17 research outputs found
Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart
Acceptance patterns and decision-making for human papillomavirus vaccination among parents in Vietnam: an in-depth qualitative study post-vaccination
BACKGROUND: The GAVI Allianceâs decision in late 2011 to invite developing countries to apply for funding for human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine introduction underscores the importance of understanding levels of HPV vaccine acceptance in developing country settings. In this paper, we present findings from qualitative research on parentsâ rationales for vaccinating or not vaccinating their daughters (vaccine acceptance) and their decision-making process in the context of an HPV vaccination demonstration project in Vietnam (2008â2009). METHODS: We designed a descriptive qualitative study of HPV vaccine acceptability among parents of girls eligible for vaccination in four districts of two provinces in Vietnam(a). The study was implemented after each of two years of vaccinations was completed. In total, 133 parents participated in 16 focus group discussions and 27 semi-structured interviews. RESULTS: Focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with parents of girls vaccinated revealed that they were generally very supportive of immunization for disease prevention and of vaccinating girls against HPV. The involvement of the National Expanded Program of Immunization in the demonstration project lent credibility to the HPV vaccine, contributing to high levels of acceptance. For parents who declined participation, concerns about side effects, the possibility that the vaccine was experimental, and the possible impact of the vaccine on future fertility rose to the surface. In terms of the decision-making process, many parents exhibited âactive decision-making,â reaching out to friends, family, and opinion leaders for guidance prior to making their decision. CONCLUSION: Vietnamâs HPV vaccination experience speaks to the importance of close collaboration with the government to make the most of high levels of trust, and to reduce suspicions about new vaccines that may arise in the context of vaccine introduction in developing country settings
The reconfiguration of industrial districts in Vietnam : from local world to global world, a sociological analysis of mutations of a craft village
Cette recherche doctorale porte sur les mutations diverses qui sâopĂšrent aujourdâhui Ă Bat Trang, un village de mĂ©tier au Vietnam. Comme dâautres Ă©conomies en transition, le Vietnam est entrĂ© dans une phase de transition, marquĂ©e par son ouverture Ă lâĂ©conomie internationale et son inscription au marchĂ© mondial. Dans ce contexte, nous cherchons Ă comprendre les mutations induites lors du passage dâune Ă©conomie planifiĂ©e Ă une Ă©conomie de marchĂ© et Ă montrer la spĂ©cificitĂ© de lâagglomĂ©ration industrielle du district de Bat Trang. Pour ce faire, il convient dâĂ©tudier la dynamique sociale des acteurs politiques, Ă©conomiques, institutionnels et sociaux qui forment la configuration de Bat Trang. La reconstitution de lâĂ©volution des relations articulĂ©es entre ces acteurs permettra dâĂ©clairer les mutations de Bat Trang. En suivant une approche socio-anthropologique et en nous rĂ©fĂ©rant Ă la thĂ©orie des districts industriels, nous avons procĂ©dĂ© Ă une analyse approfondie de la mutation de Bat Trang sur la dimension tant politique quâorganisationnelle. Le village de mĂ©tier de Bat Trang constitue un vĂ©ritable modĂšle de transition portant des ruptures et des continuitĂ©s par rapport Ă son systĂšme antĂ©rieur. A lâaide de la thĂ©orie sociologique de Norbet Elias, nous avons reconstituĂ© le jeu entre les diffĂ©rents acteurs (sociaux, Ă©conomiques et institutionnels) qui structurent le dĂ©veloppement de Bat Trang, en montrant la dynamique de leur interaction constante. Ă travers lâĂ©tude de Bat Trang, nous avons aussi mesurĂ© lâoriginalitĂ© dâune forme dâagglomĂ©ration industrielle au Vietnam. Pour nous, Bat Trang, câest tout dâabord une zone traditionnelle qui a su sâappuyer sur son savoir-faire et son organisation traditionnelle ; qui a su surmonter ses handicaps pour promouvoir lâadaptation de toutes ses activitĂ©s. Bien quâil existe trĂšs peu dâaides des autoritĂ©s locales, les entreprises de la zone sont en train dâopĂ©rer une conversion de leur technologie par un remplacement (des fours Ă charbon par des fours Ă gaz) ou une adaptation (invention de nouveaux fours Ă gaz). Les nouveaux acteurs introduits dans le systĂšme (club, association) ont pour