675 research outputs found

    Health and the Experience of Childhood in Late Neolithic Vietnam

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    The article aims to examine aspects of mortuary behavior in late Neolithic/early Bronze Age (Phung Nguyen phase) populations represented at the site of Man Bac in Viet Nam, specifically how mortuary behavior illuminates the role of children, and adult attitudes toward children. In addition, the authors discuss biological characteristics of the human sample, focusing particularly on the child burials, in order to explore aspects of childhood palaeohealth. The methodology includes combining various measures of health-including palaeodemography (childhood mortality), analysis of oral health (Early Childhood Caries or ECC), and analysis of physiological health (Cribra Orbitalia and LEH)-with studies of culturally defined mortuary practices to suggest that, while children clearly had significant health deficiencies and many suffered early deaths, their treatment in mortuary rites shows significant economic value and social esteem placed on children. KEYWORDS: Viet Nam, Neolithic, childhood, health, mortuary behavior, palaeodemography, bioarchaeology


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    Cassava mosaic disease (Sri Lankan Cassava Mosaic Virus) is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world. The whitefly (Besimia tabasi) has been identified as an important vector in the spread and cause of the cassava mosaic disease. To reduce the transmission of cassava mosaic disease in the field, it is necessary to effectively manage the whitely vector, but there is no research on pesticides conducted in Thua Thien Hue. The study on the use of bioproducts and chemical insecticides to control whiteflies in the greenhouse and in the field showed that the Ascend 20SP (Acetamiprid 97%) expressed the highest effectiveness in controlling whiteflies (81.3%). Bioproduct HD2021 was a fair (70.8%) and long-lasting effectiveness (14 days) on controlling whiteflies. For economic efficiency, Novou 3.6 EC (Abamectin 36g/l) controlled whiteflies with the highest profit (8.84 million/ha). The biological product HD2021 has higher profits than the commercial product Hapmisu 20 EC. This study can be widely applied in the field in the coming years.Bệnh khảm lá sắn (Sri Lankan Cassava Mosaic Virus), một trong những bệnh hại nguy hiểm. Bọ phấn trắng (Besimia tabasi) đã được xác định có vai trò quan trọng trong lây lan và hình thành dịch bệnh khảm lá sắn. Để hạn chế sự lây lan bệnh khảm sắn từ cây bệnh sang cây khỏe trên đồng ruộng, cần quản lý tốt bọ phấn trắng môi giới truyền bệnh hiệu quả tuy nhiên chưa có nghiên cứu nào được thực hiện ở Thừa Thiên Huế về sử dụng thuốc sâu sinh học, hóa học để trừ bọ phấn trắng hại trên cây sắn. Tiến hành nghiên cứu các thuốc hóa học và thảo mộc để trừ bọ phấn trắng trong điều kiện nhà lưới và trên đồng ruộng cho thấy thuốc trừ sâu hóa học Ascend 20SP (Acetamiprid 97%) có hiệu lực trừ bọ phấn trắng cao nhất (81,3%) chế phẩm sinh học HD2021 có hiệu lực khá (70,8%) và kéo dài 14 ngày đối với bọ phấn trắng. Về hiệu quả kinh tế, sử dụng thuốc Novou 3.6 EC (Abamectin 36 g/l) để quản lý bọ phấn trắng cho lợi nhuận cao nhất (8,84 triệu/ha), chế phẩm HD2021 cho lợi nhuận cao hơn sản phẩm đã thương mại Hapmisu 20 EC. Nghiên cứu này có thể áp dụng rộng rãi trên đồng ruộng trong những năm tới

    Improving indigenous Vietnamese Black Rabbit frozen sperm quality: the role of glycine and sperm selection methods

