18 research outputs found


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    Dialek Bali Aga (DBA) merupakan salah satu dialek bahasa Bali yang umumnya tersebar di daerah pegunungan di Bali dan di Kecamatan Nusa Penida. Pada masa lalu penutur DBA, yang sering menganggap diri sebagai penduduk asli pulau Bali ini, bersikap divergen secara sosial dan linguistik terhadap msyarakat tutur bahasa Bali Dialek Bali Dataran (DBD). Sikap divergen ini menyebabkan DBA berkembang secara berbeda dengan DBD sehingga menjadi dialek tersendiri. Modernisasi dan kemajuan di berbagai bidang membuat masyarakat tutur DBA semakin dinamis dan dalam dinamikanya mereka banyak berinteraksi dengan masyarakat tutur DBD. Dalam interaksi ini sikap divergen mereka, baik secara sosial maupun linguistic, mulai mencair. Mereka menguasai DBD dan bahkan ada fenomena DBA di beberapa wilayah mulai terdesak oleh DBD. Di desa Bali Aga Pedawa, keterdesakan DBA Pedawa (DBAP) menimbulkan keprihatinan di kalangan pemuka masyarakat karena desa Pedawa memiliki kekhasan budaya yang merupakan bagian dari identitas masyarakat Pedawa. Jika transmisi antargenerasi DBAP, yang merupakan bahasa ibu masyarakat Pedawa, terputus, maka dikahawatirkan generasi mendatang tidak dapat mengenali budaya yang merupakan jati dirinya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang menerapkan metode simak dan cakap ini dapat diketahui bahwa beberapa penelitian kebahasaan yang dilakukan di desa Pedawa, baik oleh peneliti Indonesia mau pun asing, ternyata memiliki dampak penting bagi masyarakat di desa itu, yakni menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat akan peran penting bahasa ibu mereka. Dalam beberapa periode belakangan mulai ada geliat revitalisasi bahasa di desa ini, yang ditandai dengan munculnya rasa bangga dan sikap positif terhadap DBAP, meluasnya ranah pakai DBAP, misalnya acara rapat yang dahulu sempat menggunakan DBD atau bahasa Indonesia, mulai beralih kembali ke DBAP. Di kalangan generasi muda dan usia dewasa muda, DBAP bahkan mewarnai percakapan mereka di media sosial. Pengenalan budayabudaya tradisional asli, seperti upacara mesangih massal, ngangkid massal, rumah adat tradisional Pedawa dan lain-lain, melalui berbagai media, menyebabkan kosakata DBAP yang menyangkut budaya, rumah, dan perundagian makin dikenal secara luas. Geliat kebahasaan yang beriringan dengan geliat revitalisasi budaya ini sangat menunjang pengembangan desa Pedawa dalam sebagai objek pariwisata. Meningkatnya vitalitas DBAP ini, sekaligus dapat menunjang pendidikan di tingkat sekolah dasar dan menunjang layanan kesehatan, utamanya di kalangan lansia, yang umumnya monolingual, bahkan monolektal. Sebagai sebuah dialek dengan kekhasannya dan kekhasan budaya yang diwahanainya, DBAP ikut menunjang program pendidikan multikultural di Indonesia


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    Abstract: Balinese language is divided into two dialects, namely Bali Dataran(DBD), and Bali Aga (DBA) dialect. The DBD variation happens vertically, but not in DBA. Some vocabularies in DBD that are classified into low(Tak-Alus/TA) are classified as common variants in DBA. This research aims to explore the Balinese personal pronoun variations in DBD  which  DBA in  Sembiran(DS), and Seraya Timur(DST). The results, by applying the dialectology theory and correlation method or metode padan, showed that the personal pronouns of DS and DST varied lexically and phonologically. Lexically, the personal pronoun of first person singular in DBD /(ti)tiyaŋ/(A), /(i)–caŋ/ and /yaŋ/(TA) was realized as /oke/ and /kaka/ in DS also /(b)–iba/, /uke/, and /wane/ in DST. The second person singular /ragane/(A), /cai/ /ɲai/, and /ibə/(TA) in DBD, were realized as /cai/, /ɲai/, and /ŋko/ in DS also /cai/ and /ɲai/ in DST; and the third person singular /idə/, /dane/(A) and /(i) –yə/(TA) in DBD, were realized as /ya/, in DS and DST. Meanwhile phonologically, the realization of phoneme /a/ at the end of the word in DBD was realized as /ə/, in DS and DST was /a/.  permalink/DOI: dx.doi.org/10.17977/um015v46i12018p073  

    Pengaruh Pelatihan M-Pise LPD Digital, Motivasi Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah Di LPD Tegal Desa Darmasaba Badung Bali

