523 research outputs found

    WTF is #Modelminoritymutiny?: Solidarity, Embodiment, and Practice in Subverting Ascribed Asian American Racial Positioning

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    In 2014, in the wake of #BlackLivesMatter, a call to action was made for Asian Americans to actively engage with and unlearn the age old model minority myth and join the movement for racial justice. This thesis seeks to understand and complicate what it means to subvert this ideology in the way of #modelminoritymutiny. It is divided into three primary sections: first, a theoretical framework and of the model minority myth throughout time as a tool for positioning Asian Americans; second, an application of this framework into the recent Peter Liang and Akai Gurley case this past year; and third, a course syllabus for an Asian American studies course here at the Claremont Colleges. This trajectory showcases what it means for Asian Americans to actively resist ascribed narratives, and to propose methods for learning and unlearning

    Thermal Properties of Starch from 62 Exotic Maize (Zea mays L.) Lines Grown in Two Locations

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    The variability in thermal properties among 62 S3 lines derived from a high-yielding exotic corn (Zea mays) population, Antigua 1 (PI 484990), was evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The S3 lines were grown in Puerto Rico (1990–1991) and Georgia (1994). Separate single-kernel starch extractions for five kernels (five replicates) from each line grown in each location were performed, and the starch was analyzed. The DSC values reported included gelatinization onset (ToG), range (RG), enthalpy (ΔHG), and peak height index (PHI) and retrogradation onset (ToR), range (RR), enthalpy (ΔHR), and percent retrogradation (%R) (an indication of the stability of gelatinized starch after storing at 4°C for 7 days). Significant differences (P\u3c 0.05) were found among the 62 lines of Antigua 1 for ToG, RG, and PHI and highly significant differences (P \u3c 0.01) were found for ΔHG. The starches from plants grown in Georgia (1994) had significantly (P \u3c 0.05) greater ToG, ΔHG, and PHI but a significantly lower RG than those from Puerto Rico (1990–1991). These data suggest that the starch from plants grown in Georgia (1994) might have a greater degree of crystallinity than that from Puerto Rico (1990–1991). None of the retrogradation values were significantly different among starches of the 62 lines of Antigua 1 and the starches from plants grown in the two locations

    Psychiatric characterization of children with genetic causes of hyperandrogenism

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    Objective: Very little is known about the mental health status in children with genetic causes of hyperandrogenism. This study sought to characterize psychiatric morbidity in this group. Design/methods: Children (8-18 years) with the diagnosis of classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) or familial male precocious puberty (FMPP) underwent a semi-structured psychiatric interview, the Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia-Present and Lifetime Version. According to sex and the literature, incidence of identified psychopathology was compared between the two endocrinological groups. We evaluated 72 patients: 54 CAH (21 females) and 18 FMPP. Results: Twenty-four (44.4%) CAH patients and 10 (55.6%) FMPP patients met the criteria for at least one lifetime psychiatric diagnosis. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was present in 18.2% of CAH males, 44.4% of FMPP males, and one case (4.8%) in CAH females. A high rate of anxiety disorders was also found in all the three groups (17-21%). Relative to females with CAH, the FMPP patients exhibited higher rates of ADHD. Age at diagnosis and the treatment modalities were not associated with psychopathology. Rates of psychiatric disorder, specifically ADHD and anxiety disorders, were higher than in the general population. Conclusion: Although anxiety disorders may occur at an increased rate in children with chronic illness, androgens may contribute to higher risk for psychopathology in pediatric patients with genetic cause of excess androgen. Early diagnosis and treatment of childhood hyperandrogenism is essential for optimal development. The results suggest that assessment for psychiatric disorders should be part of the routine evaluation of these patients

    Institutional Ownership and Return Predictability Across Economically Unrelated Stocks

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    We document strong weekly lead-lag return predictability across stocks from different industries with no customer-supplier linkages (economically unrelated stocks). Between 1980 and 2010, the industry-neutral long-short hedge portfolio earns an average of over 19 basis points per week. This return predictability arises exclusively from pairs of stocks in which there are common institutional owners. This predictability is a new phenomenon which does not originate from the slow information diffusion underlying previously documented lead-lag effects, weekly reversals, momentum, nonsynchronous trading, or other known factors. Our findings suggest that institutional portfolio reallocations can induce return predictability among otherwise unrelated stocks

