141 research outputs found

    A Solution for a Fundamental Problem of 3D Inference based on 2D Representations

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    3D inference from monocular vision using neural networks is an important research area of computer vision. Applications of the research area are various with many proposed solutions and have shown remarkable performance. Although many efforts have been invested, there are still unanswered questions, some of which are fundamental. In this paper, I discuss a problem that I hope will come to be known as a generalization of the Blind Perspective-n-Point (Blind PnP) problem for object-driven 3D inference based on 2D representations. The vital difference between the fundamental problem and the Blind PnP problem is that 3D inference parameters in the fundamental problem are attached directly to 3D points and the camera concept will be represented through the sharing of the parameters of these points. By providing an explainable and robust gradient-decent solution based on 2D representations for an important special case of the problem, the paper opens up a new approach for using available information-based learning methods to solve problems related to 3D object pose estimation from 2D images

    Trade in wild anurans vectors the urodelan pathogen Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans into Europe

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    Pathogen pollution has caused dramatic losses of amphibian diversity on a global scale. The recently emerged chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal) has been hypothesized to have its origin in Asian urodelan populations, from which it may have been introduced to Europe through the trade in live urodelans. We here show that Bsal is present on wild small-webbed fire-bellied toads (Bombina microdeladigitora) from Vietnam and on representatives of the same species that have recently been imported in Germany. This finding suggests that the installment of measures to mitigate the Bsal threat through the amphibian trade should not be limited to urodeles, but should equally take anurans into account

    Stability of twin circular tunnels in cohesive-frictional soil using the node-based smoothed finite element method (NS-FEM)

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    This paper presents an upper bound limit analysis procedure using the node-based smoothed finite element method (NS-FEM) and second order cone programming (SOCP) to evaluate the stability of twin circular tunnels in cohesive-frictional soils subjected to surcharge loading. At first stage, kinematically admissible displacement fields of the tunnel problems are approximated by NS-FEM using triangular elements (NS-FEM-T3). Next, commercial software Mosek is employed to deal with the optimization problems, which are formulated as second order cone. Collapse loads as well as failure mechanisms of plane strain tunnels are obtained directly by solving the optimization problems. For twin circular tunnels, the distance between centers of two parallel tunnels is the major parameter used to determine the stability. In this study, the effects of mechanical soil properties and the ratio of tunnel diameter and the depth to the tunnel stability are investigated. Numerical results are verified with those available to demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed method

    Sur un modèle de couplage Thermo-Chimio-Mécanique pour les élastomères chargés

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    National audienceNous présentons dans cette communication un nouveau modèle de comportement couplé pour les élastomères chargés et dissipatifs qui prend en compte une forme d'évolution chimique du matériau. Cette évolution est activé sous sollicitations thermo-mécaniques et impacte fortement le comportement du matériau. Une implémentation éléments-finis de ce modèle est réalisée de manière à pouvoir simuler des tests thermo-mécaniques complexes

    Linearized behavior of a dissipative rubber with large static preloads

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    International audienceThe dynamic behavior of filled rubber has been intensively studied during the last 20 years and a large number of finite strain models have been developed. However, many industrial applications involve small vibrations superimposed on large static preloads. In this specific case, the dynamic problem can be treated as a small amplitude problem near a finite strain state. In this paper, we discuss how to extend previous approaches by taking arbitrary (large) dynamic rotations into account. A general approach is proposed as well as a finite element implementation. Results show that large rotations are required in some tests, even at small dynamic amplitudes


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    In the current era of globalization, English is considered a necessary skill for education and work and a criterion for evaluation in recruitment and graduation assessments in many places in Vietnam. According to the project entitled "Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages in the National Education System Phase 2008 - 2020", non-English majored university students must achieve a minimum of Level 3 according to the 6-level Foreign Language Proficiency Framework used in Vietnam. Several universities have diversified their ways to meet these standards to facilitate students in meeting the English language outcomes, allowing students more opportunities to choose ways that are suitable for them. However, this also indicates that various influencing factors will impact students' selection of ways to meet these standards. This research explores the primary ways students choose to fulfill English language standards as stipulated and analyzes the factors influencing the choices of non-English major students in universities in Vietnam.  Article visualizations

    Antibacterial activities of ethanolic extract of four species of Rutaceae family

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    In this study, the antibacterial activity of ethanolic extract from the leaves of four Rutaceae species, including Acronychia pedunculata, Clausena excavata, Glycosmis pentaphylla and Luvunga scandens, were performed using the agar disk diffusion method for the first time. The ethanolic extracts from the leaves of A. pedunculata and G. pentaphylla were able to resist against all six bacterial strains with zones of inhibition for Bacillus cereus (17.3±2.1 mm, 20.8±1.0 mm) Staphylococcus aureus (8.5±0.5 mm, 17.6±0.3 mm) Escherichia coli (16.7±2.1 mm, 15.3±1.2 mm), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (11.7±0.6 mm, 14.0±1.7 mm), Salmonella enteritidis (22.3±0.6 mm, 24.6±0.5 mm) and Salmonella typhimurium (9.5±0.9 mm, 8.3±0.6 mm). On the other hand, the ethanolic extract of C. excavata leaf was resistant to B. cereus (12.3±0.6 mm), S. aureus (11.6±0.5 mm), E. coli (11.5±2.1 mm), P. aeruginosa (10.6±0.3 mm) while B. cereus (8.2±0.3 mm), S. aureus (9.3±0.6 mm), E. coli (8.5±0.5 mm) and S. typhimurium (8.3±0.6 mm) were inhibited by the ethanolic extract of L. scandens leaf. This study could provide necessary information for further application of these species in medicine

    Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans is the predominant chytrid fungus in Vietnamese salamanders

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    The amphibian chytrid fungi, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) and B. salamandrivorans (Bsal), pose a major threat to amphibian biodiversity. Recent evidence suggests Southeast Asia as a potential cradle for both fungi, which likely resulted in widespread host-pathogen co-existence. We sampled 583 salamanders from 8 species across Vietnam in 55 locations for Bsal and Bd, determined scaled mass index as a proxy for fitness and collected environmental data. Bsal was found within 14 of the 55 habitats (2 of which it was detected in 2013), in 5 salamandrid species, with a prevalence of 2.92%. The globalized pandemic lineage of Bd was found within one pond on one species with a prevalence of 0.69%. Combined with a complete lack of correlation between infection and individual body condition and absence of indication of associated disease, this suggests low level pathogen endemism and Bsal and Bd co-existence with Vietnamese salamandrid populations. Bsal was more widespread than Bd, and occurs at temperatures higher than tolerated by the type strain, suggesting a wider thermal niche than currently known. Therefore, this study provides support for the hypothesis that these chytrid fungi may be endemic to Asia and that species within this region may act as a disease reservoir


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    In social interaction, people need to pay attention to the face of others to maintain relationships and avoid losing their faces. To do this, people should use politeness strategies in communication. This study aims to investigate which type of politeness strategies are mostly used and the level of politeness shown by English major students in the High Quality Program in requesting help. This study is based on the theory of Brown and Levinson (1987). Based on the analysis of the data obtained from the questionnaire, negative politeness strategies were applied the most. This also performs a high degree of politeness. It shows that students majoring in English studies (High Quality Program) had an awareness of using politeness strategies in requesting help.<p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu_01/0704/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p&gt