12 research outputs found

    Effects of COVID-19 on doctors burnout

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    The impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of doctors who come into contact with suspects or sick people is being studied worldwide. Appropriate questionnaires sent by e-mail to the surveyed groups are used for this. The most common respondents are anaesthesiologists working at the ICU and HED. Women experience stress and anxiety more often than men. Physicians' mental health is affected by their age, workplace and access to personal protective equipment. A review of the literature shows the negative impact of the growing number of SARS-CoV-2 cases on the level of stress, anxiety and satisfaction with the work of doctors

    Hope in hospitalized patients with terminal cancer

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    Hope is of great importance for patients diagnosed with cancer, especially those that are terminally ill. The diagnosis often puts an end to the realization of personal, social, and professional goals. The aim of this study was to characterize the hope of hospitalized patients diagnosed with cancer in the terminal phase of the disease. The research tool used in the study was Block’s hope test (NCN-36; NCN- Nadzieja Chorych Nowotworowych—Hope of Cancer Patients), designed for patients with life-threatening diseases. The results showed that the patients were characterized by a moderate level of global hope. The highest levels of hope were noted in the spiritual-religious area and the lowest levels of hope concerned curing the disease. Patients exhibited varied levels of hope and varied internal structures of hope. They presented four different types of hope: optimistic, moderate, religious, and weak. Optimistic hope was found most frequently in patients diagnosed with a terminal phase of cancer, while weak hope was represented by the smallest group of these patients

    The Polish State of transplantation

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    Organ transplantation is a life-saving people affected, which the body is unwieldy to live. This method involves the implantation, the person get an organ from another man. It is used in the case of end-stage organ failure, among other things, such as the kidneys, heart, liver, lung, pancreas, intestines. This treatment allows you to return to your health about 1-1.5 thousands of people per year. Currently used in transplantation organs mainly come from donors. Only the kidneys and portions of livers can be retrieved from living donors, but the proportion of this kind of downloads is relatively small. It is estimated that in the world which fourteen minutes another person is qualified for surgery, and a daily fifteen people die without being able to look forward to

    Hope of recovery in patients in the terminal phase of cancer under palliative and hospice care in Poland

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    Introduction. The objective of the presented research is to characterize hope in the situational dimension, i.e., health, in the patients with cancer in the terminal phase of the disease, being treated in hospices and palliative care centers. Hope is very important for all the patients, especially for patients with cancer in various phases of the disease. Giving up on oncologic therapy and causal treatment is often associated with a transition into palliative care. When death and a loss of values become a threat, the individual has got hope to rely on. Material and Methods. The study relies on the Test to Measure Hope in the Health Context (NCN-36) by B.L. Block. 246 patients in the terminal phase of cancer participated in the study. Results. The internal structure of hope of recovery in the patients’ group was varied. The patients showed low levels of hope of recovery since they do not believe in the effectiveness of treatment. They were also not convinced of the effectiveness of modifications in dieting, lifestyle, or the use of nonconventional medicine. They trusted the doctor in charge and were moderately satisfied with the therapy in use. The intensity of hope of recovery was on the low level in the patients in the terminal phase of cancer. Age, sex, place of living, and marital status had a significant influence on the level of hope of recovery. Variables such as living on one’s own or living with one’s family, socioeconomic status, education, or profession did not affect the level of hope of recovery. Conclusions. The presented results allowed as to conclude that the assessment of hope in terminally ill cancer patients can be considered as one of the important tools enabling the personalization and the improvement of palliative care

    Aktywność dekarboksylazy histydynowej płodów mysich

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    Celem pracy jest sprawdzenie tezy, czy i w jakiej mierze wzrost aktywności dekarboksylazy histydynowej jest wskaźnikiem postępującego rozwoju płodu a jej spadek wskazuje aa zakończenie procesu tworzenia nowego organizmu i sygnalizuje moment rozpoczęcia porodu.Celem pracy jest sprawdzenie tezy, czy i w jakiej mierze wzrost aktywności dekarboksylazy histydynowej jest wskaźnikem postępującego rozwoju płodu a jej spadek wskazuje aa zakończenie procesu tworzenia nowego organizmu i sygnalizuje moment rozpoczęcia porodu

