1,096 research outputs found

    The dynamic relationship between greenfield investments, cross-border M&As, domestic investment and economic growth in Vietnam

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    Funding: NAFOSTED (grant number 502.02-2020.09).This paper investigates the dynamic linkages between different types of foreign direct investment (FDI), domestic investment and economic growth in Vietnam. We decompose the aggregated FDI level into its two major components: greenfield investments, and cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As). The empirical results reveal that greenfield investments and cross-border M&As exhibit different impacts on economic growth. While greenfield investments appear to complement domestic investment, which subsequently promotes long-run economic growth, cross-border M&As exert a significant crowd-out effect and subsequently impede growth in both the short- and the long-run. These results provide important implications for policies to attract FDI in order to stimulate sustainable growth.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Case Study “XYZ Commercial Joint-Stock Bank”, Conversion of Financial Statements from Vietnam’s Accounting Standard into International Financing Reporting Standard

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    The aim of this study is to update significant differences between Vietnam’s accounting standards (VAS) and International financial report standards (IFRS). Case study “XYZ Commercial Joint-Stock Bank”, conversion of financial statements from VAS into IFRS. Analyzed the case study and status of conversion financial statements from VAS into IFRS of Vietnam listed Joint Stock Companies (JSCs) , author found and discussed impediments & challenges to convert IFRS financial statements in Vietnam and suggest to enhance roles of Vietnam Government and listed JSCs on the Vietnam stock market in an effort to convert and adopt IFRS financial statements as well as suggest to establish an IFRS conversion project to have an overview of  conversion processes financial statements from VAS into IFRS for Vietam listed JSCs Keywords: Conversion financial statement, International financial reporting standard, Vietnamese account standar

    Vulnerability of Rice Production in Mekong River Delta under Impacts from Floods, Salinity and Climate Change

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    This study sought to estimate the floods and salinity impact index and climate change vulnerability index for the rice farming provinces in Mekong River Delta. In both indexes, Tra Vinh province and the communes within it have the highest index value, followed by other coastal provinces. The estimation showed that the rice production in these areas are being threatened and will be worsen if there is no appropriate plan to cope with the changes in climate condition and extreme events. The results for the simulation model of paddy yield under different scenarios showed decreases in the paddy yield in Mekong River Delta. Specifically, the yield of Spring paddy decreases 6%, Autumn paddy decreases 2%, Winter paddy decreases 4% and Autumn-winter paddy decreases 4% in 2050. From these results, the climate change adaptation and mitigation policies in this delta is suggested to be focused reducing the exposure to sea level rise; upgrading the irrigation system for paddy planting since the coastal provinces have high rate of rain-fed paddy, vulnerability can also be reduced by enhancing the adaptive capacity of provinces through subsidizing and providing farmers with new paddy varieties which are more tolerant to salinity

    The effect of metal corrosion on the structural reliability of the Pre-Engineered steel frame

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    Nowadays, Pre-Engineered steel buildings are widely used in the field of the industrial construction. However, design standards often only care about the safety (or reliability) at the start time but not concerned about the deterioration of reliability during used under the metal corrosive of environment. Meanwhile, reliability and durability of steel structure depend heavily on metal corrosion of environmental, this is uncertainty parameters. In this research presents the effect of the safety of Pre-Engineered steel frames considering metal corrosion. The metal corrosion modeling used to propose by M.E. Komp. Reliability of the structure is evaluated using Monte Carlo simulation method and Finite Element Method (FEM). This computer program is written by using the MATLAB programming language. The results numbers are reliability and durability behaviors under corrosion are determined for exposure about from 10 - 50 years. Effects of input parameters are also investigated

    Integral manifolds for semilinear evolution equations and admissibility of function spaces

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    We prove the existence of integral (stable, unstable, and center) manifolds for the solutions to a semilinear integral equation in the case where the evolution family (U(t, s)) t≥s has an exponential trichotomy on a half line or on the whole line, and the nonlinear forcing term f satisfies the φ-Lipschitz conditions, i.e., where φ(t) belongs to some classes of admissible function spaces. Our main method is based on the Lyapunov–Perron methods, rescaling procedures, and the techniques of using the admissibility of function spaces.Доведено iснування iнтегральних (стiйких, нестiйких, центральних) многовидiв для розв’язкiв напiвлiнiйного iнтегрального рiвняння у випадку, коли сiм’я еволюцiй (U(t,s))tleqs має експоненцiальну трихотомiю на пiвосi або на всiй осi, а нелiнiйний збурюючий член f задовольняє φ-лiпшицевi умови, тобто належить до деяких класiв допустимих просторiв функцiй. Наш основний метод базується на методах Ляпунова – Перрона, процедурах перемасштабування та технiцi застосування допустимостi просторiв функцiй

    La divulgation du risque inhérent en responsabilité dentaire

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    En responsabilité médicale et dentaire, l’allégation que le consentement au traitement était absent, n’était pas éclairé ou l’était de façon insuffisante demeure l’un des motifs les plus fréquents de poursuite contre les professionnels de la santé. Dans le contexte du consentement éclairé, les risques inhérents ont un rôle extrêmement crucial dans la validité du consentement au traitement médical. Comment déterminer quelle est l’information nécessaire à divulguer pour que le consentement du patient soit considéré comme ‘suffisamment éclairé’? Dans quelles circonstances précises le risque inhérent doit-il être mentionné au patient? Dans le cadre de cet essai, le risque inhérent sera examiné et défini afin de déterminer quel type de risque devrait être divulgué par le dentiste aux fins d’un consentement éclairé. Dans un premier temps, les origines, les fondements et l’évolution des notions fondamentales du devoir de divulgation ainsi que son impact sur le consentement seront revus. Par la suite, la notion du risque inhérent sera analysée dans le contexte d’un consentement éclairé pour mieux comprendre et saisir l’importance de son rôle.Abstract : Informed consent is an ethical solution to counter traditional paternalistic medical practices. Appropriate and sufficient amount of information must be disclosed to a mentally capable patient, who can then make a voluntary choice to accept or refuse treatment and to give or not an informed consent. In general, the notion of inherent risks is often misunderstood by healthcare providers, as well as with dentists. Dental litigation about the negligent and failure to warn or lack of information, especially when an inherent risks in a dental procedure has manifested itself and resulting in injury, is increasingly rising. This essay offers a review of the dentist’s duty to inform as well as to give a better understanding of the inherent risk’s role in dental responsibility. It aims to provide some guidance about what information must be revealed and explained to patients in order to obtain an informed consent

    Dynamic Relationship among Effective Supply Chain Practices, Income, Exchange Rate, Foreign Direct Investment, and Export Performance

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    This study has an effort to explore the dynamic relationship among income, exchange rate, foreign direct investment, effective supply chain practices and export performance. Based on quarterly data from Q2/2009 to Q4/2019, constituting 43 observations. To attain dynamic and unvarying relationship among these variables, applying Vector Autoregressive Model, results indicate that, in short run, each variable is highly influenced by changes of value and past value of its and the other variables at different degree. In addition, there does not exist a long run association among exchange rate, income, foreign direct investment and export in Vietnam in the research period