86 research outputs found

    Regaining the influence : Turkish cooperation initiatives in the Balkans

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    Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ocena efektywności podejmowanych przez tureckie władze w XXI wieku działań, które miały skutkować wzmocnieniem wieloaspektowej współpracy z państwami bałkańskimi. Odkąd Partia Sprawiedliwości i Rozwoju przejęła rządy w 2002 roku, jednym z głównych zadań jej polityki zagranicznej była próba odzyskania wpływów na terenie dawnego Imperium Osmańskiego. Położenie geograficzne, dziedzictwo historyczne oraz bogactwo kulturowe Turcji stwarzały dogodne warunki do takiej ekspansji politycznej. W procesie promocji Republiki Turcji wśród sąsiednich państw zaangażowane są wyspecjalizowane instytucje i agencje (np. Turecka Agencja Współpracy i Koordynacji, Prezydencja dla Turków Za Granicą oraz Pokrewnych Społeczności, Instytut Yunusa Emre). Analiza wybranych działań wymienionych wyżej organizacji stanowi kluczowy element pracy.The aim of this article is to assess the effectiveness of actions taken by Turkish authorities in the 21st century which have been intended to strengthen multi-faceted cooperation with the Balkan states. Since the Justice and Development Party came to power in Turkey in 2002, one of the main tasks of its foreign policy has been an attempt to regain influence in the area of former Ottoman Empire. Turkish geographical location, imperial past, and rich culture created favorable conditions for such political expansion. In order to promote Turkey among the neighboring countries special institutions and agencies are involved (e.g. Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency, Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities, the Yunus Emre Institute). An analysis of selected activities of the above-mentioned organizations was a key part of this researc

    Koncepcja „strategicznej głębi” w tureckiej polityce zagranicznej

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    Role theory in international relations is an interdisciplinary approach that combines the key aspects of political science, psychology and sociology. Thus, it allows for a better understanding and an in-depth analysis of the state’s behavior in global politics. The methodological advantages of role theory result from its specific structure, which provides a link between several scientific perspectives. In this article, the concept of “strategic depth” in foreign policy of the Republic of Turkey was analyzed. According to its assumptions, diplomatic activity and cooperation with neighboring regions would enable Turkey to gain a position of a medium-sized power and the leader of the Muslim civilization. This study begins with an outline of the theoretical framework and methodology. Next, the twentieth-century geopolitical narratives in Turkey were described. The third part of the article presents the basic assumptions of the concept of “strategic depth”. In the fourth part, activities of Turkish diplomacy in the Balkans, the Caucasus, the Middle East and North Africa were described.Teoria ról w stosunkach międzynarodowych jest interdyscyplinarnym podejściembadawczym, łączącym w sobie kluczowe elementy politologii, psychologii i socjologii. W związku z tym pozwala na lepsze zrozumienie i dogłębną analizę zachowań państwa na arenie międzynarodowej. Zalety metodologiczne teorii ról wynikają z jej specyficznej struktury, która może stanowić łącznik pomiędzy kilkoma perspektywami naukowymi. W ramach niniejszego artykułu dokonano analizy polityki zagranicznej Republiki Turcji, prowadzonej w oparciu o wytycznezawarte w koncepcji „strategicznej głębi”. Zgodnie z jej założeniami aktywność dyplomatyczna i współpraca z sąsiednimi regionami miała zapewnić Turcji pozycję mocarstwa średniej wielkości oraz lidera muzułmańskiego kręgu kulturowego. Niniejszy tekst rozpoczyna się od zarysowania ram teoretycznych i metodologii. Następnie opisano XX-wieczne narracje geopolityczne w Turcji. W trzeciej części artykułu przedstawiono podstawowe założenia koncepcji „strategicznej głębi”. Natomiast czwarta część zawiera przegląd działań tureckiej dyplomacji na Bałkanach, Kaukazie oraz Bliskim Wschodzie i Afryce Północnej. Artykuł kończy podsumowanie rozważań oraz wnioski badawcze

    Kierunki oddziaływania Turcji wobec wyzwań regionalnej integracji politycznej w XXI wieku