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    [EN] Rabbit sperm are known to undergo damage during both cryopreservation and thawing, leading to decreased viability, motility and membrane integrity. Glycine can protect sperm and reduce damage during freezing. Swim-up is a simple semen processing method for selecting good motile sperm. The study evaluated the effect of the swim-up method and glycine with different concentrations supplemented to the frozen medium. Three indigenous black rabbits were selected for semen collection by artificial vagina. Next, semen was selected by swim-up method and diluted with glycine-added frozen medium. The samples were then transferred to 0.5 mL straws, cooled to 15°C and 5°C, placed in liquid nitrogen vapour, and finally placed directly into liquid nitrogen (-196°C). The samples were thawed and evaluated for sperm quality. The results showed that the medium supplemented with 10mM glycine in combination with swim-up method for 30 min gave the best results and was significantly different from the remaining concentrations (P<0.01), with viability rate, overall mobility and membrane integrity of 68.0%, 58.7% and 49.7%, respectively. In conclusion, 10 mM glycine concentration combined with swim-up for 30 min is the optimal choice for freezing local black rabbit semen. The study highlights the importance of optimising freezing protocols to improve the quality of frozen rabbit sperm, which can have important implications for animal breeding and conservation efforts.This study is funded in part by the Can Tho University, Code: T2022-133Tran, TTT.; Duy, NLK.; Hang, NT.; Ngoc, PK.; Tuyen, DND. (2023). Improving indigenous Vietnamese Black Rabbit frozen sperm quality: the role of glycine and sperm selection methods. World Rabbit Science. 31(4):229-236. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2023.1969022923631

    Vietnam’s National Energy Development Strategy to 2030 and outlook to 2045

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    Purpose: The article evaluates Vietnam's Energy Development Strategy to 2030 and vision to 2045, according to Vietnam Credit, 2019 and Base on Ref. 55-NQ/TW Resolution of the politburo On Orientations of the Viet Nam’s National Energy Development Strategy to 2030 and outlook to 2045. Viet Nam ‘s Energy company need to reset up the strategy and review long term plan to adapt resolution No 55-NQ/TW. Approach/Methodology/Design: This study conducted a systematic review of various documents and secondary data from various sources. Findings: the paper shows that it is vital to balance the energy supply-demand in terms of oil and gas, coal, renewable energy, and other energy sources. The gap between the supply and demand is the framework to setup strategy. Practical Implications: The result of the paper is towards an overview formulate and implement the Vietnam power sector development strategy for the new period. Enable the rapid and sustainable development of power sources, with well-designed structure and allocation, to ensure safety, reliability, stability towards diversification, an increased active power factor, and proper power reserve; and to meet the requirements for the protection of the ecological environment.peer-reviewe

    Impacts of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Development: Does Institutional Quality Matter?

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    The linkage between foreign direct investment (FDI) and economic development has been demonstrated in economic literature. In this study, we analyze the impact of FDI on economic development, considering the role of institutional quality in 63 provinces/cities in Vietnam in the period 2005–2022. Applying various regression methods, such as Pooled OLS, FEM, REM, GMM, and PVAR, the results confirm that foreign direct investment and institutional quality have a positive impact on economic development. Findings also provide evidence that institutional quality is an important factor in attracting FDI, determining both the quality and quantity of inflows from other countries into Vietnam. Some policy implications are given to promote the role of institutions and attract foreign direct investment, thereby promoting the economic development of provinces and cities in Vietnam. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-06-05 Full Text: PD


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    Dental tissue proportions in fossil orangutans from mainland Asia and Indonesia

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    Orangutans (Pongo) are the only great ape genus with a substantial Pleistocene and Holocene fossil record, demonstrating a much larger geographic range than extant populations. In addition to having an extensive fossil record, Pongo shows several convergent morphological similarities with Homo, including a trend of dental reduction during the past million years. While studies have documented variation in dental tissue proportions among species of Homo, little is known about variation in enamel thickness within fossil orangutans. Here we assess dental tissue proportions, including conventional enamel thickness indices, in a large sample of fossil orangutan postcanine teeth from mainland Asia and Indonesia. We find few differences between regions, except for significantly lower average enamel thickness (AET) values in Indonesian mandibular first molars. Differences between fossil and extant orangutans are more marked, with fossil Pongo showing higher AET in most postcanine teeth. These differences are significant for maxillary and mandibular first molars. Fossil orangutans show higher AET than extant Pongo due to greater enamel cap areas, which exceed increases in enamel-dentine junction length (due to geometric scaling of areas and lengths for the AET index calculation). We also find greater dentine areas in fossil orangutans, but relative enamel thickness indices do not differ between fossil and extant taxa. When changes in dental tissue proportions between fossil and extant orangutans are compared with fossil and recent Homo sapiens, Pongo appears to show isometric reduction in enamel and dentine, while crown reduction in H. sapiens appears to be due to preferential loss of dentine. Disparate selective pressures or developmental constraints may underlie these patterns. Finally, the finding of moderately thick molar enamel in fossil orangutans may represent an additional convergent dental similarity with Homo erectus, complicating attempts to distinguish these taxa in mixed Asian faunas