carbonized rice husk

    Polímero hidrorretentor e fertilização mineral na implantação de híbrido de Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis

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    The use of water retaining polymer appears as an alternative to provide adequate water the phase of implantation the forest stands, further retaining nutrients necessary for the establishment and development of these. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the water retaining polymer and influence of the different forms of mineral fertilization at growth, content and nutrient accumulation of a clonal hybrid of Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis in the implantation phase. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design at 2 x 5 factorial scheme, with two polymer doses (0 and 1 g plant-1) and five mineral fertilization combinations (N0P0K0, N0P1K0, N1P0K1, N1P1K1 e N2P2K2, corresponding to the dose of N (N0 = 0, N1 = 62 e N2 = 124 g of fertilizer per plant), P (P0 = 0, P1 = 75 e P2 = 150 g of fertilizer per plant) e K (K0 = 0, K1 = 62 e K2 = 124 g of fertilizer per plant)) in three replications with five plants per plot. The valuates were performed at 30, 60, 120 and 150 days post-planting, when total height and root collar diameter were measured, as well as nutritional chemical analysis, at 150 days. From the obtained data, observed that there was no interaction between the effect of the polymer and doses of mineral fertilization. For the root collar diameter use of the polymer only provided bigger growth seedlings at 30 days the evaluate, and for the height, there was greater growth in the valuates in the 30, 60 and 120 days of planting. The phosphorus treatments were obtained a bigger increment to the diameter in relation for the others 60 days after planting. These the other evaluations of higher fertilizer dosage (N2P2K2) was responsible for the greater growth in diameter and height. The higher dosage of mineral fertilization promoted greater accumulation at NPK in the aerial part of the plants (stem, branches e leaves). Therefore, the polymer gave a higher growth seedling in the initial phase development, and the phosphorus was shown to be essential for the growth in diameter and height in the phase of implantation of the hybrid used.O uso de polímeros hidrorretentores surge como uma alternativa para disponibilizar água de forma adequada na fase de implantação de povoamentos florestais, além de reter nutrientes necessários para o estabelecimento e desenvolvimento destes. No presente trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar o efeito do polímero hidrorretentor e a influência de diferentes doses de fertilização mineral no crescimento, teor e acúmulo de nutrientes do híbrido clonal de Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis, na fase de implantação. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento de blocos casualizados completos, em esquema fatorial 2 x 5, sendo duas doses do polímero (0 e 1 g planta-1) e cinco combinações de fertilização mineral (N0P0K0, N0P1K0, N1P0K1, N1P1K1 e N2P2K2, correspondendo à dose de N (N0 = 0, N1 = 62 e N2 = 124 g do fertilizante por planta), P (P0 = 0, P1 = 75 e P2 = 150 g do fertilizante por planta) e K (K0 = 0, K1 = 62 e K2 = 124 g do fertilizante planta)), em três repetições com cinco plantas por parcela. As avaliações foram realizadas aos 30, 60, 120 e 150 dias pós-plantio, quando foram mensurados a altura total e o diâmetro do colo, além da análise química nutricional, aos 150 dias. A partir dos dados obtidos, observou-se que não houve interação entre o efeito do polímero e doses de fertilização mineral. Para o diâmetro do colo, o uso do polímero proporcionou maior crescimento às mudas somente nos 30 primeiros dias de avaliação, e para altura houve maior crescimento nas avaliações aos 30, 60 e 120 dias de plantio. Os tratamentos contendo fósforo (18% de P2O5) obtiveram maior incremento em diâmetro em relação aos demais nos primeiros 60 dias pós-plantio. Nas outras avaliações, a maior dose de fertilizante (N2P2K2) foi responsável pelo maior crescimento em diâmetro e altura. A maior dose de fertilização mineral promoveu maior acúmulo de NPK na parte aérea das plantas (caule, ramos e folhas). Portanto, o polímero proporcionou maior crescimento às mudas na fase inicial de desenvolvimento, e o fósforo se mostrou essencial para o crescimento em diâmetro e altura na fase de implantação do híbrido utilizado

    Use of biodegradable polyester-based microvessels for micropropagation of mature Eucalyptus microcorys

