131 research outputs found

    Working Our Way Out of Privilege: Lessons from South Africa on Preparing White Americans for a National Transitional Justice Process

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    This study utilized difference-in-differences analysis to determine likelihood of confidence in four major public institutions over three periods of time in South Africa and the United States, two prior to South Africa’s transitional justice process and one after. Results indicate that Black South African confidence rose while White South African confidence dropped drastically. American confidence levels, for both races, remained relatively consistent over all three time periods. The drastic drop in White South African likelihood of confidence points to possible feelings of loss related to power and privilege. These results provide insight for social workers interested in addressing racial injustice in the United States, particularly for White social workers seeking to prepare White individuals for what a transitional justice process may look like and the resulting feelings of loss from the creation of a more equitable state

    Etude préliminaire de l’infestation des glossines par les trypanosomes dans le baï de Momba (Nord-Est Gabon)

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    Une étude préliminaire entomo-parasitologique a été effectuée pendant la grande saison sèche à l’interieur et autour du baï de Momba (nord-est Gabon) pour examiner les espèces de Trypanosomes transmises par les glossines. Ces dernières ont été capturées à l’aide des pièges vavoua et nzi. Les infections par les trypanosomes chez ces glossines ont été recherchées à l’aide d’un microscope au niveau des glandes salivaires, proboscis et intestins moyens des glossines. Ainsi, une infection du proboscis seul correspond à T. vivax, celles des glandes salivaires à T. brucei et celle du proboscis et de l’intestin moyen à T. congolense. Au total six espèces de glossines ont été identifiées : Glossina palpalis palpalis, G. nashi, G. fusca congolensis, G. tachinoides, G. frezili et G. fuscipes fuscipes. Le taux global d’infestation des glossines disséquées et observées au microscope a été estimé à 30 %. L’infestation des glossines par les trypanosomes témoigne de l’existence d’un risque trypanosomien dans le baï de Momba et suggère ainsi l’établissement d’un cycle de transmission Animal-Glossine-Homme dans ce milieu.Mots clés: Glossina, T. vivax, T. congolense, baï de Momba, trypanosomes. Preliminary study of infection of tsetse by trypanosomes in the baï of Momba North East GabonA preliminary study are insect parasitology was carried out during the long dry season in and around the baï of Momba (north-east Gabon) to examine the species of trypanosomes transmitted by tsetse flies. The flies were captured using traps and Vavoua nzi. Infections by trypanosomes were investigated using a microscope in the salivary glands and the proboscis intestines means tsetse. In total six tsetse species were identified : Glossina palpalis palpalis, G. nashi, G. fusca congolensis, G. tachinoides, G. frezili and G. fuscipes fuscipes. The overall rate of infestation of flies dissected and observed under the microscope is estimated at 30 %. The infestation of Bai Momba by flies carrying trypanosomes demonstrates the existence of a trypanosome risk and thus suggests the establishment of a transmission cycle Human-Animal-Glossina in this environment.Keywords: tsetse flies, T. vivax, T. congolense, baï of Momba, trypanosome

    The impact of Loa loa microfilaraemia on research subject retention during a whole sporozoite malaria vaccine trial in Equatorial Guinea

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    Loa loa microfilariae were found on thick blood smears (TBSs) from 8 of 300 (2.7%) residents of Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea, during a Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite malaria vaccine clinical trial. Only one subject was found to have microfilaraemia on his first exam; parasites were not discovered in the other seven until subsequent TBSs were performed, at times many weeks into the study. All infected individuals were asymptomatic, and were offered treatment with diethylcarbamazine, per national guidelines. L. loa microfilaraemia complicated the enrolment or continued participation of these eight trial subjects, and only one was able to complete all study procedures. If ruling out loiasis is deemed to be important during clinical trials, tests that are more sensitive than TBSs should be performed

    Trade-offs in linking adaptation and mitigation in the forests of the Congo Basin

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    Recent discussions on forests and climate change have highlighted the potential for conservation of tropical forests to contribute synergistically to both mitigation (reducing emissions of greenhouse gases) and adaptation (increasing capacity to cope with changing climate conditions). Key mechanisms through which adaptive advantages might be gained include the potential for forest resources to support livelihoods in the context of climatic strains on agriculture and the protection that intact forest ecosystems might provide against landslides, flash floods and other hazards related to extreme weather. This paper presents findings from field research with forest communities in three areas of the Congo Basin in Central Africa, in which the adaptive role and potential of forests in these respects is critically analysed. The investigation was carried out through a combination of structured and semi-structured qualitative techniques within six villages in Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea and Rwanda. The findings of the research highlight the need to understand both the limits of synergy, and the constraints and trade-offs for rural livelihoods that may be associated with a forest conservation agenda driven by the additional impetus of carbon sequestration. The search for synergy may be conceptually laudable, but if forest management actions do not take account of on-the-ground contexts of constraints and social trade-offs then the result of those actions risks undermining wider livelihood resilience

