171 research outputs found

    Understanding the Usage and Requirements of the Photo Tagging System

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    The amount of personal photos is massively increasing and managing them effectively and efficiently requires new approaches and practices. This study analyses the users’ needs and their behaviour towards photo tagging in the context of a personal photo repository. Our results are from a qualitative study with 15 users. Study methods include a questionnaire and a task analy-sis approach in which we analyse and evaluate practices around semi-automated photo tagging. In the task analysis, we describe and use a photo tagging application called SmartImages for studying the actual tagging expe-rience. The results from the study indicate that photo tagging in personal collections is rarely used as it is considered too laborious. The task analysis with SmartImages made users consider tagging worthwhile and beneficial. The results propose changes to the implementation of tagging functionality in photo management applications. We conclude that better visibility of the tagging feature and introducing social elements would improve the usage and benefit of tagging. Providing automated tag suggestions that are comprehen-sible, conceptually relevant and the relation between the displayed tags and the photo is clear would make users more willing to engage with tagging ac-tivities. Addressing the mentioned issues would help the users in managing the increasing number of personal photos.Peer reviewe

    The insect community of Plantago lanceolata spikes in the Åland Islands, SWFinland

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    We describe the structure of the insect community of Plantago lanceolata spikes based on rearings collected from Åland Islands and literature. Our main focus was on occurrences and local abundances of the host-specific Mecinus pascuorum (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), its main parasitoid Mesopolobus incultus (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) and two hyperparasitoids Baryscapus endemus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and Eupelmus vesicularis (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae). Sampling was performed in two networks of habitat patches in 2000 and 2001 (89 patches), and in 18 networks in 2009 (643 patches). We detected five herbivorous, one predatory and 33 parasitoid taxa of Coleoptera, Diptera andHymenoptera, as well as several Hemiptera and Thysanoptera species. Clinodiplosis cilicrus (Kieffer, 1889) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) is reported as new to Finland. All four focal species were very abundant. The rest of the species occurred rather sporadically and were mainly generalists either feeding on P. lanceolata spikes or attacking insects feeding on spikes or their parasitoids

    The roles of trophic interactions, competition and landscape in determining metacommunity structure of a seed-feeding weevil and its parasitoids

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    Community composition is determined by attributes of the environment, individual species, and interactions among species. We studied the distributions of a seed weevil and its parasitoid and hyperparasitoid wasps in a fragmented landscape. The occurrence of the weevil was independent of the measured attributes of the landscape (patch connectivity and resource availability). However, between habitat-patch networks, weevil density decreased with increasing parasitism, suggesting top-down control, especially in the north. Parasitism was mostly due to a specialist and a generalist that appeared to compete strongly. This competitive interaction was strongest at high patch-connectivity, perhaps due to a trade-off of local competitive ability and dispersal. Finally, the abundance of the generalist hyperparasitoid was unrelated to landscape or host-species abundance. The snapshot presented by these data can best be explained by top-down effects, interactions among species, host ranges, and patch con guration in the landscape, but not by local host-plant abundance.Peer reviewe

    Facebook Photo Tagging Culture and Practices Among Digital Natives

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    Social Networking Services (SNS) have gained immense popularity in developing countries like India,where digital natives are actively communicating on these platforms. Understanding the interactionbetween technology systems and digital natives, and proposing guidelines and recommendations for thedevelopment of better systems is highly valuable. Prior research examining users’ motivations and actualusage of photo tagging systems is limited, and predominately focused on Flickr and adult users. In order tounderstand in detail why, how, and with whom users tag digital photos on Facebook, a qualitative essaybasedexploratory study is organized with 67 digital natives in India. The study aims to build understandingof the various gratifications, motivations, experiences, and practices associated with Facebook phototagging, focusing on technologically savvy Indian digital natives. Our results reveal that photo taggingpractices by digital natives vary substantially, especially among gender groups. Facebook photo tagging ispopular among Indian boys, and they are more willing to embrace and use it. Meanwhile, involvement ofIndian girls is considerably limited, as they tend to avoid Facebook photo tagging, mainly due to privacyconcerns, as well as social norms and pressures.Peer reviewe