tĂąche principale de fournir une assistance aux entreprises qui peuvent ainsi crĂ©er de nouvelles filiĂšres dâactivitĂ©s et trouver de nouveaux dĂ©bouchĂ©s de commercialisation. Bat Trang constitue Ă©galement une zone en cours dâinstitutionnalisation qui se manifeste par la crĂ©ation de la zone industrielle et dâun centre de formation professionnelle. La transformation profonde de Bat Trang amĂšne les artisans Ă se tourner vers une production plus industrialisĂ©e. Au cours des derniĂšres annĂ©es, la zone de Bat Trang a reçu, Ă lâĂ©vidence, un appui important des autoritĂ©s locales, qui ont lancĂ© des actions de politique locale. Nous avons Ă©galement pris en compte des nouveaux phĂ©nomĂšnes qui exercent une certaine influence, nĂ©gative ou positive, sur le dĂ©veloppement de la zone de Bat Trang : dĂ©localisation des activitĂ©s, faible capacitĂ© dâinnovation du district, les liens avec la R&D, marketing etc. Pour rĂ©soudre les problĂšmes auxquels la zone est confrontĂ©e aujourdâhui, il faudrait une mobilisation des ressources internes et externes pour dĂ©velopper une synergie locale.This doctoral research focuses on the various changes taking place today in Bat Trang, a craft village in Vietnam. Like other transition economies, Vietnam is entering the transition period, marking its openness to international economy and its entry in the global market. In this context, we seek to understand the changes induced during the transition from a planned economy to a market one and to show the specificity of industrial district Bat Trang. To do this, it is necessary to study the social dynamics of political, economic, institutional and social settings that shape the Bat Trang. The reconstruction of the evolving relationship between these articulated actors will illuminate the changes in Bat Trang. Following a socio-anthropological approach and referring to the theory of industrial districts, we were able to carry out a thorough analysis on the mutation of Bat Trang on both political and organizational dimension. The craft village Bat Trang really constitutes a model of transition having the discontinuities and continuities from its old system. With the help of sociological theory of Norbet Elias, we were able to reconstruct the interplay between different actors (social, economic and institutional) that structure the development of Bat Trang, showing dynamics of their interaction. Through our study in Bat Trang, we could also measure the originality of a form of industrial agglomeration in Vietnam. For us, firstly, Bat Trang is a traditional area where people know how to mobilize its expertise and its traditional organization; to overcome its handicaps and to promote an adaptation of its activities. Although there is very little help from the local authority, the firms are in the process of making a technological conversion by either a replacement (from coal-fired kilns to Liquid Petroleum Gas kilns - LPG kilns) or an adaptation (invention new LPG kiln). New introduced actors (clubs, associations) whose main task is to provide technical assistance to firms can create new activities and figure out new outlets for marketing. Bat Trang is also an area being institutionalized as manifested by the presence of the industrial and vocational training center. It lives a profound transformation in which the artisans are turning to a more industrialized production. In recent years, it is clear that the Bat Trang receives substantial support from local politics. Of course, we must take into account new phenomena in Bat Trang that exert some influence (negative or positive) on this area development. This is the relocation of activities, low innovation capacity in the industrial district, the weak link to R & D, marketing, etc. To all resolve, it requires mobilization of internal and external resources for a local synergy
La reconfiguration des districts industriels au Vietnam : du monde local au monde global, une analyse sociologique des mutations d'un village de métier
