68 research outputs found

    Konkrete Poesie und ihr Anteil an der GlobalitÀt der Literatur

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    Eine der primĂ€ren Aufgaben nicht nur der Komparatistik, sondern der Literaturwissenschaft im Allgemeinen sollte es sein, Literatur als ein globales PhĂ€nomen zu erfassen und zu beschreiben. Manifestiert sich der globale Charakter von Literatur auch am augenscheinlichsten im Rahmen einer Poetik der imitatio in motivischer, thematischer und gattungsgeschichtlicher Hinsicht, so besteht er dennoch auch dann, wenn bestimmte Techniken eine internationale PrĂ€senz besitzen. Dies gilt beispielsweise fĂŒr die Konkrete Poesie, deren Funktion als einer der Katalysatoren der GlobalitĂ€t von Literatur im Folgenden erlĂ€utert wird. Konkrete Poesie ist per se ein internationales PhĂ€nomen, oder wie Eugen Gomringer es formuliert hat: „die konkrete poesie [
] ist einer der konsequentesten versuche, poesie inter- und ĂŒbernational zu begrĂŒnden.“ ZunĂ€chst mĂŒssen wir – im Sinne wissenschaftlicher Eindeutigkeit – zwischen einem engeren und einem weiteren Begriff der Konkreten Poesie unterscheiden. Die Konkrete Poesie im engeren Sinne meint eine seit den 1970er Jahren historisch gewordene Dichtung. Ihre ‘Geburtsstunde’ lĂ€sst sich zu Recht als „transatlantic baptism“ , nĂ€mlich durch Eugen Gomringer und DĂ©cio Pignatari in der Hochschule fĂŒr Gestaltung im Jahre 1955 in Ulm, bezeichnen. In den frĂŒhen 1950er Jahren sowohl in Deutschland als auch Brasilien entstanden, findet sie Aufnahme in fast allen europĂ€ischen LĂ€ndern, Nordamerika und Japan. Im Folgenden soll der Begriff der Konkreten Poesie jedoch nicht in diesem unnötig eingeschrĂ€nkten historischen Sinn gebraucht werden, sondern in einem sehr viel umfassenderen Sinn: Er ist all jenen Gedichten vorbehalten, in denen eine Transpa-renz des Zeichengebrauchs nicht gegeben ist, sondern stattdessen die MaterialitĂ€t der jeweils eingesetzten Zeichen im Vordergrund steht, wie dies auf Ă€hnliche Weise schon im Futurismus und Dadaismus betrieben wurde, bevor der Surrealismus diesen Experimenten ein jĂ€hes Ende bereitet hat. Gilt dies auch fĂŒr die Bereiche der Lautdichtung, der Gedichtobjekte u. Ă€., so beschrĂ€nken sich die folgenden AusfĂŒhrungen auf den visuellen Bereich, und zwar auf visuelle Konkrete Poesie nach 1945, zumal in der Dichtung aus dieser Zeit eine starke Tendenz zu konkretistischen Verfahrensweisen herrscht

    Aventures radiophoniques du Nouveau Roman

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     Aventures radiophoniques du Nouveau Roman Colloque international organisĂ© par l’UniversitĂ© Paul-ValĂ©ry Montpellier, en partenariat avec l’UniversitĂ© de Stuttgart 19-20 novembre 2015   Organisateurs :  Pierre-Marie HĂ©ron, Annie Pibarot, UniversitĂ© Paul-ValĂ©ry Montpellier, centre de recherche Rirra21. Françoise Joly, Beatrice Nickel, UniversitĂ€t Stuttgart </p

    A sero-epidemiological approach to explore transmission of Mycobacterium ulcerans

