23 research outputs found

    Survey on fashion consumption trends of Vietnamese young people

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    Young people today are increasingly active and always like to try new trends in many fields. Especially in the field of fashion, mixing clothes is applied boldly and extremely diversely by young people. A fashion trend is an innovation in style that is adopted by a group of people at a certain time and area. Trends are formed based on factors: people, acceptance, time, and place. The article surveyed 300 young people of generation Z in Vietnam, the results showed that the number of fashion enthusiasts is very large, 70.7%, personal preference factors are the biggest influence on people’s fashion choices. According to the survey subjects, online fashion shopping is chosen by young people at a large rate. KOL (Key Opinion Leader) currently plays a very important role in building and developing fashion brands. Vietnamese fashion accounts for the highest proportion in choosing fashion products associated with product origin. The survey shows that they are most interested in “Product style and design”, “A neat appearance” ... The article also mentions some opinions about fashion and money that young people are willing and able to pay for per month. From there, the research team launched several exchanges and discussions with Vietnamese fashion businesses to meet consumer needs and build brands in the market

    Assessment of earthquake-induced ground liquefaction susceptibility for Hanoi city using geological and geomorphologic characteristics

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    In this paper, the earthquake-induced liquefaction susceptibility of Hanoi city is assessed using the recent published geological and geomorphologic data. A combination of classification methods based on the distribution of sedimentary deposits proposed by Youd and Perkins (1978) and geomorphologic units proposed by Iwasaki (1982) was applied. The subsurface lithology and geomorphologic maps were combined in a GIS platform for assessing the liquefaction susceptibility of Hanoi city.The resulting map shows that the liquefaction hazard of Hanoi city classified into four categories: high, moderate, low liquefaction potential and not likely areas. In the most of Hanoi area, the ground liquefaction potentials are moderate. The high liquefaction likely areas spread along the river beds and around the lake areas. The not likely and low liquefaction potential areas are observed mainly in the northwest and northeast of the study region such as Chanchim, Soc Son, and Bavi mountains. The present map can help the scientists, engineers, and planners to have the general information on regional liquefaction potential of the Hanoi city. ReferencesBird JF, Bommer JJ, 2004b. Earthquake Losses due to Ground Failure. Submitted to Engineering Geology, 75(2), 147-179.Bird Juliet F, Bommer Julian J., 2004a. Evaluating earthquake losses due to ground failure and identifying their relative contribution (Paper no. 3156). In Proceedings of the 13th world conference on earthquake engineering, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, august 1-6.Bui Van Duan, Nguyen Cong Thang, Nguyen Van Vuong, Pham Dinh Nguyen, 2013. The magnitude of the largest possible earthquake in the Muong La-Bac Yen fault zone. J. Sci. of the Earth, 35(1), 53-59.Dao Dinh Bac, Dang Van Bao, 2010. Geomorphologic characteristics, the ancient river beds system of the capital city and their values to the development of the Thang Long - Hanoi. International Workshop commemorating the 1000 years of Thang Long, Hanoi. Vietnam national University, Hanoi.Ganapathy, G. P., Rajawat, A. S., 2012. Evaluation of liquefaction potential hazard of Chennai city, India: using geological and geomorphological characteristics. Natural hazards, 64(2), 1717-1729.Goyal, A., Sinha, R., Chaudhari, M. and Jaiswal, K., 2001. Performance of Reinforced Concrete Buildings in Ahmedabad during Bhuj Earthquake January 26, 2001. Workshop on Recent Earthquakes of Chamoli and Bhuj: Volume I, Roorkee, India, May 24-26.Iwasaki, T., Tokida, K., Tatsuoka, F., Watanabe, S., Yasuda, S., Sato, H., 1982. Microzonation for soil liquefaction potential using simplified methods. In Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on microzonation, Seattle, 3, 1310-1330.Kuribayashi