507 research outputs found

    Sixty GHz IMPATT diode development

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    The objective of this program is to develop 60 GHz GaAs IMPATT Diodes suitable for communications applications. The performance goal of the 60 GHz IMPATT is 1W CW output power with a conversion efficiency of 15 percent and 10 year life time. During the course of the program, double drift (DD) GaAs IMPATT Diodes have been developed resulting in the state of the art performance at V band frequencies. A CW output power of 1.12 W was demonstrated at 51.9 GHz with 9.7 percent efficiency. The best conversion efficiency achieved was 15.3 percent. V band DD GaAs IMPATTs were developed using both small signal and large signal analyses. GaAs wafers of DD flat, DD hybrid, and DD Read profiles using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) were developed with excellent doping profile control. Wafer evaluation was routinely made by the capacitance versus voltage (C-V) measurement. Ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) analysis was also used for more detailed profile evaluation

    Effect of organic loading rate on the recovery of nutrients and energy in a dual-chamber microbial fuel cell

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd This study aimed to assess the impacts of organic loading rate (OLR) (435–870 mgCOD/L·d) on nutrients recovery via a double-chamber microbial fuel cell (MFC) for treating domestic wastewater. Electricity generation was also explored at different OLRs, including power density and coulombic efficiency. Experimental results suggested the MFC could successfully treat municipal wastewater with over 90% of organics being removed at a wider range of OLR from 435 to 725 mgCOD/L·d. Besides, the maximum power density achieved in the MFC was 253.84 mW/m2 at the OLR of 435 mgCOD/L·d. Higher OLR may disrupt the recovery of PO43−-P and NH4+-N via the MFC. The same pattern was observed for the coulombic efficiency of the MFC and its highest value was 25.01% at the OLR of 435 mgCOD/L·d. It can be concluded that nutrients and electrical power can be simultaneously recovered from municipal wastewater via the dual-chamber MFC

    Energy Level Statistics of Quantum Dots

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    We investigate the charging energy level statistics of disordered interacting electrons in quantum dots by numerical calculations using the Hartree approximation. The aim is to obtain a global picture of the statistics as a function of disorder and interaction strengths. We find Poisson statistics at very strong disorder, Wigner- Dyson statistics for weak disorder and interactions, and a Gaussian intermediate regime. These regimes are as expected from previous studies and fundamental considerations, but we also find interesting and rather broad crossover regimes. In particular, intermediate between the Gaussian and Poisson regimes we find a two-sided exponential distribution for the energy level spacings. In comparing with experiment, we find that this distribution may be realized in some quantum dots.Comment: 21 pages 10 figure

    Association entre la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge et les parodontites

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    Purpose: To evaluate the association between age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and periodontal disease, two frequent conditions in the elderly, with some risk factors in common. Methods: Single center, pilot, case-control study performed in a center specialized in the diagnosis and management of AMD. Periodontal status was evaluated in 43 AMD patients and 19 controls. Fundus examination and a complete periodontal examination were performed in all subjects. Results: AMD patients have a greater percentage of 3–4 mm clinical attachment loss compared to controls (47% vs. 38%, [P = 0.039]). However, no significant difference was found between the groups with regard to the prevalence of severe periodontitis. Conclusions: These results suggest an association between AMD and attachment loss characteristic of periodontal disease and support the need for larger prospective studies to elucidate the relationships between these 2 highly prevalent and potentially severe diseases

    New and practical mathematical model of membrane fouling in an aerobic submerged membrane bioreactor

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    © 2017 Elsevier Ltd This study aimed to develop a practical semi-empirical mathematical model of membrane fouling that accounts for cake formation on the membrane and its pore blocking as the major processes of membrane fouling. In the developed model, the concentration of mixed liquor suspended solid is used as a lumped parameter to describe the formation of cake layer including the biofilm. The new model considers the combined effect of aeration and backwash on the foulants’ detachment from the membrane. New exponential coefficients are also included in the model to describe the exponential increase of transmembrane pressure that typically occurs after the initial stage of an MBR operation. The model was validated using experimental data obtained from a lab-scale aerobic sponge-submerged membrane bioreactor (MBR), and the simulation of the model agreed well with the experimental findings

    A review on the occurrence of micropollutants in the aquatic environment and their fate and removal during wastewater treatment