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    The debilitating skin disease Buruli ulcer (BU) is caused by infection with Mycobacterium ulcerans. While various hypotheses on potential reservoirs and vectors of M. ulcerans exist, the mode of transmission has remained unclear. Epidemiological studies have indicated that children below the age of four are less exposed to the pathogen and at lower risk of developing BU than older children. In the present study we compared the age at which children begin to develop antibody responses against M. ulcerans with the age pattern of responses to other pathogens transmitted by various mechanisms. A total of 1,352 sera from individuals living in the BU endemic Offin river valley of Ghana were included in the study. While first serological responses to the mosquito transmitted malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum and to soil transmitted Strongyloides helminths emerged around the age of one and two years, sero-conversion for M. ulcerans and for the water transmitted trematode Schistosoma mansoni occurred at around four and five years, respectively. Our data suggest that exposure to M. ulcerans intensifies strongly at the age when children start to have more intense contact with the environment, outside the small movement range of young children. Further results from our serological investigations in the Offin river valley also indicate ongoing transmission of Treponema pallidum, the causative agent of yaws

    Strongyloides stercoralisprevalence and diagnostics in Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic

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    Background: Despite the high prevalence of strongyloidiasis in the Laotian population, Laotian hospitals still lack diagnostic capacity to appropriately diagnose Strongyloides stercoralis infections. This cross-sectional hospital-based study was conducted to assess the prevalence of Strongyloides stercoralis infection among hospitalized patients treated at Mahosot Hospital, the primary reference hospital of Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), and to validate feasible methods for diagnosing S. stercoralis infection at hospital’s laboratory. Methods: Between September and December 2018, stool samples of 104 inpatients were investigated for S. stercoralis infection by wet smear, Baermann technique, Koga Agar plate culture (KAPC), and real-time detection polymerase chain reaction (RTD-PCR) at the Infectious Diseases Ward of the Mahosot Hospital in Vientiane. The sensitivity, the specificity, the negative predictive value (NPV) of each diagnostic test, as well as their combination(s) was calculated using a composite reference standard (CRS). The correlation of the different test methods was assessed by chi-square or Fisher’s exact test. Cohen’s kappa coefficient was used to assess the diagnostic agreement of the different test methods. Results: The overall prevalence of S. stercoralis infections among the study population was 33.4%. The cumulative infection prevalence statistically significantly increased from the lowest age group of 40 years and below (22.4%), to the medium (40.0%) and to the oldest age group of 61 year and above (72.7%)(P = 0.003). The cumulative infection prevalence of CRS was considerably higher in male (40.4%) compared to female patients (28.1%), but not statistically different (P = 0.184). The diagnostic sensitivity of Baermann technique, KAPC, RTD-PCR, and the combination of Baermann technique and KAPC were 60.0, 60.0, 74.3, and 77.1%, respectively. Only 13 patients (37.1%) of the total 35 S. stercoralis patients diagnosed with any technique had a simultaneously positive diagnostic test with Baermann, KAPC and RTD-PCR. Conclusions: We identified Baermann technique and KAPC to be currently the most feasible and implementable standard methods for diagnosing S. stercoralis at a hospital setting such as Mahosot Hospital and provincial and district hospitals in Lao PDR and other low- and middle income countries in Southeast Asia

    IVDR: Analysis of the Social, Economic, and Practical Consequences of the Application of an Ordinance of the In Vitro Diagnostic Ordinance in Switzerland

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    IVDR regulation represents a major challenge for diagnostic microbiology laboratories. IVDR complicates a broad range of aspects and poses a risk given the high diversity of pathogens (including rare but highly virulent microbes) and the large variety of samples submitted for analysis. The regular emergence of new pathogens (including Echovirus E-11, Adenovirus 41, Monkeypox virus, Alongshan virus, and Enterovirus D68, as recent examples in Europe in the post SARS-CoV-2 era) is another factor that makes IVDR regulation risky, because its detrimental effect on production of in-house tests will negatively impact knowledge and expertise in the development of new diagnostic tests. Moreover, such regulations negatively impact the availability of diagnostic tests, especially for neglected pathogens, and has a detrimental effect on the overall costs of the tests. The increased regulatory burden of IVDR may thereby pose an important risk for public health. Taken together, it will have a negative impact on the financial balance of diagnostic microbiology laboratories (especially small ones). The already-high standards of quality management of all ISO-accredited and Swissmedic-authorized laboratories render IVDR law of little value, at least in Switzerland, while tremendously increasing the regulatory burden and associated costs. Eventually, patients will need to pay for diagnostic assays outside of the framework of their insurance in order to obtain a proper diagnostic assessment, which may result in social inequity. Thus, based on the risk assessment outlined above, the coordinated commission for clinical microbiology proposes adjusting the IvDO ordinance by (i) introducing an obligation to be ISO 15189 accredited and (ii) not implementing the IvDO 2028 milestone

