619 research outputs found

    Short-range splash discharge of peridioles in Nidularia

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    AbstractThe distinctive shapes of basidiomata in the bird's nest fungi reflect differences in the mechanism of splash discharge. In the present study, peridiole discharge was examined in Nidularia pulvinata using high-speed video. Nidularia pulvinata produces globose basidiomata that split open at maturity to expose 100 or more peridioles within a gelatinous matrix. Each peridiole contains an estimated 7 million spores. The impact of water drops splashed the peridioles horizontally from the fruit body, along with globs of mucilage, at a mean velocity of 1.2 m s−1. Discharged peridioles travelled for a maximum horizontal distance of 1.5 cm. This launch process contrasts with the faster vertical splashes of peridioles over distances of up to one metre from the flute-shaped fruit bodies of bird's nest fungi in the genera Crucibulum and Cyathus. Peridioles in these genera are equipped with a funicular cord that attaches them to vegetation, placing them in an ideal location for ingestion by browsing herbivores. The absence of cords in N. pulvinata and its use of a sloppy discharge mechanism suggest that it is more likely to be dispersed by animals feeding on the forest floor

    Massively Parallel Interrogation of Aptamer Sequence, Structure and Function

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    BACKGROUND: Optimization of high affinity reagents is a significant bottleneck in medicine and the life sciences. The ability to synthetically create thousands of permutations of a lead high-affinity reagent and survey the properties of individual permutations in parallel could potentially relieve this bottleneck. Aptamers are single stranded oligonucleotides affinity reagents isolated by in vitro selection processes and as a class have been shown to bind a wide variety of target molecules. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: High density DNA microarray technology was used to synthesize, in situ, arrays of approximately 3,900 aptamer sequence permutations in triplicate. These sequences were interrogated on-chip for their ability to bind the fluorescently-labeled cognate target, immunoglobulin E, resulting in the parallel execution of thousands of experiments. Fluorescence intensity at each array feature was well resolved and shown to be a function of the sequence present. The data demonstrated high intra- and inter-chip correlation between the same features as well as among the sequence triplicates within a single array. Consistent with aptamer mediated IgE binding, fluorescence intensity correlated strongly with specific aptamer sequences and the concentration of IgE applied to the array. CONCLUSION AND SIGNIFICANCE: The massively parallel sequence-function analyses provided by this approach confirmed the importance of a consensus sequence found in all 21 of the original IgE aptamer sequences and support a common stem:loop structure as being the secondary structure underlying IgE binding. The microarray application, data and results presented illustrate an efficient, high information content approach to optimizing aptamer function. It also provides a foundation from which to better understand and manipulate this important class of high affinity biomolecules

    A randomized, open-label study of the tolerability and efficacy of one or three daily doses of ivermectin plus diethylcarbamazine and albendazole (IDA) versus one dose of ivermectin plus albendazole (IA) for treatment of onchocerciasis

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    BACKGROUND: Onchocerciasis ( river blindness ) has been targeted for elimination. New treatments that kill or permanently sterilize female worms could accelerate this process. Prior studies have shown that triple drug treatment with ivermectin plus diethylcarbamazine and albendazole (IDA) leads to prolonged clearance of microfilaremia in persons with lymphatic filariasis. We now report results from a randomized clinical trial that compared the tolerability and efficacy of IDA vs. a comparator treatment (ivermectin plus albendazole, IA) in persons with onchocerciasis. METHODS AND FINDINGS: The study was performed in the Volta region of Ghana. Persons with microfiladermia and palpable subcutaneous nodules were pre-treated with two oral doses of ivermectin (150 μg/kg) separated by at least 6 months prior to treatment with either a single oral dose of ivermectin 150 μg/kg plus albendazole 400 mg (IA), a single oral dose of IDA (IDA1, IA plus diethylcarbamazine (DEC. 6 mg/kg) or three consecutive daily doses of IDA (IDA3). These treatments were tolerated equally well. While adverse events were common (approximately 30% overall), no severe or serious treatment-emergent adverse events were observed. Skin microfilariae were absent or present with very low densities after all three treatments through 18 months, at which time nodules were excised for histological assessment. Nodule histology was evaluated by two independent assessors who were masked regarding participant infection status or treatment assignment. Significantly lower percentages of female worms were alive and fertile in nodules recovered from study participants after IDA1 (40/261, 15.3%) and IDA3 (34/281, 12.1%) than after IA (41/180, 22.8%). This corresponds to a 40% reduction in the percentage of female worms that were alive and fertile after IDA treatments relative to results observed after the IA comparator treatment (P = 0.004). Percentages of female worms that were alive (a secondary outcome of the study) were also lower after IDA treatments (301/574, 52.4%) than after IA (127/198, 64.1%) (P = 0.004). Importantly, some comparisons (including the reduced % of fertile female worms after IDA1 vs IA treatment, which was the primary endpoint for the study) were not statistically significant when results were adjusted for intraclass correlation of worm fertility and viability for worms recovered from individual study participants. CONCLUSIONS: Results from this pilot study suggest that IDA was well tolerated after ivermectin pretreatment. They also suggest that IDA was more effective than the comparator treatment IA for killing or sterilizing female O. volvulus worms. No other short-course oral treatment for onchocerciasis has been demonstrated to have macrofilaricidal activity. However, this first study was too small to provide conclusive results. Therefore, additional studies will be needed to confirm these promising findings. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The study is registered at Cinicaltrials.gov under the number NCT04188301