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    Customer loyalty is a top priority for the company to survive amidst a tight barrier. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of digital LPD m-pise training, motivation, and service quality on customer loyalty at LPD Tegal Desa Darmasaba Badung Bali partially and simultaneously. The population and respondents used in this study were 803 LPD Tegal customers with 89 respondents using the purposive sampling method. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the analysis, it is found that M-Pise training has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty, while motivation and service quality has a positive and insignificant effect on customer loyalty because the sig value is less than 0.05 and the t value is less than t table. The F test shows that the three independent variables jointly affect the customer loyalty variable. The suggestion in this research is for management to evaluate customer loyalty by looking at the M-Pise training factors, motivation, and service quality. &nbsp

    Pemakaian Anggah-Ungguhing Basa Bali pada Buku Ajar Bahasa Bali di SMA: Kajian Sosiolinguistik

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    The article's objectives were 1) to examine the usage of Balinese language in Balinese language textbooks in senior high schools at the discourse, sentences, and word levels. This is a qualitative research study. The written material comes from a textbook titled Kusuma Sastra for Class XI. Data were obtained using the listening method, which was assisted by note-taking techniques, and analyzed using distributional and distributional methods, which were supported by substitution techniques. Informal approaches are used to provide data analysis, which is aided by inductive and deductive processes. The article's research results: the use of Balinese anggah-ungguhing basa in a textbook titled Kusuma Sastra: (1) at the discourse level: alus, kepara, and mixed), (2) at the sentence level: alus singgih, alus sor, kepara, kasar hormat), and (3) at the word level: alus singgih, alus sor, mider, madia, andap, and kasar)

    Toponimi Nama-Nama Tempat di Kecamatan Kuta dan Kuta Selatan Kabupaten Badung Bali

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    The results of this study are to describe the toponyms found in the origins of place names in Kuta and South Kuta Districts. The use of toponymy theory in this analysis is able to reveal toponymy aspects of place names in Kuta and South Kuta Districts.  Based on the toponymy theory according to Robiansyah (2017: 13), it is grouped into four, namely (1) vegetation toponymy; (2) historical toponymy; (3) toponymy of gifts; (4) regional toponymy in place names in Kuta and South Kuta Districts. The methods and techniques used consist of three stages, namely: (1) The stage of providing data using the listening method, followed by the technique of observing the skilled engagement (SLC) technique, and the recording technique, as well as the proficient method, followed by the fishing technique and the proficient technique, ( 2) The data analysis phase uses the matching method with the advanced technique of selecting determinant elements (PUP) and the comparative comparison technique (HBB), as well as the distribution method with the advanced technique of dividing the direct elements (BUL), (3) The data analysis results stage uses the method formal and informal methods supported by deductive and inductive techniques. The toponymic aspects of place names in Kuta and South Kuta sub-districts include four types of toponymy, namely vegetation toponymy, historical toponymy, gift toponymy, and area toponymy which is the origin of the place names

    Implementasi Algoritma Genetika Pada Perancangan Sistem Penjadwalan Perkuliahan di STIKOM Bali

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    Penjadwalan perkuliahan dalam sebuah institusi pendidikan seringkali menjadi kendala, sebab dalam penyusunan sebuah jadwal perkuliahan dengan skala besar, membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama dengan kompleksitas yang tinggi. Untuk menyusun jadwal perkuliahan, harus mempertimbangkan beberapa komponen seperti matakuliah, ruang perkuliahan, waktu berlangsungnya proses perkuliahan, dan karakteristik mata kuliah. Selain itu penjadwalan perkuliahan juga harus mempertimbangkan kebijakan dari institusi pendidikan tersebut. Apabila dalam penjadwalan perkuliahan tidak dilakukan dengan tepat, akan menjadi kendala di kemudian hari, misalnya penumpukan jadwal mata kuliah di ruangan yang sama, hal tersebut dapat berdampak pada proses perkuliahan, sehingga proses perkuliahan menjadi terganggu. Pembuatan sistem penjadwalan perkuliahan dengan menggunakan algoritma genetika  ini mempermudah penyusunan jadwal perkuliahan dengan cara menggunakan metode genetika dalam proses penjadwalannya, karena pendekatan yang diambil oleh algoritma ini adalah dengan menggabungkan secara acak berbagai pilihan solusi terbaik di dalam suatu kumpulan untuk mendapatkan generasi solusi terbaik, sehingga proses penjadwalan di STIKOM Bali dapat mengurangi kesalahan dalam proses penjadwalan. &nbsp


