683 research outputs found

    On Introducing Built-In Test for Software Components in AADL Models

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    International audienceThis paper presents preliminary ideas to include a kind of built-in self-test for systems embedded software components. The study promotes contract-based testing applied to AADL modeling of hardware/software systems. The aim is first to help evaluating the testability of software components embedded in such systems, and next to improve the integration step, especially in the context of COTS design and development. We introduce an architecture to include a generic test system inside an AADL model, and then test specifications to handle the testing process. The paper exposes the main ideas of the proposed approach and its modeling but no implementation work. Next stage is an implementation work to assess the feasibility and the benefits of the proposed approach

    Une plate-forme pour le test de cartes hybrides

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    National audienceNous prĂ©sentons une mĂ©thode ainsi qu'une architecture et les premiĂšres briques d'une plate-forme pour le test de cartes hybrides. L'accent est mis sur la modĂ©lisation fonctionnelle des cartes et sur les stratĂ©gies de test fonctionnel dĂ©veloppĂ©es pour le test en maintenance. Ces stratĂ©gies s'expriment en termes de contraintes et leur mise en Ɠuvre repose sur la programmation logique par contraintes. Pour finir, nous Ă©voquons une Ă©tude de cas industrielle, puis l'Ă©tat d'avancement actuel de la plate-forme et ses Ă©volutions futures sont discutĂ©es

    Timed Functional Modeling for Mixed-Signal Boards in Maintenance Testing

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    International audienceIn the context of maintenance testing and diagnosis of faulty boards, a functional FSM (Finite State Machine)- based model for mixed-signal boards has been introduced in a precedent paper. It has been extended for dealing with time sequences aspects. In this paper, the new modeling technique is presented

    Validation of a Mixed-Signal Board ATPG Method

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    International audienceThis paper presents the validation protocol of a mixed-signal board ATPG method. First results confirm the method fitting well with maintenance test, board modeling stage adequacy and test data generation reliability. The essential need for user-defined dedicated test strategies is highlighted in order to ensure meaningful test process and full blackbox test

    Towards a Formal Approach for the Regeneration of PILOT Control System

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    International audiencePILOT (Programming and Interpreted Language Of actions for Telerobotics) is a high level language dedicated to the remote control of systems. Our team has built a complete control system for PILOT, which comprises six main modules: a human−machine interface, an interpreter, a rules generator, an evaluator, an execution module and a communication server. In this paper, we focus on the interpreter which is one of the most important parts of the system. For the initial release of the control system software, the main goal was to have a working environment in order to validate the concepts of the language PILOT. The various modules of the control system have been modeled by finite state automata and the code has been written manually. Although the experimentation carried out with the first release of the control system highlighted the benefits of PILOT for the control of mobile robots such as the robot MARC'H built by our team, some malfunctions were observed in the software and particularly in the interpreter. This paper aims at presenting the work performed, essentially based on testing, in order to detect and to correct software errors into the interpreter, at both conceptual and implementation levels. It ends by our ongoing work related to the use of Petri nets for modeling and testing the interpreter algorithms, the final goal being the generation of safe programs from "validated" models

    Validation of a Mixed-Signal Board ATPG Method: The TCB case study

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    We present the validation protocol of our mixed-signal board ATPG method. First results confirm the method fitting well with maintenance test, board modeling stage adequacy and test data generation reliability. The essential need for user-defined dedicated test strategies is highlighted in order to ensure meaningful test process and full blackbox test

    Implementing an Automatic Functional Test Pattern Generation for Mixed-Signal Boards in a Maintenance Context

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    International audienceIn this paper, we present in the context of mixed-signal board maintenance testing, language and implementation aspects of an automatic functional test pattern generation approach. The goal is to help maintenance test engineers. Our modeling method for mixed-signal boards and their components is presented and the languages proposed for modeling are described. The implementation of our test data generation process based on constraint logic programming is discussed. The application to a simple board is shown and the tool Copernicia developed in the context of our work is presented

    Programs, Properties, and Data: Exploring the Software Development Trilogy

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    International audienceSoftware development usually involves a collection of properties, programs and data as input or output documents. Putting these three kinds of documents at the vertices of a triangle, one sees that all three sides of the triangle have been exploited in formal methods, and that they have often been used in both directions. However, richer combinations have seldom been envisaged, and formal methods often amount to a strict orientation of the figure by imposing functional dependencies (e.g., infering test cases from specifications). Moreover, undecidability problems arise when properties are expressed in full predicate logic (or similar formalisms) or programs are written in Turing-equivalent programming languages. We advocate that (1) formal methods should provide more flexible ways to exploit the developer's knowledge and offer a variety of possibilities to construct programs, properties and test data and (2) it is worth restricting the power of logic formalisms and programming languages for the benefit of mechanization. We go one step in this direction, and present a formal method for generating test cases that combines techniques from abstract interpretation (program->property) and testing (program+property->test data), and takes inspiration from automated learning (test generation via a testing bias). The crucial property of the test suites generated this way is that they are robust with respect to a test objective formalized as a property. In other words, if a program passes the test suite, then it is guaranteed to satisfy the property. As this process leads to decision problems in very restricted formalisms, it can be fully mechanized

    Modeling and Generation of Test Patterns for Mixed-Signal Boards: Dealing With Basic Signals

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    International audienceIn the context of maintenance testing and diagnosis of faulty boards, a functional FSM (Finite State Machine)-based model for mixed-signal board has been introduced. The board is broken down into interconnected functional blocks. Each block has an associated functional model which describes its behavior and a test model which specifies how the block can be efficiently tested. A test model for a block is created by merging its functional model and a chosen test strategy. The board checking consists in testing each block individually using its test model and functional models of other blocks. Test patterns for a component are generated by covering the transitions of its test model and propagation to primary inputs/outputs through functional models of other blocks. The board test data set is built by using the test patterns for all the blocks of the board. The current improvement of the method deals with basic signals

    Timed Functional Modeling for Mixed-Signal Boards in Maintenance Testing: A Case Study

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    In the context of maintenance testing and diagnosis of faulty boards, a functional FSM (Finite State Machine)- based model for mixed-signal boards has been introduced in a precedent paper. It has been extended for dealing with time sequences aspects. In this paper, the new modeling technique is presented
