610 research outputs found

    CSA Practices for Sustainable Cocoa Farming Systems

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    Climate change will shape the future production of cocoa and requires mutual cooperation amongst sector stakeholders to tailor responses to its differentiated impacts. Identifying and prioritizing climate smart agriculture (CSA) responses requires integration of multiple objectives and managing trade-offs between food security, adaptation and mitigation. Impact of future climates on growing regions is needed to select locally appropriate CSA practices. Zones of adaptation needs in Indonesia are identified and the ‘why?’ and ‘how?’ of tailored CSA practices are illustrated in an accessible guidebook format

    Carbon assessment for cocoa cropping systems in Lampung, Indonesia

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    Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) production plays a key role in the economics of Indonesia, the world’s fourth largest cocoa bean producing country. With more than 1.6 million hectares of land planted with cocoa, small improvements in emissions efficiencies or carbon sequestration opportunities can have a relatively large mitigating effect on emissions from agroforestry and land use. The carbon assessment in Lampung, Sumatra was done to evaluate environmental impacts of cocoa as a commodity through estimation of carbon stock and carbon footprint, GHG emissions during the cultivation of cocoa in different cropping systems. Segmentation of cropping systems along density of intercropping, inputs use intensity and residue management practices identify opportunities for climate smart practices tailored to each segment

    Tissue-specific characterization of mitochondrial branchedchain keto acid oxidation using a multiplexed assay platform

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    Alterations to branched-chain keto acid (BCKA) oxidation have been implicated in a wide variety of human diseases, ranging from diabetes to cancer. Although global shifts in BCKA metabolism-evident by gene transcription, metabolite profiling, and in vivo flux analyses have been documented across various pathological conditions, the underlying biochemical mechanism(s) within the mitochondrion remain largely unknown. In vitro experiments using isolated mitochondria represent a powerful biochemical tool for elucidating the role of the mitochondrion in driving disease. Such analyses have routinely been utilized across disciplines to shed valuable insight into mitochondrial-linked pathologies. That said, few studies have attempted to model in vitro BCKA oxidation in isolated organelles. The impetus for the present study stemmed from the knowledge that complete oxidation of each of the three BCKAs involves a reaction dependent upon bicarbonate and ATP, both of which are not typically included in respiration experiments. Based on this, it was hypothesized that the inclusion of exogenous bicarbonate and stimulation of respiration using physiological shifts in ATP-free energy, rather than excess ADP, would allow for maximal BCKA-supported respiratory flux in isolated mitochondria. This hypothesis was confirmed in mitochondria from several mouse tissues, including heart, liver and skeletal muscle. What follows is a thorough characterization and validation of a novel biochemical tool for investigating BCKA metabolism in isolated mitochondria

    Carbon assessment for Robusta coffee production systems in Vietnam: a case study in Dak Lak

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    Carbon assessments have proliferated to identify climate friendly practices in Arabica producing systems, though little attention is given to Robusta. In this study, we evaluated the climate impact of Robusta production via quantification of carbon stock and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the intensive shaded and unshaded coffee farms of the world’s largest Robusta producing region, Vietnam’s Central Highlands. We find due to the linear relationship between fertilizer use and yields, emissions from input use on a per unit product basis are not significantly different between the intensive and less intensive systems. However, when accounting for carbon sequestered in shade and coffee trees, the less intensive systems are carbon positive (sequestering more than they emit) per unit of green coffee bean produced

    \u3cem\u3eTenues Grandia\u3c/em\u3e: Lyric Performance in Horace and Marvell

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    Poetic performance does not just refer to the public recitation of a prepared work of poetry. Poems bear witness to and construct acts of social performance and contribute to the creation of personae. Because it commonly draws attention to its audiences and speakers, lyric poetry is particularly suitable for such performances. In their respective lyric poetry, Horace and Marvell explore constructions of private lyric spaces withdrawn from their socio-historical contexts, the public sphere. While these spaces therefore seem separate from this public sphere, the two spheres are intertwined: these private spaces are shaped by, but also shape the public

    Glucocorticoid receptor expression in 20 solid tumor types using immunohistochemistry assay.

