65 research outputs found

    Developmental Competence of Early Stage Porcine Embryos Cultured in Medium with Different Energy Substrate in vitro

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    To elucidate the effect of energy requirement during the early embryonic development on their developmental ability to develop to blastocyst stage, in vitro fertilized (IVF) porcine one-cell embryos were cultured in modified North Carolina State University (NCSU)-37 supplemented with different energy substrate. Result indicated that the cleavage rate of embryos in Pyr-Lac and Gluc-Pyr-Lact groups was significantly higher than in those in Gluc group and Gluc-Rib group (P < 0.05). At Day 6 of culture, the highest proportion of embryos develop to the blastocyst stage was obtained in the presence of pyruvate-lactate only. In the medium with glucose, the addition of pyruvate-lactate or ribose slightly increased the proportion of embryos develop to the blastocyst stage, however the value were not significantly different form those obtained in the presence of glucose only. The mean cell number in blastocysts derived from Pyr-Lac and Gluc-Pyr-Lact groups were significantly higher than those in the Gluc group (P < 0.05). These results indicated that the presence of glucose only, as energy substrate, during the first 2 days of in vitro culture (IVC) caused a decrease in development of in vitro produced (IVP) porcine embryos to the blastocyst stage and mean cell number in blastocysts

    Efektivitas Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) dari Kuning Telur Ayam terhadap Kualitas Semen Cair Domba

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    Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) extracted from egg yolk (LDL) has recently known can eliminate the adverse effect associated in the use of fresh egg yolk. The role of LDL in liquid preservation at 4°C of ram sperm has not been explored. This research evaluates the effects of substituting egg yolk with LDL in ram sperm preservation at 4 °C on 5 days. The objective of this research was to assess the effects of substituting egg yolk with LDL for use as an extender in sperm preservation at 4°C, as well as on spermatozoa motility, viability, morphology, plasma membrane, and acrosome integrity, for 5 days. The semen was subsequently divided into five and diluted with Tris–fresh egg yolk (K), Tris–LDL5% (LDL5), Tris–LDL10% (LDL10), Tris–LDL15% (LDL15), and Tris–LDL20% (LDL20). The result showed a significant difference between LDL to fresh egg yolk for ram sperm quality (P<0.05). The effectiveness of LDL on sperm quality decreased following by its concentration. Even though up to 20% concentration of LDL, it can not preserve the quality of diluted semen for motility, viability, and plasm membrane integrity.

    Adiponectin: Potential Protein Hormone as a Candidate Biomarker for Male Fertility

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    Reproduction is an important factor that requires attention to increase livestock production. The application of artificial insemination (AI) technology has been developed rapidly in the world, so that availability of fertile superior male is a determinant factor of successful AI. Several recent studies have been aimed to discover male fertility biomarker, by intense research on fertility-associated proteins contained in seminal plasma. This paper describes the role of adiponectin as a biomarker candidate of male fertility. Adiponectin has a positive effect on spermatozoa functionality and steroidogenesis. This has been proven by several studies that found its expression in Sertoli cells and Leydig cells in the reproductive tract. Based on the specific role on spermatozoa functionality and steroidogenesis in supporting male fertility parameter, it is strongly suggested that adiponectin is an excellent candidate biomarker for male fertility

    Karakteristik Spermatozoa Domba yang Diinkubasi Dalam Medium Fertilisasi dengan Waktu dan Konsentrasi Berbeda

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    Keberhasilan fertilisasi in vitro tidak hanya dipengaruhi oleh oosit tetapi juga kualitas spermatozoa, konsentrasi spermatozoa, dan lamanya waktu inkubasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi karakteristik spermatozoa domba post-thawed yang diinkubasi pada waktu dan konsentrasi yang berbeda dalam medium fertilisasi. Spermatozoa domba berasal dari semen beku domba garut dan ekor gemuk. Konsentrasi spermatozoa yang digunakan adalah 1 dan 5 juta spermatozoa/mL. Setiap kelompok spermatozoa diinkubasi dalam inkubator CO2 5% pada suhu 38,5oC selama 0, 3, dan 6 jam. Setiap akhir masa inkubasi, spermatozoa dievaluasi pola gerak, motilitas, MPU, dan TAU sebanyak tiga ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motilitas total, motilitas progresif, MPU, dan TAU pada kedua bangsa domba dengan konsentrasi 1 dan 5 juta menurun secara signifikan dengan bertambahnya waktu inkubasi. Pola pergerakan spermatozoa kedua bangsa domba pada konsentrasi 1 juta menunjukkan hiperaktivitas pada jam ke 3 inkubasi dengan nilai STR 0,47-0,49% dan nilai LIN 0,33-0,34%, sedangkan pada konsentrasi 5 juta menunjukkan adanya hiperaktivitas pada jam ke 6 inkubasi dengan nilai STR 0,69-0,80% dan nilai LIN 0,52-0,55%. Selama inkubasi, spermatozoa menunjukkan pola renang sedang dengan nilai VCL 50,70-77,85 µ/s. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kualitas spermatozoa setelah inkubasi menurun seiring dengan penambahan waktu inkubasi. Spermatozoa dengan konsentrasi 5 juta menunjukkan nilai motilitas total yang tinggi tetapi nilai progresifnya lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan konsentrasi 1 juta. Hiperaktivitas spermatozoa dengan konsentrasi 1 juta dapat terjadi pada jam ke 3 sedangkan kosentrasi 5 juta dapat terjadi pada jam ke 6 waktu inkubasi

