478 research outputs found

    African modern art and black cultural trauma

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    The thesis is an inquiry into modern art in sub-Saharan Africa, its genesis and initial stages during colonial rule and the early phase of independence, and into the impact on its trajectory of a black cultural trauma mainly caused by colonial oppression. The submitted documentation includes writings on 20th century African modernism published 1992-2009 in conjunction with two extensive, partly art practice-based projects, ‘Woman in the World’, 1984-86, and ‘Ethics of the Wound’, 2001-09. ‘Woman in the World’ was an in-residence project carried out in Denmark, Tanzania and India, which presented an open-ended form of research built upon listening to testimonies and on interaction between oral and visual communication. In this sense it laid the ground for a more academic investigation of psychiatric literature on trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder as well as of the cultural studies literature on trauma and cultural production, which had predominantly focused on trauma symptoms in literature and film. This research, culminating in ‘Ethics of the Wound’, was supported by observations derived from the author’s own trauma experience as an African-born woman artist in the diaspora, facilitating an extension of interdisciplinary cultural studies to the field of visual art. The art historical research into modern African art was initiated in 1992 with an extensive inventory of available literature in European archives and museums and followed up in 1995 with concentrated research in Nigeria and South Africa. In combination with in-depth studies of the Nigerian pioneering painter Aina Onabolu and the black South African artist Ezrom Legae it led to several insights. In the case study of Onabolu the thesis discusses in terms of a paradigm shift the crucial moment around 1900 in the changeover from pre-modern to modern art in West Africa, and in the Legae case study it presents an elaborated analysis of how, seventy years later, post-traumatic stress disorder inflicted by apartheid produced an extraordinary aesthetical tension. By studying the emergence of modern art in sub-Saharan Africa through the perspective of cultural trauma, the thesis identifies the dual role of colonialism as the context for acquiring new ideas on art and the obstacle to African subject-forming processes fundamental to modern art production

    Variational bounds on the energy dissipation rate in body-forced shear flow

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    A new variational problem for upper bounds on the rate of energy dissipation in body-forced shear flows is formulated by including a balance parameter in the derivation from the Navier-Stokes equations. The resulting min-max problem is investigated computationally, producing new estimates that quantitatively improve previously obtained rigorous bounds. The results are compared with data from direct numerical simulations.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Jahe Merah (Zingiber Officinale Var. Rubrum) Dalam Ransum Terhadap Laju Bobot Badan Dan Produksi Telur Ayam Kampung Periode Layer

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    This study was aimed to determined effect of red ginger meal in kampung chicken's diet on body weight and egg production maintained 6 weeks. Around 100 of kampung chicken at 24 weeks old with average weight 1532,25 + 175,92 g was placed in battrey cage were divide into 20 units and each unit consist of five kampung chickens. Feedstuffs used in this study were corn, rice bran, fishmeal, red ginger, white pollard, soybean meal and premix. Experimantal design used randomized block design (RBD) withh 5 treatments and 4 group: T0 (control) = ration treatment without red ginger; T1 = ration treatment with red ginger 0,25%; T2 = ration treatment with red ginger 0,5%; T3 = ration treatment with red ginger 0,75%, T4 = ration treatment with red ginger 1%. The data obtained were analyzed using various analytical procedures F-test with level 5%. The result showed that treatment with red ginger in diet not significantly (P>0,05) againts weight rate and egg production

    Variational bound on energy dissipation in plane Couette flow

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    We present numerical solutions to the extended Doering-Constantin variational principle for upper bounds on the energy dissipation rate in turbulent plane Couette flow. Using the compound matrix technique in order to reformulate this principle's spectral constraint, we derive a system of equations that is amenable to numerical treatment in the entire range from low to asymptotically high Reynolds numbers. Our variational bound exhibits a minimum at intermediate Reynolds numbers, and reproduces the Busse bound in the asymptotic regime. As a consequence of a bifurcation of the minimizing wavenumbers, there exist two length scales that determine the optimal upper bound: the effective width of the variational profile's boundary segments, and the extension of their flat interior part.Comment: 22 pages, RevTeX, 11 postscript figures are available as one uuencoded .tar.gz file from [email protected]

    In vitro analysis, an accurate tool to estimate dry matter digestibility in rabbits. Intra- and inter- laboratory variability

