774 research outputs found

    Honor in the face of death: Hemingway’s moral code in \u3cem\u3eDeath in the Afternoon\u3c/em\u3e and \u3cem\u3eFor Whom the Bell Tolls\u3c/em\u3e

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    This paper analyzes the code of honor in bullfighting as it is explained in Death in the Afternoon by Ernest Hemingway. It then describes the cathartic emotion given to the audience after an honorable performance and discusses the implications of this emotion. Finally, this paper applies the previous analyses of Death in the Afternoon to an analysis of For Whom the Bell Tolls in order to explain how the novel suggests Hemingway\u27s understanding of the Spanish way of life

    Negotiating Intimacies: Gender, Rehabilitation and the Professionalisation of Massage in Britain, c.1880-1920.

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    Massage was professionalised in Britain in 1895 by the Society of Trained Masseuses (STM), a small group of nurses and midwives mainly concerned with giving general massage to neurasthenic women. By the end of the First World War the massage profession had been transformed - a key participant in the rehabilitation of the nation’s wounded soldiers; publically, medically and politically acclaimed; and a specialism fully embryonic of physiotherapy. This thesis examines the professionalisation of massage from c.1880-1920. It argues that in order to fully understand the development of the profession in this period we have to move away from institutional teleologies, linear narratives of ‘medical control’ and embrace the myriad of socio-cultural, economic, political and professional forces driving and shaping this process. To explore these wider forces this thesis looks beyond internal institutional dynamics and examines a number of locations where massage was practised. Beginning with an examination of how massage was translated from a traditionally lay-treatment into the language of medical orthodoxy, this thesis considers its adoption into British medicine, its development as a practice and a profession, and its entry into the First World War. Fiercely contested both medically and ethically throughout the period, the practice of massage offers a new lens through which to examine the complex socio-cultural and professional negotiations shaping the course of professionalisation. This thesis argues that debates about massage, gender and intimacy were intricately woven into the formulation of professional boundaries, conditioning the relationship between patient and masseuse as well as the masseuse and medical practitioner. Focus on practice also yields insights into broader socio-economic and political concerns about disability, productivity and military efficiency. It situates the evolution of massage, practically and professionally, as part of the wider development of rehabilitation within society and medicine during this period. By contextualising the early professionalisation of massage in this way, this thesis offers new perspectives on the complex interplay between the development of physiotherapy, society and medicine.Wellcome Trust and AHR

    A Contribution to the Study of Phlyctenular Ophthalmia.

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    NIAS Brochure 2011

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    NIAS Annual Report 2022-2023

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    Analisis Kualitas Informasi Situs Web Pemerintah Kabupaten Yahukimo Provinsi Papua

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    AbstractThe Yahukimo Regency Government in Papua Province had a website with the address http://www.yahukimokab.go.id/ since 2011. Based on the search results, it was found that various weaknesses were found on the Website, one of which was the lack of quality of information. The quality of information must exist in every public information facility so that the public can obtain information quickly, precisely and accurately. Therefore, a study was conducted to analyze the quality of information that focuses on analyzing the appearance and content of the Website using 20 (twenty) dimensions of information quality according to Knight & Burn, namely Accuracy, Consistency, Security, Timeliness, Completeness, Concise, Reliability, Accessibility Availability. , Objectivity, Relevancy, Useability, Understandability, Amount of data Believability, Navigation, Reputation, Useful, Efficiency and Value-Added (Knight & Burn, 2005). Based on the results of the analysis of the Quality of Information on the Website, it can be concluded that various weaknesses relating to the quality of information are found. There are many errors in settings menu, information presentation, data, and information are rarely updated since the Website was published in 2011 to 2020, data and information are incomplete and irrelevant to the needs of today's society. Therefore, the current existence of the website is not useful enough for the people of Yahukimo Regency. Based on some weaknesses in the website, several recommendations are given which in essence need a strong commitment from the leadership of the Regional Government to take policies for the website improvement and continuous data updates to improve data and information services quickly and accurately.Keywords: Information Quality, Website, Government, Regency, YahukimoPemerintah Kabupaten Yahukimo di Provinsi Papua sudah memiliki Situs Web dengan alamat http://www.yahukimokab.go.id/ sejak tahun 2011. Berdasarkan hasil penelusuran ditemukan berbagai kelemahan dalam Situs Web tersebut, salah satunya adalah kualitas informasi yang masih kurang. Padahal kualitas informasi harus ada dalam setiap fasilitas informasi publik agar masyarakat dapat memperoleh informasi secara cepat, tepat dan akurat. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian untuk menganalisis kualitas informasi yang berfokus pada analisis tampilan dan isi Situs Web menggunakan 20 (dua puluh) dimensi kualitas informasi menurut Knight & Burn, yaitu Accuracy, Consistency, Security, Timeliness, Completeness, Concise, Reliability, Accessibility Availability, Objectivity, Relevancy, Useability, Understandability, Amount of data Believability, Navigation, Reputation, Useful, Efficiency dan Value-Added(Knight & Burn, 2005). Berdasarkan hasil anlisis Kualitas Informasi Situs Web Pemerintah Kabupaten Yahukimo dapat disimpulkan bahwa; ditemukan berbagai kelemahan yang berkaitan tentang kualitas informasi, yaitu; banyak terdapat kesalahan dalam pengaturan menu dan penyajian informasi, data dan informasi jarang di-update sejak Situs Web di tayangkan tahun 2011 hingga 2020, data dan informasi tidak lengkap dan tidak relevan dengan kebutuhan masyarakat saat ini karena hanya terdapat data-data lama. Oleh karena itu, keberadaan Situs Web saat ini belum cukup berguna bagi masyarakat Kabupaten Yahukimo. Berdasarkan sejumlah kelemahan dalam Situs Web tersebut maka diberikan beberapa rekomendasi yang intinya perlu adanya komitmen yang kuat dari pimpinan Pemerintah Daerah untuk mengambil kebijakan perbaikan Situs Web dan update data secara berkelanjutan guna meningkatkan layanan data dan informasi secara cepat dan tepat.Kata kunci: Kualitas Informasi, Situs Web, Pemerintah Daerah, Yahukimo
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