36 research outputs found

    Trade in wild anurans vectors the urodelan pathogen Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans into Europe

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    Pathogen pollution has caused dramatic losses of amphibian diversity on a global scale. The recently emerged chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal) has been hypothesized to have its origin in Asian urodelan populations, from which it may have been introduced to Europe through the trade in live urodelans. We here show that Bsal is present on wild small-webbed fire-bellied toads (Bombina microdeladigitora) from Vietnam and on representatives of the same species that have recently been imported in Germany. This finding suggests that the installment of measures to mitigate the Bsal threat through the amphibian trade should not be limited to urodeles, but should equally take anurans into account


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart


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    Hai Hau - Nghia Hung are two coastal districts in the Southeast of Nam Dinh province with total area of 35,652.29 km2. Located in the middle between the Southern provinces of the Red river delta and the North Central provinces, Hai Hau and Nghia Hung are about 100 km from Hanoi along National Route 1A and 80 km from Hai Phong, in an area directly affected by the Hanoi - Hai Phong - Quang Ninh growth triangle. The two districts have an approximately 47 km coastline accounting for over 65% of the coastline of the province. Along the coastline there are four rivers: Red river, So river, Ninh Co river and Day river emptying into the sea through the estuaries: Ba Lat, Ha Lan, Ninh Co and Day, which facilitate the development in industry, agriculture, sea ports, trade, tourism... This is also a region with high-speed economic development and a series of plannings. Thus, a number of conflicts in exploiting and using natural resources and environmental protection have been raised, leading to destroyed sceneries, lost ecological balance, and becoming an anxious problem. This paper presents experimental results in defining the conflicts and priorities between sectors and economic fields in integrated coastal space planning of Hai Hau - Nghia Hung districts to select the economic sectors that have the most potential and advantages. Therefore, it will be appropriate in space usage in exploiting and using natural resources and environmental protection, which will provide the basis for the development of a sustainable marine economy.Hải Hậu - Nghĩa Hưng là huyện ven biển nằm ở phía Đông Nam của tỉnh Nam Định có tổng diện tích tự nhiên 35.652,29km2; Nằm ở vị trí trung chuyển giữa các tỉnh phía Nam đồng bằng sông Hồng với các tỉnh Bắc Trung bộ và trong vùng ảnh hưởng trực tiếp của tam giác tăng trưởng Hà Nội-Hải Phòng-Quảng Ninh, Hải Hậu - Nghĩa Hưng chỉ cách Hà Nội theo quốc lộ 1A gần 100 km và cách Hải Phòng trên 80 km; với đường bờ biển dài khoảng 47km chiếm trên 65% chiều dài bờ biển toàn tỉnh; dọc chiều dài đường biển có 4 con sông: Sông Hồng, sông Sò, sông Ninh Cơ và sông Đáy đổ ra biển qua các cửa sông: Ba Lạt, Hà Lạn, Ninh Cơ và cửa Đáy thuận lợi cho phát triển công nghiệp, nông nghiệp, cảng biển, thương mại, du lịch,….đây cũng là khu vực có tốc độ phát triển kinh tế nhanh với hàng loạt quy hoạch nên khu vực này đang nảy sinh các xung đột gây nên những mâu thuẫu trong khai thác sử dụng tài nguyên thiên nhiên và bảo vệ môi trường dẫn đến cảnh quan bị phá vỡ, cân bằng sinh thái bị mất đi và đang trở thành vấn đề đáng quan ngại. Bài báo trình bày kết quả xác định thử nghiệm những vấn đề mâu thuẫn, ưu tiên giữa các nhóm ngành, lĩnh vực kinh tế trong quy hoạch tổng hợp không gian ven biển huyện Hải Hậu - Nghĩa Hưng nhằm lựa chọn các lĩnh vực kinh tế có tiềm năng, thế mạnh để tổ chức một cách hợp lý trong sử dụng không gian trong khai thác, sử dụng tài nguyên thiên nhiên và bảo vệ môi trường tạo cơ sở cho phát triển một nền kinh tế biển bền vững

    Stakeholder Delphi-perception analysis on impacts and responses of acid rain on agricultural ecosystems in the Vietnamese upland

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    Vietnam is one of most vulnerable countries to acid rain in Asia. In the Vietnamese Northern Mountains, acid rainwater affects negatively to local agricultural ecosystems. This paper analyzes how major agricultural stakeholders living in the mountains assess the impacts of acid rain and their responses on agricultural ecosystems. A two-round Stakeholder Delphi combined with the pressure-state-response (PSR) model allows ranking effects, mitigation and adaptation measures. Eight themes, 14 sub-themes, and 35 indicators for acid rain are structured in the PSR model. The results show that deforestation and rainfall variability relate to changes in the concentrations of acid ions in rainwater. Energy consumption in the industry and transportation, chemical fertilizer use in agriculture, and air pollution from neighboring areas contribute significantly to acid rain. Acid rain affects agriculture and decreases crop yields, causes arable land loss, reduces nutrients and organic matter, and accumulates heavy metals. Panel members perceive that applying local knowledge in agricultural practices, rational energy use, promotion of integrated agricultural policies, and changing farmer behaviors are measures to mitigate acid rain and its adverse effects. The results contribute to a vision on local adaptation actions and policy to foster the capacity and the resilience of major local group

