17 research outputs found

    Género y danza: concepciones del profesorado de música en Educación Primaria

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    Existe una especie de código de comportamiento en el imaginario colectivo que lleva a hombres y mujeres a actuar de una determinada forma en función del contexto en el que se encuentran. El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido conocer la concepción que el profesorado de Educación Primaria tiene acerca de género y analizar las posibles relaciones que existen entre este y la danza en contextos educativos. Se ha diseñado una investigación analítica de corte cuantitativa, en la que se contó con un total de 81 participantes. Los resultados revelaron que la mayoría del profesorado encuestado no presentaba una concepción estereotipada de género, aunque no todos y todas eran conscientes de que la danza es un reflejo de los estereotipos presentes en la sociedad. Asimismo, las profesoras participantes mostraron una mayor consideración de la danza como actividad femenina frente a los profesores

    Human DNA decays faster with time than viral dsDNA: an analysis on HPV16 using pathology archive samples spanning 85 years

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    Background: Quality of the nucleic acids extracted from Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded (FFPE) samples largely depends on pre-analytic, fixation and storage conditions. We assessed the differential sensitivity of viral and human double stranded DNA (dsDNA) to degradation with storage time. Methods: We randomly selected forty-four HPV16-positive invasive cervical cancer (ICC) FFPE samples collected between 1930 and 1935 and between 2000 and 2004. We evaluated through qPCR the amplification within the same sample of two targets of the HPV16 L1 gene (69 bp, 134 bp) compared with two targets of the human tubulin-β gene (65 bp, 149 bp). Results: Both viral and human, short and long targets were amplified from all samples stored for 15 years. In samples archived for 85 years, we observed a significant decrease in the ability to amplify longer targets and this difference was larger in human than in viral DNA: longer fragments were nine times (CI 95% 2.6-35.2) less likely to be recovered from human DNA compared with 1.6 times (CI 95% 1.1-2.2) for viral DNA. Conclusions: We conclude that human and viral DNA show a differential decay kinetics in FFPE samples. The faster degradation of human DNA should be considered when assessing viral DNA prevalence in long stored samples, as HPV DNA detection remains a key biomarker of viral-associated transformation

    Eurogin Roadmap 2017: triage strategies for the management of HPV-positive women in cervical screening programmes

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    Cervical cancer screening will rely, increasingly, on HPV testing as a primary screen. The requirement for triage tests which can delineate clinically significant infection is thus prescient. In this EUROGIN 2017 roadmap, justification behind the most evidenced triages is outlined, as are challenges for implementation. Cytology is the triage with the most follow-up data; the existence of an HR-HPV-positive, cytology-negative group presents a challenge and retesting intervals for this group (and choice of retest) require careful consideration. Furthermore, cytology relies on subjective skills and while adjunctive dual-staining with p16/Ki67 can mitigate inter-operator/-site disparities, clinician-taken samples are required. Comparatively, genotyping and methylation markers are objective and are applicable to self-taken samples, offering logistical advantages including in low and middle income settings. However, genotyping may have diminishing returns in immunised populations and type(s) included must balance absolute risk for disease to avoid low specificity. While viral and cellular methylation markers show promise, more prospective data are needed in addition to refinements in automation. Looking forward, systems that detect multiple targets concurrently such as next generation sequencing platforms will inform the development of triage tools. Additionally, multistep triage strategies may be beneficial provided they do not create complex, unmanageable pathways. Inevitably, the balance of risk to cost(s) will be key in decision making, although defining an acceptable risk will likely differ between settings. Finally, given the significant changes to cervical screening and the variety of triage strategies, appropriate education of both health care providers and the public is essential

