174 research outputs found

    Some Solutions to Enhance the Youth’s Social Responsibilities

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    The article is based on a number of legal bases regulating the youth s responsibilities and proposes some solutions to enhance their social responsibilities in accordance with the current context The research was conducted on 207 subjects who are officials working in fields related to youth affairs in 5 provinces cities by using questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews Research results show that in the groups of solutions surveyed all are at a good level highly feasible level Among the 4 solution groups the solution group related to training and fostering has the highest mean score and the solution group related to developing legal documents and policies for youth has a lower level However there is not any group of solutions with low feasibilit

    heritage and climate change: urban and architectural perspective for “floodscape” in quang tri province

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    Sommario Il Vietnam è tra i cinque paesi principalmente interessati dal cambiamento climatico. Secondo il report EM-DAT (the Emergency Events Database), si deve a disastri naturali un danno pari a 2,600billionnell′ultimoventennio(1994−2013).Allesolealluvionisiimputail47Infuturoilcambiamentoclimaticocauseraˋl′aumentodelletemperaturedellasuperficieterrestre,ilregimedicadutadellepioggieconlacrescitadieventimeteorologiciestremi,conl′aumntodellivellodelmare,ilrischiodialluvionieirelativiimpattisullapopolazioneesuiterritori.Parallelamenteacioˋilpatrimonioculturalematerialeeimmaterialefruttodiunlungoprocessodisviluppoumano,rappresentaivaloriculturaliestoricidelpaesemanoneˋsufficientementeresilienteperadattarsialleconseguenzedelcambiamentoclimatico,cheogniannocolpisconoilpatrimonio.Leconseguenzedicioˋsisonosovrapposte,danneggiandoedistruggendoparzialmentee,intalunicasitotalmente,ilpatrimonio.Affrontarequestoquadroambientaleeclimaticosenzasoluzionidiadattamento,porteraˋallaperditadidettopatrimonioesebbeneilVietnamnonsiasoggettoaterremotioeruzionivulcaniche,essoeˋampiamentesoggettoadisastridovutiafattoriclimatici,qualialluvioni,tsunami,uraganiesiccitaˋ.Lapresentericercastudialarelazionetrailcambiamentoclimaticoeilpatrimonio,l′impattodellealluvionisuimonumentieintendeproporreunacartadelrischioperilsistemadelpatrimoniodiQuangTriProvince.Lamappahamostratochel′87,5Soluzionipercontrastareeadeguarsialcambiamentoclimaticosonostatestudiateeproposte,alfinedicontenereilrischioallascaladellapianificazioneterritoriale,urbanaenellaprogettazionearchitettonica.Inparticolareilmetododilavoroprevedetrefasiriferibiliamomentidiversialluvionali:direction,storageandabsorption.Sebbenequestenonsianodefinitiveeduniche,l′adattamentorichiedetempidisperimentazioneeselezioneperindividuarelemiglioriscelteperapplicazionipratiche;inoltre,laricercanonponesololebasiperlaconservazionedelpatrimonio,maancheindirizzialungotermineperlaprogettazioneurbanaedarchitettonicasecondoledirettivedellosvilupposostenibile.AbstractVietnamisoneofthefivecountrieslikelytobemostaffectedbyclimatechange.AccordingtothereportofEM−DAT(theEmergencyEventsDatabase),anestimateddamageof2,600 billion nell'ultimo ventennio (1994-2013). Alle sole alluvioni si imputa il 47% dei suddetti danni a scapito di una popolazione di 2.3 billion, la maggior parte della quale asiatica, il 95%. In Vietnam, sono stati circa 649 gli eventi calamitosi tra il 2005 e il 2014: alluvioni, inondazioni, grandinate, tempeste, cicloni e frane. Il danno totale è stimato approssimativamente all'1.5% GDP all'anno. 160 alluvioni e inondazioni si sono susseguite causando il 58% dei danni totali. In futuro il cambiamento climatico causerà l'aumento delle temperature della superficie terrestre, il regime di caduta delle pioggie con la crescita di eventi meteorologici estremi, con l'aumnto del livello del mare, il rischio di alluvioni e i relativi impatti sulla popolazione e sui territori. Parallelamente a ciò il patrimonio culturale materiale e immateriale frutto di un lungo processo di sviluppo umano, rappresenta i valori culturali e storici del paese ma non è sufficientemente resiliente per adattarsi alle conseguenze del cambiamento climatico, che ogni anno colpiscono il patrimonio. Le conseguenze di ciò si sono sovrapposte, danneggiando e distruggendo parzialmente e, in taluni casi totalmente, il patrimonio. Affrontare questo quadro ambientale e climatico senza soluzioni di adattamento, porterà alla perdita di detto patrimonio e sebbene il Vietnam non sia soggetto a terremoti o eruzioni vulcaniche, esso è ampiamente soggetto a disastri dovuti a fattori climatici, quali alluvioni, tsunami, uragani e siccità. La