2,953 research outputs found

    Time requirements for administrative activities; an investigation into firm size effects

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    This paper examines the assumption that activity time is independent of firm size (measured by the number of employees). Existing theories on (dis)economies of scale and scope and wage differentials are unclear on what to expect. For relatively complex activities such as becoming familiar with information obligations or checking agreements and declarations, the activity time might be related to the number of employees. For activities such as receiving, copying and sending information and documents, no theoretical arguments have been identified that suggest a firm-size effect. For the empirical examination of the existence of a relationship between firm size and activity time, data is used that were gathered in two projects applying the MISTRAL approach. This results in a dataset with information on many different activities, with only a few observations for each activity. By using a relative measure for activity time, observations for different activities can be combined in the analysis. To this end, relative activity time is defined as the ratio between the measured activity time and the standardized activity time for a certain activity. The empirical results suggest that, within the examined policy areas, firm size has no noticeable relationship with activity times. First of all, there exists no significant difference in average relative activity time between firms of different size classes. There are also no significant correlations between these variables. Next, these results are confirmed by regression analysis, where relative activity time is estimated as a function of firm size and other variables that might be of influence on activity time (such as experience of employees, the presence of a specific department for administrative activities, and whether additional adaptations and/or computations are required for a specific activity). Relative activity time tends to be higher for activities that require additional adaptations, but is independent of the size of the firm.

    Increased salinity improves the thermotolerance of mesophilic nitrification

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    Nitrification is a well-studied and established process to treat ammonia in wastewater. Although thermophilic nitrification could avoid cooling costs for the treatment of warm wastewaters, applications above 40 A degrees C remain a significant challenge. This study tested the effect of salinity on the thermotolerance of mesophilic nitrifying sludge (34 A degrees C). In batch tests, 5 g NaCl L-1 increased the activity of aerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AerAOB) by 20-21 % at 40 and 45 A degrees C. For nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB), the activity remained unaltered at 40 A degrees C, yet decreased by 83 % at 45 A degrees C. In a subsequent long-term continuous reactor test, temperature was increased from 34 to 40, 42.5, 45, 47.5 and 50 A degrees C. The AerAOB activity showed 65 and 37 % higher immediate resilience in the salt reactor (7.5 g NaCl L-1) for the first two temperature transitions and lost activity from 45 A degrees C onwards. NOB activity, in contrast to the batch tests, was 37 and 21 % more resilient in the salt reactor for the first two transitions, while no difference was observed for the third temperature transition. The control reactor lost NOB activity at 47.5 A degrees C, while the salt reactor only lost activity at 50 A degrees C. Overall, this study demonstrates salt amendment as a tool for a more efficient temperature transition for mesophilic sludge (34 A degrees C) and eventually higher nitrification temperatures

    Media Optimization, Strain Compatibility, and Low-Shear Modeled Microgravity Exposure of Synthetic Microbial Communities for Urine Nitrification in Regenerative Life-Support Systems

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    Urine is a major waste product of human metabolism and contains essential macro- and micronutrients to produce edible microorganisms and crops. Its biological conversion into a stable form can be obtained through urea hydrolysis, subsequent nitrification, and organics removal, to recover a nitrate-enriched stream, free of oxygen demand. In this study, the utilization of a microbial community for urine nitrification was optimized with the focus for space application. To assess the role of selected parameters that can impact ureolysis in urine, the activity of six ureolytic heterotrophs (Acidovorax delafieldii, Comamonas testosteroni, Cupriavidus necator, Delftia acidovorans, Pseudomonas fluorescens, and Vibrio campbellii) was tested at different salinities, urea, and amino acid concentrations. The interaction of the ureolytic heterotrophs with a nitrifying consortium (Nitrosomonas europaea ATCC 19718 and Nitrobacter winogradskyi ATCC 25931) was also tested. Lastly, microgravity was simulated in a clinostat utilizing hardware for in-flight experiments with active microbial cultures. The results indicate salt inhibition of the ureolysis at 30 mS cm(-1), while amino acid nitrogen inhibits ureolysis in a strain-dependent manner. The combination of the nitrifiers with C. necator and V. campbellii resulted in a complete halt of the urea hydrolysis process, while in the case of A. delafieldii incomplete nitrification was observed, and nitrite was not oxidized further to nitrate. Nitrate production was confirmed in all the other communities; however, the other heterotrophic strains most likely induced oxygen competition in the test setup, and nitrite accumulation was observed. Samples exposed to low-shear modeled microgravity through clinorotation behaved similarly to the static controls. Overall, nitrate production from urea was successfully demonstrated with synthetic microbial communities under terrestrial and simulated space gravity conditions, corroborating the application of this process in space

    All Fingers Are Not the Same: Handling Variable-Length Sequences in a Discriminative Setting Using Conformal Multi-Instance Kernels

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    Most string kernels for comparison of genomic sequences are generally tied to using (absolute) positional information of the features in the individual sequences. This poses limitations when comparing variable-length sequences using such string kernels. For example, profiling chromatin interactions by 3C-based experiments results in variable-length genomic sequences (restriction fragments). Here, exact position-wise occurrence of signals in sequences may not be as important as in the scenario of analysis of the promoter sequences, that typically have a transcription start site as reference. Existing position-aware string kernels have been shown to be useful for the latter scenario. In this work, we propose a novel approach for sequence comparison that enables larger positional freedom than most of the existing approaches, can identify a possibly dispersed set of features in comparing variable-length sequences, and can handle both the aforementioned scenarios. Our approach, emph{CoMIK}, identifies not just the features useful towards classification but also their locations in the variable-length sequences, as evidenced by the results of three binary classification experiments, aided by recently introduced visualization techniques. Furthermore, we show that we are able to efficiently retrieve and interpret the weight vector for the complex setting of multiple multi-instance kernels

    Niche differentiation in nitrogen metabolism among methanotrophs within an operational taxonomic unit

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    Background: The currently accepted thesis on nitrogenous fertilizer additions on methane oxidation activity assumes niche partitioning among methanotrophic species, with activity responses to changes in nitrogen content being dependent on the in situ methanotrophic community structure Unfortunately, widely applied tools for microbial community assessment only have a limited phylogenetic resolution mostly restricted to genus level diversity, and not to species level as often mistakenly assumed. As a consequence, intragenus or intraspecies metabolic versatility in nitrogen metabolism was never evaluated nor considered among methanotrophic bacteria as a source of differential responses of methane oxidation to nitrogen amendments. Results: We demonstrated that fourteen genotypically different Methylomonas strains, thus distinct below the level at which most techniques assign operational taxonomic units (OTU), show a versatile physiology in their nitrogen metabolism. Differential responses, even among strains with identical 16S rRNA or pmoA gene sequences, were observed for production of nitrite and nitrous oxide from nitrate or ammonium, nitrogen fixation and tolerance to high levels of ammonium, nitrate, and hydroxylamine. Overall, reduction of nitrate to nitrite, nitrogen fixation, higher tolerance to ammonium than nitrate and tolerance and assimilation of nitrite were general features. Conclusions: Differential responses among closely related methanotrophic strains to overcome inhibition and toxicity from high nitrogen loads and assimilation of various nitrogen sources yield competitive fitness advantages to individual methane-oxidizing bacteria. Our observations proved that community structure at the deepest phylogenetic resolution potentially influences in situ functioning
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