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    Background: Micropropagation, an in vitro vegetative propagation technique using small propagules is one of the main applications of plant tissue culture. It can be used to clone specific plants with desired traits and reduce the cost of plant propagation. In this study, we developed a protocol for micropropagation of Eucalyptus microcorys F.Muell using a selected mature tree, in which we tested various combinations of different culture media and evaluated the use of biodegradable polyester-based microvessels during the adventitious rooting and acclimatisation phases. Methods: Epicormic shoots were used as an explant source. After the in vitro explant establishment and multiplication, we tested 8 combinations of BAP, NAA and IBA in the elongation phase. Three types of microvessels were tested in the adventitious rooting phase and acclimatisation of the microcuttings. Results: Epicormic shoots had an establishment percentage of 40.6% and a total of 820 explants were generated by the 11th subculture, with an average of 12 buds per explant. Best shoot elongation results were achieved with BAP (0.05 mg L-1) + NAA (1 mg L-1) and BAP (0.05 mg L-1) + NAA (1 mg L-1) + IBA (1 mg L-1) combinations, whereas microvessel types M2 and M3 provided higher rooting and acclimatisation. According to the results of ISSR markers, at the end of 535 days of in vitro cultivation, cloning was successful between acclimatised micro-plantlets and the parent plant. Conclusions: The micropropagation protocol using microvessels was efficient in producing E. microcorys clonal microplantlets and is recommended for further studies with this species, and for testing in the micropropagation of other species.Peer reviewe

    Adubação fosfatada no crescimento inicial de sete espécies florestais nativas destinadas à recuperação de uma área degradada

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    For an effective forest restoration, knowledge about the initial growth of plants is of fundamental importance. Among the aspects to be considered, the nutritional requirements of the species used for this purpose stand out, considering that these areas generally have low fertility soils, which can hinder the establishment and growth of the planted species. The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of phosphate fertilization on native forest species, destined to the recovery of a degraded area. The experiment was carried out at the Center for Scientific and Technological Development at UFLA - Fazenda Muquém, located in the municipality of Lavras, Minas Gerais. The experimental design used was in complete randomized blocks, with 12 replicates and one plant per plot, in a 7 x 4 factorial scheme, with seven species and four doses of simple superphosphate (0, 150, 300 and 450 grams/pit). At 60 days after planting, data on percentage of survival, diameter at ground level and plant height were collected. At 300 days, in addition to the diameter and height, the canopy projection area of the plants was evaluated. The species showed high percentages of survival, with the exception of Inga edulis, with 58% survival. Among the seven species studied, Schinus terebinthifolius and Guazuma ulmifolia were the ones that showed the highest growth in the analyzed parameters, being, therefore, the species with the greatest potential for a faster covering of this area. Phosphate fertilization influenced, in a different way, the initial growth of the seven species, in relation to the doses of simple superphosphate applied. It is recommended to dose 250 grams of simple superphosphate per hole, as a basic fertilization for all species.Para que haja uma restauração florestal eficaz é de fundamental importância o conhecimento sobre o crescimento inicial das plantas. Dentre os aspectos a serem considerados destacam-se as exigências nutricionais das espécies utilizadas para tal finalidade, tendo em vista que essas áreas, geralmente, apresentam solos de baixa fertilidade, o que pode dificultar o estabelecimento e crescimento das espécies plantadas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da adubação fosfatada em espécies florestais nativas, destinadas à recuperação de uma área degradada. O experimento foi conduzido no Centro de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico da UFLA - Fazenda Muquém, situada no município de Lavras, Minas Gerais. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados completos, com 12 repetições e uma planta por parcela, em esquema fatorial 7 x 4, sendo sete espécies e quatro doses de superfosfato simples (0, 150, 300 e 450 gramas/cova). Aos 60 dias após o plantio, foram coletados dados sobre porcentagem de sobrevivência, diâmetro ao nível do solo e altura das plantas. Aos 300 dias, além do diâmetro e altura, foi avaliada a área de projeção de copa das plantas. As espécies apresentaram altos percentuais de sobrevivência, com exceção do Inga edulis, com sobrevivência de 58%. Dentre as sete espécies estudadas, Schinus terebinthifolius e Guazuma ulmifolia foram as que apresentaram maior crescimento dos parâmetros analisados, sendo, portanto, as espécies de maior potencial para um recobrimento mais rápido dessa área. A adubação fosfatada influenciou, de forma distinta, o crescimento inicial das sete espécies, em relação às doses de superfosfato simples aplicadas. Recomenda-se a dose de 250 gramas de superfosfato simples por cova, como adubação de base para todas as espécies