    High-Resolution Imaging of Molecular Gas and Dust in the Antennae (NGC 4038/39): Super Giant Molecular Complexes

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    We present new aperture synthesis CO maps of the Antennae (NGC 4038/39) obtained with the Caltech Millimeter Array. These sensitive images show molecular emission associated with the two nuclei and a partial ring of star formation to the west of NGC 4038, as well as revealing the large extent of the extra-nuclear region of star formation (the ``overlap region''), which dominates the CO emission from this system. The largest molecular complexes have masses of 3-6x10^8 M_sun, typically an order of magnitude larger than the largest structures seen to date in more quiescent galaxy disks. The extremely red luminous star clusters identified previously with HST are well-correlated with the CO emission, which supports the conclusion that they are highly embedded young objects rather than old globular clusters. There is an excellent correlation between the CO emission and the 15 micron emission seen with ISO, particularly for the brightest regions. The most massive complexes in the overlap region have similar [NeIII]/[NeII] ratios, which implies that all these regions are forming many massive stars. However, only the brightest mid-infrared peak shows strong, rising continuum emission longward of 10 microns, indicative of very small dust grains heated to high temperatures by their proximity to nearby luminous stars. Since these grains are expected to be removed rapidly from the immediate environment of the massive stars, it is possible that this region contains very young (< 1 Myr) sites of star formation. Alternatively, fresh dust grains could be driven into the sphere of influence of the massive stars, perhaps by the bulk motions of two giant molecular complexes. The kinematics and morphology of the CO emission in this region provide some support for this second scenario.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, 13 pages, 5 figures, higher quality color images available at http://www.astro.cornell.edu/staff/vassilis/papers/ngc4038_co.ps.g

    A reevaluation of the tolerability and effects of single-dose ivermectin treatment on Onchocerca volvulus microfilariae in the skin and eyes in eastern Ghana

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    Mass administration of ivermectin (IVM) has significantly reduced onchocerciasis prevalence, intensity, and morbidity in most endemic areas. Most IVM clinical trials were performed long ago in persons with high-intensity infections that are uncommon in West Africa today. This cohort treatment study recruited participants from a hypoendemic area in eastern Ghana to reevaluate the efficacy and tolerability of IVM with a special focus on the kinetics of microfilaria (Mf) clearance. Mf in the skin and anterior chambers (AC) were assessed by skin snip and slit lamp examinations at baseline and at 3 and 6 months after treatment with IVM 150 μg/kg. Most participants (184-231, 79.7%) enrolled were treatment-naïve. The baseline geometric mean skin Mf count was 12.67/mg (range 3-86). Although persons with MfAC at baseline (64/231, 27%) had significantly higher skin Mf counts than people without MfAC, 7 of 39 (15%) of persons with skin Mf counts in the range of 3-5 Mf/mg had MfAC. Skin Mf were detected in 14% (31/218) and 45% (96/216) of participants 3 and 6 months after IVM treatment, respectively. MfAC were detected in 12 of 212 (5.7%) study participants at 6 months. 81% (187 of 231) of participants experienced 439 adverse events within 7 days after treatment; all adverse events were mild (96.1%) or moderate. This study has provided new data on the kinetics of Mf in the skin and eyes after IVM treatment of persons with light to moderate intensity Onchocerca volvulus infections that are common in Africa at this time