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    Pendahuluan:Prosedur pemasangan infus pada anak usia sekolah merupakan prosedur invasifyang mengakibatkan nyeri. Nyeri yang tidak ditangani dapat menimbulkan kesulitan tidur, ansietas, ketidakberdayaan dan keputusasaan. Kompres dingin merupakan salah satu tindakan keperawatan yang mampu mengurangi nyeri dengan memberikan efek anestesi lokal pada area yang akan dipasang infus. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh kompres dingin terhadap tingkat nyeri saat pemasangan infus pada anak usia sekolah. Metode:Desain penelitian menggunakan true eksperimental, dengan rancangan posttest-only control design. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan consecutive sampling dengan sampel sebanyak 20 responden terbagi menjadi dua kelompok (10 responden kelompok kontrol dan 10 responden kelompok perlakuan).Kompres dingin dilakukan selama 3 menit sebelum pemasangan infus dilakukan.Hasil:Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata tingkat nyeri anak pada kelompok kontrol 6,4 termasuk nyeri sedang. Rata-rata tingkat nyeri pada kelompok perlakuan 2,7 termasuk nyeri ringan. Beda rata-rata tingkat nyeri pada kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol sebesar 3,7. Diskusi:Hasil uji Independent T Test didapatkan p value 0,000, menunjukkan ada pengaruh kompres dinginterhadap tingkat nyeri saat pemasangan infus pada anak usia sekolah di RSUD Sanjiwani Gianyar. Kompres dingin saat pemasangan infus pada pasien anak diharapkan dapat dijadikan standar, sehingga dapat menurunkan nyeri pada pasien anak. Kata kunci:Anak usia sekolah, Kompres dingin, Tingkat Nyeri   ABSTRACK Introduction:The infusion procedure in school-age children is an invasive procedure that results pain. Pain that is not treated may cause anxiety, insomnia, powerlessness and hopelessness. Cold compress is one of the nursing interventions that are able toreduce pain by providing local anesthetic effect on the area where the infusion will be installed. The aim of the study to identify the effects of cold compress on levels of pain in school-age children during infusion installation.Method:Design of study was true experimental, with a posttest-only control design, by using consecutive sampling with 20 respondents consisted of two groups (10 control group and 10 intervention group). Cold compress was performed for 3 minutes prior infusion installation. Result:Results indicated that mean level of child pain in control group of 6,4 included moderate pain, mean level in intervention group of 2,7 included mild pain. Discussion:Bivariate analysis using Independent T Test.Mean difference of pain level in treatment and control group was 3,7 (p value 0,000), there are effects of cold compress on levels of pain during infusion installation in school-age children at Sanjiwani Gianyar hospital. Cold compresses during infusion in pediatric patients are expected to be standardized, by reducing pain in pediatric patients   Key word:School-age children, cold compress, Pain Leve


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    This study is aimed to describe and explain (1) the types of the use of antonym in Lionese; (2) the categories of Lionese antonyms; and (3) units of language that may be in opposition of meaning in Lionese. The cornerstone of the theory used is the semantic theory, especially the antonym word-meaning relation. Data collected by the method see face to face with the record and recording techniques. , The results showed as follows. First, the kind of opposition Lio meaning there are five, namely (a) the absolute opposition, (b) polar opposites, (c) opposition relations, (d) hierarchical opposition, and (e) the opposition compound. Second, the category of vocabulary Lio to opposing meanings are (a) nouns, (b) pronouns, (c) numeralia, (d) of the verb, and (e) adjective. Third, the forms to the opposition in a Lio is (a) forms the basis of the basic form, (b) basic shape with the shape prefixed, (c) forms prefixed with the form prefixed, (d) the basic form with a group of words, and ( e) a group of words with a group of words


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    This study is aimed to describe and explain (1) the types of the use of antonym in Lionese; (2) the categories of Lionese antonyms; and (3) units of language that may be in opposition of meaning in Lionese. The cornerstone of the theory used is the semantic theory, especially the antonym word-meaning relation. Data collected by the method see face to face with the record and recording techniques. , The results showed as follows. First, the kind of opposition Lio meaning there are five, namely (a) the absolute opposition, (b) polar opposites, (c) opposition relations, (d) hierarchical opposition, and (e) the opposition compound. Second, the category of vocabulary Lio to opposing meanings are (a) nouns, (b) pronouns, (c) numeralia, (d) of the verb, and (e) adjective. Third, the forms to the opposition in a Lio is (a) forms the basis of the basic form, (b) basic shape with the shape prefixed, (c) forms prefixed with the form prefixed, (d) the basic form with a group of words, and ( e) a group of words with a group of words

    Deixis variations of place in balinese language: Dialectology studies

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    Balinese Languages geographically had varieties and social stratification. This study was intended to examine one aspect of social stratification varieties of Balinese Language i.e. deixis that refers to pragmatic studies. As well as, in order to describe deixis forms of place, deixis of place categories, variations and its use in the Balinese Language. The theory that was used in this research was dialectology and pragmatics theories, especially, it was deixis. The data were cited by observation method; note taking, therefore, it was analyzed to be presented within the informal method of deductive and inductive procedure. The results of the study were to show that deixis forms of the place of Balinese Language found a basic form, its form was derived by affixation and phrase forms of Balinese Language were able to be categorized including; verb, adjective, demonstrative pronoun, an adverb of place. Social stratification on deixis varieties of the place was obtained twenty towards its own varieties. Those are asi, aso, ami, ama, mider, and andap/kapara, they had their own function with reference to the pronoun