    Ballroom Dance for Persons with Multiple Sclerosis: a Pilot Feasibility Study

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the exercise intensity and feasibility of recreational ballroom dance for persons with multiple sclerosis (MS). Methods: Seven persons with MS participated in 2 one-hour dance sessions per week for 6 weeks. Dance types included rumba, foxtrot, waltz, and push-pull. Six other persons with MS comprised a control group that did not dance. Heart rate and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were monitored during the sessions. Outcomes included: quality of life, fatigue, depression, self-efficacy, timed up and go, Berg Balance Scale, Dynamic Gait Index and the Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite comprising 9-hole peg test, 25-ft walk test, and Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT), a cognitive test. Results: Heart rates and RPE indicated that ballroom dance for persons with MS can provide a light to moderate exercise intensity. After the dance program, quality of life and PASAT improved as did the MS Functional Composite Score. No changes were noted in the control group. Conclusions: Recreational ballroom dance is feasible and can provide an exercise stimulus sufficient to help meet exercise recommendations for persons with multiple sclerosis as well as improve quality of life and cognition in persons with MS

    Association of Anticholinergic Burden with Cognitive Impairment and Health Care Utilization Among a Diverse Ambulatory Older Adult Population

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    Study Objective To determine the association between Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden (ACB) score and both cognitive impairment and health care utilization among a diverse ambulatory older adult population. Design Retrospective cohort study. Data Source Medication exposure and other clinical data were extracted from the Regenstrief Medical Record System (RMRS), and cognitive diagnosis was derived from a dementia screening and diagnosis study. Patients A total of 3344 community-dwelling older adults (age 65 yrs and older) who were enrolled in a previously published dementia screening and diagnosis study; of these, 3127 were determined to have no cognitive impairment, and 217 were determined to have cognitive impairment. Measurements and Main Results The study followed a two-phase screening and comprehensive neuropsychiatric examination to determine a cognitive diagnosis, which defined cognitive impairment as dementia or mild cognitive impairment. The ACB scale was used to identify anticholinergics dispensed in the 12 months prior to screening. A total daily ACB score was calculated by using pharmacy dispensing data from RMRS; each anticholinergic was multiplied by 1, 2, or 3 consistent with anticholinergic burden defined by the ACB scale. The sum of all ACB medications was divided by the number of days with any medication dispensed to achieve the total daily ACB score. Health care utilization included visits to inpatient, outpatient, and the emergency department, and it was determined by using visit data from the RMRS. The overall population had a mean age of 71.5 years, 71% were female, and 58% were African American. Each 1-point increase in mean total daily ACB score was associated with increasing risk of cognitive impairment (odds ratio [OR] 1.13, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.004–1.27, p=0.043). Each 1-point increase in mean total daily ACB score increased the likelihood of inpatient admission (OR 1.11, 95% CI 1.02–1.29, p=0.014) and number of outpatient visits after adjusting for demographic characteristics, number of chronic conditions, and prior visit history (estimate 0.382, standard error [SE] 0.113; p=0.001). The number of visits to the emergency department was also significantly different after similar adjustments (estimate 0.046, SE 0.023, p=0.043). Conclusion Increasing total ACB score was correlated with an increased risk for cognitive impairment and more frequent health care utilization. Future work should study interventions that safely reduce ACB and evaluate the impact on brain health and health care costs

    Male contraception

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    En los últimos cincuenta años la anticoncepción se ha centralizado en la investigación y desarrollo de métodos anticonceptivos femeninos. Sin embargo, dado el aumento sin precedente de la población mundial y la alta tasa de embarazos no planificados surge la necesidad de buscar nuevos métodos que demuestren ser efectivos y seguros a largo plazo para los hombres. En el mercado actual, los métodos anticonceptivos disponibles para la población masculina se limitan a métodos de barrera y vasectomía. En el presente se encuentran en investigación métodos no hormonales los cuales aún permanecen en estadios iniciales y métodos hormonales que brindan la posibilidad de suprimir la espermatogénesis de manera efectiva y reversible. No obstante, pese a que los métodos hormonales se encuentran en etapas más avanzadas de investigación, aún no se encuentran disponibles en el mercado debido a que no cuentan con evidencia científica que respalde su comercialización.In the past fifty years, contraception has been focused in the research and development of female contraceptive methods. However, given the unprecedented increase in world population and the high rate of unplanned pregnancies, the need to search for new methods for male that prove effectiveness and long term safety have arisen. Currently the methods of male contraception available in the market are male condoms and vasectomy. Nowadays non hormonal methods are under investigation but still remain in premature stages. Additionally there are investigations in course for hormonal methods that suppress spermatogenesis in a secure and reversible way; even though hormonal methods are in more advanced phases of investigation, these methods are not yet available for popular use because they do not have scientific evidence to support their commercialization