This doctoral research focuses on the various changes taking place today in Bat Trang, a craft village in Vietnam. Like other transition economies, Vietnam is entering the transition period, marking its openness to international economy and its entry in the global market. In this context, we seek to understand the changes induced during the transition from a planned economy to a market one and to show the specificity of industrial district Bat Trang. To do this, it is necessary to study the social dynamics of political, economic, institutional and social settings that shape the Bat Trang. The reconstruction of the evolving relationship between these articulated actors will illuminate the changes in Bat Trang. Following a socio-anthropological approach and referring to the theory of industrial districts, we were able to carry out a thorough analysis on the mutation of Bat Trang on both political and organizational dimension. The craft village Bat Trang really constitutes a model of transition having the discontinuities and continuities from its old system. With the help of sociological theory of Norbet Elias, we were able to reconstruct the interplay between different actors (social, economic and institutional) that structure the development of Bat Trang, showing dynamics of their interaction. Through our study in Bat Trang, we could also measure the originality of a form of industrial agglomeration in Vietnam. For us, firstly, Bat Trang is a traditional area where people know how to mobilize its expertise and its traditional organization; to overcome its handicaps and to promote an adaptation of its activities. Although there is very little help from the local authority, the firms are in the process of making a technological conversion by either a replacement (from coal-fired kilns to Liquid Petroleum Gas kilns - LPG kilns) or an adaptation (invention new LPG kiln). New introduced actors (clubs, associations) whose main task is to provide technical assistance to firms can create new activities and figure out new outlets for marketing. Bat Trang is also an area being institutionalized as manifested by the presence of the industrial and vocational training center. It lives a profound transformation in which the artisans are turning to a more industrialized production. In recent years, it is clear that the Bat Trang receives substantial support from local politics. Of course, we must take into account new phenomena in Bat Trang that exert some influence (negative or positive) on this area development. This is the relocation of activities, low innovation capacity in the industrial district, the weak link to R & D, marketing, etc. To all resolve, it requires mobilization of internal and external resources for a local synergy.Cette recherche doctorale porte sur les mutations diverses qui sâopĂšrent aujourdâhui Ă Bat Trang, un village de mĂ©tier au Vietnam. Comme dâautres Ă©conomies en transition, le Vietnam est entrĂ© dans une phase de transition, marquĂ©e par son ouverture Ă lâĂ©conomie internationale et son inscription au marchĂ© mondial. Dans ce contexte, nous cherchons Ă comprendre les mutations induites lors du passage dâune Ă©conomie planifiĂ©e Ă une Ă©conomie de marchĂ© et Ă montrer la spĂ©cificitĂ© de lâagglomĂ©ration industrielle du district de Bat Trang. Pour ce faire, il convient dâĂ©tudier la dynamique sociale des acteurs politiques, Ă©conomiques, institutionnels et sociaux qui forment la configuration de Bat Trang. La reconstitution de lâĂ©volution des relations articulĂ©es entre ces acteurs permettra dâĂ©clairer les mutations de Bat Trang. En suivant une approche socio-anthropologique et en nous rĂ©fĂ©rant Ă la thĂ©orie des districts industriels, nous avons procĂ©dĂ© Ă une analyse approfondie de la mutation de Bat Trang sur la dimension tant politique quâorganisationnelle. Le village de mĂ©tier de Bat Trang constitue un vĂ©ritable modĂšle de transition portant des ruptures et des continuitĂ©s par rapport Ă son systĂšme antĂ©rieur. A lâaide de la thĂ©orie sociologique de Norbet Elias, nous avons reconstituĂ© le jeu entre les diffĂ©rents acteurs (sociaux, Ă©conomiques et institutionnels) qui structurent le dĂ©veloppement de Bat Trang, en montrant la dynamique de leur interaction constante. Ă travers lâĂ©tude de Bat Trang, nous avons aussi mesurĂ© lâoriginalitĂ© dâune forme dâagglomĂ©ration industrielle au Vietnam. Pour nous, Bat Trang, câest tout dâabord une zone traditionnelle qui a su sâappuyer sur son savoir-faire et son organisation traditionnelle ; qui a su surmonter ses handicaps pour promouvoir lâadaptation de toutes ses activitĂ©s. Bien quâil existe trĂšs peu dâaides des autoritĂ©s locales, les entreprises de la zone sont en train dâopĂ©rer une conversion de leur technologie par un remplacement (des fours Ă charbon par des fours Ă gaz) ou une adaptation (invention de nouveaux fours Ă gaz). Les nouveaux acteurs introduits dans le systĂšme (club, association) ont pour tĂąche principale de fournir une assistance aux entreprises qui peuvent ainsi crĂ©er de nouvelles filiĂšres dâactivitĂ©s et trouver de nouveaux dĂ©bouchĂ©s de commercialisation. Bat