    Gambiense human african trypanosomiasis sequelae after treatment: a follow-up study 12 years after treatment

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    The clinical presentation of Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) due to; Trypanosoma brucei gambiense; is well known, but knowledge on long-term sequelae is limited. In the frame of studies conducted between 2004 and 2005 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the prevalence of HAT related signs and symptoms were evaluated before the start of treatment and at the end of treatment. To explore possible long-term sequelae, the same clinical parameters were assessed in 2017 in 51 first stage and 18 second stage HAT patients. Signs and symptoms 12-13 years after treatment were compared to before and immediately after treatment and to controls matched for sex and age (±5 years). In first stage HAT patients, the prevalence of all signs and symptoms decreased compared to before treatment but were still higher after 12-13 years than immediately at the end of treatment and in the control group. In second stage HAT patients, all HAT-specific findings had continuously decreased to the point where they were in the range of the healthy control group. In a selection of oligosymptomatic first stage HAT patients, no trypanosomes were detected in the blood by microscopic examination or PCR. An oligosymptomatic presentation of HAT due to the persistence of parasites in compartments, where first stage HAT medications do not penetrate, could not be ruled out

    Accuracy of diagnostic tests for Schistosoma mansoni infection in asymptomatic Eritrean refugees: serology and POC-CCA against stool microscopy

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    The unprecedented increase in number of African refugees arriving in Europe is confronting clinicians and general practitioners with the question of whether or not and how to screen migrants from endemic regions for Schistosoma mansoni infection.; We assessed the accuracy of 3 different diagnostic tests for S. mansoni infection (stool microscopy [samples prepared by sedimentation technique], serology, and point-of-care circulating cathodic antigen [POC-CCA] urine cassette test) in 107 newly arrived asymptomatic Eritrean refugees in Switzerland.; Sixty-three study participants (59%) tested positive by at least 1 of the 3 methods. Thirty-seven participants (35%) were considered to have active schistosomiasis, either due to the detection of parasite eggs in stool and/or the presence of a concordant positive serology and urine POC-CCA test, which we consider to be a suitable surrogate marker of active infection. Of 23 microscopy-positive participants, 22 were positive by serology (95.7% sensitivity) and 21 were positive by the urine POC-CCA test (91.3% sensitivity). The combination of serology and urine POC-CCA testing detected all 23 microscopy-positive study participants (100% sensitivity).; With a sensitivity of 100% (95% confidence interval, 82.2%-100%), the combination of serology plus urine POC-CCA testing appears to be the most sensitive screening option for asymptomatic S. mansoni infection in Eritrean refugees, compared with stool sedimentation microscopy

    Comparison of novel and standard diagnostic tools for the detection of Schistosoma mekongi infection in Lao People's Democratic Republic and Cambodia

