240 research outputs found

    Propuesta de intervención didáctica sobre juegos tradicionales con materiales autoconstruidos

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    Este trabajo es una propuesta de intervención para desempeñar los juegos populares y deportes tradicionales de la comunidad de Castilla y León, mediante la utilización de materiales reciclados y autoconstruidos por docentes y alumnos. Es el desarrollo de una herramienta que ayuda al crecimiento del niño desde el ámbito motriz, centrándose principalmente en juegos que a través del lanzamiento estimulan la coordinación visiomotriz, la orientación espacial y las habilidades motrices. Además, debemos nombrar que la práctica de estos juegos promueve interrelación social y trasmite aspectos de la cultura popular. En cuanto al aspecto de la creación de su propio material con elementos de deshecho genera en los alumnos participación activa, motivación y el desarrollo de su creatividad, imaginación y compromiso social.This work consists in an intervention proposal to play the popular games and traditional sports of the community of Castilla y León, through the use of recycled and self-built materials by teachers and students. It is about the development of a tool that helps in the growth of the child from the motor field, focusing mainly on games that stimulate the throwing ability. In addition, we must mention that the practice of these games promotes adaptation to society and transmits aspects of popular culture. Regarding the aspect of creating their own material with waste elements, it generates active participation, motivation and the development of their creativity and imagination in the students.Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y CorporalGrado en Educación Primari

    Patogenicidad in vitro de cepas de Metarhizium anisopliae en Rhicephalus (Boophilus) microplus

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    Las garrapatas Rhicephalus (Boophilus) microplus representan un problema fuerte en los sistemas de producción bovina en el trópico húmedo mexicano. Para su control se aplican varios productos químicos con implicaciones negativas como bioresistencia, altos costos, impacto ambiental y riesgos en la salud de las personas por el consumo de leche y carne con residuos de los productos. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la patogenicidad in vitro de las cepas MM0801 y CD0804 de Metarhizium anisopliae sobre  garrapatas Rhicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Se evaluaron cinco concentraciones 3x104, 3x105, 3x106, 3x107, 2.6x108 de conidias por mililitro de M. anisopliae sobre garrapatas en estado adulto recolectadas vivas de bovino de la cuenca lechera de Catazajá, Chiapas, México. Las garrapatas fueron susceptibles al hongo entomopatogeno encontrando una mortalidad del 50 % donde la concentración letal media obtenida fue de 6.58 x 106 conidios/ml de la cepa MM0801. Se concluye que M. anisopliae influye en el grado de virulencia de la garrapata, lo cual puede ser una alternativa de control biológico de la garrapata en el trópico húmedo mexicano

    Evaluación de los atractivos naturales para el desarrollo del ecoturismo en la Región Huasteca de San Luis Potosí, México

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    This aims reveal the natural attractions suitable for ecotourism development in the Huas- teca region of the state of San Luis Potosi. This was sorted and classified natural tourism resources and, subsequently, differentiated levels of territorial units for the quantity and types of existing resources. Finally we discuss the elements to consider for community ecotourism project implemented in a territory whose municipal human development indexes show an ethnically heterogeneous context within such actions most be developed.El trabajo evalúa los atractivos naturales aptos para el desarrollo del ecoturismo en la región Huasteca del estado de San Luis Potosí. Para ello se clasificaron y ponderaron los recursos turísticos naturales y, posteriormente, se diferenciaron niveles de unidades terri- toriales por la cantidad y tipos de recursos existentes. Al final se discuten los elementos a considerar para el implemento de proyectos ecoturísticos comunitarios, en un territorio cuyos municipios evidencian índices de desarrollo humano y composición étnica heterogéneos, contexto en el que tales acciones deben desarrollarse

    Impacto en la mortalidad tras la implantación de una red de atención al infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST: Estudio IPHENAMIC

