335 research outputs found

    Self-organization of intrinsically disordered proteins with folded N-termini

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    Thousands of human proteins lack recognizable tertiary structure in most of their chains. Here we hypothesize that some use their structured N-terminal domains (SNTDs) to organise the remaining protein chain via intramolecular interactions, generating partially structured proteins. This model has several attractive features: as protein chains emerge, SNTDs form spontaneously and serve as nucleation points, creating more compact shapes. This reduces the risk of protein degradation or aggregation. Moreover, an interspersed pattern of SNTD-docked regions and free loops can coordinate assembly of sub-complexes in defined loop-sections and enables novel regulatory mechanisms, for example through posttranslational modifications of docked regions

    “Fuzzy time”, a Solution of Unexpected Hanging Paradox (a Fuzzy interpretation of Quantum Mechanics)

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    Although Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy Mathematics is a widespread subject and there is a vast literature about it, yet the use of Fuzzy issues like Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy numbers was relatively rare in time concept. This could be seen in the Fuzzy time series. In addition, some attempts are done in fuzzing Turing Machines but seemingly there is no need to fuzzy time. Throughout this article, we try to change this picture and show why it is helpful to consider the instants of time as Fuzzy numbers. In physics, though there are revolutionary ideas on the time concept like B theories in contrast to A theory also about central concepts like space, momentum… it is a long time that these concepts are changed, but time is considered classically in all well-known and established physics theories. Seemingly, we stick to the classical time concept in all fields of science and we have a vast inertia to change it. Our goal in this article is to provide some bases why it is rational and reasonable to change and modify this picture. Here, the central point is the modified version of “Unexpected Hanging” paradox as it is described in "Is classical Mathematics appropriate for theory of Computation".This modified version leads us to a contradiction and based on that it is presented there why some problems in Theory of Computation are not solved yet. To resolve the difficulties arising there, we have two choices. Either “choosing” a new type of Logic like “Para-consistent Logic” to tolerate contradiction or changing and improving the time concept and consequently to modify the “Turing Computational Model”. Throughout this paper, we select the second way for benefiting from saving some aspects of Classical Logic. In chapter 2, by applying quantum Mechanics and Schrodinger equation we compute the associated fuzzy number to time

    “Fuzzy time”, from paradox to paradox (Does it solve the contradiction between Quantum Mechanics & General Relativity?)

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    Although Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy Mathematics is a widespread subject and there is a vast literature about it, yet the use of Fuzzy issues like Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy numbers was relatively rare in time concept. This could be seen in the Fuzzy time series. In addition, some attempts are done in fuzzing Turing Machines but seemingly there is no need to fuzzy time. Throughout this article, we try to change this picture and show why it is helpful to consider the instants of time as Fuzzy numbers. In physics, though there are revolutionary ideas on the time concept like B theories in contrast to A theory also about central concepts like space, momentum… it is a long time that these concepts are changed, but time is considered classically in all well-known and established physics theories. Seemingly, we stick to the classical time concept in all fields of science and we have a vast inertia to change it. Our goal in this article is to provide some bases why it is rational and reasonable to change and modify this picture. Here, the central point is the modified version of “Unexpected Hanging” paradox as it is described in "Is classical Mathematics appropriate for theory of Computation".This modified version leads us to a contradiction and based on that it is presented there why some problems in Theory of Computation are not solved yet. To resolve the difficulties arising there, we have two choices. Either “choosing” a new type of Logic like “Para-consistent Logic” to tolerate contradiction or changing and improving the time concept and consequently to modify the “Turing Computational Model”. Throughout this paper, we select the second way for benefiting from saving some aspects of Classical Logic. In chapter 2, by applying quantum Mechanics and Schrodinger equation we compute the associated fuzzy number to time. These, provides a new interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.More exactly what we see here is "Particle-Fuzzy time" interpretation of quantum Mechanics, in contrast to some other interpretations of Quantum Mechanics like " Wave-Particle" interpretation. At the end, we propound a question about the possible solution of a paradox in Physics, the contradiction between General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics

    Generation of focusing ion beams by magnetized electron sheath acceleration.

