125 research outputs found


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    Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (lupus) is a chronic autoimmune disease. Its flares could lower patients’ quality of life (QoL). The application of self-care model could help patients achieving high QoL independently through self-care operation. This study aimed to prove the efficacy of self-care model application in improving self-care agency (SCA), self-care operation and QoL in lupus patients. This is a pre-experimental study using the one group pretest-posttest design. Population was all lupus patients doing regular check-up in Rheumatology Unit of Dr. Soetomo Public Hospital, Surabaya. Sample was taken based on existed data in period of October-December 2014. Sample size was 36 enrolled by means of total sampling. Study intervention was Self-care Management Training followed up by four time weekly home visit. Instruments used were The Exercise of Self-care Agency Scale, Self-rated Abilities for Health Practices Scale and LUPUSPRO. Data analysis used paired t-test with α < 0.05. Result showed that all data were normally distributed in term of pretest and posttest (p > α). Self-care model application could improve SCA by 19.93%, self-care operation by 17.53% and QoL by 12.19% averagely. Self-care model application was proved to be effective for improving SCA (p=0.000), self-care operation (p=0.000) and QoL (p=0.000) in lupus patients. Self-care model is applicable in Indonesian context because adult patients have high capacity and SCA for performing self-care practice. Model application in term of educational support for empowering lupus patients and improving independence resulted in high SCA, optimum self-care and better QoL. It is proved to be effective for managing lupus in community setting and highly recommended for community nurses by using various method preferred. Keywords: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Self-care model, Self-care Agency, Self-care, Quality of Lif

    Social wellbeing among women living with cancer

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    Women living with cancer are gradually increases in number due to the increase prevalence of breast and cervical cancer worldwide. The social impact of cancer is underappreciated compared to physical and psychological impacts. This study aimed to: 1) compare and analyze the social wellbeing (SWB) between women living with breast and cervical cancer, and 2) determine the best predictor of SWB in both groups. This cross-sectional study involved 58 and 47 women living wih breast and cervical cancer (n=105). Questionnaire of QOL-CS part III was used in data collection. Various statistical tests were used in data analysis (α&lt;0.05). Sufficient SWB was mostly found in both cases. Family stress, work life, home activities, worriness, social support, personal relation, sexuality, social isolation, and financial burden were significantly different between cases (p=0.021, p=0.027, p=0.004, p=0.022, p=0.000, p=0.000, p=0.000, p=0.000, and p=0.001 respectively), resulted in significant difference in overall SWB between cases (p=0.000). Home activities were the best predictor of SWB in both cases (R2=0.680 and R2=0.840 respectively) with more influences on cervical cancer (84% of influence). SWB was better in women living with breast cancer

    Psychological Wellbeing in Cervical and Breast Cancer Survivors: Differences in Each Stage of Survivorship

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    Being diagnosed with cancer in some females results in impaired psychological wellbeing (PWB). This study aimed to compare and analyze the PWB between cervical and breast cancer survivors (CCS and BCS) especially in each stage of survivorship. This cross-sectional study involved 47 CCS and 58 BCS (n=105) from three districts in Surabaya, Indonesia. QOL-CS was used for collecting data. Independent sample T test, one way ANOVA test, and linear regression test were used in data analysis (α&lt;0.05).  Results showed that most respondents had sufficient PWB. PWB between cases and survivorship stages was not significantly different (p=0.067 overall, p=0.425 in CCS, and p=0.135 in BCS). In CCS, appearances and self-concept were significantly changing over time (p=0.032 and p=0.007 respectively); meanwhile in BCS, life acceptance, happiness, memory/concentration, and usefulness were continuously changed (p=0.044, p=0.019, p=0.020, and p=0.018 respectively). Appearances were the best predictor of PWB in both cases (p=0.000), but it gave more influences in BCS than CCS (52.6% vs. 29.7%).Keywords: breast cancer, cancer, cancer survivorship, cervical cancer, psychological wellbein


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    Introduction: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (lupus) and its complications could lower individual’s health-related quality of life (HRQOL). Self-care is highly needed for sustaining self-involvement in lupus management. People with lupus need to have proper sensory knowledge and high self-efficacy for implementing preventive action towards trigger factors and self-care practice. This study aims to explain the correlation between sensory knowledge, self-efficacy, preventive action towards trigger factors, self-care practice and HRQOL in lupus patients. Method: This is a cross-sectional study mixing the model of Self-Care and Precede Proceed. Population was all lupus patients doing regular check up in Rheumatology Unit of Dr. Soetomo Hospital in October-December 2014. Sample size was 36 chosen by total sampling. Independent variables: sensory knowledge, self-efficacy, preventive action towards trigger factors and self-care practice; dependent variable: HRQOL. Instruments: ODAPUS-HEBI and LUPUSPRO. Data analysis: regression test; α≤0.05. Result: 36 females respondents participated; suffered disease for 0.5 – 12 years.. Age range: 20-44 years old. Mostly were high school graduates, married and actively working. Most respondents have high sensory knowledge and self-efficacy; optimum preventive action and self-care practice, but HRQOL was not optimal. All data were normally distributed. Only sensory knowledge proved to be linear with HRQOL. There was a weak significant correlation identified between sensory knowledge and HRQOL (r=0.344, p=0.040); while self-efficacy, preventive action and self-care practice proved to have no correlation with HRQOL (p>α). Conclusion: Sensory knowledge is correlated with HRQOL in people with lupus. Self-efficacy, preventive action towards trigger factors and self-care practice were proved to have no correlation. Key words: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, correlation, knowledge, self-efficacy, preventive action