    Psychological aspects of the effects of COVID-19 on doctors

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    COVID-19 not only affects physical health, but also leads to mental health problems such as sleep problems, depression, feelings of anxiety, chronic stress. This also applies to doctors, because they too, or above all, are at particular risk. They are owed a lot of responsibilities, a new situation, a lack of adequate staff. They are surrounded by illness and death. They often do not cope with the current situation. This results in a decrease in their productivity, lack of motivation to work, fatigue, and this, as a consequence, can lead to burnout.</p

    Anorexia nervosa - historical perspective and evolution of the diagnostic criteria

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    W pracy przedstawiono rys historyczny oraz ewolucję kryteriów diagnostycznych jadłowstrętu psychicznego. Temat świadomego ograniczania ilości spożywanego jedzenia rozpoczyna opis z 895 roku i dotyczy wieśniaczki o imieniu Friderada, następnie opisano przykłady głodzenia się w okresie średniowiecza opierając się na „żywotach świętych” oraz opisach „cudownych panien”. Pierwszego usystematyzowanego opisu objawów anoreksji we współczesnym rozumieniu tego zaburzenia dokonał angielski lekarz Richard Morton w 1687 roku. Następnie w historii anoreksji pojawiają się tak wielkie postacie jak Lasegue i Gull, którzy stworzyli wspólną listę objawów psychopato- logicznych charakterystycznych dla tego zaburzenia. W latach 70. XX w. Gerald Russell przedstawił pierwsze kryteria diagnostyczne jadłowstrętu psychicznego, natomiast jedną z pierwszych współczesnych klasyfikacji anoreksji zaproponował w 1976 roku Feighner i wsp. (współpracownicy). Na tej podstawie Amerykańskie Towarzystwo Psychiatryczne (APA - American PsychiatricAssociation) w 1980 roku zweryfikowało kryteria anoreksji psychicznej i przedstawiło je w klasyfikacji DSM-III w 1982 roku, dokonując późniejszych aktualizacji. W Polsce obowiązują kryteria zaproponowane przez Światową Organizację Zdrowia (World Health Organization, WHO), które zostały ujęte w Międzynarodowej Klasyfikacji Chorób i Zaburzeń Psychicznych (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and RelatedHealthProblems, ICD-10) i obowiązują od 1996 roku.This essay shows the history and evolution of diagnostic criteria about anorexia nervosa. The description begins in 895 with peasant woman named Friderada and refers to deliberate reduction of quantity food that is consumed. The next thing that is referred is examples of starvation people in Middle Ages based on hagiography and the description of “miraculous maiden”. The first person who did fully description of the symptoms of anorexia nervosa in contemporary meaning and that was effective systematized was English doctor Richard Morton in 1687. Next figures who was very important in history of anorexia was Lasegue and Gull who created mutual list of psychopathological symptoms that was typical for this disorder. In 70's Gerald Russell presented first diagnostics criteria about anorexia nervosa, but in 1976 Feighner and his associates did one the first contemporary classification about this disorder. Based on this, in 1980 the American Psychiatric Association verified the criteria about anorexia nervosa and in 1982 presented it with classification DSM-III (with many up- dates).Here, in Poland take effect the criteria that was suggested by World Health Organization. It was included in International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, ICD-10 and has been operative since 1996