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze and to evaluate Turkish foreign policy in view of the challenges of contemporary regional integration. The first part presents the factors determining the current position of Turkey in the region, with particular regard to the the policy pursued by the Justice and Development Party, which has been in power since 2002. Next part focuses on the actions of the Turkish authorities towards the Middle East and the South Caucasus – two key regions, which are an alternative to the gradually deteriorating relations between the Republic of Turkey and the European Union. The final part of the paper is an attempt to identify trends that will influence Ankara's future integration policy in relation to its closest neighbors.Celem niniejszej pracy jest analiza i próba oceny tureckiej polityki zagranicznej pod kątem wyzwań współczesnej integracji regionalnej. W części pierwszej zostały przedstawione czynniki determinujące obecną pozycję Turcji w regionie, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem dorobku sprawującej rządy nieprzerwanie od 2002 roku Partii Sprawiedliwości i Rozwoju. Następnie prześledzono działania tureckich władz względem Bliskiego Wschodu i Kaukazu Południowego – dwóch kluczowych regionów, stanowiących alternatywę dla stopniowo pogarszających się relacji Republiki Turcji z Unią Europejską. Ostatnia część pracy stanowi próbę określenia tendencji, mających wpływ na proces kształtowania się przyszłej polityki integracyjnej Ankary w odniesieniu do najbliższych sąsiadów

    A novel approach to quality-of-service provisioning in trusted relay Quantum Key Distribution networks

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    In recent years, noticeable progress has been made in the development of quantum equipment, reflected through the number of successful demonstrations of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) technology. Although they showcase the great achievements of QKD, many practical difficulties still need to be resolved. Inspired by the significant similarity between mobile ad-hoc networks and QKD technology, we propose a novel quality of service (QoS) model including new metrics for determining the states of public and quantum channels as well as a comprehensive metric of the QKD link. We also propose a novel routing protocol to achieve high-level scalability and minimize consumption of cryptographic keys. Given the limited mobility of nodes in QKD networks, our routing protocol uses the geographical distance and calculated link states to determine the optimal route. It also benefits from a caching mechanism and detection of returning loops to provide effective forwarding while minimizing key consumption and achieving the desired utilization of network links. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the validity and accuracy of the proposed solutions.Web of Science28118116

    The Anatomical variations of artery of angular gyrus

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    Context: Angular gyrus is an anatomical structure of the brain located in the parietal lobe, taking part in writing and reading, language-use, memory and attention and spatial recognition. It is supplied by the angular gyrus artery, which is one of the caudal branches of the middle cerebral artery. One of the clinical pathologies of the angular gyrus artery is the ischemic stroke of the angular gyrus in the dominant hemisphere, responsible for the presence of Gerstmann Syndrome: left-right disorientation, agraphia, alexia, acalculia and finger agnosia. This systematic review aims to present the variety of anomalies of the main cerebral artery and the angular gyrus artery. Objective: Preparing a systematic review of papers describing the course anomalies of the angular gyrus artery. Materials and methods: PubMed and Google Scholar electronic databases was searched for phrases: ‘Angular gyrus artery’, ‘Artery of angular gyrus’, ‘Middle cerebral artery branches’, ‘Branches of middle cerebral artery’, ‘Gerstmann Syndrome’ published between years 2015 and 2023. Also 3 papers published before 2000 were used. From the selected 30 papers, 6 were used to prepare this analysis. Results: The middle cerebral artery, from which arises the angular gyrus artery, is marked by a significant variety of its division, mainly the number of the dividing trunks of the artery. Depending on the type of the division, the angular gyrus artery can arise from the upper, middle or lower trunk and vary in sizes. It can also appear as a singular or two separate branches. Instances of the anomaly of both the angular gyrus artery and posterior parietal artery are rare, but reported. Conclusions: The angular gyrus artery is characterised by a number of anomalies in its course, separation from the middle cerebral artery, diameter and branching

    Acute appendicitis - One of the causes of peritonitis in newborn - A case report with literature review