    Teachers, dance and gender : methodological implications in the music classroom

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    El objetivo principal de este estudio ha sido conocer y analizar cuáles son los planteamientos metodológicos del profesorado de Educación Primaria durante la práctica de actividades de danza desde una perspectiva de género. Se llevó a cabo una investigación analítica de corte cuantitativo transversal en la que han participado 81 docentes de música de Educación Primaria. Para la recogida de la información se diseñó un cuestionario ad hoc estructurado en dos secciones: la primera de ellas hacía referencia a datos identificativos y de experiencia docente, mientras que la segunda contenía preguntas relacionadas con la metodología que empleaba el profesorado durante las actividades de danza. Para el análisis de datos se ha utilizado la estadística exploratoria para un análisis descriptivo de las variables y estadística confirmatoria para realizar un análisis univariado, bivariado y multivariado. Los resultados revelan que el personal docente con más experiencia muestra un enfoque metodológico más sensible a las cuestiones de género. En relación con el género de las personas encuestadas, se ha observado que las maestras promueven la danza libre y creativa a un nivel superior de lo que lo hacen los maestros, si bien son ellas a su vez, las que tienen una mayor consideración de la danza como actividad femeninaThe main objective of this study was to know and analyze the methodological approaches of primary school teachers during the practice of dance activities from a gender perspective. A cross-sectional quantitative analytical research was carried out with the participation of 81 primary school music teachers. For the collection of information, an ad hoc questionnaire was designed and structured in two sections: the first one referred to identification data and teaching experience, while the second one contained questions related to the methodology used by teachers during the dance activities. For data analysis, exploratory statistics were used for a descriptive analysis of the variables and confirmatory statistics for univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis. The results reveal that the more experienced teachers show a more gender-sensitive methodological approach. In relation to the gender of the respondents, it has been observed that female teachers promote free and creative dance at a higher level than male teachers, although they in turn are more likely to consider dance to be feminin

    Revista interuniversitaria de formación del profesorado

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónTítulo, resumen y palabras clave en español e inglésSe analizan los planteamientos metodológicos del profesorado de Educación Primaria durante la práctica de actividades de danza desde una perspectiva de género. Se llevó a cabo una investigación analítica de corte cuantitativo transversal en la que han participado 81 docentes de música de Educación Primaria. Para la recogida de la información se diseñó un cuestionario ad hoc estructurado en dos secciones: la primera de ellas hacía referencia a datos identificativos y de experiencia docente, mientras que la segunda contenía preguntas relacionadas con la metodología que empleaban los/las participantes durante las actividades de danza. Para el análisis de datos se ha utilizado la estadística exploratoria para un análisis descriptivo de las variables y estadística confirmatoria para realizar un análisis univariado, bivariado y multivariado. Los resultados revelan que el profesorado con más experiencia muestra un enfoque metodológico más sensible a las cuestiones de género. En relación con el género de los/las participantes, se ha observado que las maestras promueven la danza libre y creativa a un nivel superior de lo que lo hacen los maestros, si bien son ellas a su vez, las que tienen una mayor consideración de la danza como actividad femenina.ES

    Género y danza: concepciones del profesorado de música en Educación Primaria: [Gender and dance: conceptions of Primary Education music teachers]

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    There is a kind of code of behavior in the collective imagination that leads men and women to act in a certain way according to the context in which they find themselves. The objective of this work has been to know the conception of Primary School teachers about gender and to analyze the possible relations that exist between it and dance in educational contexts. It has been designed a quantitative analytical research in which there were a total of 81 participants. The results revealed that most teachers surveyed did not have a stereotypical conception of gender, although not all were aware that dance is a reflection of the stereotypes present in society. Likewise, the participating female teachers showed a greater consideration of dance as a female activity compared to male teachers.Existe una especie de código de comportamiento en el imaginario colectivo que lleva a hombres y mujeres a actuar de una determinada forma en función del contexto en el que se encuentran. El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido conocer la concepción que el profesorado de Educación Primaria tiene acerca de género y analizar las posibles relaciones que existen entre este y la danza en contextos educativos. Se ha diseñado una investigación analítica de corte cuantitativa, en la que se contó con un total de 81 participantes. Los resultados revelaron que la mayoría del profesorado encuestado no presentaba una concepción estereotipada de género, aunque no todos y todas eran conscientes de que la danza es un reflejo de los estereotipos presentes en la sociedad. Asimismo, las profesoras participantes mostraron una mayor consideración de la danza como actividad femenina frente a los profesores