Trang constitue Ă©galement une zone en cours dâinstitutionnalisation qui se manifeste par la crĂ©ation de la zone industrielle et dâun centre de formation professionnelle. La transformation profonde de Bat Trang amĂšne les artisans Ă se tourner vers une production plus industrialisĂ©e. Au cours des derniĂšres annĂ©es, la zone de Bat Trang a reçu, Ă lâĂ©vidence, un appui important des autoritĂ©s locales, qui ont lancĂ© des actions de politique locale. Nous avons Ă©galement pris en compte des nouveaux phĂ©nomĂšnes qui exercent une certaine influence, nĂ©gative ou positive, sur le dĂ©veloppement de la zone de Bat Trang : dĂ©localisation des activitĂ©s, faible capacitĂ© dâinnovation du district, les liens avec la R&D, marketing etc. Pour rĂ©soudre les problĂšmes auxquels la zone est confrontĂ©e aujourdâhui, il faudrait une mobilisation des ressources internes et externes pour dĂ©velopper une synergie locale
La reconfiguration des districts industriels au Vietnam : du monde local au monde global, une analyse sociologique des mutations d'un village de métier
This doctoral research focuses on the various changes taking place today in Bat Trang, a craft village in Vietnam. Like other transition economies, Vietnam is entering the transition period, marking its openness to international economy and its entry in the global market. In this context, we seek to understand the changes induced during the transition from a planned economy to a market one and to show the specificity of industrial district Bat Trang. To do this, it is necessary to study the social dynamics of political, economic, institutional and social settings that shape the Bat Trang. The reconstruction of the evolving relationship between these articulated actors will illuminate the changes in Bat Trang. Following a socio-anthropological approach and referring to the theory of industrial districts, we were able to carry out a thorough analysis on the mutation of Bat Trang on both political and organizational dimension. The craft village Bat Trang really constitutes a model of transition having the discontinuities and continuities from its old system. With the help of sociological theory of Norbet Elias, we were able to reconstruct the interplay between different actors (social, economic and institutional) that structure the development of Bat Trang, showing dynamics of their interaction. Through our study in Bat Trang, we could also measure the originality of a form of industrial agglomeration in Vietnam. For us, firstly, Bat Trang is a traditional area where people know how to mobilize its expertise and its traditional organization; to overcome its handicaps and to promote an adaptation of its activities. Although there is very little help from the local authority, the firms are in the process of making a technological conversion by either a replacement (from coal-fired kilns to Liquid Petroleum Gas kilns - LPG kilns) or an adaptation (invention new LPG kiln). New introduced actors (clubs, associations) whose main task is to provide technical assistance to firms can create new activities and figure out new outlets for marketing. Bat Trang is also an area being institutionalized as manifested by the presence of the industrial and vocational training center. It lives a profound transformation in which the artisans are turning to a more industrialized production. In recent years, it is clear that the Bat Trang receives substantial support from local politics. Of course, we must take into account new phenomena in Bat Trang that exert some influence (negative or positive) on this area development. This is the relocation of activities, low innovation capacity in the industrial district, the weak link to R & D, marketing, etc. To all resolve, it requires mobilization of internal and external resources for a local synergy.Cette recherche doctorale porte sur les mutations diverses qui sâopĂšrent aujourdâhui Ă Bat Trang, un village de mĂ©tier au Vietnam. Comme dâautres Ă©conomies en transition, le Vietnam est entrĂ© dans une phase de transition, marquĂ©e par son ouverture Ă lâĂ©conomie internationale et son inscription au marchĂ© mondial. Dans ce contexte, nous cherchons Ă comprendre les mutations induites lors du passage dâune Ă©conomie planifiĂ©e Ă une Ă©conomie de marchĂ© et Ă montrer la spĂ©cificitĂ© de lâagglomĂ©ration industrielle du district de Bat Trang. Pour ce faire, il convient dâĂ©tudier la dynamique sociale des acteurs politiques, Ă©conomiques, institutionnels et sociaux qui forment la configuration de Bat Trang. La reconstitution de lâĂ©volution