    Kualitas Spermatozoa Domba yang Disentrifugasi sebelum Dibekukan dengan Pengencer Laktosa Pasca-Thawing

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    Telah diketahui bahwa plasma semen dapat menurunkan motilitas spermatozoa selama prosespembekuan. Sentrifugasi adalah metode yang digunakan untuk memisahkan plasma semen padaspermatozoa. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian pada spermatozoa domba yang dibekukan dandiberi perlakuan sentrifugasi untuk memisahkan plasma semen dan spermatozoa domba. Terdapattiga perlakuan pada sampel spermatozoa domba yaitu kontrol (tanpa sentrifugas) dan sentrifugasidilakukan selama 5 menit dan 10 menit dengan kecepatan 3000 rpm. Ketiga sampel diekuilibrasi selama2 jam pada suhu 4 ÂşC, kemudian dibekukan dengan nitrogen cair dan di thawing pada suhu 37 ÂşC selama30 detik. Hasil yang didapat dengan menggunakan program analisis data SPSS dengan Anova dan ujilanjut Duncan menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan nyata pada motilitas, viabilitas, dan integritasmembran plasma utuh (MPU) antara spermatozoa dari kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan setelahthawing (P&gt;0,05). Dari data tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa keberadaan plasma semen selamaproses pembekuan tidak mempunyai pengaruh negatif terhadap kualitas spermatozoa domba pascapembekuan

    Vaksinasi Rabies oleh Abdi Nusantara XIII FKH IPB Bersama Dinas Pertanian Kota Padang

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    &nbsp; Rabies is a zoonotic disease with a Case Fatality Rate (CFR) or the mortality rate reaches 100%. One of the transmissions of rabies in West Sumatra is influenced by the tradition of hunting pigs. In West Sumatra during 2013-2016 as many as 16 people died due to rabies. This activity aims to assist the Department of Agriculture in realizing freedom of Padang from rabies infectious diseases. This activity uses the method of observation with active participation. The results of the rabies vaccination activities in Padang were 99 vaccinated rabies animals. Of the 99 animals, 9 of them are dogs and 90 cats. Keywords: Padang City, rabies, zoonosi

    Cysteamine in Maturation Medium Enhances Nuclear Maturation and Fertilization Rate of Sheep Oocytes In Vitro

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    Low nuclear maturation and fertilization rate is one obstacle in the in vitro embryo production which decrease embryo yield. This problem is presumable related with high production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during maturation process. Glutathione (GSH) as an antioxidant is well known to overcome effect of ROS production. GSH synthesis in the cytosol part of the oocyte cytoplasm is influenced by cysteine availability. It is therefore, this research was conducted to evaluate the ability of cysteamine to provide cysteine availability as GSH precursor on the nuclear maturation and fertilization rate of sheep oocytes. Results of this experiment revealed additional cysteamine at 150 µm and 200 µm could significantly improve nuclear maturation rate. On the other side, although additional of cysteamine at 50 µm could not improve nuclear maturation rate, however 50 µm cysteamine in the maturation medium could significantly improve the fertilization rate. Based on those experiment results, it seems that the additional cysteamine might be improve not only GSH availability but also the oocyte quality which characterized the ability of pronuclear formation. This finding strongly suggested that additional cysteamine in the maturation medium could improve nuclear maturation and fertilization rate of sheep oocytes

    Karakteristik Semen dan Korelasi antara Konsentrasi Testosteron dengan Libido Pejantan Sapi Simental

