4,098 research outputs found

    Light Transmission Through Arctic Sea Ice - Large-Scale Studies on Seasonality and Spatial Variability

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    Arctic sea ice has declined and become thinner and more seasonal during the last decade. One consequence of this is that the surface energy budget of the Arctic Ocean is changing. Solar light transmitting into and through sea ice is of critical importance for the state of sea-ice and the timing and amount of primary production. The light field in and under sea ice is highly variable: horizontally, vertically, and over seasons. At the same time, observations of light transmittance through sea ice are still sparse, because the under-ice environment is difficult to access and high quality measurements are challenging. Furthermore, it is necessary to generalize measurements in order to obtain Arctic-wide estimates of light conditions and energy budgets

    The Expedition PS122/1 of the Research Vessel POLARSTERN to the Arctic Ocean in 2019

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    Evolution of first-year and second-year snow properties on sea ice in the Weddell Sea during spring-summer transition

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    Observations of snow properties, superimposed ice, and atmospheric heat fluxes have been performed on first-year and second-year sea ice in the western Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Snow in this region is particular as it does usually survive summer ablation. Measurements were performed during Ice Station Polarstern (ISPOL), a 5-week drift station of the German icebreaker RV Polarstern. Net heat flux to the snowpack was 8 W m−2, causing only 0.1 to 0.2 m of thinning of both snow cover types, thinner first-year and thicker second-year snow. Snow thinning was dominated by compaction and evaporation, whereas melt was of minor importance and occurred only internally at or close to the surface. Characteristic differences between snow on first-year and second-year ice were found in snow thickness, temperature, and stratigraphy. Snow on second-year ice was thicker, colder, denser, and more layered than on first-year ice. Metamorphism and ablation, and thus mass balance, were similar between both regimes, because they depend more on surface heat fluxes and less on underground properties. Ice freeboard was mostly negative, but flooding occurred mainly on first-year ice. Snow and ice interface temperature did not reach the melting point during the observation period. Nevertheless, formation of discontinuous superimposed ice was observed. Color tracer experiments suggest considerable meltwater percolation within the snow, despite below-melting temperatures of lower layers. Strong meridional gradients of snow and sea-ice properties were found in this region. They suggest similar gradients in atmospheric and oceanographic conditions and implicate their importance for melt processes and the location of the summer ice edge


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    ABSTRAK Skripsi dengan judul “Strategi Guru dalam Membentuk Karakter Siswa di MI Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Kaliombo Kota Kediri“ ini ditulis oleh Anis Hidayah, NIM. 1725143024, Pembimbing Dr. H. Abd. Aziz, M. Pd. I. Kata kunci: Strategi, Guru, Membentuk, Karakter Pendidikan berperan penting dalam menyalurkan hal-hal baru sebagai upaya perubahan positif kepada setiap orang. Perubahan tersebut dapat berupa cara bersikap, cara bersosialisasi, mengembangkan potensi dan lain sebagainya. Karakter merupakan watak atau kebiasaan yang dilakukan terus-menerus sehingga tertanam dalam diri. Terwujudnya nilai karakter yang baik salah satu aspek penting yang menjadi perubahan di dalam proses pendidikan, yang ditengarai sebagai keberhasilan proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan. Karakter akan mudah tertanam dalam diri peserta didik dengan kegiatan pembiasaan yang dilakukan berulang-ulang secara teratur. Untuk membentuk karakter yang baik, guru dituntut untuk terus mengembangkan berbagai strategi, cara dan inovasi baru yang sesuai perkembangan dan kebutuhan zaman. Fokus penelitian dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah (1) Bagaimana guru membentuk karakter religius siswa di MI Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Kaliombo Kota Kediri? (2) Bagaimana guru membentuk karakter mandiri siswa di MI Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Kaliombo Kota Kediri? (3) Bagaimana guru membentuk karakter tanggung jawab siswa di MI Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Kaliombo Kota Kediri?. Adapun yang menjadi tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan guru membentuk karakter religius, karakter mandiri , dan karakter tanggung jawab siswa dalam pelaksanaanya di MI Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Kaliombo Kota Kediri. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Paparan dan analisis data dilakukan dengan tehnik reduksi data ,penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pengecekan keabsahan data dilakukan dengan cara perpanjangan keikutsertaan, ketekunan pengamatan, dan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: berdasarkan paparan data dan diskusi hasil penelitian maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa (1) guru membentuk karakter religius dengan cara pemahaman, pembinaan, dan pengawasan melalui pembiasaan yang telah dilaksanakan di madrasah yaitu shalat dhuhur berjamaah, shalat dhuha setiap hari Jumat, membaca doa sebelum dan mengakiri pemebelajaran, hafalan surat pendek dan doa keseharian, bimbingan membaca Al-Qur’an setiap hari Jumat, dan pembelajaran tahfidz. (2) guru membentuk karakter mandiri dengan cara praktik di dalam dan di luar kelas melalui pembiasaan yang telah dilaksanakan yaitu, upacara bendera hari Senin, berbaris sebelum masuk kelas, dan kegiatan kepramukaan. (3) guru membentuk karakter tanggung jawab dengan cara menerapkan aturan yang telah dibuat bersama dengan memberikan konsekuensi jika tidak dilaksanakan melalui kebiasaan yang telah ada yaitu, tanggung jawab piket, tanggung jawab tugas , serta kas kelas setiap hari Jumat

    The microwave emissivity variability of snow covered first-year sea ice from late winter to early summer: a model study

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    Satellite observations of microwave brightness temperatures between 19 GHz and 85 GHz are the main data sources for operational sea-ice monitoring and retrieval of ice concentrations. However, microwave brightness temperatures depend on the emissivity of snow and ice, which is subject to pronounced seasonal variations and shows significant hemispheric contrasts. These mainly arise from differences in the rate and strength of snow metamorphism and melt. We here use the thermodynamic snow model SNTHERM forced by European Re-Analysis (ERA) interim data and the Microwave Emission Model of Layered Snowpacks (MEMLS), to calculate the sea-ice surface emissivity and to identify the contribution of regional patterns in atmospheric conditions to its variability in the Arctic and Antarctic. The computed emissivities reveal a pronounced seasonal cycle with large regional variability. The emissivity variability increases from winter to early summer and is more pronounced in the Antarctic. In the pre-melt period (January–May, July–November) the standard deviations in surface microwave emissivity due to diurnal, regional and inter-annual variability of atmospheric forcing reach up to Δε = 0.034, 0.043, and 0.097 for 19 GHz, 37 GHz and 85 GHz channels, respectively. Between 2000 and 2009, small but significant positive emissivity trends were observed in the Weddell Sea during November and December as well as in Fram Strait during February, potentially related to earlier melt onset in these regions. The obtained results contribute to a better understanding of the uncertainty and variability of sea-ice concentration and snow-depth retrievals in regions of high sea-ice concentrations
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