    Nursing care for the patient after gastric resection due to cancer

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    Medak Edyta, Ciechański Aleksander, Niedzielski Antoni. Nursing care for the patient after gastric resection due to cancer. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(7):441-452. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.834099 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4642 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Authors 2017; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 01.07.2017. Revised: 02.07.2017. Accepted: 24.07.2017. Opieka pielęgniarska nad pacjentem po resekcji żołądka z powodu raka Nursing care for the patient after gastric resection due to cancer 1Edyta Medak 2Aleksander Ciechański 3Antoni Niedzielski 1 Katedra Nauk Humanistycznych Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie 20-081 Lublin 2 II Katedra i Klinika Chirurgii Ogólnej, Gastroentorologicznej i Nowotworów Układu Pokarmowego Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie 20-081 Lublin ul. Staszica 4-6 3 Katedra Nauk Humanistycznych Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie 20-081 Lublin ul. Staszica 4-6 Autor do korespondencji: Edyta Medak Ul. Obarowska 23/16 04-337 Warszawa e-mail: [email protected] Streszczenie Wprowadzenie: Rak żołądka znajduje się na drugim miejscu w świecie wśród chorób stanowiących przyczynę zgonów z powodu nowotworu. Co prawda z biegiem lat zachorowalność spada, ale mimo wszystko rak żołądka nadal jest w grupie najczęściej występujących nowotworów złośliwych. Metoda leczenia raka żołądka uzależniona jest od stopnia zaawansowania nowotworu. Niemniej jednak podstawowym postępowaniem u pacjenta z nowotworem żołądka jest leczenie operacyjne. W przypadku rozpoznania wczesnego raka żołądka dąży się do zastosowania leczenia chirurgicznego o jak najmniejszej inwazyjności, z kolei u pacjentów z rakiem zaawansowanym leczenie operacyjne zależy od stopnia zaawansowania procesu nowotworowego. Często konieczna jest całkowita resekcja żołądka. Cel pracy: Ocena jakości opieki pielęgniarskiej nad pacjentem po resekcji żołądka z powodu raka. Materiał i metody: Grupę badawczą stanowili pacjenci z II Katedry i Kliniki Chirurgii Ogólnej, Gastroenterologicznej i Nowotworów Układu Pokarmowego Samodzielnego Publicznego Szpitala Klinicznego Nr 1 w Lublinie. Badania zostały przeprowadzone w okresie od 17.09.2012 roku do 15.05.2013 roku na grupie 60 pacjentów (35 mężczyzn i 25 kobiet) Pacjenci zostali zakwalifikowani do resekcji żołądka z powodu raka. Narzędziem badawczym był autorski kwestionariusz ankiety. Otrzymane wyniki badań zostały poddane analizie statystycznej. Wyniki: Według zebranych danych ponad połowa (60%) pacjentów przebywająca z powodu przebytej resekcji żołądka w klinice Chirurgii Ogólnej, Gastroenterologicznej i Nowotworów Układu Pokarmowego Samodzielnego Publicznego Szpitala Klinicznego Nr 1 w Lublinie opiekę na tym oddziale ocenia na wysokim poziomie. Żaden z pacjentów nie ocenił opieki pielęgniarskiej na niskim poziomie. Wnioski: Zdecydowana większość pacjentów oceniła opiekę pielęgniarską sprawowaną nad pacjentem po resekcji żołądka na wysokim poziomie. Słowa kluczowe: opieka pielęgniarska, rak żołądka, resekcja żołądka Abstract Background: Gastric cancer (RZ) is the second leading cause of cancer in the world leading to death. Although each year the incidence of RZ is lower, it is still one of the highest in the group of most common malignancies. Due to the fact that cancer patients have similar symptoms to other gastrointestinal diseases, it is often detected at an advanced stage. This cancer can be located in different parts of the stomach and often has an unusual course. Surgical treatment of patients with RZ is most often associated with complete gastric excision and causes numerous ailments. Correct preparation of patients for surgery has a significant impact on therapeutic success. A nurse who carries a cancer patient is not only concerned with assessing his / her current state of health, executing medical orders, education on post-hospital leave, but also providing emotional support before surgery. The role of the nurse is also to provide the patient with the information needed during his stay in the ward [1, 2,3,16]. Purpose of the study: Evaluate the patient's treatment before complete removal of the stomach from cancer. Material and method: The study was conducted in the period from 17.09.2012 to 15.05.2013 in the group of 60 patients (35 men and 25 women) of the II Department and Clinic of General Surgery, Gastroenterology and Gastrointestinal Cancer of the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Lublin. Patients have been qualified for total abdominal surgery for cancer. The research tool was the author's questionnaire survey. The results of the study were statistically analyzed. Results: According to data obtained, more than half (60%) of patients presenting with gastric resection at the Clinic of General Surgery, Gastroenterology and Gastrointestinal Diseases of the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Lublin have a high level of care in this department. There was no case for the patient to underestimate nursing care. Conclusions: The majority of patients rated nursing care performed prior to surgery at a high level. Keywords: nursing care, stomach cancer, stomach remova

