1,818 research outputs found

    E-Learning in der postgradualen Weiterbildung an sächsischen Hochschulen

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    Dieser Beitrag reflektiert den E-Learning-Einsatz in der postgradualen Weiterbildung aus der Perspektive des hochschulübergreifenden Strategie- und Unterstützungsprojektes Q2P (Qualitätssicherung und Qualitätsmanagement in der postgradualen Weiterbildung). Ausgehend von der regionalen Bestandsaufnahme hinsichtlich der E-Learning-Nutzung im akademischen Weiterbildungsbereich werden die Zielstellungen und Leistungsbereiche des Projekts vorgestellt. Die zentralen Projekterfahrungen werden in Form von begründeten Hypothesen präsentiert und sollen somit das gegenwärtige und zukünftige Handlungsfeld von E-Learning- und Weiterbildungsakteuren bereichern. (DIPF/Orig.

    Investigating neural mechanisms underlying division of labor in Temnothorax ants.

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    O patrocínio é uma forma especial de publicidade, um instrumento de promoção da “imagem empresarial” do patrocinador, isto é, de um “instrumento da política de imagem” das empresas, mediante associação de um seu sinal distintivo, maxime a marca, à fama ou celebridade de uma pessoa e/ou à notoriedade do evento patrocinados, participando na repercussão mediática do seu êxito (“transferência de imagem por associação”). Este estudo analisa implicações jurídicas do patrocínio desportivo

    Learning to diagnose accurately through virtual patients: do reflection phases have an added benefit?

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    BACKGROUND Simulation-based learning with virtual patients is a highly effective method that could potentially be further enhanced by including reflection phases. The effectiveness of reflection phases for learning to diagnose has mainly been demonstrated for problem-centered instruction with text-based cases, not for simulation-based learning. To close this research gap, we conducted a study on learning history-taking using virtual patients. In this study, we examined the added benefit of including reflection phases on learning to diagnose accurately, the associations between knowledge and learning, and the diagnostic process. METHODS A sample of N = 121 medical students completed a three-group experiment with a control group and pre- and posttests. The pretest consisted of a conceptual and strategic knowledge test and virtual patients to be diagnosed. In the learning phase, two intervention groups worked with virtual patients and completed different types of reflection phases, while the control group learned with virtual patients but without reflection phases. The posttest again involved virtual patients. For all virtual patients, diagnostic accuracy was assessed as the primary outcome. Current hypotheses were tracked during reflection phases and in simulation-based learning to measure diagnostic process. RESULTS Regarding the added benefit of reflection phases, an ANCOVA controlling for pretest performance found no difference in diagnostic accuracy at posttest between the three conditions, F(2, 114) = 0.93, p = .398. Concerning knowledge and learning, both pretest conceptual knowledge and strategic knowledge were not associated with learning to diagnose accurately through reflection phases. Learners' diagnostic process improved during simulation-based learning and the reflection phases. CONCLUSIONS Reflection phases did not have an added benefit for learning to diagnose accurately in virtual patients. This finding indicates that reflection phases may not be as effective in simulation-based learning as in problem-centered instruction with text-based cases and can be explained with two contextual differences. First, information processing in simulation-based learning uses the verbal channel and the visual channel, while text-based learning only draws on the verbal channel. Second, in simulation-based learning, serial cue cases are used to gather information step-wise, whereas, in text-based learning, whole cases are used that present all data at once

    Context-bounded model checking with ESBMC 1.17

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    ESBMC is a context-bounded symbolic model checker that allows the verification of single- and multi-threaded C code with shared variables and locks. ESBMC supports full ANSI-C, and can verify programs that make use of bit-level operations, arrays, pointers, structs, unions, memory allocation and foating-point arithmetic. It can reason about arithmetic under- and overflows, pointer safety, memory leaks, array bounds violations, atomicity and order violations, local and global deadlocks, data races, and user-specified assertions. However, as other bounded model checkers, ESBMC is in general incomplete

    Four Chromosomal Type IV Secretion Systems in Helicobacter pylori: Composition, Structure and Function