E., Tatsuoka, F., 1975. Brief review of liquefaction during earthquake in Japan,” Soils and Foundations, 15(4), 81-92.Lew M, Naeim F, Huang SC, Lam HK, Carpenter LD, 2000. Geotechnical and geological effects of the 21 September 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, Taiwan. Structural Design of Tall Buildings, 9, 89-106.National Research Council, 1985. Ishihara 1985. Liquefaction of Soils During Earthquake, National Academy press, 240, p.34. Nguyen Hong Phuong (Project Manager), 2002. Study of seismic risk of Hanoi city. Project code 01C-04/09-2001-2. Institute for Marine Geology and Geophysics, VAST.Nguyen Hong Phuong (Project Manager), 2007. Application of GIS technology to Development of a model for seismic risk analysis for Hanoi city. Institute for Marine Geology and Geophysics, VAST.Nguyen Hong Phuong (Project Manager), 2014.  Estimation of Site Effects and Assessment of Urban Seismic Risk for Hanoi city. National Scientific Research Project Final report, Institute of Geophysics, VAST.Nguyen Hong Phuong and Pham The Truyen, 2014. Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for South Central Vietnam. J. Sci. of the Earth, 36(4), 451-461.Phan Trong Trinh, Hoang Quang Vinh, Nguyen Van Huong, Ngo Van Liem, 2013. Active fault segmentation and seismic hazard in Hoa Binh reservoir, Vietnam. Cent. Eur. J. Geosci, 5(2), 223-235.Phan Trong Trinh, Ngo Van Liem, Nguyen Van Huong, Hoang Quang Vinh, Bui Van Thom, Bui Thi Thao, Mai Thanh Tan, Nguyen Hoang, 2012. Late Quaternary tectonics and seismotectonics along the Red River fault zone, North Vietnam. Earth-Science Reviews 114, 224-235.Susumu Yasuda, Nozomu Yoshida, Hiroyoshi Kiku, Hidenori Abo, and Masato Uda, 2001. Analyses of Liquefaction-Induced Deformation of Grounds and Structures by a Simple Method (March 26). International Conferences on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, p.27. http://scholarsmine.mst.edu/icrageesd/04icrageesd/session04/27.Updike, R. G., Egan, J. A., Moriwaki, Y., Idriss, I. M., Moses, T. L., 1988. A model for earthquake-induced translatory landslides in Quaternary sediments. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 100(5), 783-792.Vu Thanh Tam (Project Manager), 2014. Study and propose a reasonable threshold for preventing the subsidence caused by ground water exploitation, pilot application for downtown area of the Hanoi city. Final report of the Scientific research and technology development Project, National Center for water resource planning and investigation. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.Youd T. L., 1993. Liquefaction, ground failure and consequent damage during the 22 April 1991 Costa Rica earthquake. Abridged from EERI Proceedings: U.S. Costa Rica Workshop, http://nisee.berkeley.edu/costarica/Youd T. L., and Hoose S.N., 1977.  Liquefaction Susceptibility and Geologic Setting, Proceedings, 6th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, New Delhi, India, 6, 37-42.Youd T. L., and Perkins D. M., 1978. Mapping liquefaction-induced ground failure potential. Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, 104, GT4, 433-446

    Interregional Input-Output Analysis between the Mekong Delta Region (MDR) and the Rest of Vietnam (ROV)

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    The Mekong Delta is an important economic area, located in the southern part of Vietnam. The Mekong Delta has many potential and opportunities for development, but also new challenges in the context of global climate change, sea level rise, as well as the consequences of blocking the river and the Mekong countries also need to increase competition in international integration. In addition to these challenges, the region also has new opportunities when implementing economic restructuring in line with the policy of restructuring the economy in new conditions, including the establishment of special economic zones as PhuQuoc Resort. Besides analysis based on modern economic theory, this paper uses the input-output framework (I/O Inter-sect oral Scope Model) updated in 2016 for two areas: by the Mekong River and the Rest of Vietnam (ROV) to find inter-regional impacts and to calculate some impact assessments of climate change. The study also analyzes some other factors related to the viewpoint of sustainable regional development in new conditions, income distribution and social security