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    Micropollutants are emerging as a new challenge to the scientific community. This review provides a summary of the recent occurrence of micropollutants in the aquatic environment including sewage, surface water, groundwater and drinking water. The discharge of treated effluent from WWTPs is a major pathway for the introduction of micropollutants to surface water. WWTPs act as primary barriers against the spread of micropollutants. WWTP removal efficiency of the selected micropollutants in 14 countries/regions depicts compound-specific variation in removal, ranging from 12.5 to 100%. Advanced treatment processes, such as activated carbon adsorption, advanced oxidation processes, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, and membrane bioreactors can achieve higher and more consistent micropollutant removal. However, regardless of what technology is employed, the removal of micropollutants depends on physico-chemical properties of micropollutants and treatment conditions. The evaluation of micropollutant removal from municipal wastewater should cover a series of aspects from sources to end uses. After the release of micropollutants, a better understanding and modeling of their fate in surface water is essential for effectively predicting their impacts on the receiving environment. © 2013 Elsevier B.V

    Combined Global and Local Search for the Falsification of Hybrid Systems

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    In this paper we solve the problem of finding a trajectory that shows that a given hybrid dynamical system with deterministic evolution leaves a given set of states considered to be safe. The algorithm combines local with global search for achieving both efficiency and global convergence. In local search, it exploits derivatives for efficient computation. Unlike other methods for falsification of hybrid systems with deterministic evolution, we do not restrict our search to trajectories of a certain bounded length but search for error trajectories of arbitrary length

    Insight into greenhouse gases emissions from the two popular treatment technologies in municipal wastewater treatment processes

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    © 2019 Elsevier B.V. Due to the impact of methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide on global warming, the quantity of these greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions from municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) has attracted more and more attention. Consequently, GHG emissions from the two popular treatment technologies: anaerobic/anoxic/oxic (AAO) process and sequencing batch reactor (SBR) should be properly identified and discussed toward the current situation in developing countries. Direct and indirect carbon dioxide (with and/or without including in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report) are all discussed in this article. This literature study observed that a quantity of total carbon dioxide emissions from SBR (374 g/m3 of wastewater) was double that of AAO whilst 10% of these was direct carbon dioxide. Methane emitted from an SBR was 0.50 g/m3 wastewater while 0.18 g CH4/m3 wastewater was released from an AAO. The level of nitrous oxide from AAO and SBR accounted for 0.97 g/m3 wastewater and 4.20 g/m3 wastewater, respectively. Although these results were collected from different WWTPs and where influent was in various states, GHGs emitted from both biological units and other treatment units in various processes are significant. The results also revealed that aerated zone is the major contributing factor in a wastewater treatment plant to the large amount of GHG emissions

    Anaerobic membrane bioreactors for antibiotic wastewater treatment: Performance and membrane fouling issues

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    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd Antibiotic wastewater has become a major concern due to the toxicity and recalcitrance of antibiotics. Anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBRs) are considered alternative technology for treating antibiotic wastewater because of their advantages over the conventional anaerobic processes and aerobic MBRs. However, membrane fouling remains the most challenging issue in the AnMBRs’ operation and this limits their application. This review critically discusses: (i) antibiotics removal and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in different types of AnMBRs and the impact of antibiotics on membrane fouling and (ii) the integrated AnMBRs systems for fouling control and removal of antibiotics. The presence of antibiotics in AnMBRs could aggravate membrane fouling by influencing fouling-related factors (i.e., sludge particle size, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), soluble microbial products (SMP), and fouling-related microbial communities). Conclusively, integrated AnMBR systems can be a practical technology for antibiotic wastewater treatment

    Seismic diagnostics for transport of angular momentum in stars 1. Rotational splittings from the PMS to the RGB

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    Rotational splittings are currently measured for several main sequence stars and a large number of red giants with the space mission Kepler. This will provide stringent constraints on rotation profiles. Our aim is to obtain seismic constraints on the internal transport and surface loss of angular momentum of oscillating solar-like stars. To this end, we study the evolution of rotational splittings from the pre-main sequence to the red-giant branch for stochastically excited oscillation modes. We modified the evolutionary code CESAM2K to take rotationally induced transport in radiative zones into account. Linear rotational splittings were computed for a sequence of 1.3M1.3 M_{\odot} models. Rotation profiles were derived from our evolutionary models and eigenfunctions from linear adiabatic oscillation calculations. We find that transport by meridional circulation and shear turbulence yields far too high a core rotation rate for red-giant models compared with recent seismic observations. We discuss several uncertainties in the physical description of stars that could have an impact on the rotation profiles. For instance, we find that the Goldreich-Schubert-Fricke instability does not extract enough angular momentum from the core to account for the discrepancy. In contrast, an increase of the horizontal turbulent viscosity by 2 orders of magnitude is able to significantly decrease the central rotation rate on the red-giant branch. Our results indicate that it is possible that the prescription for the horizontal turbulent viscosity largely underestimates its actual value or else a mechanism not included in current stellar models of low mass stars is needed to slow down the rotation in the radiative core of red-giant stars.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&