8,547 research outputs found

    Maximal information component analysis: a novel non-linear network analysis method.

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    BackgroundNetwork construction and analysis algorithms provide scientists with the ability to sift through high-throughput biological outputs, such as transcription microarrays, for small groups of genes (modules) that are relevant for further research. Most of these algorithms ignore the important role of non-linear interactions in the data, and the ability for genes to operate in multiple functional groups at once, despite clear evidence for both of these phenomena in observed biological systems.ResultsWe have created a novel co-expression network analysis algorithm that incorporates both of these principles by combining the information-theoretic association measure of the maximal information coefficient (MIC) with an Interaction Component Model. We evaluate the performance of this approach on two datasets collected from a large panel of mice, one from macrophages and the other from liver by comparing the two measures based on a measure of module entropy, Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment, and scale-free topology (SFT) fit. Our algorithm outperforms a widely used co-expression analysis method, weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA), in the macrophage data, while returning comparable results in the liver dataset when using these criteria. We demonstrate that the macrophage data has more non-linear interactions than the liver dataset, which may explain the increased performance of our method, termed Maximal Information Component Analysis (MICA) in that case.ConclusionsIn making our network algorithm more accurately reflect known biological principles, we are able to generate modules with improved relevance, particularly in networks with confounding factors such as gene by environment interactions

    Minimizing the number of optimizations for efficient community dynamic flux balance analysis

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    Dynamic flux balance analysis uses a quasi-steady state assumption to calculate an organism's metabolic activity at each time-step of a dynamic simulation, using the well-known technique of flux balance analysis. For microbial communities, this calculation is especially costly and involves solving a linear constrained optimization problem for each member of the community at each time step. However, this is unnecessary and inefficient, as prior solutions can be used to inform future time steps. Here, we show that a basis for the space of internal fluxes can be chosen for each microbe in a community and this basis can be used to simulate forward by solving a relatively inexpensive system of linear equations at most time steps. We can use this solution as long as the resulting metabolic activity remains within the optimization problem's constraints (i.e. the solution to the linear system of equations remains a feasible to the linear program). As the solution becomes infeasible, it first becomes a feasible but degenerate solution to the optimization problem, and we can solve a different but related optimization problem to choose an appropriate basis to continue forward simulation. We demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of our method by comparing with currently used methods on a four species community, and show that our method requires at least 91%91\% fewer optimizations to be solved. For reproducibility, we prototyped the method using Python. Source code is available at \verb|https://github.com/jdbrunner/surfin_fba|.Comment: 9 figure

    Metabolic Model-based Ecological Modeling for Probiotic Design

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    The microbial community composition in the human gut has a profound effect on human health. This observation has lead to extensive use of microbiome therapies, including over-the-counter ``probiotic" treatments intended to alter the composition of the microbiome. Despite so much promise and commercial interest, the factors that contribute to the success or failure of microbiome-targeted treatments remain unclear. We investigate the biotic interactions that lead to successful engraftment of a novel bacterial strain introduced to the microbiome as in probiotic treatments. We use pairwise genome-scale metabolic modeling with a generalized resource allocation constraint to build a network of interactions between 818 species with well developed models available in the AGORA database. We create induced sub-graphs using the taxa present in samples from three experimental engraftment studies and assess the likelihood of invader engraftment based on network structure. To do so, we use a set of dynamical models designed to reflect connect network topology to growth dynamics. We show that a generalized Lotka-Volterra model has strong ability to predict if a particular invader or probiotic will successfully engraft into an individual's microbiome. Furthermore, we show that the mechanistic nature of the model is useful for revealing which microbe-microbe interactions potentially drive engraftment.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Tuning Interparticle Hydrogen Bonding in Shear-Jamming Suspensions: Kinetic Effects and Consequences for Tribology and Rheology

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    The shear-jamming of dense suspensions can be strongly affected by molecular-scale interactions between particles, e.g. by chemically controlling their propensity for hydrogen bonding. However, hydrogen bonding not only enhances interparticle friction, a critical parameter for shear jamming, but also introduces (reversible) adhesion, whose interplay with friction in shear-jamming systems has so far remained unclear. Here, we present atomic force microscopy studies to assess interparticle adhesion, its relationship to friction, and how these attributes are influenced by urea, a molecule that interferes with hydrogen bonding. We characterize the kinetics of this process with nuclear magnetic resonance, relating it to the time dependence of the macroscopic flow behavior with rheological measurements. We find that time-dependent urea sorption reduces friction and adhesion, causing a shift in the shear-jamming onset. These results extend our mechanistic understanding of chemical effects on the nature of shear jamming, promising new avenues for fundamental studies and applications alike

    Manufacture of Regularly Shaped Sol-Gel Pellets

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    An extrusion batch process for manufacturing regularly shaped sol-gel pellets has been devised as an improved alternative to a spray process that yields irregularly shaped pellets. The aspect ratio of regularly shaped pellets can be controlled more easily, while regularly shaped pellets pack more efficiently. In the extrusion process, a wet gel is pushed out of a mold and chopped repetitively into short, cylindrical pieces as it emerges from the mold. The pieces are collected and can be either (1) dried at ambient pressure to xerogel, (2) solvent exchanged and dried under ambient pressure to ambigels, or (3) supercritically dried to aerogel. Advantageously, the extruded pellets can be dropped directly in a cross-linking bath, where they develop a conformal polymer coating around the skeletal framework of the wet gel via reaction with the cross linker. These pellets can be dried to mechanically robust X-Aerogel

    Discrimination of prostate cancer cells and non-malignant cells using secondary ion mass spectrometry

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    This communication utilises Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) combined with multivariate analysis to obtain spectra from the surfaces of three closely related cell lines allowing their discrimination based upon mass spectral ions