    The Effect of Awareness on the Behavior of Advertisement on Social Network Basis for Cosmetic Products Line

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    The study examines the factors affecting the perception and interaction behavior with advertising cosmetic products. The authors used SPSS and Smart PLS software to conduct statistics and analyze survey results. The results of data analysis show that there are 5 factors that directly affect the perception of avoidance: Health concerns; Doubts about advertising intermediaries; Privacy concerns; Information value; Obstructing cognitive goals. The factor that directly affects Avoidant Behavior is Perception of avoidance, there are 5 factors that indirectly affect Avoidant Behavior: Health concerns; Doubts about advertising intermediaries; Privacy concerns; Information value; Obstructing cognitive goals. At the same time, the research also shows that negative experiences do not affect the impact process from Avoidant Perception to Avoidant Behavior. This study has important practical elements for businesses, managers and even social network users in reducing users' awareness and avoidance of advertising

    Assessment of earthquake-induced liquefaction hazard in urban areas of Hanoi city using LPI-based method

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    Liquefaction Potential Index (LPI) is used as an assessing tool of liquefaction potential. In this study, the LPI-based method was applied to evaluate the earthquake-induced liquefaction potential for the urban area of Hanoi city. The data used includes 120 boreholes logs, containing necessary geomechanical information such as fine contents, specific gravity, dry density, porosity, N (SPT) values and the groundwater depth Z(w) of subsoil layers in every borehole. The “simplified procedure” proposed by Seed and Idriss was applied to evaluate the liquefaction of all subsoil layers in each borehole point. Then, the Liquefaction Potential Index was calculated for the whole soil column at al boreholes points using the method proposed by Iwasaki. Finally, the obtained LPI values were used to assess the liquefaction probability for an urban area of Hanoi city, using the empirical formula proposed by Papathanassiou and two earthquake scenarios originated on the Chay river fault with magnitudes of 5.3 and 6.5, respectively.For entire study area, the first scenario earthquake (Mw=5.3) is not capable of causing liquefaction (PG0.1). This means that the downtown area of Hanoi city is non-liquefiable to the medium magnitude events. Results of the second scenario (Mw=6.5) show in worst cases, an earthquake with magnitude, maximum expected for Hanoi region can produce liquefaction throughout the downtown area of Hanoi city. The highest liquefaction probability of 0.7PG≀0.9 is distributed in two large areas, where the first one is observed in Thanh Tri district, eastern part of Ha Dong, a smaller areas of the Thanh Xuan, Tu Liem and Cau Giay districts, while the second area covers Hoan Kiem district, a northern part of Hai Ba Trung district and northwestern part of Long Bien district.This is the first time the LPI based method was applied for evaluation of earthquake-induced liquefaction for Hanoi city. The most advantage of the method is that it can be easy to use, although the reliability of the results depends very much on number and distribution of the borehole data. Nevertheless, the combination of this method with other available methods can help effectively solving the problem of urban seismic risk assessment for the mega-cities in Vietnam.References Bui Cong Que, 1983. The new results in study of the crustal Structure for the territory of Vietnam. J. Sci. of the Earth, 5(1), 17-24 (in Vietnamese).Bui Van Duan, Nguyen Cong Thang, Nguyen Van Vuong, PháșĄm Dinh Nguyen, 2013. The magnitude of the largest possible earthquake in the Muong La- Bac Yen fault zone. J. Sci. of the Earth, 35, 49-53 (in Vietnamese).Day R.W., 2002. Geotechnical Earthquake engineering Handbook. McGRaw-Hill New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronro. Printed and bound by R.R. Donnelley Sons Company.Dixit J., Dewaikar D.M.and Jangid R.S., 2012. Assesment of liquefaction potential index for Mumbai city. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 12, 2759-2768.Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1999. NEHRP recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings, Washington, D. C., Developed by the Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC) for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).Gillins D.T., 2016. Probabilistic Liquefaction Potential and Lateral Spread Hazard Maps for Utah County, Utah: Collaborative Research with Brigham Young University and Oregon State University. USGS Award Numbers: G14AP00118 G14AP00119.Term of Award: 08/01/2014 - 01/31/2016.Tran Dinh Hoa and Bui Manh Duy, 2013. Earthquake-induced liquefaction foudation and the methods of assessment for liquefaction foundation for Kinh Lo barrier Ho Chi Minh City. Journal of Water Resources Science and Technology, 15(4), 21-29.Ishihara K., 1985. Stability of natural deposits during earthquakes. