168 research outputs found


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    Improving the chromatic dispersion tolerance in long-haul fibre links using the coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing

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    Numerical simulations of the coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing modems are undertaken to investigate the effect of the adaptive modulation, the number of sub-carriers, the cyclic prefix (CP) length, the clipping ratio, quantisation bit resolution and the sampling speed of analogue-to-digital converters (ADCs) on the chromatic dispersion (CD) of a single mode fibre (SMF) at data rates up to 80 Gbps. The use of a large number of sub-carriers is more effective in combating fibre dispersion than employing a long CP; moreover, the optimum number of sub-carriers in the presence of both SMF non-linearities and CD has been identified. The authors show that using a high bit resolution ADC with a high clipping ratio, the transmission distance can be increased at specific data rates. Furthermore, it is shown that ADCs with a low sampling speed also improve the system tolerance to the fibre CD. In addition, simulation results show that the use of adaptive modulation schemes improves spectrum usage efficiency, thus resulting in higher tolerance to the CD when compared with the case in which identical modulation formats are adopted across all sub-carriers

    Mammal species composition and habitat associations in a commercial forest and mixed-plantation landscape

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    Commercial forest plantations of fast-growing species have been established globally to meet increasing demands for timber, pulpwood, and other wood products. Industrial plantations may contribute to tropical forest conservation by reducing exploitation of primary and secondary natural forests. Whether such plantations can support critical elements of biodiversity, including provision of habitat and movement corridors for species of conservation concern, is an important question in Southeast Asia. Our objectives were to investigate relationships between habitat gradients and community attributes of medium-sized to large mammals in a mixed plantation mosaic in Bengkoka Peninsula, Sabah, East Malaysia. Data on mammals were collected using 59 remote camera stations deployed for a minimum of 21 days (24-hour sampling occasions) in three major land-use types: natural forest, Acacia plantations, and non-Acacia plantations (oil palm, rubber, young Eucalyptus pellita). We used sample-based rarefaction to evaluate variation in species richness with land use. We used generalized linear models and ordination analyses to evaluate whether variation in mammal detections and species composition was associated with habitat gradients. We recorded >22 mammal species over 1572 sampling occasions. Natural forest area was positively associated with mammal species richness and detections of threatened mammals. Overall detections of mammals increased with decreasing elevation, but decreased within, and close to, Acacia plantations. Detections of threatened mammals increased with greater proportions of natural forest and Acacia and increasing proximity to roads. Sample-based rarefaction indicated that species richness of mammals in Acacia and natural forest was considerably higher than observed. Both natural forest and Acacia plantations shared similar values for species richness and diversity, but non-Acacia plantations scored lower in both metrics. Mammal species composition differed among different types of land use. Smaller generalists used non-Acacia plantation forests. A variety of other mammals including some threatened species used natural forest, Acacia, or a combination of the two. Acacia plantations possess attributes supporting a diversity of mammal species, including those we defined as threatened based on IUCN criteria. However, this is likely a function of the habitat mosaic with natural forest in the study area and the mangrove forests on the fringes of the peninsula serving as refuges of mammal diversity. Retention and restoration of natural and mangrove forests may therefore enhance the conservation potential of industrial Acacia plantations. Additionally, controlled road access in conjunction with anti-poaching operations and strengthening public awareness are essential to reduce the threat of overexploitation

    Photon-Phonon-assisted tunneling through a single-molecular quantum dot

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    Based on exactly mapping of a many-body electron-phonon interaction problem onto a one-body problem, we apply the well-established nonequilibrium Green function technique to solve the time-dependent phonon-assisted tunneling at low temperature through a single-molecular quantum dot connected to two leads, which is subject to a microwave irradiation field. It is found that in the presence of the electron-phonon interaction and the microwave irradiation field, the time-average transmission and the nonlinear differential conductance display additional peaks due to pure photon absorption or emission processes and photon-absorption-assisted phonon emission processes. The variation of the time-average current with frequency of the microwave irradiation field is also studied.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. B. accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Effect of Parametric Resonances on the Bunched-beam Dilution Mechanism

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY-931478