4 research outputs found

    Acquired Hemostasis Disorders in Oral Surgery

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    Hemostaza je složeni prirodni proces međusobno povezanih reakcija koje sudjeluju u zaustavljanju krvarenja. Svojim mehanizmom održava krv u tekućem stanju te sprječava prekomjeran gubitak krvi. Hemostazu čine 4 faze, a to su: faza krvnih žila, faza stvaranja trombocitnog čepa, faza zgruÅ”avanja te faza fibrinolize. Kada je uravnoteženi proces hemostaze ugrožen, pojavljuje se sklonost prekomjernom krvarenju ili zgruÅ”avanju krvi. Stečeni poremećaji hemostaze mogu zahvatiti bilo koju od 4 faze hemostaze, a njihove se kliničke slike razlikuju. Nastanku poremećaja pridonose metaboličke i upalne bolesti koje dovode do oÅ”tećenja stijenke krvnih žila. Nadalje, oÅ”tećenje koÅ”tane srži dovodi do neadekvatnog stvaranja trombocita, a povećana funkcija slezene do pojačanog razaranja i zadržavanja trombocita. Na fazu zgruÅ”avanja utječu bolesti jetre, koja je važna u sintezi čimbenika zgruÅ”avanja, te mnogobrojni lijekovi koji djeluju na proces zgruÅ”avanja. Razna stanja mogu dovesti do komplikacija zbog ubrzane razgradnje ugruÅ”ka te uzrokovati krvarenje, odnosno tromboemboliju pri izostanku fibrinolize.Hemostasis is a complex natural process of interrelated reactions which cause bleeding to stop. Its mechanism preserves blood liquidity and prevents excessive blood loss. Hemostasis consists of four steps: vascular spasm, platelet plug formation, blood coagulation and clot dissolution (lysis). When the balance of hemostasis process is disturbed, excessive bleeding or blood clotting may occur. Acquired hemostasis disorders can affect any of these four steps and can develop various clinical features. Different metabolic and inflammatory diseases may affect the vascular spasm. Furthermore, bone marrow damage disables platelets formation, while splenic hyperfunction leads to platelet destruction and preservation. Since coagulation factors synthesis occurs in the liver, various liver diseases, as well as medications which control the coagulation process, affect the coagulation process. Premature clot degradation can cause excessive bleeding, while the absence of clot degradation leads to thromboembolism

    With food to health : proceedings of the 10th International scientific and professional conference

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    Proceedings contains 13 original scientific papers, 10 professional papers and 2 review papers which were presented at "10th International Scientific and Professional Conference WITH FOOD TO HEALTH", organised in following sections: Nutrition, Dietetics and diet therapy, Functional food and food supplemnents, Food safety, Food analysis, Production of safe food and food with added nutritional value

    Acquired Hemostasis Disorders in Oral Surgery

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    Hemostaza je složeni prirodni proces međusobno povezanih reakcija koje sudjeluju u zaustavljanju krvarenja. Svojim mehanizmom održava krv u tekućem stanju te sprječava prekomjeran gubitak krvi. Hemostazu čine 4 faze, a to su: faza krvnih žila, faza stvaranja trombocitnog čepa, faza zgruÅ”avanja te faza fibrinolize. Kada je uravnoteženi proces hemostaze ugrožen, pojavljuje se sklonost prekomjernom krvarenju ili zgruÅ”avanju krvi. Stečeni poremećaji hemostaze mogu zahvatiti bilo koju od 4 faze hemostaze, a njihove se kliničke slike razlikuju. Nastanku poremećaja pridonose metaboličke i upalne bolesti koje dovode do oÅ”tećenja stijenke krvnih žila. Nadalje, oÅ”tećenje koÅ”tane srži dovodi do neadekvatnog stvaranja trombocita, a povećana funkcija slezene do pojačanog razaranja i zadržavanja trombocita. Na fazu zgruÅ”avanja utječu bolesti jetre, koja je važna u sintezi čimbenika zgruÅ”avanja, te mnogobrojni lijekovi koji djeluju na proces zgruÅ”avanja. Razna stanja mogu dovesti do komplikacija zbog ubrzane razgradnje ugruÅ”ka te uzrokovati krvarenje, odnosno tromboemboliju pri izostanku fibrinolize.Hemostasis is a complex natural process of interrelated reactions which cause bleeding to stop. Its mechanism preserves blood liquidity and prevents excessive blood loss. Hemostasis consists of four steps: vascular spasm, platelet plug formation, blood coagulation and clot dissolution (lysis). When the balance of hemostasis process is disturbed, excessive bleeding or blood clotting may occur. Acquired hemostasis disorders can affect any of these four steps and can develop various clinical features. Different metabolic and inflammatory diseases may affect the vascular spasm. Furthermore, bone marrow damage disables platelets formation, while splenic hyperfunction leads to platelet destruction and preservation. Since coagulation factors synthesis occurs in the liver, various liver diseases, as well as medications which control the coagulation process, affect the coagulation process. Premature clot degradation can cause excessive bleeding, while the absence of clot degradation leads to thromboembolism