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 1. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, The Nertherlands, 321-376.Iwasaki T., Tatsuoka F., Tokida K. and Yasuda S., 1978. A practicalmethod for assessing soil liquefaction potential based oncase studies at various sites in Japan, In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Microzonation for Safer Construction-Research and Application, San Francisco, Calif., 26 November-1 December. American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, 2, 885-896.Iwasaki T., Arakawa T. and Tokida K., 1982. Simplified proceduresfor assessing soil liquefaction during earthquakes. InProceedingsof the Conference on Soil Dynamics and EarthquakeEngineering, Southampton, UK, 13-15 July 1982. Balkema,Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 925-939.Kircher C.A., Whitman R.V., Holmes W.T., 2006. HAZUS earthquake loss estimation methods. Nat Hazards Rev, 7(2), 45-59.Kongar I., Rossetto T., Giovinazzi S., 2016. Evaluating Simplified Methods for Liquefaction Assessment for Loss Estimation. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss. Doi:10.5194/nhess-2016-281.Li D.K., Juang C.H. and Andrus R.D., 2006. Liquefaction potentialindex: a critical assessment, Journal of GeoEngineering,Taiwan Geotechnical Society, 1(1), 11-24.Liu F., Li Z., Jiang M., Frattini P. and Crosta G., 2016. Quantitative - induced lateral spead hazard mapping. Engineering Geology, 207, 36-47. Doi: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2016.04.001.Mustafa Erdik, K. S˘es˘etyan, M.B. Demirciog˘lu, C. Zušlfikar, U. Hancılar, C. Tušzušn, and E. Harmandar., 2014. Rapid Earthquake Loss Assessment After Damaging Earthquakes. Perspectives on European Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, 1, 53-95.Nguyen Hong Phuong, 2000. An algorithm for seismic risk assessment in Vietnam using a GIS. J. Sci. of the Earth, 22(3), 210-222 (in Vietnamese).Nguyen Hong Phuong (Project Manager), 2002. Study of seismic risk of Hanoi city. Project code 01C-04/09-2001-2. Institute for Marine Geology and Geophysics, VAST.Nguyen Hong Phuong, 2003. Development of a DSS for seismic risk assessment and Loss reduction using GIS technology. Contributions of the Marine Geophysics and Geology, VII, 62-78 (in Vietnamese).Nguyen Hong Phuong (Project Manager), 2003. Study of seismic risk of Hanoi city. Final report of the National scientific research Project 01C-04/09-2001-2, Hanoi (in Vietnamese).Nguyen Hong Phuong (Project Manager), 2007.  Application of GIS technology to Development of a model for seismic risk analysis for Hanoi city. Final Report of Research Project, Institute for Marine Geology and Geophysics, VAST.Nguyen Hong Phuong, 2008. Assessment of earthquake risk for Ho Chi Minh city using GIS and mathematical models. Final Report of Research Project, Institute of Geophysics, VAST (in Vietnamese).Nguyen Hong Phuong, 2009. Integrated Spatial decision support Systems for Urban Emergencies (ISSUE), Final Report of Vietnam-French Research Project, Hanoi.Nguyen Huy Phuong (Project Manager), 2010.  Study on the phenomenon of coherent action and changes reliability of   Hanoi bottom land under the impact of dynamic load in order to improve the geotechnical information system for sustainable development and disaster prevention. Hanoi University of Mining and Geology.Nguyen Hong Phuong (Project Manager), 2014.  Estimation of Site Effects and Assessment of Urban Seismic Risk for Hanoi city. National Scientific Research Project Final report. Institute of Geophysics, VAST.Papathanassiou G., 2008. LPI-based approach for calibrating theseverity of liquefaction-induced failures and for assessing theprobability of liquefaction surface evidence. Engineering Geology, 96(1-2), 94-104. Doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2007.10.005.Phan Trong Trinh, Hoang Quang Vinh, Leloup Philippe HervĂ©, Giuliani G., Vincent Garnier., Tapponnier P., 2004. Cenozoic deformation, thermodynamic evolution, slip mechanism of Red River shear zone and ruby formation. Science and Technics Publishing House, Hanoi, 5-72 (In Vietnamese with English abstract).Phan Trong Trinh, Ngo Van Liem, Nguyen Van Huong, Hoang Quang Vinh, Bui Van Thom, Bui Thi Thao, Mai Thanh Tan, Nguyen Hoang, 2012. Late Quaternary tectonics and seismotectonics along the Red River fault zone, North Vietnam. Earth-Science Reviews, 114, 224-235.Phan Trong Trinh, Hoang Quang Vinh, Nguyen Van Huong, Ngo Van Liem, 2013. Active fault segmentation and seismic hazard in Hoa Binh reservoir, Vietnam. Cent. Eur. J. Geosci., 5(2), 223-235.Jaimes M.A, Niño M., Reinoso E., 2015. Regional map of earthquake-induced liquefaction hazard using the lateral spreading displacement index DLL, 77, 1595-1618.Juang C.H., et al., 2002. 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    Diterpenoids from Fokienia hodginsii.