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    [Abstract] Introduction and objectives: Little is known about the impact of networks for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) care on the population. The objective of this study was to determine whether the PROGALIAM (Programa Gallego de Atención al Infarto Agudo de Miocardio) improved survival in northern Galicia. Methods: We collected all events coded as STEMI between 2001 and 2013. A total of 6783 patients were identified and divided into 2 groups: pre-PROGALIAM (2001-2005), with 2878 patients, and PROGALIAM (2006-2013), with 3905 patients. Results: In the pre-PROGALIAM period, 5-year adjusted mortality was higher both in the total population (HR, 1.22, 95%CI, 1.14-1.29; P <.001) and in each area (A Coruña: HR, 1.12; 95%CI, 1.02-1.23; P=.02; Lugo: HR, 1.34; 95%CI, 1.2-1.49; P <.001 and Ferrol: HR, 1.23; 95%CI, 1.1-1.4; P=.001). Before PROGALIAM, 5-year adjusted mortality was higher in the areas of Lugo (HR, 1.25; 95%CI, 1.05-1.49; P=.02) and Ferrol (HR, 1.32; 95%CI, 1.13-1.55; P=.001) than in A Coruña. These differences disappeared after the creation of the STEMI network (Lugo vs A Coruña: HR, 0.88; 95%CI, 0.72-1.06; P=.18, Ferrol vs A Coruña: HR, 1.04; 95%CI, 0.89-1.22; P=.58. Conclusions: For patients with STEMI, the creation of PROGALIAM in northern Galicia decreased mortality and increased equity in terms of survival both overall and in each of the areas where it was implemented. This study was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (Identifier: NCT02501070).[Resumen] Introducción y objetivos. Se sabe muy poco del impacto que las redes de atención del infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST (IAMCEST) tienen en la población. El objetivo de este estudio es averiguar si el PROGALIAM (Programa Gallego de Atención al Infarto Agudo de Miocardio) mejoró la supervivencia en la zona norte de Galicia. Métodos. Se recogieron todos los eventos codificados como IAMCEST entre 2001 y 2013. Se identificó a 6.783 pacientes, divididos en 2 grupos: pre-PROGALIAM (2001-2005), 2.878 pacientes, y PROGALIAM (2006-2013), 3.905 pacientes. Resultados. En la etapa pre-PROGALIAM, la mortalidad ajustada a 5 años fue superior tanto en la población total (HR = 1,22; IC95%, 1,14-1,29; p < 0,001), como en cada una de las áreas (A Coruña, HR = 1,12; IC95%, 1,02-1,23; p = 0,02; Lugo, HR = 1,34; IC95%, 1,2-1,49; p < 0,001, y Ferrol, HR = 1,23; IC95%, 1,1-1,4; p = 0,001). Antes del PROGALIAM, la mortalidad a 5 años en las áreas de Lugo (HR = 0,8; IC95%, 0,67-0,95; p = 0,02) y Ferrol (HR = 0,75; IC95%, 0,64-0,88; p = 0,001) era superior que en A Coruña. Estas diferencias desaparecieron tras el desarrollo de la red (Lugo comparado con A Coruña, HR = 0,88; IC95%, 0,72-1,06; p = 0,18; Ferrol comparado con A Coruña, HR = 1,04; IC95%, 0,89-1,22; p = 0,58. Conclusiones. El desarrollo del PROGALIAM en el área norte de Galicia disminuyó la mortalidad e incrementó la equidad de los pacientes con IAMCEST tanto en general como en cada una de las áreas donde se implantó. Estudio registrado en ClinicalTrials.gov (Identificador: NCT02501070)

    Rapid start-up and stable maintenance of the mainstream nitritation process based on the accumulation of free nitrous acid in a pilot-scale two-stage nitritation-anammox system

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    Two-stage partial nitritation (PN) and anammox (AMX) systems showed promising results for applying autotrophic nitrogen removal under mainstream conditions. In this study, a pilot-scale (600 L per reactor) two-stage PN/AMX system was installed in a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) provided with a high-rate activated sludge (HRAS) system for organic carbon removal. The PN/AMX system was operated without temperature control (ranging from 11 to 28 °C) and was subjected to the same variations in wastewater characteristics as the WWTP (22 to 63 mg NH4+- N/L). The developed strategy is simple, does not require the addition of chemicals and is characterised by short start-up periods. The PN process was established by applying a high hydraulic load and maintained by in situ accumulated free nitrous acid (FNA) of 0.015–0.2 mg HNO2-N/L. Based on pH value, a controlled aeration strategy was applied to achieve the target nitrite to ammonium ratio in the effluent (1.1 g NO2–-N/g NH4+-N) to feed the AMX reactor. Although NOB were not fully washed out from the system, nitrite accumulation remained (>99 %) stable with no evidence of NOB activity. In the AMX reactor, an overall nitrogen removal efficiency of 80 % was achieved. Regarding effluent quality, 12 ± 3 mg TN/L was obtained, but 5 mg NO3–-N/L was already in the HRAS effluent. The relative abundance of NOB showed a strong negative correlation with the FNA concentration, providing a good strategy for establishing PN under mainstream conditionsThis work has been financed by the European Commission (EU) through the LIFE project ZERO WASTE WATER (LIFE19 ENV/ES/000631), the Waterworks 2014 Cofounded Call (Water JPI/Horizon) through the Pioneer_STP (PCIN-2015-022 MINECO(AEI)/ID 199 (UE)) and by the Spanish Government (AEI) through GRANDSEA (CTM2014-55397-JIN), TREASURE (CTQ2017-83225-C2-1-R) and ECOPOLYVER (PID2020-112550RB-C21 and PID2020-112550RB-C22) projects. Alba Pedrouso also acknowledges the Xunta de Galicia (Spain) for her postdoctoral fellowship (ED481B-2021-041). Authors from the USC belong to the Galician Competitive Research Group (GRC D431C-2021/37)S