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    BackgroundGlucocorticoid receptor (GR) activity plays a role in many aspects of human physiology and may play a crucial role in chemotherapy resistance in a wide variety of solid tumors. A novel immunohistochemistry (IHC) based assay has been previously developed and validated in order to assess GR immunoreactivity in triple-negative breast cancer. The current study investigates the standardized use of this validated assay to assess GR expression in a broad range of solid tumor malignancies.MethodsArchived formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tumor bank samples (n=236) from 20 different solid tumor types were analyzed immunohistochemically. Nuclear staining was reported based on the H-score method using differential intensity scores (0, 1+, 2+, or 3+) with the percent stained (out of at least 100 carcinoma cells) recorded at each intensity.ResultsGR was expressed in all tumor types that had been evaluated. Renal cell carcinoma, sarcoma, cervical cancer, and melanoma were those with the highest mean H-scores, indicating high levels of GR expression. Colon, endometrial, and gastric cancers had lower GR staining percentages and intensities, resulting in the lowest mean H-scores.ConclusionA validated IHC assay revealed GR immunoreactivity in all solid tumor types studied and allowed for standardized comparison of reactivity among the different malignancies.ImpactBaseline expression levels of GR may be a useful biomarker when pharmaceutically targeting GR in research or clinical setting

    Ceramics Kiln Room Columbus

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    STEP Category: Artistic and Creative EndeavorsMy STEP project will be a four-week artistic endeavor with The Kiln Room Columbus Company in Columbus, Ohio. Throughout the month of June 2023, with a specific start date of June 19, 2023, and end of July 22, 2023, I will have the opportunity to transform my personal aspirations within ceramics and pottery making, by experiencing and learning alongside the ceramic artists and instructors of The Kiln Room for one three-hour class a week. With high school experience within ceramics courses, and having two of my ceramics pieces make it to the Ohio State-wide high school art show, I hope to rekindle my love and knowledge on ceramics and pottery throwing to fulfill my personal aspirations. As a pre-Physician Assistant student who has spent my summers at The Ohio State University within medical and science summer courses, this STEP funding will finally grant me the opportunity to focus on participating in my first artistic endeavor that serves as a therapeutic outlet for self-expression and stress relief, that go beyond my medical student identity. This experience will transform my interpersonal relationship with myself and my mental health and will be elevating my identity and personal growth, beyond my academic achievements and experiences within the healthcare field. As a first-generation Vietnamese American pre-Physician Assistant student, my collegiate career has been dedicated to pursing activities that will benefit my academic and professional healthcare career. However, this STEP artistic endeavor will allow me to experience my first glimpse of engaging in an activity that go beyond school and professional life—something that will promote my personal well-being. As someone who understands the importance of taking time for oneself, I am eager and grateful for this opportunity to purse an activity that will bring me personal happiness and balance my personal and academic lives. The importance of having a life outside of school and professional life cannot be overstated. This Kiln Room Columbus course will offer a magnitude of benefits to my character, including the ability to advocate for my mental health, my personal growth, skill development, and a well-rounded education. Through the things that I will learn from this STEP project, I will develop the interpersonal qualities and skills necessary to thrive in all aspects of life.The Ohio State University Second-year Transformational Experience Program (STEP)Academic Major: Health Sciences Progra

    UC-275 Network Simulation Software Analysis of Alternatives

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    Data networking is a complex field. Designing networks is a complex task. Simulators have been developed to create hypothetical designs with configuration settings for evaluating architectures and settings. At least 2 simulators are freely available to IT professionals and students. This project involves researching the landscape of free network design simulators to determine how many there are, then downloading, testing, evaluating, and documenting the features of each by designing, on each, a network with multiple routers, switches, and host devices using IPv4 and IPv6, defining features appropriate for classroom use in a university, and finally determining which solution fits the classroom requirements using a vector shortest distance analysis

    The Effects of Dry Needling and Whole-Body Vibration on Jump Height and Performance in Adults: A Critically Appraised Topic

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    Whole-body vibration (WBV) involves oscillation of the plates to produce vibrations. It cause: rapid eccentric-concentric muscle action to enhance muscle performance due to rapid reflex and stretch-reflexes. WBV can also cause temporary positive changes to soft tissues like skeletal muscle by increasing circulation. Dry needling (DN) is an invasive skilled intervention performed by licensed physical therapists requiring a thin filiform needle through the skin to reach soft tissues like muscle or bone that causes a mild inflammatory response to improve pain and relax muscles tissue. Analysis of jump height was the outcome measure used to determine muscle performance. The purpose of our study is to compare WBV and DN in regard to improving jump performance in the healthy and injured adult populations
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