1,016 research outputs found

    Why Ireland: How Bank Failure Was Their Key To Success

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    Despite Ireland’s status as the first EU country to receive a bailout, Ireland appears to be bouncing back extremely well from the ongoing financial crisis in Europe and the EU. Looking at recent Irish economic statistics it begs the question whether the government’s complete guarantee of all Irish debts was the best response. Ireland’s financial crisis seemed quite similar to America’s: for both the root causes are freely lending for real estate and property. The responses however, were very different. While America let Lehman Brothers fail and only provided a partial guarantee to its banks, Ireland provided a complete guarantee to all debt-holders. Yet as of late, Ireland’s unemployment rate has fallen below the EU average, the growth rate of the economy in 2015 was a surprising 5.2% and may be the fastest growing economy in the EU at the moment. Using an analysis of the Irish government’s response to the crisis this paper investigates why Ireland’s complete guarantee, without traditional Emergency Liquidity Assistance funds, became the best move for the country

    The Effect of Restoration on Nitrate Reduction and Biogeochemical Functioning in Louisiana Wetlands: Bottomland Hardwood Forests and Deltaic Sediments

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    Nitrogen loading in the Mississippi River from increased N fertilization of agricultural land helps to trigger an area of hypoxic water in the northern Gulf of Mexico (GOM) every summer. Louisiana wetlands can play a vital role in removing nitrate from river waters prior to discharge in the GOM. However, Louisiana’s wetlands have experienced significant losses in recent years. Efforts to restore wetlands include reconnecting floodplain wetlands to rivers and utilizing river diversions to re-introduce sediment to coastal wetlands. Increasing wetland connection to rivers can reduce water nitrate by expanding opportunities for nitrate reduction. I examined soil physicochemical properties, microbial characteristics, and nitrate reduction rates in a hydrologically restored bottomland hardwood forest adjacent to the Ouachita River in Louisiana. Nitrate reduction rates in the restored site were only 28% lower than those in a natural site (11.8 ± 3.4 vs 16.4 ± 8.1 mg N m-2 day-1) (P\u3c0.1), removing approximately 48.1 metric tons of nitrate from the Ouachita River annually. Results suggest that restoring floodplain wetlands can be useful for enhancing nitrate reduction in river floodwaters, improving water quality while reducing the areal extent of hypoxia in the northern GOM. I also investigated nitrate reduction in turbulent surface water conditions resulting from sediment diversions. There is a paucity of data on nitrate loss in areas of diversions where turbulent conditions impart significant shear stress on the sediment surface, suspending fine grained sediments. Sediment cores were collected from Wax Lake Delta in Louisiana and subjected to shear stresses using a flow-through erosional microcosm system for 24 hrs. Nitrate reduction rates were determined under high, medium, and zero shear stress conditions of 0.45, 0.2, and 0 Pa, respectively. Nitrate reduction rates under high, low, and zero shear stresses were 303 ± 65.6, 186 ± 55.1, and 18.7 ± 20.2 mg N m-2 day-1, respectively (P\u3c0.001). Rates of nitrate reduction increased significantly with an increase in shear stress, indicating that turbulent flow conditions from river diversions can significantly increase nitrate reduction rates. Results from this research can help inform modelers in predicting potential nutrient impacts of river diversions on coastal receiving basins

    Why Are We Still Listening to this Dead British Guy: An Analysis of Emergency Liquidity Assistance in Germany During the Sovereign Debt Crisis

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    Germany’s position of power within the European Union disguises how impacted the German economy was by the 2008 Financial Crisis and Europe’s subsequent Sovereign Debt Crisis. Two of Germany’s major banks-Commerzbank and Bayerische Landesbank- suffered major losses and required emergency liquidity assistance (ELA) to survive. Walter Bagehot wrote the theory underpinning lenders of last resort (LLRs) in 1873 but how has the development of systemically important banks affected the usefulness of Bagehot’s theory? This paper aims to explain why Germany is in need of updated LLR recommendations through an analysis of the ELA Germany at large, Commerzbank and Bayerische Landesbank received. It also aims to empirically prove the stigma and public distrust of ELA through a regression of Commerzbank’s daily stock returns using an augmented Fama/French model. I find that Bagehot’s theory and recommendations are out of date for our current global financial sector. I cannot empirically prove any stigma or public distrust of Commerzbank, there is no relationship between Commerzbank stock returns and the augmented Fama/French factors