    Áreas de libre configuración para aulas abiertas y centros de educación especial

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    Formato web de la publicaciónResultado de un proyecto de formación del CPR de la Región de Murcia (2014/15), esta obra pretende la creación de una propuesta curricular específica para aulas abiertas y centros de Educación Especial que integre el aprendizaje y desarrollo de la lectoescritura, y la adquisición y desarrollo de las capacidades relacionales/intersubjetivas y mentalistas, a través de dos asignaturas de libre configuración en Educación Primaria, y que pueden ayudarnos a mejorar la calidad de la atención educativa a este alumnado. El Área de Lectura Comprensiva integra el principio de alfabetización emergente y amplía el concepto lectoescritura a la interpretación y uso comunicativo de todo tipo de información visual para la transmisión de información y comunicación. El Área de Educación Socio-Emocional es una propuesta que da cabida a las capacidades que los niños van adquiriendo desde el comienzo de su vida hasta los cinco años aproximadamente, a través de cuatro bloques de contenido jerarquizados.Consejería de Educación, Juventud y Deportes; Servicio de Publicaciones y Estadística; Avda. La Fama, 15; Murcia 30006; Teléfono 968 279842; www.educarm.es/publicacionesES

    HPV16 variants distribution in invasive cancers of the cervix, vulva, vagina, penis, and anus

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    International audienceHuman papillomavirus (HPV)16 is the most oncogenic human papillomavirus, responsible for most papillomavirus‐induced anogenital cancers. We have explored by sequencing and phylogenetic analysis the viral variant lineages present in 692 HPV16‐monoinfected invasive anogenital cancers from Europe, Asia, and Central/South America. We have assessed the contribution of geography and anatomy to the differential prevalence of HPV16 variants and to the nonsynonymous E6 T350G polymorphism. Most (68%) of the variance in the distribution of HPV16 variants was accounted for by the differential abundance of the different viral lineages. The most prevalent variant (above 70% prevalence) in all regions and in all locations was HPV16_A1‐3, except in Asia, where HPV16_A4 predominated in anal cancers. The differential prevalence of variants as a function of geographical origin explained 9% of the variance, and the differential prevalence of variants as a function of anatomical location accounted for less than 3% of the variance. Despite containing similar repertoires of HPV16 variants, we confirm the worldwide trend of cervical cancers being diagnosed significantly earlier than other anogenital cancers (early fifties vs. early sixties). Frequencies for alleles in the HPV16 E6 T350G polymorphism were similar across anogenital cancers from the same geographical origin. Interestingly, anogenital cancers from Central/South America displayed higher 350G allele frequencies also within HPV16_A1‐3 lineage compared with Europe. Our results demonstrate ample variation in HPV16 variants prevalence in anogenital cancers, which is partly explained by the geographical origin of the sample and only marginally explained by the anatomical location of the lesion, suggesting that tissue specialization is not essential evolutionary forces shaping HPV16 diversity in anogenital cancers

    Human DNA decays faster with time than viral dsDNA: an analysis on HPV16 using pathology archive samples spanning 85 years

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    International audienceBackground: Quality of the nucleic acids extracted from Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded (FFPE) samples largely depends on pre-analytic, fixation and storage conditions. We assessed the differential sensitivity of viral and human double stranded DNA (dsDNA) to degradation with storage time.Methods: We randomly selected forty-four HPV16-positive invasive cervical cancer (ICC) FFPE samples collected between 1930 and 1935 and between 2000 and 2004. We evaluated through qPCR the amplification within the same sample of two targets of the HPV16 L1 gene (69 bp, 134 bp) compared with two targets of the human tubulin-β gene (65 bp, 149 bp).Results: Both viral and human, short and long targets were amplified from all samples stored for 15 years. In samples archived for 85 years, we observed a significant decrease in the ability to amplify longer targets and this difference was larger in human than in viral DNA: longer fragments were nine times (CI 95% 2.6-35.2) less likely to be recovered from human DNA compared with 1.6 times (CI 95% 1.1-2.2) for viral DNA.Conclusions: We conclude that human and viral DNA show a differential decay kinetics in FFPE samples. The faster degradation of human DNA should be considered when assessing viral DNA prevalence in long stored samples, as HPV DNA detection remains a key biomarker of viral-associated transformation