    The influence of income tax rate, tunneling incentives, and return on equity on transfer pricing behavior of foreign direct investment enterprises in Vietnam

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    The utilization of competitive advantages in international trading has fortuitously put transnational manufacturing enterprises in the position of distorting transfer pricing techniques to maximize profits. The paper aims to explore the influence of the determinants on the transfer pricing behavior of foreign direct investment enterprises in Vietnam. The paper collects primary data from the financial statements of 96 foreign direct investment enterprises in Vietnam over six years from 2016 to 2021. The paper gets a final panel data of 576 observations to be processed by the fixed effects model estimation method using EViews 12. Supporting agency theory and positive accounting theory, the results show that the income tax rate negatively influences transfer pricing behavior, while tunneling incentives and return on equity positively affect transfer pricing behavior. The paper highlights that government agencies should reperform and implement fiscal policies synchronously to be able to monitor transfer pricing behaviors of foreign direct investment enterprises in Vietnam


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    Multicriteria Evaluation Of Tourism Potential In The Central Highlands Of Vietnam: Combining Geographic Information System (GIS), Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) And Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

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    Tourism potential provides an indication for the tourism development opportunities of regions and sites. This paper deals with a multicriteria evaluation of the tourism potential in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. The study area is located in the Southeast Asian monsoon tropical climatic zone, and offers both natural and cultural tourism resources. GIS-based cost distance analysis was used to calculate the travel time along the road and using other transportation networks. Then an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was applied to determine a weighting coefficient for each criterion in multicriteria evaluation. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was processed next to AHP, allowing combination of the internal and external tourism potentials of the considered sites. Both AHP and PCA approaches were based on a certain number of alternatives, and take multiple criteria and conflicting objectives into consideration. The results show that the Central Highlands have considerable potential for tourism development at 99 potential eco-tourism sites and 45 potential cultural tourism sites. However, the region is now faced with poor tourism infrastructure with low external potential. An improvement of tourism infrastructure, service quality, and strengthened linkages with other tourist sites is indicated to diversify the tourism products and increase the attractiveness of regional destinations

    Improving green literacy and environmental culture associated with youth participation in circular economy: a case study of Vietnam

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    Circular economy (CE), a sustainability concept that promotes resource efficiency and waste reduction, has garnered significant popularity in recent years due to its potential to address pressing environmental and economic challenges. This study employs the Bayesian mindsponge framework (BMF) to explore what drives young adults’ pro-environmental behavior and purchases of green products at different levels of price. The results show that young adult’s knowledge of CE and care about environmental protection and energy saving encourages the practice of waste classification, while factors that affect their willingness to pay (WTP) more for green and energy-saving products vary at different price tiers

    Sea-level rise and resilience in Vietnam and the Asia-Pacific: A synthesis

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    Climate change induced sea-level rise (SLR) is on its increase globally. Regionally the lowlands of China, Vietnam, Bangladesh, and islands of the Malaysian, Indonesian and Philippine archipelagos are among the world’s most threatened regions. Sea-level rise has major impacts on the ecosystems and society. It threatens coastal populations, economic activities, and fragile ecosystems as mangroves, coastal salt-marches and wetlands. This paper provides a summary of the current state of knowledge of sea level-rise and its effects on both human and natural ecosystems. The focus is on coastal urban areas and low lying deltas in South-East Asia and Vietnam, as one of the most threatened areas in the world. About 3 mm per year reflects the growing consensus on the average SLR worldwide. The trend speeds up during recent decades. The figures are subject to local, temporal and methodological variation. In Vietnam the average values of 3.3 mm per year during the 1993-2014 period are above the worldwide average. Although a basic conceptual understanding exists that the increasing global frequency of the strongest tropical cyclones is related with the increasing temperature and SLR, this relationship is insufficiently understood. Moreover the precise, complex environmental, economic, social, and health impacts are currently unclear. SLR, storms and changing precipitation patterns increase flood risks, in particular in urban areas. Part of the current scientific debate is on how urban agglomeration can be made more resilient to flood risks. Where originally mainly technical interventions dominated this discussion, it becomes increasingly clear that proactive special planning, flood defense, flood risk mitigation, flood preparation, and flood recovery are important, but costly instruments. Next to the main focus on SLR and its effects on resilience, the paper reviews main SLR associated impacts: Floods and inundation, salinization, shoreline change, and effects on mangroves and wetlands. The hazards of SLR related floods increase fastest in urban areas. This is related with both the increasing surface major cities are expected to occupy during the decades to come and the increasing coastal population. In particular Asia and its megacities in the southern part of the continent are increasingly at risk. The discussion points to complexity, inter-disciplinarity, and the related uncertainty, as core characteristics. An integrated combination of mitigation, adaptation and resilience measures is currently considered as the most indicated way to resist SLR today and in the near future.References Aerts J.C.J.H., Hassan A., Savenije H.H.G., Khan M.F., 2000. 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