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    [EN] The aim of the present study was to determine the intra- and inter-laboratory variability of an enzymatic system of in vitro analysis for estimating dry matter (DM) digestibility in rabbits and validating the predicted nutritive value of 4 complete diets and 4 raw materials during three different periods of time. Chemical composition, DM digestibility and digestible energy (diets only) were known. In vitro DM digestibility (DMdinv) of all samples was determined by 4 laboratories (triplicate analysis) at different times with an interval of one month between analyses. DMdinv variability and chemical parameters were measured in terms of repeatability (SR: intra-series variability within each laboratory), reproducibility (SL: intra-series variability among laboratories) and reliability (SF: variability through time within each laboratory). Both the laboratory and sample affected DMdinv values (P<0.001). The period of time also had a significant effect (P=0.002) on mean DMdinv values (67.4, 66.8 and 67.0% for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd month, respectively). Significant laboratory x sample, time x laboratory and time x sample interaction effects were also observed. Repeatability, reproducibility and reliability values for the diets were better than those obtained for the raw materials (by 2.0, 1.9 and 2.4 times, respectively). Repeatability values were also better than the values obtained for reproducibility and reliability (by 2.2 and 3.6 times, respectively). Repeatability and reproducibility values were consistently worse for raw materials than for complete diets (by 1.5, 4, 2.9 and 1.3, 4.3, 2.8 times for SR and SL in period 1, period 2 and period 3, respectively), and were also worse in period 1 with respect to the other two periods (by 2.1 and 2.2 times for SR and SL, respectively). Finally, the in vitro method always showed better coefficients of variation of repeatability (CVR) and reproducibility (CVL) than those of the chemical parameters frequently used as predictors of dietary energy value (acid detergent fibre and crude fibre) (1.73 vs. 2.41 and 3.88 for CVR and 3.24 vs. 3.70 and 5.17 for CVL, respectively). In conclusion, the proposed in vitro methodology showed adequate repeatability and reproducibility, being suitable for predictive purposes.This research was supported by ERAFE project CE-FAIR (3-CT96-1651)Carabaño, R.; Nicodemus, N.; García, J.; Xiccato, G.; Trocino, A.; Pascual Amorós, JJ.; Falcão-E-Cunha, L.... (2008). In vitro analysis, an accurate tool to estimate dry matter digestibility in rabbits. Intra- and inter- laboratory variability. World Rabbit Science. 16(4). doi:10.4995/wrs.2008.614SWORD16

    The Optical Design and Characterization of the Microwave Anisotropy Probe

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    The primary goal of the MAP satellite, now in orbit, is to make high fidelity polarization sensitive maps of the full sky in five frequency bands between 20 and 100 GHz. From these maps we will characterize the properties of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy and Galactic and extragalactic emission on angular scales ranging from the effective beam size, <0.23 degree, to the full sky. MAP is a differential microwave radiometer. Two back-to-back shaped offset Gregorian telescopes feed two mirror symmetric arrays of ten corrugated feeds. We describe the prelaunch design and characterization of the optical system, compare the optical models to the measurements, and consider multiple possible sources of systematic error.Comment: ApJ in press; 22 pages with 11 low resolution figures; paper is available with higher quality figures at http://map.gsfc.nasa.gov/m_mm/tp_links.htm

    Biological effects of sodium phenylbutyrate and taurursodiol in Alzheimer's disease

