163 research outputs found

    Altruism as Component of Leadership: An Indian Perspective

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    Among various components of leadership, altruism has a significant place. Various noble characters around the world have exhibited the power of altruism in their behaviour which can be linked to their special achievements. Altruism is not very common among the entrepreneurs, and requires a strong willpower and determination with a selfless heart on the part of the subject. India’s ancient history and cultural accounts are full of stories through which relevant lessons in altruism can be profitably withdrawn. While performing and working with altruistic behaviour, a leader’s incredible approach of morality has been widely studied and examined in the Indian literary texts by several intellectuals. This paper intends to emphasise the significance of altruism in the modern competitive materialistic world. An attempt has been made to analyse the inevitability of altruism through the works of creative literature and their employability in the study of modern management.  Research paper Keywords: Leadership, Literature, Altruism, Ethics, Management, Noble Behaviour, Vedas  Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Kaushal, N., & Mishra, S. (2018). Altruism as component of leadership: An Indian Perspective, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, 6(2), 1–11

    Comprehensive Interpretation of Leadership from the Narratives in Literature

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    Narrative writings in literature are ample source of knowledge and are most easily understandable. In every old tradition, we find that people learn ethics and morality through oral forms of literature including short stories, ballads, and various other types of the genre. These narratives used to have tremendous influence on the listeners and readers seeking lessons in leadership. India, just like any other traditional country, has been rich in such genres whose practitioners effectively transmitted the required knowledge or the motivation to the learners in particular and the masses in general. The objective of this paper is to analyse and discus the art and craft of such stories which were useful in communicating the ideals of leadership. We assume that while leadership lessons can be learned from the study of literary writings, they can also be a valuable resource material for innovative learning the management skills. The role of the leader can be familiarly communicated in the form of the tales. Describing a positive psychological narrative from the text is the best way to manifesting an idea in to the minds of people. Research paper Keywords: Leadership, Literature, Management, Psychology Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Kaushal, N., Mishra, S. (2017). Comprehensive Interpretation of Leadership from the Narratives in Literature, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, 5(2), 64–86

    Fuzzy expert system for drinking water quality index

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    The role of water in human life is significant as it plays a very essential role in the procedure of human body. Fuzzy logic provides an efficient and useful device for classifying drinking water quality based on limited observations. In this study, a Fuzzy Drinking Water Quality Index (FDWQI) is proposed for evaluation of water quality for drinking purpose. Fuzzy expert system makes it possible to combine the certainty levels for the acceptability of water based on an approved parameter

    Fuzzy expert system and its utility in various field

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    Today’s Fuzzy Logic plays an important role in every field of our life. Fuzzy expert system presents expertise knowledge and it has been effectively applied to solve the problems, classification and modeling in such diverse areas as science, engineering, business and medicine. This paper provides an overview of this fuzzy tool and highlights the basic feature of expert system with fuzzy logic.&nbsp


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    Rakta is known to be a vital substance of body. As the disease is characterized by excess flow of blood out of the body, Raktastambhana Chikitisa is beneficial. Treatment prescribed for Raktatisara, Raktapitta, Raktarsha, Guhyaroga and Garbhasrava is also useful. Considering this aspect, Raktastambhaka, Raktsodhana, Raktapittaghna effects are desired in treatment. Haemostatic drugs should be used by giving due consideration to the association of Doshas diagnosed on the basis of colour and smell of the blood. Aims and Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of Babool and Kukundar and comparative clinical study of Babool and Kukundar on Asrigdara. Materials and Methods: For the present study, patients fulfilling the clinical criteria for diagnosis of Asrigdara will be selected irrespective of their age, sex, religion, etc, in random from O.P.D. section of M. M. M. Govt. Ayurveda College hospital, Udaipur (Raj.). Case history of all the patients was taken in the specially prepared proforma. Conclusion: Babool due to its astringent taste and Kunkundar due to its bitter taste, both drugs pacify excessive Pitta humour which is main cause of Asrigdara. Their chemical constituents possess haemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties thus considering these facts, these drugs have been selected for present study

    Software Cost Estimation using Single Layer Artificial Neural Network

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    The most challenging task of software project management is the cost estimation. Cost estimation is to accurately assess required assets and schedules for software improvement ventures and it includes a number of things under its wide umbrella, for example, estimation of the size of the software product to be produced, estimation of the effort required, and last but not the least estimating the cost of the project. The overall project life cycle is impacted by the accurate prediction of the software development cost. The COCOMO model makes employments of single layer feed forward neural system while being actualized and prepared to utilize the perceptron learning algorithm. To test and prepare the system the COCOMO dataset is actualized. This paper has the goal of creating the quantitative measure in not only the current model but also in our proposed model

    Seven Wonders (Principles) for Managing Diabetes

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    We can trace back diabetes to ancient scripts. It finds mention in all major religious scriptures. In Hindu religion, the famous mythological idol Lord Ganesha was reported to suffer from this so called ‘disease of affluence’. His disease condition was rightly attributed to his life style. It is said that Lord Siva; father of Lord Ganesha made a magic herbal remedy which effectively treated his son.
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