42 research outputs found

    Franchising as a strategy for job creation in the clothing sector: A case study of Walvis Bay

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    The franchise business model enjoys much support in both developed and developing countries. It is considered by many as a key contributor to economic growth and is also perceived as a vital vehicle for job creation. Unemployment rates in Namibia are currently a cause for concern and approaches are needed to stimulate job creation. This study reports on perceptions of franchising as a job creation strategy within the Walvis Bay area.  The study employed a mixed method research design and used a survey questionnaire and semi-structured interviews to collect data. A total sample of n=110 completed the questionnaire, while n=6 participants were interviewed. The study results indicate a rapid growth and awareness of the franchise model in the food sector, while less growth was evident in the clothing sector. The franchise model was however, seen as a key avenue for stimulating economic growth and viable job creation strategy. Stronger incentivization is recommended, specifically in the areas of tax exemptions, export processing zones, introduction of specific franchise legislation and more expansive monetary and fiscal policies

    The influence of leadership styles on employee performance in construction firms

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    Currently, there is a dearth of research, examining how project managers' leadership styles influence the performance of construction company workers in Cape Town. Other research has discussed this subject on a national or international level. Still, comprehensive data on Cape Town construction firms is lacking. This has prevented local enterprises from understanding the role of their project managers’ leadership styles on employee performance outcomes. This article sought to ascertain how leadership styles influence employee performance in construction firms and to develop a conceptual framework for improving leadership and performance. Through quantitative techniques, 456 questionnaires were distributed at construction sites across Cape Town. Responses were then analysed using an ANOVA test (with the descriptive and regressive methods) and a post-hoc test (using the Bonferroni Method) and correlation analysis. The results reveal a statistically significant positive relationship between project managers’ leadership styles and the performance of subordinate employees. These findings have subsequently been used to develop a conceptual framework of leadership quality development tools, including training, empowerment, coaching, participation, and delegation. The research contributes to new knowledge that will promote local project managers’ leadership development, improve employee performance, and in doing so, increase successful project outcomes across the city


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    Background: In Africa, neurodegenerative diseases in the elderly have become a major health concern due to the increase in live expectancy. Glutamate mediated neurotoxicity is involved in neurodegenerative diseases such as Ischemia, Epilepsy, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson diseases. Plants with antioxidant properties are reported to protect vital organs against glutamate toxicity. This study aims to assess the effect of Dichrocephala integrifolia against monosodium glutamatemediated neurotoxicity and oxidative stress. Methodology: The decoction prepared from the leaves of Dichrocephala integrifolia was evaluated against monosodium glutamate-induced neurotoxicity in mice. The animals were grouped in seven groups of 6 animals each. The animals received daily; distilled water (p.o) for the distilled water and the negative control groups, one of the four doses of the decoction of the plant (35, 87.5, 175 or 350 mg/kg p.o) for the tests groups and memantine (20 mg/kg p.o) for the positive control group. Monosodium glutamate (2.5 g/kg ip) was injected daily to animals except those of the normal control group all the seven days of the experimentation. Animals were observed for aggressiveness, locomotor and forepaws muscle grip activities 30 min after monosodium injections. Brain reduced glutathione and malondialdehyde levels were also assessed following the behavioral tests on day 8. Results: The decoction of Dichrocephala integrifolia at the doses of 87.5 and 175 mg/kg significantly (

    The Impact of cotton textile sector trends in Cameroon

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    This study attempts to clarify and evaluate the factors that impact on cotton sector production in Cameroon and differentiate producers `behavior. A description of producers ‘behaviour is made in order to identify their main characteristics, which should shed light on the relationships between cotton textile production , the main producers` characteristics price and non-price variables. An inventory of ongoing sectoral agricultural policies is presented and suggestions are made for formulating alternative policies. The next section presents both a review of agricultural policies and the cotton sector in Cameroon. The third and fourth sections are literature review and cotton belt while the fifth presents the methodology. Discussion and interpretation of the empirical findings is followed by the conclusion and policy recommendations

    Interferencias lingüísticas y variedades dialectales en la enseñanza del español como lengua segunda en un contexto africano: caso de Camerún.

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    El análisis del lenguaje conversacional de los locutores del Español Lengua Segunda (ELS) en Camerún es un problema básico de reflexión pedagógica que siempre ha preocupado a los docentes de dicho idioma a todos los niveles. Con el presente estudio, queremos suscitar un debate, invitando a una reflexión crítica sobre el tema. El cual supone un análisis de los diferentes matices morfofonológicos del lenguaje conversacional y su influencia en el habla diario de los hispanohablantes en Camerún, país bilingüe, con el predominio del Inglés y Francés como lenguas oficiales. Es también una oportunidad para examinar las dificultades comunes a todos los estudiantes del español (cuales sean), confrontados a una situación de interferencias, debida a la presencia de otros idiomas concurrentes

    Valor textual y contenido semántico del infinitivo como alter-imperativo en español y en francés

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    Tous les signes linguistiques sont, de par leur signification, des instructions par lesquelles le locuteur aide l¿auditeur à s¿orienter aussi bien dans le discours que dans la situation du discours. Dans le cas de l¿impératif, ceci se fait grâce à des morphèmes spécifiques ou lexèmes (métalinguistiques) qui confèrent à cette structure le trait sémantique d¿injonction ou d¿objection. Mais dans certaines circonstances particulières, ces caractéristiques créent une espèce de confluence entre l¿impératif, forme verbal semi-conjuguée et l¿infinitif, forme non personnelle du verbe.Todos los signos lingüísticos son, desde el punto de vista de su significación, las instrucciones mediante las cuales el locutor ayuda al auditor a orientarse, tanto en el discurso como en la situción del discurso. Con el imperativo, esto se hace mediante algunos morfemas específicos o lexemas (metalingüísticos) que confieren a esta estructura el rasgo semántico de exhortación u objección. Pero en ciertas circunstancias particulares, esas características crean una especie de confluencia entre el imperativo, forma verbal semi-conjugada y el infinitivo, forma no personal del verbo

    L'alternance modale en rapport avec la variation des diathèses dans les structures subordonnées substantives en espagnol

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    L¿organisation syntaxique des propositions subordonnées en espagnol et les précisions d¿ordre terminologique, lorsqu¿elles intègrent la question de la variation des diathèses considérées jusqu¿à une date récente par la grammaire traditionnelle espagnole comme synonymes de voix, pose un véritable problème de pédagogie auquel tous les professeurs de cette langue sont habituellement confrontés dans leurs enseignements quotidiens. Pourtant, la subordonnée substantive, à la différence de la relative et de l¿adverbiale, en étant argument du verbe de la proposition principale, offre l¿occasion de revisiter les contours de toutes les nuances qui, bien que taxées assez souvent de trop savantes, permettent de comprendre le contenu et les spécificités de chacune de ces structure