    Alternate routes to the cell surface underpin insulin-regulated membrane trafficking of GLUT4

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    Insulin-stimulated delivery of glucose transporters (GLUT4) from specialized intracellular GLUT4 storage vesicles (GSVs) to the surface of fat and muscle cells is central to whole-body glucose. This translocation and subsequent internalization of GLUT4 back into intracellular stores transits numerous small membrane-bound compartments (internal GLUT4-containing vesicles; IGVs) including GSVs, but the function of these different compartments is not clear. Cellugyrin and sortilin define distinct populations of IGV; sortilin-positive IGVs represent GSVs, but the function of cellugyrin-containing IGVs is unknown. Here we demonstrate a role for cellugyrin in intracellular sequestration of GLUT4 in HeLa cells and have used a proximity ligation assay to follow changes in pairwise associations between cellugyrin, sortilin, GLUT4 and membrane trafficking machinery following insulin-stimulation of 3T3-L1 adipoctyes. Our data suggest that insulin stimulates traffic from cellugyrin- to sortilin- membranes, and that cellugyrin-IGVs provide an insulin-sensitive reservoir to replenish GSVs following insulin-stimulated exocytosis of GLUT4. Furthermore, our data support the existence of a pathway from cellugyrin-membranes to the surface of 3T3-L1 adipocytes that bypasses GSVs under basal conditions, and that insulin diverts traffic away from this into GSVs


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    Indonesian government regulation No 85 year 1999 regarding management of hazardous material states that in order to identify and to define coal ash as hazardous material or non hazardous material, the coal ash should be evaluated by characteristic and toxicity tests. In this study, the properties of coal ash sample from Bukit Asam power plant were evaluated using chemical analyses and bioassay of Lethal Concentration (LC50-96 hour) and Lethal Dose (LD50-96 hour). The chemical analyses shows that the main chemical compositions of Bukit Asam coal ash were SiO2 (60.6 %) and Al2O3 (22.8%). Bukit Asam coal ash was categorized as non toxic criteria as its LC50-96 hour value exceeded 100,000 ppm. Meanwhile, the result of LD50-96 hour shows that mortality of mice was not found in every dose given (500; 5,000; 15,000; 30,000; 50,000 mg/kg BW) for 0-96 hours of observation so it can be classified as a non hazardous material based on the Indonesian government regula- tion. The results of TCLP test reveal that the concentrations of all the heavy metals were invariably well below the permissible limits for discharge of effluents according to Indonesia regulation and US. EPA standard. Thus, it was also categorized as non hazardous material. Radiation dose of Bukit Asam coal ash was 0.41 mSv/year and it was under standard limits for human being (1 mSv/year). The mean heavy metal contents in Brassica chinensis tissues with three times cultivation were above the WHO limits level. However, the addition of 17.5% coal ash in growth media drastically decreased heavy metals content (Cu: 25.6; Pb: 66.6; Cd: 48.8 dan Cr: 8.29%) into the lowest content. The results generated from this study indicated that Bukit Asam coal ash has a vast potential for reclamation of degraded coal mining land

    PENERAPAN NUMBERED HEADS TOGETHER UNTUK MENINGKATKAN SIKAP JUJUR DAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA DALAM PEMBELAJARAN IPS (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Materi Peristiwa Sekitar Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Pada Siswa Kelas V SD Gumuruh 7/9)

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    Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) ini dilaksanakan di SD Negeri Gumuruh 7/9 dengan subjek penelitian adalah kelas V. Adapun tujuan penelitian tindakan kelas ini adalah untuk meningkatkan sikap jujur dan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian dilakukan pada materi peristiwa proklamasi kemerdekaan dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran “Numbered Heads Together”. Objek penelitian adalah siswa kelas V dengan jumlah siswa 32 orang yang terdiri atas 13 orang siswa laki-laki dan 19 orang siswa perempuan, adapun instrument yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara, observasi, evaluasi hasil belajar siswa berupa pre-tes dan post-tes. Pengolahan dan pengumpulan data berdasarkan dari hasil tes, lembar observasi, hasil wawancara observer dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan didapatkan beberapa siklus peningkatan yaitu setiap siklus siswa mengalami peningkatan baik pada proses pembelajaran dan hasil belajar siswa , pada siklus I telah menunjukan peningkatan dengan nilai rata-rata siswa 70 dengan persentase 75%, sedangkan pada sisklus II lebih meningkat dari siklus I yaitu dengan nilai rata-rata 77 dengan persentase 91%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran menggunakan model Numbered Heads Together pada materi peristiwa sekitar proklamasi kemerdekaan dapat meningkatkan sikap jujur dan hasil belajar siswa. Kata Kunci: Numbered Heads Together, sikap jujur, hasil belajar siswa

