55 research outputs found

    ATP7A is a novel target of retinoic acid receptor β2 in neuroblastoma cells

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    Increased retinoic acid receptor β (RARβ2) gene expression is a hallmark of cancer cell responsiveness to retinoid anticancer effects. Moreover, low basal or induced RARβ2 expression is a common feature of many human cancers, suggesting that RARβ2 may act as a tumour suppressor gene in the absence of supplemented retinoid. We have previously shown that low RARβ2 expression is a feature of advanced neuroblastoma. Here, we demonstrate that the ABC domain of the RARβ2 protein alone was sufficient for the growth inhibitory effects of RARβ2 on neuroblastoma cells. ATP7A, the copper efflux pump, is a retinoid-responsive gene, was upregulated by ectopic overexpression of RARβ2. The ectopic overexpression of the RARβ2 ABC domain was sufficient to induce ATP7A expression, whereas, RARβ2 siRNA blocked the induction of ATP7A expression in retinoid-treated neuroblastoma cells. Forced downregulation of ATP7A reduced copper efflux and increased viability of retinoid-treated neuroblastoma cells. Copper supplementation enhanced cell growth and reduced retinoid-responsiveness, whereas copper chelation reduced the viability and proliferative capacity. Taken together, our data demonstrates ATP7A expression is regulated by retinoic acid receptor β and it has effects on intracellular copper levels, revealing a link between the anticancer action of retinoids and copper metabolism

    Short-term effects of nitrogen dioxide on mortality: an analysis within the APHEA project

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    The short-term effects of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on total, cardiovascular and respiratory mortality in 30 European cities participating in the Air Pollution on Health: a European Approach (APHEA)-2 project were investigated. The association was examined using hierarchical models implemented in two stages. In the first stage, data from each city were analysed separately, whereas in the second stage, the city-specific air pollution estimates were regressed on city-specific covariates to obtain overall estimates and to explore sources of possible heterogeneity. A significant association of NO2 with total, cardiovascular and respiratory mortality was found, with stronger effects on cause-specific mortality. There was evidence of confounding in respiratory mortality with black smoke and sulphur dioxide. The effect of NO2 on total and cardiovascular mortality was observed mainly in western and southern European cities, and was larger when smoking prevalence was lower and household gas consumption was higher. The effect of NO2 on respiratory mortality was higher in cities with a larger proportion of elderly persons in the population and higher levels of particulate matter with a 50% cut-off aerodynamic diameter of 10 mu m. The results of this large study are consistent with an independent effect of nitrogen dioxide on mortality, but the role of nitrogen dioxide as a surrogate of other unmeasured pollutants cannot be completely ruled out

    Immune biomarkers in relation to exposure to particulate matter: a cross-sectional survey in 17 cities of Central Europe.

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    Human population data on air pollution and its effects on the immune system are scarce. A survey was conducted within the framework of the Central European Study of Air Quality and Respiratory Health (CESAR) to measure a panel of immune biomarkers in children of Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia. Seventeen cities were chosen to represent a wide range of exposure to outdoor air pollution. In each, ambient particulate matter of less than 10 microns diameter and less than 2.5 microns diameter (PM10 and PM2.5) were measured with a Harvard impactor. Blood was collected from 366 school children aged 9 to 11 yr between 11 April and 10 May 1996. The percentage of B, total T, CD4+, CD8+, and natural killer (NK) lymphocytes was determined by flow cytometry (Becton Dickinson); total immunoglobulins of class G, M, A and E (IgG, IgM, IgA, and IgE) were measured in serum using nephelometry (Behring). Associations between PM and each log-transformed biomarker concentration were studied by linear regression, in a two-stage model. The yearly average concentrations varied from 41 to 96 micrograms/m3 for PM10 across the 17 study areas, from 29 to 67 micrograms/m3 for PM2.5, and from 12 to 38 micrograms/m3 for PM10-2.5 (coarse). Number of B, CD4+, CD8+, and NK lymphocytes increased with increasing concentration of PM, having adjusted for age, gender, parental smoking, laboratory of analysis, and recent respiratory illness. Differences in lymphocyte number were larger and statistically significant for exposure to PM2.5. Similar results were found when we examined the association between PM and lymphocyte number separately for each laboratory. Total IgG was increased with increasing concentration of PM, significantly in the case of PM2.5. When we repeated the analyses with two other statistical approaches the results did not differ from those reported here. The effect of coarse PM on lymphocyte numbers appears small in comparison to PM2.5. One possible interpretation of our findings is that long-term exposure to airborne particulates leads to inflammation of the airways and activation of the cellular and humoral immune system

    Acute effects of ozone on mortality from the "Air pollution and health:A European approach" project

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    In the Air Pollution and Health: A European Approach (APHEA2) project, the effects of ambient ozone concentrations on mortality were investigated. Data were collected on daily ozone concentrations, the daily number of deaths, confounders, and potential effect modifiers from 23 cities/areas for at least 3 years since 1990. Effect estimates were obtained for each city with city-specific models and were combined using second-stage regression models. No significant effects were observed during the cold half of the year. For the warm season, an increase in the 1-hour ozone concentration by 10 mug/ml was associated with a 0.33% (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.17-0.52) increase in the total daily number of deaths, 0.45% (95% CI, 0.22-0.69) in the number of cardiovascular deaths, and 1.13% (95% CI, 0.62-1.48) in the number of respiratory deaths. The corresponding figures for the 8-hour ozone were similar. The associations with total mortality were independent of SO2 and particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than 10 mum (PM10) but were somewhat confounded by NO2 and CO. Individual city estimates were heterogeneous for total (a higher standardized mortality rate was associated with larger effects) and cardiovascular mortality (larger effects were observed in southern cities). The dose-response curve of ozone effects on total mortality during the summer did not deviate significantly from linearity