des relations articulĂ©es entre ces acteurs permettra dâĂ©clairer les mutations de Bat Trang. En suivant une approche socio-anthropologique et en nous rĂ©fĂ©rant Ă la thĂ©orie des districts industriels, nous avons procĂ©dĂ© Ă une analyse approfondie de la mutation de Bat Trang sur la dimension tant politique quâorganisationnelle. Le village de mĂ©tier de Bat Trang constitue un vĂ©ritable modĂšle de transition portant des ruptures et des continuitĂ©s par rapport Ă son systĂšme antĂ©rieur. A lâaide de la thĂ©orie sociologique de Norbet Elias, nous avons reconstituĂ© le jeu entre les diffĂ©rents acteurs (sociaux, Ă©conomiques et institutionnels) qui structurent le dĂ©veloppement de Bat Trang, en montrant la dynamique de leur interaction constante. Ă travers lâĂ©tude de Bat Trang, nous avons aussi mesurĂ© lâoriginalitĂ© dâune forme dâagglomĂ©ration industrielle au Vietnam. Pour nous, Bat Trang, câest tout dâabord une zone traditionnelle qui a su sâappuyer sur son savoir-faire et son organisation traditionnelle ; qui a su surmonter ses handicaps pour promouvoir lâadaptation de toutes ses activitĂ©s. Bien quâil existe trĂšs peu dâaides des autoritĂ©s locales, les entreprises de la zone sont en train dâopĂ©rer une conversion de leur technologie par un remplacement (des fours Ă charbon par des fours Ă gaz) ou une adaptation (invention de nouveaux fours Ă gaz). Les nouveaux acteurs introduits dans le systĂšme (club, association) ont pour tĂąche principale de fournir une assistance aux entreprises qui peuvent ainsi crĂ©er de nouvelles filiĂšres dâactivitĂ©s et trouver de nouveaux dĂ©bouchĂ©s de commercialisation. Bat Trang constitue Ă©galement une zone en cours dâinstitutionnalisation qui se manifeste par la crĂ©ation de la zone industrielle et dâun centre de formation professionnelle. La transformation profonde de Bat Trang amĂšne les artisans Ă se tourner vers une production plus industrialisĂ©e. Au cours des derniĂšres annĂ©es, la zone de Bat Trang a reçu, Ă lâĂ©vidence, un appui important des autoritĂ©s locales, qui ont lancĂ© des actions de politique locale. Nous avons Ă©galement pris en compte des nouveaux phĂ©nomĂšnes qui exercent une certaine influence, nĂ©gative ou positive, sur le dĂ©veloppement de la zone de Bat Trang : dĂ©localisation des activitĂ©s, faible capacitĂ© dâinnovation du district, les liens avec la R&D, marketing etc. Pour rĂ©soudre les problĂšmes auxquels la zone est confrontĂ©e aujourdâhui, il faudrait une mobilisation des ressources internes et externes pour dĂ©velopper une synergie locale
LâinstabilitĂ© organisationnelle des districts industriels. Dynamiques des transformations internes dâun village de mĂ©tier au nord du ViĂȘt Nam
Le village de mĂ©tier est un sujet dâĂ©tude attractif, mais rarement traitĂ© comme une forme dâagglomĂ©ration industrielle ou abordĂ© sous lâangle de la sociologie industrielle. Le dĂ©veloppement actuel des villages de mĂ©tier montre bien la prĂ©sence intensive des entreprises de tailles variĂ©es et lâimplication dâautres acteurs en dehors du milieu de production (par exemple les autoritĂ©s locales, le milieu de lâĂ©ducation). Lâintroduction dâacteurs nouveaux implique le changement des relations existantes, contribuant ainsi Ă la mise en place dâune nouvelle configuration. Lâobjectif de cet article est de montrer que lâorganisation des villages de mĂ©tier, qui est conçue comme un type de district industriel, est marquĂ©e par lâinstabilitĂ© ou le changement permanent de la configuration gĂ©nĂ©rale, mais aussi par une transformation interne des acteurs au sein du district. Ă travers une Ă©tude de cas Ă BĂĄt TrĂ ng â un centre de production cĂ©ramique au nord du ViĂȘt Nam â cet article a pour objectif de montrer comment des entreprises familiales se rĂ©organisent en structure plus formalisĂ©e, comment elles mobilisent du capital social pour rĂ©gler leurs difficultĂ©s et les stratĂ©gies dâinnovation quâelles dĂ©veloppent.Craft village is an attractive research subject, however it is rarely treated as a form of industrial agglomeration or studied from industrial sociology perspective. The current development of craft villages demonstrates the intensive presence of entreprises of all sizes and involvement of non productive actors (e.g. local authorities, education sector). The introduction of new actors therefore implies a change of existing relationships, contributing to the formulation of new configuration. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate that the organization of craft villages, as a type of industrial district, is marked by instability or permanent change in the overall configuration, but also by an internal transformation in entreprises/organizations in the district. Through a case study in BĂĄt TrĂ ng, a pottery and ceramic production center in northern Vietnam, this paper will present the reorganization of household workshops toward a more formalized structure ; mobilization of social capital as solution for difficulties ; and innovation strategies of entreprises