    Uses and Gratifications of digital photo sharing on Facebook

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    Despite the rapid adoption of Facebook as a means of photo sharing, minimal research has been conducted to understand user gratification behind this activity. In order to address this gap, the current study examines users’ gratifications in sharing photos on Facebook by applying Uses and Gratification (U&G) theory. An online survey completed by 368 respondents identified six different gratifications, namely, affection, attention seeking, disclosure, habit, information sharing, and social influence, behind sharing digital photos on Facebook. Some of the study’s prominent findings were: age was in positive correlation with disclosure and social influence gratifications; gender differences were identified among habit and disclosure gratifications; number of photos shared was negatively correlated with habit and information sharing gratifications. The study’s implications can be utilized to refine existing and develop new features and services bridging digital photos and social networking services.Peer reviewe

    Description of the female of Hyptioxesta magadanica, with notes on the occurrence of H. magadanica and H. penthima adults (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)

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    The previously unknown female of the noctuid moth Hyptioxesta magadanica (Kononenko, 1981) is described and compared with other Hyptioxesta species. The H. magadanica female is brachypterous, unlike the females of the other two species included in the genus. The female genitalia of H. magadanica and the adults of all three species are illustrated. Notes on the flight behaviour of the adults of H. magadanica and H. penthima (Erschoff, 1870) are given and their habitats are illustrated

    Käyttäjäkeskeisen tuotekehitysorganisaation tietotuki – Pohdintoja "Knowledge Storage" –tiedonhallintaympäristön toteutuksen ja arvioinnin perusteella

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    User-centred development of interactive systems and devices has received increasing importance in product development organisations. So far, the answer from the usability engineering community has been the offering of different types of methods that can be applied during the development work in different stages of the development process. As the amount of applicable methods increase and the stakeholder population utilising these methods broadens, support for the management of this usability engineering work becomes important. This includes considerations about the arrangement of the organisation performing the development work as well as the tools and methods that supports this. The objective of this study is the modelling and construction of information support for product development that takes user-centred issues into consideration. The main research question of the study is "What kind of information management system can provide support for user-oriented product development?" Boundaries for the main research question are presented with the focus areas of the work that point out insights from the organisational standpoint as well as from the standpoint of the methods and tools. The methodological standpoint has a longer tradition in the HCI field than the organisational one. In the literature review part of this thesis, methods that are used rather widespread are introduced in order to find out the characteristics and requirements that they point out for the surrounding information support systems and the hosting organisation. The organisational standpoint is studied and reflected in the three empirical studies that illustrate the contemporary arrangement and organisation of product development. Product development is addressed also in the literature review. Building on the findings, a framework of the characteristics for a hosting organisation is presented. The framework consists of five levels: organisational orientation (values, attitude), life-cycle considerations (business/process/product), generic development support (methods and tools), quality instructions (organisation-specific adjustments of the generic level), and information support (operative level). This framework points out the position of an information support system in the organisational surroundings. After this 'positioning', more detailed modelling, design and implementation of the supporting information support system, the "Knowledge Storage" is presented. The results from the construction and evaluation of the Knowledge Storage point out needs for information support applications (developer community, roles, awareness, contribution evaluation). The results also reveal difficulties in the making of these kinds of applications attached to real development projects and activities (migration of existing knowledge base, 'suitable' project, application integration, implementation of baseline functionality vs. value-added features).Käyttäjäkeskeisyyden merkitys tuotekehitystoiminnan yhtenä suunnittelunäkökulmana on kasvanut viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana merkittävästi. Käyttäjäkeskeistä suunnittelua painottavan tutkimusyhteisön tarjooma käytännön suunnittelutyölle on perinteisesti ollut joukko erilaisia suunnittelumenetelmiä, joita on mahdollista hyödyntää eri vaiheissa suunnittelua. Menetelmien määrä samoin kuin niitä hyödyntävien suunnitteluosapuolten määrä onkin näiden johdosta kasvanut. Tämä on luonut tilanteen, jossa käyttäjäkeskeisten menetelmien soveltamista ja niillä kerättyä tietoa on tarpeen hallita entistä systemaattisemmin keinoin. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on käyttäjäkeskeisen tuotekehityksen tueksi soveltuvan tietotukiympäristön mallintaminen, kehittäminen ja arviointi. Tutkimuksen pääkysymys on: "Millainen tiedonhallinnan järjestely voi tarjota tukea käyttäjäsuuntautuneelle tuotekehitykselle?" Pääkysymystä tarkentavat rajaukset nostavat esiin kaksi näkökulmaa: organisatorisen ja välineellisen. Metodiikkapainotteisella näkökulmalla on vahvempi perinne ihminen-tietokone-vuorovaikutuksen tutkimusalueella kuin organisatorispainotteisella. Työn kirjallisuuskatsauksessa tarkastellaankin yleisesti sovellettuja käyttäjäkeskeisen suunnittelun menetelmiä hakemalla niistä piirteitä ja vaatimuksia, joita niiden soveltaminen asettaa ympäröivälle organisaatiolle. Organisatorista näkökulmaa tarkastellaan kirjallisuuskatsauksessa tuotekehitystoiminnan yleisten piirteiden kautta sekä lisäksi kolmen empiirisen nykyaikaista tuotekehitystoimintaa selvittävän tutkimuksen avulla. Selvitysten tulosten perusteella työssä kehitetään viitekehys, jonka avulla tarkastellaan käyttäjäkeskeisesti toimivan organisaation edellytyksiä soveltaa käyttäjäkeskeistä suunnittelua ja siihen liittyvää tietotukea. Viitekehyksessä tunnistetaan viisi elementtiä: organisatorinen suhtautuminen (arvostukset, asenne), elinkaaritarkastelut (liiketoiminta/prosessit/tuotteet), toiminnan yleisen tason välineistäminen (menetelmät), laatuohjeistus (organisaatiokohtainen menetelmien soveltaminen) ja toiminnan operatiivisen tason tietotuki. Viitekehys sijoittaakin tietotukiratkaisut laajempaan organisatoriseen ympäristöön. Viitekehyksen esittämisen jälkeen työssä esitetään "Knowledge Storage" -tietotukiratkaisun kehittäminen. Tulokset tästä kehitystyöstä osoittavat vaatimuksia organisatorisessa viitekehyksessä toimiville tietotukiratkaisuille (yhteisöllisyys, roolijako, tilannetietoisuus, palaute yksilöllisistä kontribuutioista). Tulokset nostavat esiin myös merkittäviä haasteita ja vaikeuksia tämän tyyppisten ratkaisujen kokeilussa ja toimivuuden arvioinnissa todellisten käytännön projektien yhteydessä (aiemman tietoainespohjan hyödyntäminen, sopivan luonteinen projekti, perustoiminnallisuusvaade vs. uusi lisäarvoa tuottava toiminnallisuus).reviewe

