18 research outputs found

    Ensemble spin relaxation of shallow donor qubits in ZnO

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    We present an experimental and theoretical study of the longitudinal electron spin relaxation (T1T_1) of shallow donors in the direct band-gap semiconductor ZnO. T1T_1 is measured via resonant excitation of the Ga donor-bound exciton. T1T_1 exhibits an inverse-power dependence on magnetic field T1BnT_1\propto B^{-n}, with 4n54\leq n\leq 5, over a field range of 1.75 T to 7 T. We derive an analytic expression for the donor spin-relaxation rate due to spin-orbit (admixture mechanism) and electron-phonon (piezoelectric) coupling for the wurtzite crystal symmetry. Excellent quantitative agreement is found between experiment and theory suggesting the admixture spin-orbit mechanism is the dominant contribution to T1T_1 in the measured magnetic field range. Temperature and excitation-energy dependent measurements indicate a donor density dependent interaction may contribute to small deviations between experiment and theory. The longest T1T_1 measured is 480 ms at 1.75 T with increasing T1T_1 at smaller fields theoretically expected. This work highlights the extremely long longitudinal spin-relaxation time for ZnO donors due to their small spin-orbit coupling.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    Charged particle timing at sub-25 picosecond precision : The PICOSEC detection concept

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    The PICOSEC detection concept consists in a “two-stage” Micromegas detector coupled to a Cherenkov radiator and equipped with a photocathode. A proof of concept has already been tested: a single-photoelectron response of 76 ps has been measured with a femtosecond UV laser at CEA/IRAMIS, while a time resolution of 24 ps with a mean yield of 10.4 photoelectrons has been measured for 150 GeV muons at the CERN SPS H4 secondary line. This work will present the main results of this prototype and the performance of the different detector configurations tested in 2016-18 beam campaigns: readouts (bulk, resistive, multipad) and photocathodes (metallic+CsI, pure metallic, diamond). Finally, the prospects for building a demonstrator based on PICOSEC detection concept for future experiments will be discussed. In particular, the scaling strategies for a large area coverage with a multichannel readout plane, the R&D on solid converters for building a robust photocathode and the different resistive configurations for a robust readout.Peer reviewe

    Precise charged particle timing with the PICOSEC detector

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    The experimental requirements in near future accelerators (e.g. High Luminosity-LHC) has stimulated intense interestin development of detectors with high precision timing capabilities. With this as a goal, a new detection concept called PICOSEC,which is based to a “two-stage” MicroMegas detector coupled to a Cherenkov radiator equipped with a photocathode has beendeveloped. Results obtained with this new detector yield a time resolution of 24 ps for 150 GeV muons and 76 ps for single pho-toelectrons. In this paper we will report on the performance of the PICOSEC in test beams, as well as simulation studies andmodelling of its timing characteristicsPeer reviewe

    Timing performance of a Micro-Channel-Plate Photomultiplier Tube

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    The spatial dependence of the timing performance of the R3809U-50 Micro-Channel-Plate PMT (MCP-PMT) by Hamamatsu was studied in high energy muon beams. Particle position information is provided by a GEM tracker telescope, while timing is measured relative to a second MCP-PMT, identical in construction. In the inner part of the circular active area (radius r5.5 mm) the time resolution of the two MCP-PMTs combined is better than 10 ps. The signal amplitude decreases in the outer region due to less light reaching the photocathode, resulting in a worse time resolution. The observed radial dependence is in quantitative agreement with a dedicated simulation. With this characterization, the suitability of MCP-PMTs as t0 reference detectors has been validated.Peer reviewe

    Progress on the PICOSEC-Micromegas Detector Development : Towards a precise timing, radiation hard, large-scale particle detector with segmented readout

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    This contribution describes the PICOSEC-Micromegas detector which achieves a time resolution below 25 ps. In this device the passage of a charged particle produces Cherenkov photons in a radiator, which then generate electrons in a photocathode and these photoelectrons enter a two-stage Micromegas with a reduced drift region and a typical anode region. The results from single-channel prototypes (demonstrating a time resolution of 24 ps for minimum ionizing particles, and 76 ps for single photoelectrons), the understanding of the detector in terms of detailed simulations and a phenomenological model, the issues of robustness and how they are tackled, and preliminary results from a multi-channel prototype are presented (demonstrating that a timing resolution similar to that of the single-channel device is feasible for all points across the area covered by a multi-channel device).Peer reviewe

    Applying Petri Net Unfoldings for Verification of Mobile Systems

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    Applying Petri Net Unfoldings for Verification of Mobile Systems

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    PICOSEC-Micromegas : Robustness measurements and study of different photocathode materials

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    Detectors with a time resolution of 20-30 ps and a reliable performance in highparticles flux environments are necessary for an accurate vertex separation in future HEPexperiments. The PICOSEC-Micromegas detector concept is a Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detector(MPGD) based solution addressing this particular challenge.The PICOSEC-Micromegasconcept is based on a Micromegas detector coupled to a Cherenkov radiator and a photocathode.In this detector concept, all primary electrons are initiated in the photocathode and the timejitter fluctuations are reduced. Different resistive anode layers have been tested with thegoal of preserving a stable detector operation in a high intensity pion beam. One importantcharacteristic of a gaseous detector in a high flux environment is the ion backflow (IBF). Thatcan cause damage to more fragile photocathode materials like CsI. Various types of photocathodematerials have been tested in order to find a robust solution against IBF bombardment.Peer reviewe

    Recent Developments on Precise Timing with the PICOSEC Micromegas Detector

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    The PICOSEC-Micromegas detector was developed for precise timing of the arrival of charged particles with a resolution bellow 30 ps. This contribution, after a brief introduction presents results concerning the PICOSEC-Micromegas response to single photoelectrons, estimation of the photoelectron yield of various photocathode types, as well as its performance to time the arrival of test beam muons. In addition, results based on detailed simulation studies and a stochastic model developed for the understanding of the detector are presented. Finally, results of studies related to the development of large scale PICOSEC-Micromegas detector for practical applications are also presented, in particular, the timing performance of a multi-channel PICOSEC prototype.The PICOSEC-Micromegas detector was developed for precise timing of the arrival of charged particles with a resolution bellow 30 ps. This contribution, after a brief introduction presents results concerning the PICOSEC-Micromegas response to single photoelectrons, estimation of the photoelectron yield of various photocathode types, as well as its performance to time the arrival of test beam muons. In addition, results based on detailed simulation studies and a stochastic model developed for the understanding of the detector are presented. Finally, results of studies related to the development of large scale PICOSEC-Micromegas detector for practical applications are also presented, in particular, the timing performance of a multi-channel PICOSEC prototype.Peer reviewe