    The role of speech therapy in the therapy of children with central hearing disorders

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    Central disorders of hearing processing are one of the main causes of school difficulties among children. CAPD is described as incapability of using auditory acoustic sounds with its correct perception within ambit structures. The disorder is often accompanied by such difficulties as dyslexia, specific learning problems or subnormal speech development. Early diagnose of the  disorder and commencing a therapy allows a child a better adjustment to expectations which he or she is exposed to by its environment. The aim of this work is indicating the role and abilities of a speech therapist while treating CAPD children. Aural training is adequate for children with central auditory disorders and in order to be effective it should be long lasting, intensive and adjusted to a child’s individual abilities. Therapy should include both passive listening of sounds and exercises in which the child can actively participate. The aim of speech therapy is to develop auditory skills, speaking, communication and stimulating cognitive potential of a child. Among the auditory exercises conducted by the speech therapist are understanding distorted speech exercises, understanding distorted speech in the presence of a jamming signal, separation and integration of information exercises. localization and lateralization exercises, recognizing sound patterns exercises, recognizing sound sequences exercises, differentiating nonverbal stimuli and phonemes exercises and prosodic training. Therapeutic auditory training that is carried out systematically develops aural and linguistic competences

    Physical activity and health status among young people – preliminary report

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    Zgodnie z definicją WHO, zdrowie jest stanem zupełnej pomyślności fizycznej, umysłowej i społecznej, a nie jedynie brakiem choroby lub ułomności. Czynnikami, które w znacznym stopniu determinują zdrowie człowieka są zachowania zdrowotne (w tym m.in. aktywność fizyczna). Celem badań była ocena zależności pomiędzy subiektywną oceną stanu zdrowia a aktywnością fizyczną wśród młodych kobiet i mężczyzn w wieku do 30 roku życia. Narzędzie badawcze składało się z dwóch części – pierwszą stanowił autorski kwestionariusz ankiety dotyczący samooceny stanu zdrowia i opisu podejmowanej aktywności fizycznej, natomiast drugą – kwestionariusz Brief Inventory of Thriving (BIT). Badanie przeprowadzone zostało w okresie luty–kwiecień 2015 r. Wzięło w nim udział 368 osób. Osoby aktywne fizycznie wyżej oceniają stan swojego zdrowia niż osoby nieaktywne fizyczne. Samoocena stanu zdrowia wśród mężczyzn jest wyższa niż wśród kobiet. Osoby aktywne fizyczne. częściej są szczęśliwe i pełne energii oraz rzadziej odczuwają zmęczenie.According to the WHO definition, good health is a state of complete physical, social and mental well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The factors that significantly determine the human health status are health-related behaviors (including physical activity). The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between self-assessment of health status and physical activity among young women and men under 30 years of age. Research tool consisted of two parts – an author-made questionnaire for self-assessment of health status and description of physical activity and Brief Inventory of Thriving (BIT). The research was conducted in the period February–April in 2015 on a group of 368 respondents. Physically active people better assess their health status than physical inactive persons. Self-assessment of health status is higher among men than among women. Physically active people are more often happy and full of energy and less often feel fatigue