La reconfiguration des districts industriels au Vietnam (du monde local au monde global, une analyse sociologique des mutations d'un village de métier)
Cette recherche doctorale porte sur les mutations diverses qui s opÚrent aujourd hui à Bat Trang, un village de métier au Vietnam. Comme d autres économies en transition, le Vietnam est entré dans une phase de transition, marquée par son ouverture à l économie internationale et son inscription au marché mondial. Dans ce contexte, nous cherchons à comprendre les mutations induites lors du passage d une économie planifiée à une économie de marché et à montrer la spécificité de l agglomération industrielle du district de Bat Trang. Pour ce faire, il convient d étudier la dynamique sociale des acteurs politiques, économiques, institutionnels et sociaux qui forment la configuration de Bat Trang. La reconstitution de l évolution des relations articulées entre ces acteurs permettra d éclairer les mutations de Bat Trang. En suivant une approche socio-anthropologique et en nous référant à la théorie des districts industriels, nous avons procédé à une analyse approfondie de la mutation de Bat Trang sur la dimension tant politique qu organisationnelle. Le village de métier de Bat Trang constitue un véritable modÚle de transition portant des ruptures et des continuités par rapport à son systÚme antérieur. A l aide de la théorie sociologique de Norbet Elias, nous avons reconstitué le jeu entre les différents acteurs (sociaux, économiques et institutionnels) qui structurent le développement de Bat Trang, en montrant la dynamique de leur interaction constante. à travers l étude de Bat Trang, nous avons aussi mesuré l originalité d une forme d agglomération industrielle au Vietnam. Pour nous, Bat Trang, c est tout d abord une zone traditionnelle qui a su s appuyer sur son savoir-faire et son organisation traditionnelle ; qui a su surmonter ses handicaps pour promouvoir l adaptation de toutes ses activités. Bien qu il existe trÚs peu d aides des autorités locales, les entreprises de la zone sont en train d opérer une conversion de leur technologie par un remplacement (des fours à charbon par des fours à gaz) ou une adaptation (invention de nouveaux fours à gaz). Les nouveaux acteurs introduits dans le systÚme (club, association) ont pour tùche principale de fournir une assistance aux entreprises qui peuvent ainsi créer de nouvelles filiÚres d activités et trouver de nouveaux débouchés de commercialisation. Bat Trang constitue également une zone en cours d institutionnalisation qui se manifeste par la création de la zone industrielle et d un centre de formation professionnelle. La transformation profonde de Bat Trang amÚne les artisans à se tourner vers une production plus industrialisée. Au cours des derniÚres années, la zone de Bat Trang a reçu, à l évidence, un appui important des autorités locales, qui ont lancé des actions de politique locale. Nous avons également pris en compte des nouveaux phénomÚnes qui exercent une certaine influence, négative ou positive, sur le développement de la zone de Bat Trang : délocalisation des activités, faible capacité d innovation du district, les liens avec la R&D, marketing etc. Pour résoudre les problÚmes auxquels la zone est confrontée aujourd hui, il faudrait une mobilisation des ressources internes et externes pour développer une synergie locale.This doctoral research focuses on the various changes taking place today in Bat Trang, a craft village in Vietnam. Like other transition economies, Vietnam is entering the transition period, marking its openness to international economy and its entry in the global market. In this context, we seek to understand the changes induced during the transition from a planned economy to a market one and to show the specificity of industrial district Bat Trang. To do this, it is necessary to study the social dynamics of political, economic, institutional and social settings that shape the Bat Trang. The reconstruction of the evolving relationship between these articulated actors will illuminate the changes in Bat Trang. Following a socio-anthropological approach and