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    In continuous research on the chemical constituents of the twigs and leaves of Fokienia hodginsii (Dunn) A. Henry et Thomas growing in Highland, Lam Dong province 4 diterpenoids, including 3-oxo-totarol (totarolone, 1), 3ÎČ-hydroxytotarol (2), 15-nor-labda-8(17),12E-diene-14-carboxaldehyde-19-oic acid (3) and 13-oxo-15,16-dinorlabda-8(17),11E-diene-19-oic acid (4) were isolated. Their structures were elucidated by the spectroscopic methods and comparison with reported data. This is the first report on the isolation of compounds 1, 2 and 3 from this plant. Keywords. Fokienia hodginsii; totarane; nor-labdane diterpenoid

    COVID-19 Social Science and Public Engagement Action Research in Vietnam, Indonesia and Nepal (SPEAR): Protocol for a mixed methods study exploring the experiences and impacts of COVID-19 for healthcare workers and vulnerable communities

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    Background: When the novel coronavirus – SARS-CoV-2 – started to spread globally, there was a call for social and behavioral scientists to conduct research to explore the wider socio-cultural contexts of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), to understand vulnerabilities, as well as to increase engagement within communities to facilitate adoption of public health measures. In this manuscript, we describe the protocol for a study conducted in Indonesia, Nepal, and Vietnam. In the study, we explore how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting individuals and their communities. We focus on the wider health and economic impacts of COVID-19, in particular emerging and increased burden on mental health, as well as new or deepened vulnerabilities in the communities. The introduction of vaccines has added another layer of complexity and highlights differences in acceptance and inequalities around access.  Methods: We use mixed methods, combining survey methods and social media surveillance to gain a picture of the general situation within each country, with in-depth qualitative methods to gain a deeper understanding of issues, coupled with a synergistic engagement component. We also include an exploration of the role of social media in revealing or driving perceptions of the pandemic more broadly. Participants include health workers and members of communities from 13 sites across the three countries. Data collection is spread across two phases. Phase 1 is concerned with exploring lived experiences, impacts on working lives and livelihoods, mental health and coping strategies. Phase 2 is concerned with acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines, factors that increase and reduce acceptance, and factors that influence access. Conclusions: We will disseminate findings in multiple ways including short reports and policy briefs, articles in peer-reviewed journals, and digital diaries will be edited into short films and uploaded onto social media sites.</ns3:p