    Effects of exogenous enzymes and application method on nutrient intake, digestibility and growth performance of Pelibuey lambs

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    Pelibuey sheep is the main breed in the tropical and subtropical regions of Mexico, and high demand of sheep meat has favored the finishing of lambs in feedlots with diets containing high levels of grains. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of exogenous enzymes (EE) and application method on nutrient intake and digestibility and performance of growing Pelibuey lambs. Treatments were based on comparison of two different methods of adding an enzyme product (sprayed on the total mixed ration or applied orally to the lambs) versus control treatment (no added enzyme). Twenty-one Pelibuey lambs, weighing 15.7 kg (SD = 1.8 kg) initial body weight, were individually housed in shaded pens and assigned randomly to one of the three enzyme treatments. At the end of study (lasting for 45 days), three lambs from each treatment were randomly selected and adapted to a pants and harness designed for fecal collection to measure nutrient digestibilities. Total body gain and average daily gain were affected (P < 0.05) by supplemental EE. The application method of EE had significant (P < 0.05) effect on FCE and FCR, but no effects were observed on nutrient intake. Supplemental EE did improve (P < 0.05) the digestibilities of dry matter, organic matter, neutral and acid detergent fiber, but no differences were observed in crude protein digestibility. The application method of EE had significant (P < 0.05) effect on the digestibility of acid detergent fiber. Supplemental EE can improve body weight gain and nutrient digestibilities without affecting nutrient intake in Pelibuey lambs, but the results of feed conversion efficiency and acid detergent fiber digestibility depend on the application method used of the E

    Hidradenitis suppurativa: a review

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    Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory disorder that is characterized by recurrence, as well as the characteristic location of skin lesions. Patients usually develop very painful inflammatory nodules that generally end in the formation of multiple abscesses and fistulas that typically occur in the skin of the axillary, inguinal, buttock, and perianal folds. It significantly affects the quality of life of patients, leaving physical, economic and psychological sequelae. There is a wide therapeutic arsenal available, but each patient must be individualized and the best possible treatment determined. Early assessment and intensive treatment of the disease can prevent and even avoid significant sequelae and permanent deformities

    Current strategies for the reconstruction of the nipple-areola complex: a review

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    The reconstruction of the nipple-areola complex after a mastectomy is essential for the bio-psycho-social recovery of the patient, it is generally performed 4 to 6 months after surgery and there are multiple surgical reconstruction techniques depending on the experience of the surgeon and of the individual characteristics of the patients. The most widely used for its safety and for having shown the best results is the local flap technique combined with the use of autologous, alloplastic and allograft grafts. However, currently there is still no technique that shows long-term lasting results. For this reason, in this article we describe the five categories of reconstruction techniques for the nipple-areola complex that currently exist, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the lines of research in tissue engineering in which the world is working to find a therapeutic strategy that can reproduce a nipple-areola complex with the characteristics of the biologic.

    Biodegradable electrospun scaffolds for skin wound regeneration: a review

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    Over the years, skin substitutes have been sought as an alternative for the treatment of different pathologies. In this article, we focus on describing the use of different biodegradable nanofibrillar polymers as skin substitutes in the treatment of acute and chronic wounds, obtained by the electrospinning technique. Electrospinning is a tissue engineering technique used to generate nanofibers of different polymers that are characterized by having a high surface area, low molecular weight, high resistance rates, and nanoporosity, which is why they are particularly interesting for biomedicine, with potential applicability. in the replacement of skin and tubular organs. In this context, the skin created by tissue engineering has high expectations of application in the study of treatment of skin wounds