presente ricerca studia la relazione tra il cambiamento climatico e il patrimonio, l'impatto delle alluvioni sui monumenti e intende proporre una carta del rischio per il sistema del patrimonio di Quang Tri Province. La mappa ha mostrato che l'87,5 % dei monumenti si trovano in aree a rischio (189 siti su 216) e il 4,2% dei patrimoni si trovano in aree ad alto rischio. Soluzioni per contrastare e adeguarsi al cambiamento climatico sono state studiate e proposte, al fine di contenere il rischio alla scala della pianificazione territoriale, urbana e nella progettazione architettonica. In particolare il metodo di lavoro prevede tre fasi riferibili a momenti diversi alluvionali: direction, storage and absorption. Sebbene queste non siano definitive ed uniche, l'adattamento richiede tempi di sperimentazione e selezione per individuare le migliori scelte per applicazioni pratiche; inoltre, la ricerca non pone solo le basi per la conservazione del patrimonio, ma anche indirizzi a lungo termine per la progettazione urbana ed architettonica secondo le direttive dello sviluppo sostenibile.Abstract Vietnam is one of the five countries likely to be most affected by climate change. According to the report of EM-DAT (the Emergency Events Database), an estimated damage of 2,600 billion was caused by natural disasters damaged in the last twenty years (1994-2013). Flood alone accounted for 47% of all weather disasters, affecting 2.3 billion people (the majority of whom (95%) live in Asia). In Vietnam, about 649 natural disasters occurred in the last ten years (2005-2014), including flood, flash flood, hail, storm, cyclone and landslide. Total damage was estimated at approximately 1.5% GDP per year. There were 160 floods and flash floods occurred at that time and accounted for 58% of the total damage. In the future, climate change has increased the average surface temperature, changing the average rainfall, increasing frequency of extreme weather events and especially the rising of sea level that will increase flood risks and negative impacts of flooding to people and properties. Meanwhile, heritage is the quintessence of a long process of development by humans. The heritages that characterize the values of culture and history of each nation, country or region; but it does not have the ability to adapt to changes in the weather or disasters of climate change. The changes in the weather and disasters happen every year and they directly affect the heritage. Consequences have been cumulative and results are that some of heritages have been corroded, several heritages have been destroyed a part and a few heritages have been totally damaged. Facing that situation, if there are no adaptive solutions to adapt to the disasters of climate change, the heritages will be gradually lost. Although Vietnam does not have more disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes, country has influenced heavily by disasters related to water factors, such as flood, tsunami, hurricane or drought. This research is the study of the relationship between climate change and heritage, impacts of flooding on heritage and building the map of flood risk for heritage system in Quang Tri Province. The map showed that 87.5% of the heritages are located in flood risk area (189 in 216 heritages) and 4.2% of the heritages are located in high and very high-risk level. Solutions to response and adaptation to climate change for the heritages have been studied and proposed. Characteristic of flooding is usually happening on a large scale and keeping in 2 or 3 days. Therefore, to reduce flood risks for heritage, the solutions were developed based on spatial planning, urban planning, urban design and architecture design for heritage, corresponding to three steps: direction, storage and absorption. Although the solutions are not mostly complete, the adaptation requires time to application and filter in order to select the most effective solutions for practical application. In addition, the research is not only a basis for conservation but also a long-term orientation for design and urban planning toward sustainable development

    Exploration and Implementation of Neural Ordinary Differential Equations

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    Neural ordinary differential equations (ODEs) have recently emerged as a novel ap- proach to deep learning, leveraging the knowledge of two previously separate domains, neural networks and differential equations. In this paper, we first examine the back- ground and lay the foundation for traditional artificial neural networks. We then present neural ODEs from a rigorous mathematical perspective, and explore their advantages and trade-offs compared to traditional neural nets