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    The pathogenic bacterium Helicobacter pylori is genetically highly diverse and a major risk factor for the development of peptic ulcer disease and gastric adenocarcinoma in humans. During evolution, H. pylori has acquired multiple type IV secretion systems (T4SSs), and then adapted for various purposes. These T4SSs represent remarkable molecular transporter machines, often associated with an extracellular pilus structure present in many bacteria, which are commonly composed of multiple structural proteins spanning the inner and outer membranes. By definition, these T4SSs exhibit central functions mediated through the contact-dependent conjugative transfer of mobile DNA elements, the contact-independent release and uptake of DNA into and from the extracellular environment as well as the secretion of effector proteins in mammalian host target cells. In recent years, numerous features on the molecular functionality of these T4SSs were disclosed. H. pylori encodes up to four T4SSs on its chromosome, namely the Cag T4SS present in the cag pathogenicity island (cagPAI), the ComB system, as well as the Tfs3 and Tfs4 T4SSs, some of which exhibit unique T4SS functions. The Cag T4SS facilitates the delivery of the CagA effector protein and pro-inflammatory signal transduction through translocated ADP-heptose and chromosomal DNA, while various structural pilus proteins can target host cell receptors such as integrins or TLR5. The ComB apparatus mediates the import of free DNA from the extracellular milieu, whereas Tfs3 may accomplish the secretion or translocation of effector protein CtkA. Both Tfs3 and Tfs4 are furthermore presumed to act as conjugative DNA transfer machineries due to the presence of tyrosine recombinases with cognate recognition sequences, conjugational relaxases, and potential origins of transfer (oriT) found within the tfs3 and tfs4 genome islands. In addition, some extrachromosomal plasmids, transposons and phages have been discovered in multiple H. pylori isolates. The genetic exchange mediated by DNA mobilization events of chromosomal genes and plasmids combined with recombination events could account for much of the genetic diversity found in H. pylori. In this review, we highlight our current knowledge on the four T4SSs and the involved mechanisms with consequences for H. pylori adaptation to the hostile environment in the human stomach

    Estimation of Aerosol Layer Height from OLCI Measurements in the O2A-Absorption Band over Oceans

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    The aerosol layer height (ALH) is an important parameter that characterizes aerosol interaction with the environment. An estimation of the vertical distribution of aerosol is necessary for studies of those interactions, their effect on radiance and for aerosol transport models. ALH can be retrieved from satellite-based radiance measurements within the oxygen absorption band between 760 and 770 nm (2A band). The oxygen absorption is reduced when light is scattered by an elevated aerosol layer. The Ocean and Land Colour Imager (OLCI) has three bands within the oxygen absorption band. We show a congruent sensitivity study with respect to ALH for dust and smoke cases over oceans. Furthermore, we developed a retrieval of the ALH for those cases and an uncertainty estimation by applying linear uncertainty propagation and a bootstrap method. The sensitivity study and the uncertainty estimation are based on radiative transfer simulations. The impact of ALH, aerosol optical thickness (AOT), the surface roughness (wind speed) and the central wavelength on the top of atmosphere (TOA) radiance is discussed. The OLCI bands are sufficiently sensitive to ALH for cases with AOTs larger than 0.5 under the assumption of a known aerosol type. With an accurate spectral characterization of the OLCI 2A bands better than 0.1 nm, ALH can be retrieved with an uncertainty of a few hundred meters. The retrieval of ALH was applied successfully on an OLCI dust and smoke scene. The found ALH is similar to parallel measurements by the Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI). OLCI’s high spatial resolution and coverage allow a detailed overview of the vertical aerosol distribution over oceans

    Fostering interprofessional communication through case discussions and simulated ward rounds in nursing and medical education: A pilot project

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    Background: Poor communication between physicians and nursing staff could result in inadequate interprofessional collaboration with negative effects on patient health. In order to ensure optimal health care for patients, it is important to strengthen interprofessional communication and collaboration between physicians and nurses during their education. Aim: The aim of this project is to foster communication for medical and nursing students through interprofessional case discussions and simulated ward rounds as a form of training. Method: In 2013-15 a total of 39 nursing students and 22 medical students participated in eight seminars, each covering case discussions and simulated ward rounds. The seminar was evaluated based on student assessment of the educational objectives. Results: Students who voluntarily signed up for the seminar profited from the interprofessional interaction and gathered positive experiences working in a team. Conclusion: Through practicing case discussions and ward rounds as a group, interprofessional communication could be fostered between medical and nursing students. Students took advantage of the opportunity to ask those from other profession questions and realized that interprofessional interaction can lead to improved health care