7 research outputs found

    Effect of mass dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine administration in southern Mozambique on the carriage of molecular markers of antimalarial resistance.

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    --- - Label: BACKGROUND NlmCategory: BACKGROUND content: Mass drug administration (MDA) can rapidly reduce the burden of Plasmodium falciparum (Pf). However, concerns remain about its contribution to select for antimalarial drug resistance. - Label: METHODS NlmCategory: METHODS content: We used Sanger sequencing and real-time PCR to determine the proportion of molecular markers associated with antimalarial resistance (k13, pfpm2, pfmdr1 and pfcrt) in Pf isolates collected before (n = 99) and after (n = 112) the implementation of two monthly MDA rounds with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine (DHAp) for two consecutive years in Magude district of Southern Mozambique. - Label: RESULTS NlmCategory: RESULTS content: None of the k13 polymorphisms associated with artemisinin resistance were observed in the Pf isolates analyzed. The proportion of Pf isolates with multiple copies of pfpm2, an amplification associated with piperaquine resistance, was similar in pre- (4.9%) and post-MDA groups (3.4%; p = 1.000). No statistically significant differences were observed between pre- and post-MDA groups in the proportion of Pf isolates neither with mutations in pfcrt and pfmdr1 genes, nor with the carriage of pfmdr1 multiple copies (p>0.05). - Label: CONCLUSIONS NlmCategory: CONCLUSIONS content: This study does not show any evidence of increased frequency of molecular makers of antimalarial resistance after MDA with DHAp in southern Mozambique where markers of antimalarial resistance were absent or low at the beginning of the intervention

    A socio-ecological survey in Inhambane Bay mangrove ecosystems : biodiversity, livelihoods, and conservation

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    Mangroves are highly productive ecosystems that provide a variety of ecosystem services to local communities. Mangrove ecosystems are important blue carbon ecosystems that support unique fauna, flora, and livelihoods. The decline and degradation of mangrove populations, mostly due to anthropogenic impacts and climate change, necessitate protection worldwide. There is limited research on the conservation and management of these ecosystems in Mozambique. A combination of six biodiversity surveys, thirty-one semi-structured interviews and participant observation at six sites was used to describe and understand mangrove ecosystems in Inhambane Bay. This study is among the first to involve local community leaders as academic co-authors, thus highlighting the value of local ecological knowledge and community involvement, both of which are necessary for a comprehensive understanding of mangrove ecosystems. Social and ecological approaches were integrated to describe mangrove ecosystems, perceived ecosystem services and benefits to local communities. This study has identified areas of increased mangrove cover and areas with disturbance. Out of the seven mangrove species that occur in Inhambane Bay, Avicennia marina was the most abundant mangrove species in at least three sites, and Xylocarpus granatum the least abundant mangrove species, present only in two sites. Perceived benefits include provisioning, supporting and regulating services. Community initiatives to protect mangroves include enforcing environmental laws, prohibiting cutting mangrove trees, and replanting. This study shows that community initiatives for law enforcement and mangrove restoration play an important role in raising awareness and actively protecting mangroves

    A multiphase program for malaria elimination in southern Mozambique (the Magude project): A before-after study.

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    BACKGROUND:Malaria eradication remains the long-term vision of the World Health Organization (WHO). However, whether malaria elimination is feasible in areas of stable transmission in sub-Saharan Africa with currently available tools remains a subject of debate. This study aimed to evaluate a multiphased malaria elimination project to interrupt Plasmodium falciparum malaria transmission in a rural district of southern Mozambique. METHODS AND FINDINGS:A before-after study was conducted between 2015 and 2018 in the district of Magude, with 48,448 residents living in 10,965 households. Building on an enhanced surveillance system, two rounds of mass drug administrations (MDAs) per year over two years (phase I, August 2015-2017), followed by one year of reactive focal mass drug administrations (rfMDAs) (phase II, September 2017-June 2018) were deployed with annual indoor residual spraying (IRS), programmatically distributed long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs), and standard case management. The four MDA rounds covered 58%-72% of the population, and annual IRS reported coverage was >70%. Yearly parasite surveys and routine surveillance data were used to monitor the primary outcomes of the study-malaria prevalence and incidence-at baseline and annually since the onset of the project. Parasite prevalence by rapid diagnostic test (RDT) declined from 9.1% (95% confidence interval [CI] 7.0-11.8) in May 2015 to 2.6% (95% CI 2.0-3.4), representing a 71.3% (95% CI 71.1-71.4, p < 0.001) reduction after phase I, and to 1.4% (95% CI 0.9-2.2) after phase II. This represented an 84.7% (95% CI 81.4-87.4, p < 0.001) overall reduction in all-age prevalence. Case incidence fell from 195 to 75 cases per 1,000 during phase I (61.5% reduction) and to 67 per 1,000 during phase II (65.6% overall reduction). Interrupted time series (ITS) analysis was used to estimate the level and trend change in malaria cases associated with the set of project interventions and the number of cases averted. Phase I interventions were associated with a significant immediate reduction in cases of 69.1% (95% CI 57.5-77.6, p < 0.001). Phase II interventions were not associated with a level or trend change. An estimated 76.7% of expected cases were averted throughout the project (38,369 cases averted of 50,005 expected). One malaria-associated inpatient death was observed during the study period. There were 277 mild adverse events (AEs) recorded through the passive pharmacovigilance system during the four MDA rounds. One serious adverse event (SAE) that resulted in death was potentially related to the drug. The study was limited by the incomplete coverage of interventions, the quality of the routine and cross-sectional data collected, and the restricted accuracy of ITS analysis with a short pre-intervention period. CONCLUSION:In this study, we observed that the interventions deployed during the Magude project fell short of interrupting P. falciparum transmission with the coverages achieved. While new tools and strategies may be required to eventually achieve malaria elimination in stable transmission areas of sub-Saharan Africa, this project showed that innovative mixes of interventions can achieve large reductions in disease burden, a necessary step in the pathway towards elimination. TRIAL REGISTRATION:ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02914145