26 research outputs found

    Ionenstrahlanalytik im Helium-Ionen-Mikroskop

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Implementierung ionenstrahlanalytischer Methoden zur Charakterisierung der Probenzusammensetzung in einem Helium-Ionen-Mikroskop mit einem auf unter einen Nanometer fokussierten Ionenstrahl. Zur Bildgebung wird dieser im Mikroskop ĂŒber ProbenoberflĂ€chen gerastert und die lokale Ausbeute an SekundĂ€relektronen gemessen. Obwohl sich damit ein hoher topografischer Kontrast erzeugen lĂ€sst, lassen sich weder aus der Ausbeute noch aus der Energieverteilung der SekundĂ€relektronen verlĂ€ssliche Aussagen zur chemischen Zusammensetzung der Probe treffen. Daher wurden in dieser Arbeit verschiedene ionenstrahlinduzierte SekundĂ€rteilchen hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung fĂŒr die Elementanalytik im Helium-Ionen-Mikroskop verglichen. Zur Evaluation standen der Informationsgehalt der Teilchen, deren Analysierbarkeit sowie deren verwertbare Ausbeute. Die Spektrometrie rĂŒckgestreuter Teilchen sowie die SekundĂ€rionen-Massenspektrometrie wurden dabei als die geeignetsten Methoden identifiziert und im Detail untersucht. Gegenstand der Untersuchung waren physikalische Limitierungen und Nachweisgrenzen der Methoden sowie deren Eignung zum Einbau in ein Helium-Ionen-Mikroskop. Dazu wurden verschiedene Konzepte von Spektrometern evaluiert, erprobt und hinsichtlich ihrer Effizienz, Energieauflösung und Umsetzbarkeit im Mikroskop bewertet. Die Flugzeitspektrometrie durch Pulsen des primĂ€ren Ionenstrahls konnte als die geeignetste Technik identifiziert werden und wurde erfolgreich in einem Helium-Ionen-Mikroskop implementiert. Der Messaufbau, die Signal- und Datenverarbeitung sowie vergleichende Simulationen werden detailliert beschrieben. Das Spektrometer wurde weiterhin ausfĂŒhrlich hinsichtlich Zeit-, Energie- und Massenauflösung charakterisiert. Es werden ortsaufgelöste RĂŒckstreuspektren vorgestellt und damit erstmalig die Möglichkeit zur Ionenstrahlanalytik im Helium-Ionen-Mikroskop auf einer GrĂ¶ĂŸenskala von ≀ 60 nm aufgezeigt. Das Pulsen des primĂ€ren Ionenstrahls erlaubt es zudem, die Technik der SekundĂ€rionen-Massenspektrometrie anzuwenden. Diese Methode bietet Informationen zur molekularen Probenzusammensetzung und erreicht fĂŒr einige Elemente niedrigere Nachweisgrenzen als die RĂŒckstreuspektrometrie. Damit konnten erstmalig im Helium-Ionen-Mikroskop gemessene SekundĂ€rionen-Massenspektren sowie die ortsaufgelöste Elementanalyse durch spektrometrierte SekundĂ€rionen demonstriert werden. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit sind in der Fachzeitschrift Ultramicroscopy Band 162 (2016) S. 91–97 veröffentlicht. Ab Oktober 2016 werden diese auch in Form eines Buchkapitels in dem Buch „Helium Ion Microscopy“, Springer Verlag Heidelberg zur VerfĂŒgung stehen.The present work describes the implementation of ion beam analysis methods in a helium-ion-microscope for the determination of sample compositions with a focused ion beam of < 1 nm size. Imaging in the microscope is realized by scanning the focused ion beam over the sample surface while measuring the local secondary electron yield. Although this procedure leads to a high topographical contrast, neither the yield nor the energy distribution of the secondary electrons deliver reliable information on the chemical composition of the sample. For this purpose, in this work different ion beam induced secondary particles were compared with respect to their suitability for the analysis of the chemical composition in the helium-ion-microscope. In particular the information content of the particles, their analysability and their yield were evaluated. As a result, the spectrometry of backscattered particles and the mass spectrometry of sputtered secondary ions were identified as the most promising methods and regarded in detail. The investigation focused on physical limitations and detection limits of the methods as well as their implementability into a helium-ion-microscope. Therefor various concepts of spectrometers were evaluated, tested and validated in terms of their efficiency, energy resolution and practicability in the microscope. Time-of-flight spectrometry by pulsing the primary ion beam could be identified as the most suitable technique and has been successfully implemented in a helium-ion-microscope. The measurement setup, signal processing and data handling as well as comparative simulations are described in detail. Further the spectrometer was characterized explicitly in terms of time, energy and mass resolution. Spatially resolved backscattering spectra will be shown demonstrating the feasibility of performing ion beam analysis in a helium-ion-microscope for the first time on a size scale of ≀ 60 nm. By pulsing the primary ion beam the technique of secondary ion mass spectrometry becomes automatically accessible. This method provides information on the molecular composition of samples and can reach higher detection limits than those from backscattering spectrometry. For the first time, in a helium-ion-microscope measured secondary ion mass spectra and spatially resolved elemental analysis by spectrometry of secondary ions, could be demonstrated. The results of this work are published 2016 in the scientific journal Ultramicroscopy, volume 162 on pages 91 to 971. In October 2016 there will be another publication as a book chapter in „Helium Ion Microscopy“ (publisher: Springer Verlag Heidelberg)