    Comparison of Career Expectation between Nursing Freshman and Interns

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    AbstrakThe growing shortage of nurses is a global issue nowadays. The expectation of student nurses towards their future career as a practical nurse should be carefully considered, especially in the millennial generation. This study aimed to compare and analyze the differences in career expectations between nursing first-year students and interns. This cross-sectional study involved 110 and 66 nursing freshmen and interns, respectively (n=176) in two private nursing colleges in the middle part of Indonesia, both institutions were “B” accredited. Career expectations questionnaire was used in data collection. Descriptive statistics and the Mann-Whitney U test were used for analyzing the data (α&lt;.05). Results showed that nursing interns had higher career expectations than the freshmen (Mean: 77.24 vs. 71.84); interns had high expectations, while first-year students had enough expectations. There was a significant difference found between groups (p=.003), which influenced by promotion (p=.001), leisure time (p=.015), work-life balance (p=.030), business opportunity (p=.028), organization membership (p=.004), and public recognition (p=.038). Career expectation differs significantly between nursing first-year students and interns. Keywords: career, career expectation, nursing, student nurs

    Stress and fear in women living with cancer: An argumentation towards the adaptation theory

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    Extended life expectancy in cancer nowadays has implication on longer exposures toward cancer-related stressors. Based on the adaptation theory, the longer the stressor exposures then the more the stress tolerance expected. This study aimed to compare and analyze the differences of stress and fear in cervical and breast cancer survivors (CCS and BCS) between cases and survivorship stages, impacting on anxiety, depression, and perceived life normality (PLN). This cross-sectional study involved 47 CCS and 58 BCS (n=105). Self-developed instrument was used in data collection (r=-0.256-0.935; Chronbach’s Alpha=0.908). Various statistical tests were used in data analysis (α&lt;0.05). Stress due to cancer diagnosis and treatments were significantly different between cases (p=0.005 and p=0.003 in CCS and BCS respectively), impacting significant differences on anxiety, depression, and PLN between cases (p=0.025, p=0.000, and p=0.000 respectively). In both cases, stress due to cancer diagnosis and treatments, anxiety, depression, and PLN were not significantly different between survivorship stages (all p&gt;0.05). Fear towards cancer recurrence, metastasis, additional cancer, and diagnostic test were not significantly different between cases and survivorship stages (all p&gt;0.05). These findings argue the adaptation theory because the adaptation process was proved to be limitless in CCS and BCS; therefore it can’t be seen as a product

    BMF CP58: Assessing the needs of healthcare information for assisting family caregivers in cancer fear management

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    The current study aims to examine how types of demanded healthcare information affect the FCG’s role in reducing the fear of female cancer patients (i.e., cancer-specific information, caregiver-specific information, therapy-specific information, information on cancer physical needs, information on alternative therapies, and information on support services)


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelaah literatur, artikel, dan jurnal penelitian yang berkaitan dengan program Self-Management dalam penerapannya untuk menurunkan intensitas nyeri dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup para penderita kanker usia dewasa. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelusuran artikel jurnal di beberapa database dengan menggunakan kata kunci. Dari hasil penelusuran didapatkan 65 artikel, diantaranya ada 13 artikel yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi penelitian ini. Yang ditelaah adalah desain, sampel, perlakuan, parameter yang diukur, hasil penelitian, dan kesimpulannya. Hasil telaahan menunjukkan bahwa program Self-Management yang diterapkan pada orang dewasa dengan kanker bervariasi dari segi komponen intervensinya, dan program ini efektif untuk menurunkan intensitas nyeri dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup penderita kanker. Program Self-Management disusun berdasarkan kebutuhan spesifik penderita sehingga komponen intervensi di dalamnya beragam. Program ini terbukti efektif dalam menurunkan intensitas nyeri dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien dewasa dengan kanke

    BMF CP68: Predicting the Needs of Emotional Support among Family Caregivers of Cancer Patients by Analyzing the Demanded Healthcare Information

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    Among all aspects, the unmet needs of healthcare information from the healthcare and illness-related domains have the potency to predict the unmet needs of emotional support from the emotional and relational domains in this population. The current study aims to examine the predictors of the needs for emotional support among FCGs of cancer patients by analyzing the demanded healthcare information, i.e., cancer-specific information, caregiver-specific information, therapy-specific information, information on cancer physical needs, information on alternative therapies, and information on support services
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