9 research outputs found


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    The rapid development of autem modu modem is not always able to provide total and comprehensive healing to patients Complementing treatment that is popular with the people of Gin Emas Village, Sawan District, Buleleng Regency The chapter in dealing with black fungus therapy chooses therapeutic treatment as an alternative treatment. This can be seen in the beliefs and habits of the community in choosing therapy black pasu when suffering from broken bones. This study aims to describe the process of sexta mechanism of fracture treatment by black sand therapy and to explain the factors behind black sand therapy persisting as health care in the village of Giri Emas. This study uses symbolic interaction theory, health belief model theory and health behavior theory and pressure. The concepts used as guidelines in this research are black pasur therapy, survival, and the medical system. and literature study. Researchers are the main instrument of pre-research which is assisted by using interview guidelines with voice recorders, cameras and tools. The results of the research show that the methods and benefits of treating broken bones are black sand therapy, using massage techniques, massaging, and pulling the broken bones to return them to their original position. Hom aa sand therapy uses sand to clamp broken bones. On the other hand, black paste therapy still survive in the midst of modern medical developments that are increasingly popular. This is caused by several factors, namely the closeness of the patient to using tecami pasiz butam, the patient's cultural background factor that is the same as black sand therapy, the patient's trust factor in pari kiam therapy, the suggestion factor, and factor

    The Customary Village Hegemony in Bali Towards Minority Groups

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    For the Balinese, customary villages are social realities that are accepted as given. It exists as a social institution that competes with existing institutions, especially government agencies such as the service village. Its existence is only felt when it clashes with rights that intersect with heterogeneous community life in ethnicity and religion. In this study, the customary village is understood as an important institution that must be given space because of the history and also the role that has been played in maintaining the security and comfort of Bali. But in the perspective of minority groups, its presence becomes a hegemonic institution that threatens the diversity of Balinese society.Through a deconstruction approach, customary villages in Bali Province Regulation No. 4 of 2019, is expected to continue to provide benefits to build togetherness in plurality

    Obstacles to public elementary libraries development as learning resources in Singaraja City

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    The library is an essential learning resource center for schools. For this reason, every school or madrasa is required to have a library that meets national education standards. Although formal provisions require educational institutions to have a library, many schools do not yet have a library. The development of school libraries, especially elementary schools (SD), is still lacking compared to the middle school, high school, and college libraries, thus giving the impression that SD libraries are marginalized. This study explored the development constraints that led to the marginalization of elementary school libraries in Singaraja, Bali. This research used a qualitative approach in the form of multiple case studies. The data collection techniques were in-depth interviews with appointed informants, total and purposive samples, and snowball sampling. Data analysis in this study followed Peter Berger's model with conceptualization, proof, and objectivation steps. The results indicated that there were several obstacles to the development of elementary school libraries, namely (1) the dadi-dadi dogen ideology adopted by the principal; (2) the teaching and learning process is still teacher-centered; (3) a comprehensive education system; (4) unprofessional librarian; (5) the government is not in favor of the school library management policy; and (6) free school jargon. These findings prove that the general assumption about the constraints on developing school libraries due to limited financial capital is not entirely true. There are other more important factors, namely power relations related to ideology

    Commodification of Tektekan Calonarang at Baturiti, Kerambitan, Tabanan

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    ABSTRACT Tektekan Calonarang is a Calonarang drama dance which is performed for a new model of tourism, and is accompanied with what is referred to gamelan tektekan. In general, the Balinese people disagree that a sacred cultural element is performed for tourism. However, those living at Baturiti Village support the commodified Tektekan Calongarang in which what are referred to as sacred barong and rangda are performed. This has led to many questions as such a performing art contrasts with the Balinese people’s attitude in general. The problems of the present study are formulated as follows: why the people living at Baturiti Village, Kerambitan, Tabanan, support the commodified Tektekan Calongarang using the sacred rangda and barong; what was such a commodification like; what was its implication on those who were involved in it, society, and such a performance itself. This present study is a qualitative one in which a number of related critical theories were used such as the theory of deconstruction proposed Jacques Derrida, the theory of social practice proposed by Pierre Bourdieu, and the theory of power/knowledge proposed by Michael Foucault. The result of the study showed that the commodified Tektekan Calonarang in which the sacred barong and rangda were used was performed in the forms of a procession and the Tektekan Calonarang performance. The market ideology, the developmental ideology, the religious ideology, and the conservation ideology inspired the commodified Tektekan Calonarang which involved the sacred barong and rangda performed for tourism. Such a commodification increased the income of those involving in such a performance and the local people (multiplier effects), the perpetuity of the magical strength of such barong and rangda, the market/tourism interest, and strengthened the local people’s social solidarity. The novelty of the present study was that there was no degradation of sacredness although the sacred rangda and barong were commodified for tourism. The reason is that every time such a performance was performed, a ritual was performed to purify such barong and rangda contextually. Keywords: commodification, tourism, culture, Tektekan Calonarang, Sacred Barong and Rangd


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    Wisata Monkasel telah ditetapkan sebagai salah satu daya tarik wisata heritage di kota Surabaya, tetapi masih perlu pembenahan dari segi perawatan, pengelolaan, inovasi dan pembaharuan Monkasel. Artikel ini membahas bagaimana pengelolaan dan strategi pengembangan Monumen Kapal Selam sebagai daya tarik wisata di kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Data diperoleh melalui observasi, kepustakaan, wawancara, dan angket, kemudian dianalisis melalui skala likert, pendekatan matrik IE (internal eksternal) dan matrik SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa profil Monkasel sebagai sarana warisan nilai sejarah dan pengelolaannya memanfaatkan unsur-unsur manajemen, seperti: Men, Money, Methode, Materials, Machine, Market yang menghasilkan perhitungan matrik IFE dan EFE sebagai dasar dalam menentukan strategi, dan analisis. Selanjutnya dengan menggunakan matrik IE dan matrik SWOT dapat diketahui strategi yang perlu digunakan, yaitu pengembangan produk dan penetrasi pasar

    Commodification of usada bali: between profit-oriented and negotiation of sasana balian

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    The purpose of this research is to understand and explain the discourse and practice of commodifying the usada Bali and negotiating the balian atmosphere in relation to economic interests. The method used is critical ethnography with qualitative analysis. This study found that the practice of commodifying usada Bali by balian was done by manipulating cultural capital, symbolic capital, and economic capital in the domains and dynamics of the habitus of usada Bali treatment to achieve economic goals. In medical practice, the balian people conduct negotiations in the gymnasium as a professional code of ethics in the midst of increasingly tighter competition in medical services. The findings of this study reflect the occurrence of mutual transformation in the practice of Balinese usada medicine due to the hegemony of modernity