14,507 research outputs found

    Method and apparatus for fabricating improved solar cell modules

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    A method and apparatus for fabricating an improved solar cell module is described. The apparatus includes a supply drum for feeding a flexible strip having etched electrical circuitry deposited on it a supply drum for feeding into overlying engagement with the flexible strip a flexible tape having a pair of exposed tacky surfaces, and a plurality of rams for receiving and depositing a plurality of solar cells in side-by-side relation on an exposed tacky surface of the tape in electrical contacting engagement with the etched circuitry

    GLM permutation - nonparametric inference for arbitrary general linear models

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    Introduction: Permutation methods are finding growing use in neuroimag- ing data analyses (e.g. randomise in FSL, SnPM in SPM, XBAMM/BAMM/CAMBA, etc). These methods provide ex- act control of false positives, make only weak assumptions, and allow nonstandard types of statistics (e.g. smoothed variance t- test). With fast and inexpensive computing, there would seem few reasons not to use nonparametric methods. A significant limitation of these methods, however, is the lack of flexibility with respect to the experimental design and nuisance variables. Each specific design dictates the type of exchange- ability of null data, and hence how to permute. Nuisance effects (e.g. age) render data non-exchangeable even when the effect of interest is null. Hence, even something as simple as ANCOVA has no exact permutation test. Recently there has been an active literature on approximate– but accurate–permutation tests for 2-variable regression, one effect of interest, one nuisance (see review by Anderson & Robinson [1]). Here we extend and evaluate these methods for use with an arbitrary General Linear Model (GLM)

    Apollo gastrointestinal analysis

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    Fecal bile acid patterns for the Apollo 17 flight were studied to determine the cause of diarrhea on the mission. The fecal sterol analysis gave no indication of an infectious diarrhea, or specific, or nonspecific etiology occurring during the entire flight. It is assumed that the gastrointestinal problems encountered are the consequences of altered physiology, perhaps secondary to physical or emotional stress of flight

    Completion Report: Arkansas State Pesticides in Ground Water Monitoring Project Phase V: Vulnerable areas in Jackson, Monroe, Lawrence and Lonoke Counties

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    In 1996, sixty-seven water samples were drawn from 65 wells, including 62 new wells and 3 wells sampled previously . One Woodruff County well and two Pulaski County wells were resampled. Thirty-two samples were drawn from 30 wells in Monroe County (well #1 was sampled 3 times during this phase) . Ten wells in Jackson County, 12 wells in Lawrence County and 10 wells in Lonoke were also tested (Figures 1-5) . With the completion of Phase V, the number of wells tested has risen to 231 with a total of 258 samples analyzed . Initially, the wells were tested for 13 pesticides and ni~rate. Two more pesticides, aldicarb and carbofuran were added to the analyte list during Phase V. The analyte list is shown in Table 3 . All results from all the wells are listed in Appendix A. Quality control information for these data follow the results. The Phase V Quality Assurance Report is included in this document as Part II

    Distributed Queries for Quality Control Checks in Clinical Trials

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    Operational Quality Control (QC) checks are standard practice in clinical trials and ensure ongoing compliance with the study protocol, standard operating procedures (SOPs) and Good Clinical Practice (GCP). We present a method for defining QC checks as distributed queries over case report forms (CRF) and clinical imaging data- sources. Our distributed query system can integrate time-sensitive information in order to populate QC checks that can facilitate discrepancy resolution workflow in clinical trials

    Investigation of fast initialization of spacecraft bubble memory systems

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    Bubble domain technology offers significant improvement in reliability and functionality for spacecraft onboard memory applications. In considering potential memory systems organizations, minimization of power in high capacity bubble memory systems necessitates the activation of only the desired portions of the memory. In power strobing arbitrary memory segments, a capability of fast turn on is required. Bubble device architectures, which provide redundant loop coding in the bubble devices, limit the initialization speed. Alternate initialization techniques are investigated to overcome this design limitation. An initialization technique using a small amount of external storage is demonstrated

    Volume 7. Article 2. Young caranx in the western North Atlantic.

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    Increasing Range Productivity

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    There are numerous practices and ways to improve the productiveness of rangeland including grazing systems, deferment, fertilization, mechanical treatments and others. Two methods that have shown promise from research at the Newell Field Station are summarized in this paper

    Variations in Vegetation and Microclimate on North- and South-Facing Slopes in the Mixed Prairie near Hays, Kansas

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    North- and south-facing slopes were studied to determine differences in vegetation and microclimate. Vegetation was analyzed by line transects. The study on microclimate included soil and air temperatures, evaporation, light intensities, and wind velocities. Appropriate instruments were used for each microclimatic factor, and were identical on both slopes. The microclimate on north- facing slopes was less intense and severe than on south-facing slopes, resulting in a difference in vegetation. The protected position of the north-facing slope has provided a habitat which is favorable to more mesophytic plants. In contrast, the exposed position of the south-facing slope has limited the vegetation to more xerophytic species. Big bluestem (Andropogon gerardi) and little bluestem (A. scoparius) were the dominant grasses on the north- facing slope, whereas, buffalo grass (Buchloe dactyloides), blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis), and side-oats grama (B. curtipendula) were dominant on the south-facing slope. Several species of forbs were restricted to, or were much more abundant on one slope or the other. Woody species were common on north-facing slopes, but were seldom found on south-facing slopes. Seasonal averages of microclimatic conditions are as follows: Evaporation rates were 88.51 mI. per week more on the south-facing slope. Wind velocities were 3.33 MPH faster on south exposures and were closely correlated with evaporation. Soil temperatures on the north-facing slope averaged 11.23 deg. F. cooler at 1-inch depth, and 10.20 deg. F. cooler at 6-inch depth. Maximum air temperatures were 88.25 deg. F. for the south-facing slope and 85.77 deg. F. for the north-facing slope. Minimum air temperatures were 61.65 deg. F. for south exposures, and 60.04 deg. F. for north exposures. Light intensities averaged 4068.86 foot candles at ground level, and 4693.15 foot candles above the vegetation on the south-facing slope, compared to 2927.60 foot candles at ground level and 3632.2 foot candles above the vegetation on the north-facing slope. Yields of forage on the north-facing slope were 1,727.7 pounds per acre, compared to 838.1 pounds per acre on the south-facing slope. Mid grasses contributed most to yields on the north-facing slope, whereas, short grasses provided the largest part of the yield on the south-facing slope
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