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari karakteristik semen dan mengevaluasi hubungan antara konsentrasi testosteron dengan libido pejantan sapi Simental. Sebanyak 12 ekor sapi Simental, 9 ekor dengan motilitas spermatozoa ≥70% (A) dan 3 ekor dengan motilitas spermatozoa &lt;70% (B) berdasarkan data sekunder dari Balai Inseminasi Buatan (BIB) tahun 2018-2019. Semen ditampung menggunakan vagina buatan pada pagi hari. Evaluasi kualitas semen segar hanya dilakukan dengan penilaian morfologi spermatozoa. Sampel darah disentrifugasi (3000 rpm, 10 menit), supernatan dimasukkan ke dalam microtube dan disimpan pada suhu -20 °C. Analisis testosteron menggunakan metode ELISA. Data kualitas semen segar sapi pejantan Simental dianalisis secara deskriptif. Korelasi antara karakteristik semen, libido dan konsentrasi hormon testosteron menggunakan korelasi Pearson’s. Hasil analisis menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan signifikan (P&lt;0,05) antara kualitas semen segar kelompok pejantan A dengan pejantan B dalam parameter motilitas, konsentrasi, dan morfologi spermatozoa normal. Volume semen dan skor libido pada semua pejantan tidak menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan. Konsentrasi testosteron pada kelompok pejantan A lebih tinggi (42,57 ng/mL) dibandingkan dengan kelompok pejantan B (33,26 ng/mL). Konsentrasi testosteron menunjukkan korelasi positif (P&lt;0,01) dengan karakteristik semen seperti motilitas spermatozoa (0,813), morfologi spermatozoa normal (0,639), dan libido (0,952). Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai pertimbangan untuk dilakukannya pengukuran konsentrasi testosteron dalam proses seleksi sapi jantan menjadi pejantan

    PF-17 The Development of Crude Testicular Cells in In Vitro Culture

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    Spermatogenesis is a continuous process in which spermatogonial stem cells (SSC) develop into specific germ cells before terminally differentiating to form spermatozoa.  The process is supported by Sertoli cells, which are in close contact with germ cells in the seminiferous tubules. Sertoli cells provide essential hormonal signals, nutrients, and physical support to germ cells for successful spermatogenesis.The crude testicular cells (CTC) contains many cell types, like Sertoli cell, Leydig cell, spermatogonial stem cell (SSC), spermatocyte and other testicular somatic cells (Shah et all. 2016). Testicular cells are believed to secrete various growth factors that induced the spermatogenesis process.  The spermatogonial stem cells are unique population of cells in the male testis, which dual function.  First self-renewing their population to maintain the number of stem cells, secondary function is differentiating into spermatids in testis (Wang et al.  2015).Spermatogenic cells differentiation  needed the similar microenvironment in vivo spermatogenesis.  The essential nutrients was collected from healty culture and the culture contained mixed population of cells both the somatic cells and spermatogenic cells.  To identification the spermatogenic cells using Periodic Acid Schifft (PAS) staining (Chang et al. 2011). The present study examined the development of crude testicular cells using PAS staining

    Kemampuan Fertilisasi Spermatozoa Sexing dan Perkembangan Awal Embrio secara In Vitro pada Sapi

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the fertilization ability of bovine oocytes and early bovine embryonic development in vitro, fertilized by frozen X and Y sperm separated by bovine serum albumin (BSA) gradient column. Oocytes were collected from slaughter house ovarian by flushing and slicing technique. Oocytes were than maturated in tissue culture medium (TCM) 199 supplemented with 10 IU/ml pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (PMSG), 10 IU/ml human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) for 24 h in 5% CO2 incubator 39oC. Oocytes then fertilized with three kind of different frozen spermatozoa (X,Y and unsexing spermatozoa as control) for 14 h with final concentration 2x106 spermatozoa/mL. Embryos were cultured insynthetic oviductal fluid (SOF) supplemented with essential and non essential amino acid and 0.3% bovine serum albumin (BSA) for 96 h. Results of the experiments revealed that there was no significant difference (P>0.05) in thefertilization ability (49.17%; 51.40%; 53.42%) for X, Y and control group, respectively. No significant difference (P>0.05) in the number of embryos development (47.77%; 48.25%; 54.43%) for X, Y and control group, respectively. Furthermore, only small number of embryos could pass development blockade (23.80%; 26.08%; 23.61%) for X, Y and control spermatozoa with statistically no significant difference (P>0.05). It is concluded that sexed spermatozoa separated by BSA gradient column had comparable fertilization ability with unsexing spermatozoa and had ability to supported early embryonic development
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