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Penyemprot Tanaman Otomatis Berdasarkan Waktu dengan Real Time Clock (RTC) dan Sensor Ultrasonik Serta Notifikasi Via SMS

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    Telah dirancang sistem penyemprot tanaman otomatis berdasarkan waktu dengan Real Time Clock (RTC) dan sensor ultrasonik serta notifikasi via SMS. Sistem ini berfungsi untuk menyiram tanaman secara otomatis berdasarkan waktu yang telah diatur pada program dan sistem akan memberikan informasi kepada pengguna saat air dalam wadah habis. Sistem terdiri dari RTC DS3231 sebagai penghitung waktu, satu buah relai sebagi saklar, pompa air mini untuk menyemprot tanaman, sensor ultrasonik HC-SR04 untuk mendeteksi ketinggian air, GSM SIM 800L untuk mengirim SMS sebagai peringatan kepada pengguna dan LCD untuk menampilkan jarak dan waktu. Sistem ini bekerja berdasarkan waktu sedemikian rupa sehingga pompa air hidup pada saat pukul 08.00 WIB dan pukul 17.00 WIB. Pada waktu yang sama ketinggian air dalam wadah dideteksi sensor ultrasonik, jika jarak air dengan sensor 25 cm maka peringatan kepada pengguna berupa SMS “air hampir habis†dikirim oleh GSM. Berdasarkan hasil uji sistem jarak GSM yang digunakan dengan lokasi penerima SMS tidak berpengaruh, rata- rata waktu yang didapatkan untuk lima variasi jarak pengiriman yaitu 7,876 s, 8,646 s, 8,824 s, dan 8,676 s. Sistem penyiram tanaman otomatis ini dikontrol dengan modul Arduino Uno.Kata kunci: Arduino Uno, GSM SIM 800L, RTC DS3231, Sistem penyemprot otomatis, Ultrasonik HC-SR04

    Gender Differences in Obesity and Physical Activity Among Secondary School Students

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    Background:Obesity is a nutritional problem worldwide, including in Indonesia. Data from the 2010 Basic Health Research showed that the prevalence of obesity in adolescents aged 13-15 years in Banten Province was 3.4percent, greater than the national prevalence of obesity for adolescents at the same age (2.5%). Objective: To determine gender differences in the obesity amongst junior high school students. Methods:Using a cross sectional design, this study included anthropometric measurement, questionnaire, and 2 x 24 hours food recall method. This study involved 134 junior high school students of Pembangunan Jaya Secondary School Bintaro. Results:The results of the univariate analysis showed that 14.9% of students were obese. The results of bivariate analysis showed a significant difference between sex for obesity and physical activity. These results were consistent with the previous research showing more consumption of calories in men than women. However, women only conducted milder physical activities than men. Conclusions:There was a significant difference in obesity and physical activity across different sexes. Both men and women had unbalanced diet, low consumption of fibre, yet excessive consumption of fat and protein

    Peningkatan Konektivitas Domestik melalui Infrastruktur Laut dan Dampaknya terhadap Stabilitas Harga Makanan

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    Tujuan utama dari studi ini adalah untuk megetahui pengaruh dari pengembangan infrastruktur laut terhadap tingkat harga khususnya komoditas makanan di Indonesia. Hal ini penting untuk dilakukan mengingat komoditas makanan merupakan penyumbang terbesar inflasi, bersifat persisten, dan merupakan komoditas yang penting bagi masyarakat miskin. Dengan menggunakan metodologi data panel, temuan utama dari studi ini menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan pelabuhan komersial memiliki peran penting untuk menurunkan tingkat harga makanan melalui penurunan biaya logistik. Perbaikan pada infrastruktur darat, terutama pengelolaan jembatan timbang dan koneksi darat dari pasar menuju pelabuhan pun cukup penting dalam proses pembentukan harga makanan