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    We present the first 3D fully kinetic simulations of laser driven sheath-based ion acceleration with a kilotesla-level applied magnetic field. The application of a strong magnetic field significantly and beneficially alters sheath based ion acceleration and creates two distinct stages in the acceleration process associated with the time-evolving magnetization of the hot electron sheath. The first stage delivers dramatically enhanced acceleration, and the second reverses the typical outward-directed topology of the sheath electric field into a focusing configuration. The net result is a focusing, magnetic field-directed ion source of multiple species with strongly enhanced energy and number. The predicted improvements in ion source characteristics are desirable for applications and suggest a route to experimentally confirm magnetization-related effects in the high energy density regime. We additionally perform a comparison between 2D and 3D simulation geometry, on which basis we predict the feasibility of observing magnetic field effects under experimentally relevant conditions

    Cambio tecnológico y conflicto político en la producción de medicamentos en la Argentina en las décadas de 1930 y1940

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    La evolución de la industria en las décadas de la sustitución de importaciones sigue planteando interrogantes que estimulan el retomo a las fuentes documentales en búsqueda de respuesta. Conocemos el alcance de la categoría "industria de interés nacional" para la manufactura local en la etapa peronista; pero ¿qué significado tuvo la misma cuando se otorgaba esta franquicia a grandes empresas multinacionales en el contexto del Primer Plan Quinquenal? En Argentina la producción de este medicamento constituyó un objetivo político y económico para el Estado en la segunda mitad de la década de 1940. La elaboración de remedios involucraba a la salud de la población generando tensiones entre lo público y lo privado; al mismo tiempo que los problemas tecnológicos y de escala enfrentaban los intereses de los laboratorios nacionales y extranjeros. Tanto en el caso de la penicilina como la estreptomicina, el gobierno nacional favoreció la instalación de laboratorios extranjeros. Esta medida de Perón es cuanto menos curiosa por haberse implementado en plena etapa antiimperialista de su gobierno ¿Cuáles fueron los móviles de tal decisión?, ¿se podría explicar en el contexto de la política social de salud impulsada por el Dr. Ramón Carrillo?, ¿los laboratorios nacionales estaban en condiciones de obtener la última tecnología?, o bien, ¿la excusa de las nuevas tecnologías permitía castigar a empresarios antiperonistas? En el presente trabajo se estudiarán las diferentes tecnologías de producción conocidas en la época para conocer las ventajas y desventajas de cada una de ellas; al mismo tiempo se analizarán las leyes y decretos gubernamentales que permitieron la importación de equipos sofisticados y materia prima libre de franquicias a algunos laboratorios. Finalmente se intentará conocer la versión de las empresas que participaron en aquel conflicto con el objetivo de reproducir las vicisitudes de las relaciones gobierno empresarios en un período determinado del desarrollo industrial farmacéutico argentino.Fil: Pfeiffer, Ana. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Fil: Campis, Mónica. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina

    Per Ambrogio Bon: un documento inedito e un nuovo dipinto

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    The personality of Ambrogio Bon, perhaps Johann Carl Loth’s closest collaborator, raised the interest of various scholars in recent years, who tried to focus his profile in relation to that of his more famous master, but the scarcity of documents and works has so far confined him in the role of a minor artist, not yet well defined. The present contribution reveals the date of his death, hitherto unknown, and adds a new work to his catalogue, an interesting altarpiece depicting “San Filippo Neri kneeling in front of the Virgin and Child”, kept in the Venetian church of San Giuseppe di Castello, which can be put alongside the few certain works of the painter

    Catálogo de salmos eborenses da segunda metade do século XVIII: compositores e instrumentação

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    Este documento retrata os principais dados resultantes do projecto de investigação “O enquadramento da Sé de Évora e da sua música sacra: o caso dos salmos concertados presentes no Arquivo da Sé de Évora na segunda metade do século XVIII e primeiras décadas do século XIX”, produto das pesquisas e investigações levadas a cabo no Doutoramento em Música e Musicologia da Universidade de Évora