referring to the theory of industrial districts, we were able to carry out a thorough analysis on the mutation of Bat Trang on both political and organizational dimension. The craft village Bat Trang really constitutes a model of transition having the discontinuities and continuities from its old system. With the help of sociological theory of Norbet Elias, we were able to reconstruct the interplay between different actors (social, economic and institutional) that structure the development of Bat Trang, showing dynamics of their interaction. Through our study in Bat Trang, we could also measure the originality of a form of industrial agglomeration in Vietnam. For us, firstly, Bat Trang is a traditional area where people know how to mobilize its expertise and its traditional organization; to overcome its handicaps and to promote an adaptation of its activities. Although there is very little help from the local authority, the firms are in the process of making a technological conversion by either a replacement (from coal-fired kilns to Liquid Petroleum Gas kilns - LPG kilns) or an adaptation (invention new LPG kiln). New introduced actors (clubs, associations) whose main task is to provide technical assistance to firms can create new activities and figure out new outlets for marketing. Bat Trang is also an area being institutionalized as manifested by the presence of the industrial and vocational training center. It lives a profound transformation in which the artisans are turning to a more industrialized production. In recent years, it is clear that the Bat Trang receives substantial support from local politics. Of course, we must take into account new phenomena in Bat Trang that exert some influence (negative or positive) on this area development. This is the relocation of activities, low innovation capacity in the industrial district, the weak link to R & D, marketing, etc. To all resolve, it requires mobilization of internal and external resources for a local synergy.LYON2/BRON-BU (690292101) / SudocSudocFranceF
Recherche en sciences humaines sur l'Asie du Sud-Est
DiversitĂ© des cultures et des ethnies, diversitĂ© des objets dâĂ©tude, diversitĂ© des approches et des Ă©chelles, ce numĂ©ro sâadresse Ă un lectorat trĂšs large, de lâĂ©tudiant souhaitant approfondir la question des rituels dans le monde insulindien ou celle des ethnonymes dans le cadre cambodgien au lecteur cultivĂ© dĂ©sireux de mieux comprendre lâhorreur du systĂšme carcĂ©ral des Khmers rouges ou la perception de lâavortement dans un pays musulman comme lâIndonĂ©sie, voire au touriste culturel avide dâun Ă©clairage nouveau Ă propos de ces « nomades de la mer » quâil aura pu rencontrer dans le sud de la ThaĂŻlande
Human papillomavirus vaccine delivery strategies that achieved high coverage in low- and middle-income countries.
OBJECTIVE: To assess human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination coverage after demonstration projects conducted in India, Peru, Uganda and Viet Nam by PATH and national governments and to explore the reasons for vaccine acceptance or refusal. METHODS: Vaccines were delivered through schools or health centres or in combination with other health interventions, and either monthly or through campaigns at fixed time points. Using a two-stage cluster sample design, the authors selected households in demonstration project areas and interviewed over 7000 parents or guardians of adolescent girls to assess coverage and acceptability. They defined full vaccination as the receipt of all three vaccine doses and used an open-ended question to explore acceptability. FINDINGS: Vaccination coverage in school-based programmes was 82.6% (95% confidence interval, CI: 79.3-85.6) in Peru, 88.9% (95% CI: 84.7-92.4) in 2009 in Uganda and 96.1% (95% CI: 93.0-97.8) in 2009 in Viet Nam. In India, a campaign approach achieved 77.2% (95% CI: 72.4-81.6) to 87.8% (95% CI: 84.3-91.3) coverage, whereas monthly delivery achieved 68.4% (95% CI: 63.4-73.4) to 83.3% (95% CI: 79.3-87.3) coverage. More than two thirds of respondents gave as reasons for accepting the HPV vaccine that: (i) it protects against cervical cancer; (ii) it prevents disease, or (iii) vaccines are good. Refusal was more often driven by programmatic considerations (e.g. school absenteeism) than by opposition to the vaccine. CONCLUSION: High coverage with HPV vaccine among young adolescent girls was achieved through various delivery strategies in the developing countries studied. Reinforcing positive motivators for vaccine acceptance is likely to facilitate uptake