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    Given the restricted distribution of Schistosoma mekongi in one province in Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) and two provinces in Cambodia, together with progress of the national control programmes aimed at reducing morbidity and infection prevalence, the elimination of schistosomiasis mekongi seems feasible. However, sensitive diagnostic tools will be required to determine whether elimination has been achieved. We compared several standard and novel diagnostic tools in S. mekongi-endemic areas.; The prevalence and infection intensity of S. mekongi were evaluated in 377 study participants from four villages in the endemic areas in Lao PDR and Cambodia using Kato-Katz stool examination, antibody detection based on an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and schistosome circulating antigen detection by lateral-flow tests. Two highly sensitive test systems for the detection of cathodic and anodic circulating antigens (CCA, CAA) in urine and serum were utilized.; Stool microscopy revealed an overall prevalence of S. mekongi of 6.4% (one case in Cambodia and 23 cases in Lao PDR), while that of Opisthorchis viverrini, hookworm, Trichuris trichiura, Ascaris lumbricoides and Taenia spp. were 50.4%, 28.1%, 3.5%, 0.3% and 1.9%, respectively. In the urine samples, the tests for CCA and CAA detected S. mekongi infections in 21.0% and 38.7% of the study participants, respectively. In the serum samples, the CAA assay revealed a prevalence of 32.4%, while a combination of the CAA assay in serum and in urine revealed a prevalence of 43.2%. There was a difference between the two study locations with a higher prevalence reached in the samples from Lao PDR.; The CCA, CAA and ELISA results showed substantially higher prevalence estimates for S. mekongi compared to Kato-Katz thick smears. Active schistosomiasis mekongi in Lao PDR and Cambodia might thus have been considerably underestimated previously. Hence, sustained control efforts are still needed to break transmission of S. mekongi. The pivotal role of highly sensitive diagnostic assays in areas targeting elimination cannot be overemphasised

    Sensitive Diagnosis and Post-Treatment Follow-Up of Schistosoma mansoni Infections in Asymptomatic Eritrean Refugees by Circulating Anodic Antigen Detection and Polymerase Chain Reaction

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    The increasing number of refugees coming from or passing through Schistosoma-endemic areas and arriving in Europe highlights the importance of screening for schistosomiasis on arrival, and focuses attention on the choice of diagnostic test. We evaluate the diagnostic performance of circulating anodic antigen (CAA) detection in 92 asymptomatic refugees from Eritrea. Results were compared with already-available stool microscopy, serology, and urine point-of-care circulating cathodic antigen (POC-CCA) data. For a full diagnostic comparison, real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and the POC-CCA were included. All outcomes were compared against a composite reference standard. Urine and serum samples were subjected to the ultra-sensitive and highly specific up-converting particle lateral flow CAA test, Schistosoma spp. real-time PCR was performed on urine and stool, and the POC-CCA was used on urine using the G-score method. CAA was detected in 43% of urine and in 40% of serum samples. Urine PCR was negative in all 92 individuals, whereas 25% showed Schistosoma DNA in stool. POC-CCA was positive in 30% of individuals. The CAA test confirmed all microscopy positives, except for two cases that were also negative by all other diagnostic procedures. Post-treatment, a significant reduction in the number of positives and infection intensity was observed, in particular regarding CAA levels. Our findings confirm that microscopy, serology, and POC-CCA lack the sensitivity to detect all active Schistosoma infections. Accuracy of stool PCR was similar to microscopy, indicating that this method also lacks sensitivity. The CAA test appeared to be the most accurate method for screening active Schistosoma infections and for monitoring treatment efficacy

    Racial differences in prostate inflammation: Results from the REDUCE study

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    Prostate cancer (PC) risk differs between races, and we previously showed prostate inflammation in benign prostate tissue was linked with a lower future PC risk. However, whether prostate tissue inflammation varies by race is unknown. We analyzed baseline acute and chronic prostate inflammation by race in REDUCE, a 4-year, multicenter, placebo-controlled study where all men had a negative prostate biopsy prior to enrollment. We included 7,982 men with standardized central pathology review to determine the presence or absence of chronic or acute inflammation in baseline prostate biopsy tissue. Logistic regression was used to compare prostate inflammation by race, adjusting for confounders. Of 7,982 men, 7,271 were white (91.1%), 180 (2.3%) black, 131 (1.6%) Asian, 319 (4.0%) Hispanic and 81 (1%) unknown. A total of 78% had chronic and 15% had acute inflammation. On multivariable analysis relative to white men, black men were less likely (OR = 0.65, 95%CI: 0.41-1.03