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    This paper presents a method of real-time CNC interpolation for free-form NURBS curves. The interpolation algorithm is based on second order Taylor’s expansion with the principle part being a formula for updating the parametric value u after each sampling period. With the updated value of u, a new interpolated point is calculated based on the DeBoor’s algorithm. In this paper, an efficient method of limiting chord error introduced by the interpolation algorithm is also presented with the basic idea of reducing machining feedrate at positions with a radius of curvature smaller than a critical value


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    Abstract: This study assessetailers’ satisfaction with Procter and Gamble (P&G) brands distribution policy at Tuan Viet Co.,Ltd., Hue Branch concerning the supply of goods, sales policy, information forcustomers, facilities and equipment support, personal relationships, and sales staffs. On the basis ofthe factor analysis method and the ENTER method for regression analysis, the study shows that the factor "Sales policy" ha the greatest impact on retailers’ satisfaction. The study also provides possible solutions to improve retailers’ satisfaction with Tuan Viet company's P&G brands distribution policy. Especially, the study emphasizesseveral issues that Tuan Viet should address, including promoting market surveys to have appropriate distribution policies and basis for appropriate proposals to the producers, and recruiting and training sales staff carefully. In addition to professional skills, it is necessary to pay more attention toestablishingrelationships with clients and navigating sales staffs to work for the company. The company needs to improve its warehousing system,while goods need to be better stocked. Furthermore, the lack of propercoordination between the salesmen and the delivery staffs should be tackled thoroughly. Eventually, the company should set appropriate working principles to avoid conflicts, disunity, and work inefficiency.Keywords: retailer, satisfaction, distribution polic

    On a Nonlinear Wave Equation of Kirchhoff-Carrier Type: Linear Approximation and Asymptotic Expansion of Solution in a Small Parameter

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    We consider the Robin-Dirichlet problem for a nonlinear wave equation of Kirchhoff-Carrier type. Using the Faedo-Galerkin method and the linearization method for nonlinear terms, the existence and uniqueness of a weak solution are proved. An asymptotic expansion of high order in a small parameter of a weak solution is also discussed

    On a system of nonlinear wave equations with the Kirchhoff-Carrier and Balakrishnan-Taylor terms

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    summary:We study a system of nonlinear wave equations of the Kirchhoff-Carrier type containing a variant of the Balakrishnan-Taylor damping in nonlinear terms. By the linearization method together with the Faedo-Galerkin method, we prove the local existence and uniqueness of a weak solution. On the other hand, by constructing a suitable Lyapunov functional, a sufficient condition is also established to obtain the exponential decay of weak solutions

    On the loop expansion of the effective action

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    Based on the DeWitt formula the loop expansion of the effective action is easily established. Extending to the system with finite density we develop the in-medium DeWitt formula, which is the starting point for setting up loop expansion of the in-medium effective action

    First report and new molecular and morphological characterizations of root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne javanica, infecting ginger and long coriander in Vietnam

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    Ginger (Zingiber offcinale Roscoe) and long coriander (Eryngium foetidum L.) are commonly grown and used as important spices and medicinal plants in Vietnam. Our study recovered for the frst time one of the most damaging tropical root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne javanica, associated with these plants in the Western Highlands of Vietnam. In this study, M. javanica was characterized based on morphology and molecular characterization of D2-D3 fragment of 28S rRNA, ITS, and Nad5 mtDNA regions. The identifcation of this species was done based on a combination of morphology, multiplexPCR with specifc primer, network haplotype analysis, and PPNID program

    Potential Usage of Rice Husk Ash-Cement Based Soil in Subbase and Base Courses in Road Construction

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    This paper presents an experimental study of rice husk ash-cement-based soil for layers in roadway construction. Rice husk ash (RHA) used in this study is a by-product of rice milling. In this work, twelve proportion mixes were used in this work with varying quantities of RHA (0-30%) and Portland cement blended amounts of 4, 6, 8%. The specimens were prepared by the Proctor mould method, conditioned at room temperature, and tested in soaked and unsoaked conditions. Specified curing periods of 7, 14, 28 days were applied for all types of specimens. Some engineering tests were carried out such as proctor compaction, unconfined compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, and the stiffness of stabilized soil. Test results indicated a general decrease in the maximum dry density (MDD) and increased optimum moisture content (OMC) with an increase in RHA content. Adding cement and RHA significantly improved the geotechnical properties of stabilized soils, including compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, elastic modulus. In addition, the combination of 80% soil and 20% RHA and 6% cement can be used as the optimum proportion which satisfied the grade 3 of soils stabilized with inorganic adhesive substances, chemical agents, or reinforced soil for road construction, as indicated in the current Vietnamese standard
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