    Quantitative nanoscale imaging using transmission He ion channelling contrast: Proof-of-concept and application to study isolated crystalline defects

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    A newly developed microscope prototype, namely npSCOPE, consisting of a Gas Field Ion Source (GFIS) column and a position sensitive Delay-line Detector (DLD) was used to perform Scanning Transmission Ion Microscopy (STIM) using keV He+ ions. One experiment used 25 keV ions and a second experiment used 30 keV ions. STIM imaging of a 50 nm thick free-standing gold membrane exhibited excellent contrast due to ion channelling and revealed rich microstructural features including isolated nanoscale twin bands which matched well with the contrast in the conventional ion-induced Secondary Electron (SE) imaging mode. Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction (TKD) and Backscattered Electron (BSE) imaging were performed on the same areas to correlate and confirm the microstructural features observed in STIM. Monte Carlo simulations of the ion and electron trajectories were performed with parameters similar to the experimental conditions to derive insights related to beam broadening and its effect in the degradation of transmission image resolution. For the experimental conditions used, STIM imaging showed a lateral resolution close to30 nm. Dark twin bands in bright grains as well as bright twin bands in dark grains were observed in STIM. Some of the twin bands were invisible in STIM. For the specific experimental conditions used, the ion transmission efficiency across a particular twin band was found to decrease by a factor of 2.8. Surprisingly, some grains showed contrast reversal when the Field of View (FOV) was changed indicating the sensitivity of the channelling contrast to even small changes in illumination conditions. These observations are discussed using ion channelling conditions and crystallographic orientations of the grains and twin bands. This study demonstrates for the first time the potential of STIM imaging using keV He+ ions to quantitatively investigate channelling in nanoscale structures including isolated crystalline defects

    Universal radiation tolerant semiconductor

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    Radiation tolerance is determined as the ability of crystalline materials to withstand the accumulation of the radiation induced disorder. Nevertheless, for sufficiently high fluences, in all by far known semiconductors it ends up with either very high disorder levels or amorphization. Here we show that gamma/beta double polymorph Ga2O3 structures exhibit remarkably high radiation tolerance. Specifically, for room temperature experiments, they tolerate a disorder equivalent to hundreds of displacements per atom, without severe degradations of crystallinity; in comparison with, e.g., Si amorphizable already with the lattice atoms displaced just once. We explain this behavior by an interesting combination of the Ga- and O- sublattice properties in gamma-Ga2O3. In particular, O-sublattice exhibits a strong recrystallization trend to recover the face-centered-cubic stacking despite the stronger displacement of O atoms compared to Ga during the active periods of cascades. Notably, we also explained the origin of the beta-to-gamma Ga2O3 transformation, as a function of the increased disorder in beta-Ga2O3 and studied the phenomena as a function of the chemical nature of the implanted atoms. As a result, we conclude that gamma/beta double polymorph Ga2O3 structures, in terms of their radiation tolerance properties, benchmark a class of universal radiation tolerant semiconductors

    Wafer-scale nanofabrication of telecom single-photon emitters in silicon

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    A highly promising route to scale millions of qubits is to use quantum photonic integrated circuits (PICs), where deterministic photon sources, reconfigurable optical elements, and single-photon detectors are monolithically integrated on the same silicon chip. The isolation of single-photon emitters, such as the G centers and W centers, in the optical telecommunication O-band, has recently been realized in silicon. In all previous cases, however, single-photon emitters were created uncontrollably in random locations, preventing their scalability. Here, we report the controllable fabrication of single G and W centers in silicon wafers using focused ion beams (FIB) with high probability. We also implement a scalable, broad-beam implantation protocol compatible with the complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology to fabricate single telecom emitters at desired positions on the nanoscale. Our findings unlock a clear and easily exploitable pathway for industrial-scale photonic quantum processors with technology nodes below 100 nm