    Täpläverkkoperhosen metapopulaatio Ahvenanmaalla - populaatiobiologian hiukkaskiihdytin

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    Täpläverkkoperhoseen (Melitaea cinxia) kohdistuva tutkimus Ahvenanmaalla alkoi Helsingin yliopiston Metapopulaatiobiologian tutkimusryhmässä vuonna 1991 lajin perusbiologian selvityksellä ja merkintäjälleenpyyntityöllä. Jo tuolloin varmistui ennakko-odotus siitä, että täpläverkkoperhonen on erittäin oivallinen tutkimuskohde, kun selvitetään pirstoutuneessa elinympäristössä elävän lajin ekologiaan liittyviä kysymyksiä. Itse asiassa se on Suomessa esiintyvistä eläinlajeista ehkä sopivin tällaiseen tutkimukseen

    End-Users' Voice in EHR Selection : Development of a Usability Questionnaire for Demonstrations in Procurement (DPUQ)

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    This paper describes the development of a questionnaire for evaluating usability during EHR system procurement (DPUQ). Established usability questionnaires can be used to gather user feedback after using the systems. However, during procurement, experimenting with real system use is practical only with a limited number of system candidates. There is a need for less resource-demanding usability evaluation in the early stages of procurement in cases with several vendors. DPUQ has been designed for usability evaluation by end-users during special scenario-based vendor demonstrations. The questionnaire includes three sets of questions to be used during and after the vendor demonstration. DPUQ delivers specific usability scores and can be used to compare system candidates in procurement complementing other evaluation methods.Peer reviewe