    Drepanocitosis en embarazo

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    Sickle cell disease or sickle cell anemia corresponds to a structural hemoglobinopathy common in the world. The clinic is summarized in a series of events triggered in the first instance by vascular occlusion and tissue ischemia. Sickle cell disease or sickle cell anemia corresponds to a structural hemoglobinopathy common in the world. The clinic is summarized in a series of events triggered in the first instance by vascular occlusion and tissue ischemia. Today, with improved healthcare facilities, access to blood transfusions, antibiotic prophylaxis, vaccination, and the availability of medications such as hydroxyurea, the life expectancy of sickle cell patients has improved. More and more women with sickle cell disease reach reproductive age and express the desire to conceive. Sickle cell disease negatively affects pregnancy, leading to a higher incidence of maternal and perinatal complications such as pre-eclampsia, preterm labor, intrauterine growth restriction and abortions. Proper care during pregnancy guarantees a better outcome. In addition, recent advances in the fields of prenatal diagnosis and preimplantation genetic diagnosis help sickle cell couples to have a healthy baby in a context of security for the mother-son binomial.La drepanocitosis o anemia de células falciformes, corresponde a una hemoglobinopatía estructural común en el mundo. La clínica se resume en una serie de eventos desencadenados en primera instancia por oclusión vascular e isquemia tisular. Hoy en día, con instalaciones de atención médica mejoradas, acceso a transfusiones sanguíneas, profilaxis antibiótica, vacunación y disponibilidad de medicamentos como la hidroxiurea, es que la esperanza de vida de los pacientes con drepanocitosis ha mejorado. Cada vez son más las mujeres con drepanocitosis que alcanzan la edad reproductiva y externa el deseo de concebir. La drepanocitosis afecta negativamente el embarazo, lo que lleva a una mayor incidencia de complicaciones maternas y perinatales como preeclampsia, parto prematuro, restricción de crecimiento intrauterino y abortos. La atención adecuada durante el embarazo garantiza un mejor resultado. Además, los avances recientes en los campos del diagnóstico prenatal y el diagnóstico genético previo a la implantación ayudan a las parejas que padecen de drepanocitosis a tener un bebé sano en un contexto de seguridad para el binomio madre e hijo

    Clinical evaluation of the FreeStyle Precision Pro system

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    AbstractBackgroundA new version of international standard (ISO 15197) and CLSI Guideline (POCT12) with more stringent accuracy criteria are near publication. We evaluated the glucose test performance of the FreeStyle Precision Pro system, a new blood glucose monitoring system (BGMS) designed to enhance accuracy for point-of-care testing (POCT).MethodsPrecision, interference and system accuracy with 503 blood samples from capillary, venous and arterial sources were evaluated in a multicenter study. Study results were analyzed and presented in accordance with the specifications and recommendations of the final draft ISO 15197 and the new POCT12.ResultsThe FreeStyle Precision Pro system demonstrated acceptable precision (CV <5%), no interference across a hematocrit range of 15–65%, and, except for xylose, no interference from 24 of 25 potentially interfering substances. It also met all accuracy criteria specified in the final draft ISO 15197 and POCT12, with 97.3–98.9% of the individual results of various blood sample types agreeing within ±12mg/dl of the laboratory analyzer values at glucose concentrations <100mg/dl and within ±12.5% of the laboratory analyzer values at glucose concentrations ≥100mg/dl.ConclusionsThe FreeStyle Precision Pro system met the tighter accuracy requirements, providing a means for enhancing accuracy for point-of-care blood glucose monitoring