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    INTRODUCTION: Sodium phenylbutyrate and taurursodiol (PB and TURSO) is hypothesized to mitigate endoplasmic reticulum stress and mitochondrial dysfunction, two of many mechanisms implicated in Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathophysiology. METHODS: The first‐in‐indication phase 2a PEGASUS trial was designed to gain insight into PB and TURSO effects on mechanistic targets of engagement and disease biology in AD. The primary clinical efficacy outcome was a global statistical test combining three endpoints relevant to disease trajectory (cognition [Mild/Moderate Alzheimer's Disease Composite Score], function [Functional Activities Questionnaire], and total hippocampal volume on magnetic resonance imaging). Secondary clinical outcomes included various cognitive, functional, and neuropsychiatric assessments. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers spanning multiple pathophysiological pathways in AD were evaluated in participants with both baseline and Week 24 samples (exploratory outcome). RESULTS: PEGASUS enrolled 95 participants (intent‐to‐treat [ITT] cohort); cognitive assessments indicated significantly greater baseline cognitive impairment in the PB and TURSO (n = 51) versus placebo (n = 44) group. Clinical efficacy outcomes did not significantly differ between treatment groups in the ITT cohort. CSF interleukin‐15 increased from baseline to Week 24 within the placebo group (n = 34). In the PB and TURSO group (n = 33), reductions were observed in core AD biomarkers phosphorylated tau‐181 (p‐tau181) and total tau; synaptic and neuronal degeneration biomarkers neurogranin and fatty acid binding protein‐3 (FABP3); and gliosis biomarker chitinase 3‐like protein 1 (YKL‐40), while the oxidative stress marker 8‐hydroxy‐2‐deoxyguanosine (8‐OHdG) increased. Between‐group differences were observed for the AÎČ42/40 ratio, p‐tau181, total tau, neurogranin, FABP3, YKL‐40, interleukin‐15, and 8‐OHdG. Additional neurodegeneration, inflammation, and metabolic biomarkers showed no differences between groups. DISCUSSION: While between‐group differences in clinical outcomes were not observed, most likely due to the small sample size and relatively short treatment duration, exploratory biomarker analyses suggested that PB and TURSO engages multiple pathophysiologic pathways in AD. Highlights: Proteostasis and mitochondrial stress play key roles in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Sodium phenylbutyrate and taurursodiol (PB and TURSO) targets these mechanisms. The PEGASUS trial was designed to assess PB and TURSO effects on biologic AD targets. PB and TURSO reduced exploratory biomarkers of AD and neurodegeneration. Supports further clinical development of PB and TURSO in neurodegenerative diseases

    Human ISL1+ ventricular progenitors self-assemble into an in vivo functional heart patch and preserve cardiac function post infarction

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    The generation of human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC)-derived ventricular progenitors and their assembly into a 3-dimensional in vivo functional ventricular heart patch has remained an elusive goal. Herein, we report the generation of an enriched pool of hPSC-derived ventricular progenitors (HVPs), which can expand, differentiate, self-assemble, and mature into a functional ventricular patch in vivo without the aid of any gel or matrix. We documented a specific temporal window, in which the HVPs will engraft in vivo. On day 6 of differentiation, HVPs were enriched by depleting cells positive for pluripotency marker TRA-1-60 with magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS), and 3 million sorted cells were sub-capsularly transplanted onto kidneys of NSG mice where, after 2 months, they formed a 7 mm x 3 mm x 4 mm myocardial patch resembling the ventricular wall. The graft acquired several features of maturation: expression of ventricular marker (MLC2v), desmosomes, appearance of T-tubule-like structures, and electrophysiological action potential signature consistent with maturation, all this in a non-cardiac environment. We further demonstrated that HVPs transplanted into un-injured hearts of NSG mice remain viable for up to 8 months. Moreover, transplantation of 2 million HVPs largely preserved myocardial contractile function following myocardial infarction. Taken together, our study reaffirms the promising idea of using progenitor cells for regenerative therapy.ERC AdG743225Swedish Research Council Distinguished Professor Grant Dnr 541-2013-8351The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW Dnr 2013.0028)Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme grant agreement No 647714Publishe

    Floods and health in Gambella region, Ethiopia: a qualitative assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of coping mechanisms

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    BACKGROUND: Floods are the most frequent and devastating type of natural disaster worldwide, causing unprecedented deaths, diseases, and destruction of property and crops. Flooding has a greater impact in developing countries due to lack of sufficient disaster management structures and a lack of economic resources. OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted with the aim of contributing to the knowledge base of development strategies that reduce flood-related health risks in developing countries. The study focused particularly on assessing the flood risks and health-related issues in the Gambella region of Ethiopia; with the intent of producing relevant information to assist with the improvements in the efficacy of the current flood coping strategies in the region. METHODS: Data were gathered through interviews with 14 officers from different government and non-governmental organizations and a questionnaire survey given to 35 flood victims in Itang woreda. A qualitative approach was applied and the data were analyzed using content analysis. RESULTS: It was found that flooding is a common problem in Gambella region. The findings also indicate that the flood frequency and magnitude has increased rapidly during the last decade. The increase in floods was driven mainly by climate change and changes in land use, specifically deforestation. The reported main impacts of flooding on human health in Gambella region were deaths, injuries, and diseases such as malaria and diarrhea. Another notable consequence of flooding was crop destruction and subsequent malnutrition. CONCLUSIONS: Three weaknesses that were identified in the current coping strategies for flood-related health impacts in Gambella region were a lack of flood-specific policy, absence of risk assessment, and weak institutional capacity. This study recommends new policy approaches that will increase the effectiveness of the current flood coping strategies to sustainably address the impact of flooding on human health