    PTF10nvg: An Outbursting Class I Protostar in the Pelican/North American Nebula

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    During a synoptic survey of the North American Nebula region, the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) detected an optical outburst (dubbed PTF10nvg) associated with the previously unstudied flat or rising spectrum infrared source IRAS 20496+4354. The PTF R-band light curve reveals that PTF10nvg brightened by more than 5 mag during the current outburst, rising to a peak magnitude of R~13.5 in 2010 Sep. Follow-up observations indicate PTF10nvg has undergone a similar ~5 mag brightening in the K band, and possesses a rich emission-line spectrum, including numerous lines commonly assumed to trace mass accretion and outflows. Many of these lines are blueshifted by ~175 km/s from the North American Nebula's rest velocity, suggesting that PTF10nvg is driving an outflow. Optical spectra of PTF10nvg show several TiO/VO bandheads fully in emission, indicating the presence of an unusual amount of dense (> 10^10 cm^-3), warm (1500-4000 K) circumstellar material. Near-infrared spectra of PTF10nvg appear quite similar to a spectrum of McNeil's Nebula/V1647 Ori, a young star which has undergone several brightenings in recent decades, and 06297+1021W, a Class I protostar with a similarly rich near--infrared emission line spectrum. While further monitoring is required to fully understand this event, we conclude that the brightening of PTF10nvg is indicative of enhanced accretion and outflow in this Class-I-type protostellar object, similar to the behavior of V1647 Ori in 2004-2005.Comment: Accepted to the Astronomical Journal; 21 pages, 11 figures, 6 tables in emulateapj format; v2 fixes typo in abstract; v3 updates status to accepted, adjusts affiliations, adds acknowledgmen

    Isolation, Characterization, and Stability of Discretely-Sized Nanolipoprotein Particles Assembled with Apolipophorin-III

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    Background: Nanolipoprotein particles (NLPs) are discoidal, nanometer-sized particles comprised of self-assembled phospholipid membranes and apolipoproteins. NLPs assembled with human apolipoproteins have been used for myriad biotechnology applications, including membrane protein solubilization, drug delivery, and diagnostic imaging. To expand the repertoire of lipoproteins for these applications, insect apolipophorin-III (apoLp-III) was evaluated for the ability to form discretely-sized, homogeneous, and stable NLPs. Methodology: Four NLP populations distinct with regards to particle diameters (ranging in size from 10 nm to.25 nm) and lipid-to-apoLp-III ratios were readily isolated to high purity by size exclusion chromatography. Remodeling of the purified NLP species over time at 4uC was monitored by native gel electrophoresis, size exclusion chromatography, and atomic force microscopy. Purified 20 nm NLPs displayed no remodeling and remained stable for over 1 year. Purified NLPs with 10 nm and 15 nm diameters ultimately remodeled into 20 nm NLPs over a period of months. Intra-particle chemical cross-linking of apoLp-III stabilized NLPs of all sizes. Conclusions: ApoLp-III-based NLPs can be readily prepared, purified, characterized, and stabilized, suggesting their utilit

    New genetic loci implicated in fasting glucose homeostasis and their impact on type 2 diabetes risk.

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    Levels of circulating glucose are tightly regulated. To identify new loci influencing glycemic traits, we performed meta-analyses of 21 genome-wide association studies informative for fasting glucose, fasting insulin and indices of beta-cell function (HOMA-B) and insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) in up to 46,186 nondiabetic participants. Follow-up of 25 loci in up to 76,558 additional subjects identified 16 loci associated with fasting glucose and HOMA-B and two loci associated with fasting insulin and HOMA-IR. These include nine loci newly associated with fasting glucose (in or near ADCY5, MADD, ADRA2A, CRY2, FADS1, GLIS3, SLC2A2, PROX1 and C2CD4B) and one influencing fasting insulin and HOMA-IR (near IGF1). We also demonstrated association of ADCY5, PROX1, GCK, GCKR and DGKB-TMEM195 with type 2 diabetes. Within these loci, likely biological candidate genes influence signal transduction, cell proliferation, development, glucose-sensing and circadian regulation. Our results demonstrate that genetic studies of glycemic traits can identify type 2 diabetes risk loci, as well as loci containing gene variants that are associated with a modest elevation in glucose levels but are not associated with overt diabetes