176 research outputs found

    Quasi-periodic solutions of the 2D Euler equation

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    We consider the two-dimensional Euler equation with periodic boundary conditions. We construct time quasi-periodic solutions of this equation made of localized travelling profiles with compact support propagating over a stationary state depending on only one variable. The direction of propagation is orthogonal to this variable, and the support is concentrated on flat strips of the stationary state. The frequencies of the solution are given by the locally constant velocities associated with the stationary state

    A particle micro-macro decomposition based numerical scheme for collisional kinetic equations in the diffusion scaling

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    In this work, we derive particle schemes, based on micro-macro decomposition, for linear kinetic equations in the diffusion limit. Due to the particle approximation of the micro part, a splitting between the transport and the collision part has to be performed, and the stiffness of both these two parts prevent from uniform stability. To overcome this difficulty, the micro-macro system is reformulated into a continuous PDE whose coefficients are no longer stiff, and depend on the time step Δt\Delta t in a consistent way. This non-stiff reformulation of the micro-macro system allows the use of standard particle approximations for the transport part, and extends the work in [5] where a particle approximation has been applied using a micro-macro decomposition on kinetic equations in the fluid scaling. Beyond the so-called asymptotic-preserving property which is satisfied by our schemes, they significantly reduce the inherent noise of traditional particle methods, and they have a computational cost which decreases as the system approaches the diffusion limit

    Nonlinear Geometric Optics method based multi-scale numerical schemes for highly-oscillatory transport equations

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    We introduce a new numerical strategy to solve a class of oscillatory transport PDE models which is able to captureaccurately the solutions without numerically resolving the high frequency oscillations {\em in both space and time}.Such PDE models arise in semiclassical modeling of quantum dynamics with band-crossings, and otherhighly oscillatory waves. Our first main idea is to use the nonlinear geometric optics ansatz, which builds theoscillatory phase into an independent variable. We then choose suitable initial data, based on the Chapman-Enskog expansion, for the new model. For a scalar model, we prove that so constructed model will have certain smoothness, and consequently, for a first order approximation scheme we prove uniform error estimates independent of the (possibly small) wave length. The method is extended to systems arising from a semiclassical model for surface hopping, a non-adiabatic quantum dynamic phenomenon. Numerous numerical examples demonstrate that the method has the desired properties

    Multiscale numerical schemes for kinetic equations in the anomalous diffusion limit

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    We construct numerical schemes to solve kinetic equations with anomalous diffusion scaling. When the equilibrium is heavy-tailed or when the collision frequency degenerates for small velocities, an appropriate scaling should be made and the limit model is the so-called anomalous or fractional diffusion model. Our first scheme is based on a suitable micro-macro decomposition of the distribution function whereas our second scheme relies on a Duhamel formulation of the kinetic equation. Both are \emph{Asymptotic Preserving} (AP): they are consistent with the kinetic equation for all fixed value of the scaling parameter ε>0\varepsilon >0 and degenerate into a consistent scheme solving the asymptotic model when ε\varepsilon tends to 00. The second scheme enjoys the stronger property of being uniformly accurate (UA) with respect to ε\varepsilon. The usual AP schemes known for the classical diffusion limit cannot be directly applied to the context of anomalous diffusion scaling, since they are not able to capture the important effects of large and small velocities. We present numerical tests to highlight the efficiency of our schemes

    Numerical schemes for kinetic equations in the diffusion and anomalous diffusion limits. Part I: the case of heavy-tailed equilibrium

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    In this work, we propose some numerical schemes for linear kinetic equations in the diffusion and anomalous diffusion limit. When the equilibrium distribution function is a Maxwellian distribution, it is well known that for an appropriate time scale, the small mean free path limit gives rise to a diffusion type equation. However, when a heavy-tailed distribution is considered, another time scale is required and the small mean free path limit leads to a fractional anomalous diffusion equation. Our aim is to develop numerical schemes for the original kinetic model which works for the different regimes, without being restricted by stability conditions of standard explicit time integrators. First, we propose some numerical schemes for the diffusion asymptotics; then, their extension to the anomalous diffusion limit is studied. In this case, it is crucial to capture the effect of the large velocities of the heavy-tailed equilibrium, so that some important transformations of the schemes derived for the diffusion asymptotics are needed. As a result, we obtain numerical schemes which enjoy the Asymptotic Preserving property in the anomalous diffusion limit, that is: they do not suffer from the restriction on the time step and they degenerate towards the fractional diffusion limit when the mean free path goes to zero. We also numerically investigate the uniform accuracy and construct a class of numerical schemes satisfying this property. Finally, the efficiency of the different numerical schemes is shown through numerical experiments

    Asymptotic preserving schemes for highly oscillatory kinetic equation

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    This work is devoted to the numerical simulation of a Vlasov-Poisson model describing a charged particle beam under the action of a rapidly oscillating external electric field. We construct an Asymptotic Preserving numerical scheme for this kinetic equation in the highly oscillatory limit. This scheme enables to simulate the problem without using any time step refinement technique. Moreover, since our numerical method is not based on the derivation of the simulation of asymptotic models, it works in the regime where the solution does not oscillate rapidly, and in the highly oscillatory regime as well. Our method is based on a "double-scale" reformulation of the initial equation, with the introduction of an additional periodic variable

    Asymptotic Preserving numerical schemes for multiscale parabolic problems

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    We consider a class of multiscale parabolic problems with diffusion coefficients oscillating in space at a possibly small scale ε\varepsilon. Numerical homogenization methods are popular for such problems, because they capture efficiently the asymptotic behaviour as ε0\varepsilon \rightarrow 0, without using a dramatically fine spatial discretization at the scale of the fast oscillations. However, known such homogenization schemes are in general not accurate for both the highly oscillatory regime ε0\varepsilon \rightarrow 0 and the non oscillatory regime ε1\varepsilon \sim 1. In this paper, we introduce an Asymptotic Preserving method based on an exact micro-macro decomposition of the solution which remains consistent for both regimes.Comment: 7 pages, to appear in C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris; Ser.

    Asymptotic preserving schemes for the Wigner-Poisson-BGK equations in the diffusion limit

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    International audienceThis work focusses on the numerical simulation of the Wigner-Poisson-BGK equation in the diffusion asymptotics. Our strategy is based on a ''micro-macro" decomposition, which leads to a system of equations that couple the macroscopic evolution (diffusion) to a microscopic kinetic contribution for the fluctuations. A semi-implicit discretization provides a numerical scheme which is stable with respect to the small parameter ε\varepsilon (mean free path) and which possesses the following properties: (i) it enjoys the asymptotic preserving property in the diffusive limit; (ii) it recovers a standard discretization of the Wigner-Poisson equation in the collisionless regime. Numerical experiments confirm the good behaviour of the numerical scheme in both regimes. The case of a spatially dependent ε(x)\varepsilon(x) is also investigated