    Safety and immunogenicity of radiation-attenuated PfSPZ vaccine in equatoguinean infants, children, and adults

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    The radiation-attenuated Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites (PfSPZ) Vaccine has demonstrated safety and immunogenicity in 5-month-old to 50-year-old Africans in multiple trials. Except for one, each trial has restricted enrollment to either infants and children or adults /= 0.17). There were no significant differences between vaccinees and controls with respect to the rates or severity of unsolicited AEs or laboratory abnormalities. Development of antibodies to P. falciparum circumsporozoite protein occurred in 67/69 vaccinees (97%) and 0/15 controls. Median antibody levels were highest in infants and 1-5-year-olds and declined progressively with age. Antibody responses in children were greater than in adults protected against controlled human malaria infection. Robust immunogenicity, combined with a benign AE profile, indicates children are an ideal target for immunization with PfSPZ Vaccine

    Re-emergence of dengue virus serotype 3 infections in Gabon in 2016?2017, and evidence for the risk of repeated dengue virus infections

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    Objectives: Dengue outbreaks, mainly caused by dengue virus serotype 2 (DENV-2), occurred in 2007 and in 2010 in Gabon, Central Africa. However, information on DENV infections has been insufficient since 2010. The aim of this study was to investigate the current DENV infection scenario and the risk of repeated infections in Gabon. Methods: During 2015?2017, serum samples were collected from enrolled febrile participants and were tested for DENV infection using RT-qPCR. DENV-positive samples were analyzed for a history of previous DENV infection(s) using ELISA. The complete DENV genome was sequenced to analyze the phylogeny of Gabonese DENV strains. Results: DENV-3 was exclusively detected, with a high rate of anti-DENV IgG seropositivity among DENV-3-positive participants. DENV-3 showed higher infection rates in adults and the infection was seasonal with peaks in the rainy seasons. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that Gabonese DENV-3 originated from West African strains and has been circulating continuously in Gabon since at least 2010, when the first DENV-3 case was reported. Conclusions: These findings indicate stable DENV-3 circulation and the risk of repeated DENV infections in Gabon, highlighting the need for continuous monitoring to control DENV infections

    Stochastic Dominance and Nonparametric Comparative Revealed Risk Aversion

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    It is shown how to test revealed preference data on choices under uncertainty for consistency with first and second order stochastic dominance (FSD or SSD). The axiom derived for SSD is a necessary and sufficient condition for risk aversion. If an investor is risk averse, stochastic dominance relations can be combined with revealed preference relations to recover a larger part of an investor's preference. Interpersonal comparison between investors can be based on intersections of revealed preferred and worse sets. Using a variant of Yaari's (1969) defi nition of more risk averse than, it is shown that it is sufficient to compare only the revealed preference relations of two investors. This makes the approach operational given a finite set of observations. The central rationalisability theorem provides strong support for this approach to comparative risk aversion. The entire analysis is kept completely nonparametric and can be used as an alternative or complement to parametric approaches and as a robustness check. The approach is illustrated with an application to experimental data of by Choi et al. (2007). Most subjects come close to SSD-rationality, and most subjects are comparable with each other. The distribution of risk attitudes in the population can be described by comparing subjects' choices with any given preference, which is also illustrated.Dieser Artikel zeigt zunächst, wie Daten zu Entscheidungen unter Unsicherheit auf Konsistenz mit stochastischer Dominanz in erster und zweiter Ordnung (FSD bzw. SSD) getestet werden können. Wenn ein Investor SSD-rational ist, können die SSD-Relation und die offenbarte Präferenzrelation kombiniert werden, um einen größeren Teil der Präferenzen des Investors zu rekonstruieren. Interpersonelle Vergleiche zwischen Investoren können auf Basis von Schnittmengen der Besser- und Schlechtermengen der Investoren vorgenommen werden. Basierend auf Yaaris (1969) risikoaverser als-Relation wird gezeigt, dass ein Vergleich der endlichen offenbarten Präferenzrelationen hinreichend ist; der Ansatz ist daher operational. Die Analyse ist vollständig nichtparametrisch und kann als Alternative oder Ergänzung zu parametrischen Ansätzen und als Robustheitsprüfung angewandt werden. Der Ansatz wird mit experimentellen Daten von Choi et al. (2007) illustriert. Die meisten Probanden kommen SSD-Rationalität sehr nahe und sind miteinander vergleichbar. Die Verteilung von Riskoeinstellungen kann durch den Vergleich der Probanden mit jeder beliebigen Präferenz beschrieben werden, was ebenfalls illustriert wird
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