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    INTRODUCTION. Acute appendicitis is the most common reason for abdominal surgery in children however in newborn and infants it’s casuistics. It is also the most common surgical emergency in pregnancy. Right lower abdominal pain, abdominal stiffness, and periabdominal pain radiating to the right lower abdomen are the best signs to diagnose acute appendicitis in adults. Absence Or attenuation of intestinal murmurs, positive sternal muscle signs, positive blunt signs, and positive Rovsing's Sign are the most reliable signs for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in children. PURPOSE. The aim of the study is to show diagnostic difficulties of acute appendicitis in newborns and infants. It is one of the main differential diagnoses of unclear abdominal conditions. The smaller the child, the less characteristic the symptoms. A CASE REPORT. The study analyzes a male newborn born in the 37th week of pregnancy by caesarean section. Prenatal and family history of siblings' illnesses. In whom, on the 11th day of life, symptoms of food intolerance were found, green deposits were noticed in the stomach probe, and the presence of blood in the stool. Intraoperatively, gangrenous perforated appendix with diffuse peritonitis was found.Acute appendicitis is rarely considered in newborns and infants as the etiological factor of acute peritonitis. However, the presented patient with a genetic defect.CONCLUSION. Acute appendicitis is a common phenomenon in childhood, but this diagnosis is rarely considered in the differential diagnosis of acute abdomen in the neonatal period, is more common in premature babies. The clinical picture of neonatal acute appendicitis is unspecific and may lead to delayed diagnosis and misdiagnosis of necrotizing enterocolitis, which is a much more common condition in the neonatal period. We would like to present the diagnostic difficulties, course of treatment, and complications associated with neonatal appendicitis

    The most common dermatological manifestations of inflammatory bowel diseases

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases are increasingly common problem in clinical practice. This condition is caused by both the growing morbidity and more accurate and widely available diagnostic methods, affecting the rising recognition.  It is worth remembering, that clinical presentation of inflammatory bowel disease is not limited to gastrointestinal tract.  Dermatological symptoms are an important part in the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel diseases, because they can occur as the first manifestation of the beginning of the disease process, as well as be a prognostic factor for the occurrence of exacerbations of the disease. This is an invaluable source of information on the patient's clinical condition, affecting the effectiveness of his treatment in the early stages of the disease, and allowing more efficient control of its course.  This has an enormous impact on the prognosis and comfort of patients' lives. In the following article, available medical studies on extraintestinal skin manifestations, clinical presentation and treatment options have been reviewed

    Nanoparticles of copper stimulate angiogenesis at systemic and molecular level

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    Copper is a key element affecting blood vessel growth and muscle development. However, the ions released from Cu salts are toxic. Given their specific physicochemical properties, nanoparticles of Cu (NanoCu) may have different bioactivity and affect the development of blood vessel and muscles in a different manner than Cu salts. The objective of the study was to evaluate the influence of NanoCu on embryo development and angiogenesis at the systemic and molecular level, in experiments using a chick embryo model. Fertilized chicken eggs were divided into a control group, and groups injected with a placebo, CuSO4 or NanoCu. Embryo development at the whole body level and molecular indices using an embryo chorioallantoic membrane model were measured during embryogenesis. The present study indicated for the first time that NanoCu have pro-angiogenic properties at the systemic level, to a greater degree than CuSO4 salt. The properties of NanoCu were confirmed at the molecular level, demonstrating significant effects on mRNA concentration and on mRNA gene expression of all pro-angiogenic and pro-proliferative genes measured herein

    Erythritol: Evaluation of its Potential Therapeutic Applications and Discussion on Safety Issues - A Review

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    Introduction: Erythritol is a sugar alcohol that has become increasingly popular as a low-calorie sweetener due to its unique characteristics. It is a naturally occurring substance that is found in various foods such as fruits and vegetables. In recent years, erythritol has gained attention as a potential alternative to traditional sugars due to its minimal impact on blood glucose level. The aim of the study: This review aims to provide an overview of the characteristics of erythritol and its potential therapeutic applications. Specifically, the review focuses on the role of erythritol in managing diabetes type 2 patients and obesity. Material and Methods: A systematic search was conducted on various academic databases, including PubMed and Google Scholar. Articles published mainly between 2013 and 2022 were included in the study. In addition, some older articles were included in the analysis if they provided essential information for a comprehensive understanding of erythritol. The articles were analysed, and relevant information was extracted. Description of the state of knowledge: The study is based on an analysis of various scientific publications, including original articles and reviews, that provide insights into the features of erythritol and its potential therapeutic applications. The review provides a comprehensive understanding of erythritol, highlighting its properties and the potential applications that could be explored in the future. Conclusions: Overall, erythritol appears to be a promising low-calorie sweetener that may have various potential therapeutic applications, particularly in managing diabetes type 2 patients and obesity. While further research is needed to fully understand its potential benefits, the current evidence suggests that erythritol could be a valuable tool in promoting better health outcomes